Saturday 6 October 2018

Shambhala: Forgotten World of the Gobi Sea I


The zodiacal circle that surrounds the Dark Crystal is an adoption directly modelled on Marquis Saint-Yves d'Alveydre Archeometer and the standing stone circles of the neolithic mound builders. It is also the place for the gathering of the knights of the Roundtable in the grail mystery teachings, superposed with the crystal, symbolizing the grail of eternal life levitating on a foundation of geothermal vapours. Delphic overtones are present in the life and death of the Chamberlain, and the rising gases that uphold the crystal edifice. Recent geological findings point to the release of psychotropic gases in the mountains around the temple where the Oracle gave her readings. Empedocles rekindles a deep memory of a time when the branches of the tree of life were contained to the central channel of a great immutable crystal; the central fire of the cosmos, as Philolaus once pictured the order of planetary orbits, and the hindu Brahmanda egg. When the universe became slowly unstable, the fissure in the void of this crystal produced fragments; mortality came to all life as a result of this separation of eternal forces hatched strife and dense material life from the cosmic egg.

Pieces of the unified field that once permeated all matter are now prized and jealously guarded secrets that bestow healing and rejuvenation to any who posses it. While existing inside some kind of living, silicate computing matrix, the crystals calibrate the fine dispersal and reincarnational destiny of soul energy into various physiomorphic constructs -- such as the vehicles they call the Garthim who's existence are manifestations of derivative memories taken from marine creatures that once lived in the oceans of Lemuria close to the islands of the Philippines. Atlantean techno-cybernetic doctors once used similar methods to engineer their own chimeras in the days when the doomed continent's last survivors were being driven underground and had to find alternative means to fight their shortening lifespans. Like with the fall of Babylon, the last days of Atlantis were befallen with bizarre genetic mutations and various hydra of carnage created by man. Many of these bizarre practices continued, as Francis Bacon predicts, in the New Atlantis established in the experimental land we call America. With its underground biolabs and military facilities like Dulce, the Ozarks, Nightmare Hall, and Eglin AFB, the New Atlantis carries on in a new epoch of experimental genomics, biochipping and cybernetic bioengineering. Trilobites, crustaceans and other sea life hold in the fossil record the phanerozoic history of an earth past with very different magnetics, air, water and climate. Biostratigraphy tells us of the days of a cataclysm that foreshadowed the rise of a new marine substratum that is predominantly of a crystalline silicate base and consisting of all these recycled exoskeletal creatures.

As a result of their redistribution into the seafloor, the biomass of the oceans silica becomes a layer of artificial crystal. Agartha is synonymous with Gaia, or the Mother Earth archetypal consciousness that supersedes every living thing above and dwells with the serpents in the chasm bellow the Tree of Life. Where grows this tree was once an ocean of prehistoric biota until the waters receded and the land dried only to be replaced with wetlands, flood plains and dry weathering from the sun. A dry hovel is accessible by taking the underground cave, there one discovers an Agartha observatory. Earth's inner-Logos has its own mechanism that responds to solar system magnetospheric dynamics and the effects of gravitational stability on the flow of chronological time. 

The Stone Circles of Africa
Silicate Matrix

Going back to the Ice Age period when the planet Saturn, Venus and the Sun shined like three Sun's in the sky, it was made requisite to organize, for once, a life-giving festival and the religious sacraments when the three Sun's conjoined. Inspired by these traditions, we find the theme of the three Sun's in the Dark Crystal's mystical union called the Great Conjunction. Mars would be the fourth sign or proximate Sun in the dusky sky and symbolically represented by the Ram, the element of fire which is first in the zodiac is given by Mars.

Earth's cosmic cycles are punctuated by the cycle of the Ram which is kept sealed in the astrolabe of the kingdom of Agartha as recorded by Saint-Yves in his Agartha book where he discusses the significance of the Ram Cycle. The great triad of these three Sun's is centred at the midpoint of the Roundtable and is known in freemasonry as the All-Seeing-Eye of Horus placed within the sacred triangle. But the great Triad is also an influential icon found throughout Chinese art, spirituality and society designating Heaven, Earth and Man. Rene Guenon's important work on the Chinese Great Triad is an authority on the history and meaning of this ancient Taoist symbol. The three realms or dimensions of life are unified in the symbol of the Great Triad that acts as a pillar on the Earth connecting man in the centre with the heavenly abode and all the aethers bellow and above circling through his consciousness. Microcosm and macrocosm converge to the central line delineating the One and total cosmology in the trigram. Esoteric philosophers understood how ancient secret orders revolved around a very different set of psychomental, symbolic and astrological themes that have been lost to the separation of the sciences from arcane lore and spiritual exercises such as prayer, chanting and yoga. Up to the present secret societies in China like the Hung League, Triads, Chinese Cabala and Pythagorean Freemasonry attest to this preservation of a hidden order to life and social consortia. Today's outlook has simplified what once was known about the arrangement of the cosmos into a naive worldview or prescientific attitude to knowledge. However this is not entirely the case with these mystical ancient traditions which flourished as a result of their power and accuracy in making predictions. Socially and cognitively, the conceptual preconditions and intensities of alchemy, magic and symbolic astrology were set on very different 'prelinguistic' assumptions that are not adequately discussed in ancient texts -- because the ordering of the world and human life during the prescient ages of history, was tantamount to having much simpler languages, scientific references and vocabulary, their orientation of mind in meditating upon these themes gained access to various powers. Hieroglyphics for example are built on singular concepts and mythical explanations for natural phenomena that describe how and why the world is the way it is. Incantations upon the system of occult symbols, planets, natural forces, hieroglyphics and so on, foment in the precognitive mind with a magical intentionality that is imbued with a lost essence and potency shared by the adepts of these arcane traditions. 

Deep in the jungles of the Amazon there rests a secret underground city sheltered away from human view. Here live the remaining diasporas of Atlantis and an extensive system of waterways and copper pipelines they refer to as Og. Og hides the secret of the Dark Crystal, channeled into the memory of its people, the Ogling race, who were one ethnogeographic enclave of the entire Atlantean melting pot which sprung the Mayans, Inca and Toltec groupings. Long after the sinking of Atlantis, the Avian Apakullu of prebabylonian kings resumed to fulfilling a prophecy of the delugical writings lost to Alexandria's destruction with the lines reiterating how the giants of past ages sustained the electrical grid and their own longevity through the secrets of its aristocratic class.

Apakullu of the Annunaki

Skeksis, The Dark Crystal

Not far from where the Appakulu first arrived in Akkadia and Babylonia, was the city-state known to the Mesopotamians as Ur located along the Euphrates river -- Ur was the great capital of Mesopotamia and the seat of the priesthood of Ur who reserved the secret initiatic teachings of biokatharic healing, cymatics and crystalline grid soul regeneration. On the foothills of Ur, a ziggurat was constructed to house the golden plates which would become the basis of Joseph Smith's interpretations of proto-hieroglyphics in the Book of Mormon. Smith later obtained a series of Egyptian papyri and some mummified sarcophagus which he ambitiously began to translate with the help of some church scribes. Noted similarities had been found within the scribes translations of the papyri and chapters from Abraham, the Book of the Dead and a Book of Breathing were recorded. Although many articles in the Smith collection were lost to a fire, the recorded texts verify the existence of a hypocephalic amulet for raising the dead with yogic fire and light written in a hieroglyph. The Apostolic heads of Ur were none other than the alchemical-astrologers of Chaldea who taught the early Egyptians concerning sacraments and mummification practices. The Book of Breathing was a Tantric manual intended to prolong life in the bardo and prevent the second death in the astral plane by participating in special breathing exercises. Specialized doctrinal practices were reserved by the Chaldean priests of Ur for the kings and Pharaoh's of ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt. In Greece, the Chaldean oracles were also present at the temple of Apollo where the great Delphi was said to perform her prophetic readings to travellers abroad. Even the ziggurat of Ur was modelled upon the Urtite crystal lattice of the universal hologram. 

As a monumental chamber of the priestly class, the Ziggurat was conceived the same way as the Temple at Palenque and Uxmal pyramid, i.e., the central operating system of the post-Atlantean civilization. Like modern silicon chip technologies, the crystals and power drive systems of Ur, Atlantis and Og were mined, manufactured and exported by Eastern trade merchants stationed in Lemuria and the Himalaya. Himalayan quartz and white marble were two of the prized commodities traded with Atlantis for gold that was refined in Sumeria and Brazil. Two of the very powerful colonies of the stricken Atlantic kingdom was the land of Avalonia in central Brazil and Annwyn in Westphalia, now Eastern Germany.

This colony migrated from gold repositories in Greenland and settled in Scandinavian Germany, preordaining an ancient pact with the royalty of Briton, Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands. Avalonia eventually replaced the leaders of Og with its Akkadian chivalry united by their mutually successful gold reserves. From here the Nefilim were created as the personal Golem of the Avalonian empire -- descendants of Lemuria and the Empire of Tiamat, the Nefilim contained the soul strata of the angelic race reincarnate in the crystal computers of mystical Shikasta in the delugical Gobi pyramid. 


Residual crystal balls are one of the natural products made by the lava basalts after melting the diatomic ocean floor basement crystal into the ocean bubbles that can trap water and sand. Countless of these crystal balls were collected at the bottom of the Tarim sea following the volcanic mass eruptions that shaped the Tianshen range. Urumqi in the celestial Mts was one of the main centres that withheld the imperial crates once filled with the Gobi crystal balls, double terminated quartz crystals and the oldest crystal skulls in the pre-Atlantean world.  Additionally, seed crystals encapsulated the karmic memories of those past lives in the harmonic crystal of the Mahavatar Maitreyanantha, a superlattice construct tabulating the crystal holographic inserts of all the extradimensional dharmakayas in Jambudvipa. Levelled out from the Tarim sea, the double-terminated crystal that was submerged glowed from the solar rays that passed through its surface like a trapezohedral ruby. 

Guanyin interfused clouds of hot lava and elevated the crystal in the air from the bottom of the ocean. Knowledge from this antediluvian crystal soon reached the Shinto, and by way of the Pacific channel, the Chaldean explorers who reestablished its pinnacle of teaching wisdom to the oracles of ancient Egypt. Panpsychism was thus a much older tradition that believed, in that vein of mediumship whose lore extends to the Chaldean tribes and Atlantean cloister race of astral technicians. Endowed from the origin of this Brahmanda universe, the astral technicians or techno-magicians possess a supernanoscale science that is capable of interfacial reconstruction and projection of holodynamic matter in the cosmic LQCD framework. Lattice quantum chromodynamic gauge universes such as ours have a quintessential protoplasm base that oscillates near the absolute vacuum and resonates in microlattice quantum numbers to produce a D-brane substance connecting all points and all matter into one field across space and time. Hackers of the universal cosmology know the lattice alphabet and the ultrasonic nanofiberoptic tools to materialize new matter or alter existing planets and Sun systems. One of these great magicians was the master Thoth, another was Jurojin. Apollo and Pythagoras also follow this lineage of superhuman oracle sages and patron saints some of whom lived in the times of transformation aided by space-faring gods and angels. Projected particle universes are self-contained in the antiparticle matrix defined on a lattice gauge chromosphere. Harmonic resonances inside these giant Himalayan crystals were recognized early for their potential to relay oscillatory waves in the upper atmosphere grounding them as communications at higher octaves in the noosphere so they could be tuned into as sequential transmutation patterns. Translating the decrypted noise out of the atmosphere and reducing the signal strengths to a coherent wave showed underlying linguistic and cymatic patterning otherwise undetectable to stereo equipment without applying multiplexing signal transduction techniques. 

Undersea aquatic bases near the coasts of Northern Los Angeles house subterranean networks of transportation tubes and a gallery of cultural achievements. Small groups of scientists and other space personnel from Asia and America travel to and from the L.A. base to China and Taiwan using the tube transporter under the ocean that cuts through the Pacific plate. Stereo equipment and large monitors project educational films and movies, even the Dark Crystal with Chinese subtitles was a popular play in the 1980s.
  Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs furnished their temples with many occult symbols and regalia that reflect the prominence of Egyptian gnosis about the soul's otherworldly journey through this and other worldly bardos whereby life and death are transitorily related states of the collective soul, itself a unified coniunctio of Hermetic alchemy. Esoteric crystal science was known to the ancient Egyptians as a way of describing how the soul reflects in itself and refracts outward realities to appear as virtual cosmologies. Tibetan Tantric science of yoga also discusses how the mind constructs reality through appearances and how to train the body to see in the dream state so that the soul can travel beyond the senses into supermental realms, escaping reincarnation into sensory domain universes. Of the twelve or thirteen separate Halls of Records distributed around the planet, the one purported to be underneath the Sphinx in Egypt, the one near Lahasa Tibet, Romania, Brazil, Mesoamrica, Persia, Armenia and Xian China, the lost land of the Gobi archived all in a complete holodynamic record of the planetary systems. 

A recurrent theme in nearly all mythologies of the world is the island of immortality. Thus, the Puranas, a collection Vedic religious texts and hymns, include a cosmography and worldly cartographic atlas of a universe centred around the island known as Jambudvipa, the summit of which is the gold mount Meru where grows the Tree of Life (Jambu Tree). Meru is a cosmic hub of this transcending geography that is more of a portal, wormhole, bridge or doorway to the Heavens than an earthly mound. Due to its cosmic properties and mutability, represented by the everlasting and immortal gold substance, the mountain of Meru expands far into the cosmos in a hyperbolic and oblong shape rather than having the earthly limits of ending in a peak. Hence, the topographic features of the Puranas description suggests that Meru is not an earthbound extension of a normal mountain, it is a cosmic mountain belonging to the Heavens that descends to Earth and has its peak reaching down to Jampu island. 

Perhaps this visual concept of Mt. Meru can help us understand better what the Vimana craft mean in the larger context of cosmic passages and sky realms that commute between the firmamental bubbles of the noosphere. In Qabbalistic alchemy, the tree of life demarcates each of the Sephiroth or Chakra realms wherein the soul travels outside the material body. An evolving series of mental bodies reach into the heavenly abodes like microscopic quantum openings in space that transport the mind to interconnected universes of time and space. Parallel to the hindu cosmic hierarchy there is the Chinese island of Penglai believed to lay somewhere north of the East China sea; Avalon the isle of the gold apples, and the Greek island of the Hesperides. Each of these tales presents to its heroic guest a gold apple or other golden fruit that imbues eternal life. The path to this island, grove or moated garden is made by an itinerant serpent, or turtle who upholds, or guards the tree of life and dispatches the chosen who are permitted to eat of its gold fruits. Sumeria's great Epic of Gilgamesh ends with a lofty hero's wasted efforts to attain the herb of the gods when traversing the Cedar Forest where he discovers that the plant he sought after is devoured by a wandering snake causing it to shed its skin instantly. It is the serpent that entwines the tree in a spiral and encircles the sea or the sacred lake when depicting the ouroboreal king, or his castle, which is protected by the moat of the coiled snake. Gilgamesh is the longest and most infamous Akkadian legend with the most fascinating plots that traces a commonality of thematic elements found in earlier folk tales that continuously reshapes the Mesopotamian oral tradition. Giants such as Gilgamesh occupied more than a mythical place in the Sumerian world, they were the titles of predynastic kings grafted onto the oral histories of Sumer and proto-Akkadian geomythological space. The father of Gilgamesh, Lugalbanda, occupied an interesting place in the pantheon; he was a shepherd who became king of Uruq. Uruk is a synonym of Uruq, or Iraq; the chosen name of classical Sumer itself. Predating these inscriptions is the lost world of Ur-umqi in the upper Gobi mountains that was given to the Tianshan range, where a splendid city by that name Urumqi was built. Mesopotamia was already, prior to Gilagamesh, a land peopled with sky-god worshippers who created temples in the image of An, the sky-god, and the An-nunaki ('those who came from the sky'.) "An" incidentally became the name of the civilization of the Andes in South America. Turks and central Chinese-Mongol tribes called these sky-gods the Tengri, the precellestial ancestor races of the humans who incubated the first civilization in the waters of the Gobi Sea. The god-kings of ancient Sumeria were simply a retelling of events and rulers who lives many millennia before the metropolis of Ur, Eridu or Uruq. Eridu was founded on a temple built in honour of its lord, Enki, who stayed in the warehouse or 'Abzu', wherein the first living things conjured out of the surface vacuum into actual existences, serpents of the waters of chaos. Abzu is fresh water, subterranean flowing, perhaps even a gold mine in Eridu. Today the region of civilization believed to be its cradle is an arid and rocky desert. No more of the lush forest vegetation that had spouted the highly successful city-states of Mesopotamia, just as its predecessors suggest, the land of Mu or Uttarakuru in central China and Mongolia -- Sumer is only the most recent cradle of sentient culture and organized economy, others that came in its wake have since been turned to dust, recycled at the bottom of the ocean, or relocated to new lands. The Sphinx, for example is thousands of years older than originally believed and may have been the centrepiece of an Atlantean water quarry that eroded when heavier rain hit the island landmass. These artificial aquifers are described in numerous independent epics, dynastic records and stone tablets to be consistent with ancient archaeological sites from Mesoamerica to China. 

King Og of the Underground City

Gilgal near Bashan

Massive dikes and rivers were converted into underground tunnels and pipe ways distributing fresh water to cities that have since been moved underground. Talmudic history records that the giant king Og of Bashan who sought to drive out the Israeli's, had mined a mountain with ants. His teeth burrowed holes into the mountain as Og proceeded to lift it over his shoulders. Achilles, the giant in Greek mythology is a predecessor of Og who is subdued by Moses with the aid of a stick used to strike the giant's ankle. Remnants of the Og legend can be found in dolem structures near Bashan and concentric stone circles near the Golan Heights but the most ancient source of the Og legend came from the times of Atlantis when he was installed as king of the golden city at the heart of Brazil. Here, Og appears alongside the Ark to save a sinking city by carving out parts of the lowland jungles and fitting it with a maze of copper pipes. 

City of Z, El Dorado of Brazil

Heads of Og can be found at the Nemrut temple in the mountains of Armenian Turkey, other Turkish cities built underground or in caverns, such as Denrinkuyu, demonstrate the immense mining and planning capabilities of the early giants and the Annunaki. Painters of the early classical period like Hieronymous Bosch pay homage to the beastiaries, Golem, gargantuaries and goetia of primeval psychology. Escaping the contextual references of simple metaphor, these surrealist dreamscapes combine the picturesque scenes of epics with the realist qualities of the mind in an order of existence that not only transcends the world but shapes it through unconscious history and meaning that endows the mythic scene. Originally, all mythical and real history are foreshadowed in the language and suprametaphor of the dream world. Mind permeates the interior and anterior surfaces of the world stage to process and organize its thematic structures. Achilles, Argos, Og, Gilgamesh and other giants of protocivilization fulfilled the role of the great ancestor and thus were elevated to the thrones of their temporal and geographic domains to lead the construction of everlasting dynasties. 

With the Caananite ruler Og we find pieces of the fairytale and precollonial myth that is present in early Judaic lore before the first temple period writings. Perhaps the reception of this fragment of history is indeed lost to an oral passage from pre-Abrahamic times to the sermons of Moses recorded in the Torah. They have their origins in Chaldean lore of the things to have transpired before the capture and exodus of the Jews from Babylon. The Chaldeans were the first learned travellers of the Silk Road, the first who left Sumeria and Babylonia to educate and initiate their own civilization amidst the nomadic tribes who were dispelled from Babel and chose among them the Greeks of Minoa and the Persians to choose the land of the first temple in Israel. Hebrew translations of Ur, the Chaldean city, means 'fire' or light, pronounced as 'Aur', and noted for the rites practiced there and in the far east. Babylonia was host of the Chaldean priests, the astrologers known to biblical scholars as Magi had the gift of foresight and superior knowledge of the heavens, were ascribed to the Chaldean mystique. 

Thus, the city of Ur had the gift of the Chaldeans and this is in reference to the light of the Magi who rode on camelback to this location from a far east destination. According to the Greek historian Diodorus, the Egyptians revered the Chaldeans as their own descendants and are described numerous times as being more of an independent tribe of wiremen than as a nation or ethnic group. Abraham is a name attributed to a far eastern name, Brahman, or Aba-Rama meaning exalted father, sometimes represented by the planet Saturn. Abraham's descendants were, like those of Brahma in India, the noble lineage of the patriarch that settled on the banks of the Ganges, the Nile and Euphrates rivers, and Og, who was originally a pre-Incan name for a patriarch king belonging to the settlement made at the base of the Amazon river in South America. Parallel to the Nile Delta, is the mouth of the Amazon river that enters from the estuaries of north eastern Brazil. 

Scriptures around the world indicate that at or near the day's of Brahma, or Abraham, the holy land was met with a primordial Saturn deluge that caused vast numbers of wildlife to perish and forced upon the leading families of the world to salvage as many animals as possible to redistribute the progeny of the land This included all the sons of Noah and two of each animal that were deemed necessary for human recolonization. Flooding also stretched Hyperborea resulting in a mass extinction of reptile species that later found refuge in caverns. Before the polar winds of Saturn and Mars resulted in the formation of an ice bubble around the north pole, the heat from volcanos escaped northward and trapped in atmospheric clouds contributing to the mini ice age. When the bubble melted a torrent of rainfall came down on the arctic circle landmass flooding the lowlands of Siberia and Laurentia that make up most of the planet's marshy peatlands and permafrost tundras of today. 

Wherever the magnetic poles have wandered, a firmament of subatmospheric ice has followed, for instance in the land of the Four Mountains of north central China that occupy the Gobi plateau, we find the flood myth of Gun-Yu. Gun and Yu were the grandson and son of the first emperor of Yao who saved the flooded kingdom with the assistance of a dragon and a tortoise. The Yellow Emperor is a Chinese folk Noah who administers all sorts of magical cures, technology and air ships that save the family and set in motion his lineage after the great flood. Atlantis continued to prosper even after its fissure into ultrapolitical states and subsequent inventory of historical simulacra prove the continuance of Atlantis in Brazil and later America. Naturally there is an equivalence of the isle known as Avalon and the garden paradise of Mu at the heart of the Gobi sea. Avalon was a garden where there grew an apple orchard that produced edible golden apples. Xi Wang-Mu, also called Lady of the Lake in the Avalon versions of the British Isles, is found to greet travellers to the magical island. 

Xi-Wang-Mu Immortal Goddess

Indeed the primordial sacred circles and geomancy of ice age Lemuria and polar Atlantis are the source of the late medieval Goetia as well as one may ponder the druidic ruins scripts, the Enochian magic squares of the classical age etc., Scribes and great ruin artisans knew the art and techno-magic of the Goetia and inherently realized it could be used to free the trapped souls of kings, gods and natural entities who fell into the icestorm with the demise of Avalon. As such, the pentagonal, rhombhohedral and tetragrams of the various magic tables refer to the cypher of crystal atomic structures, or symmetry groups, that sealed the Atlantean souls in a false matrix. Grimories were devoted to channeling the demiurgic powers of these Earth spirits. 

At around 44,000,000-42,500,00 BC, in the mid-Eocene, a thriving central Chinese civilization was at its zenith, closed to the greenhouse rising to the north and protected by the Himalayan and the Altai mountain ranges at the landlocked sea, safe from wild prehistoric mammals and tornadoes. Global cooling took over immediately following the 37-mya pole shift that placed magnetic north temporarily in the location of the Tarim craton and transformed this beautiful oasis into a frozen lake of salt beds that became eventually a tortured desert wasteland. Planet Mars and Ganymede were both inhabitable and supported a number of important colonies of the Canopus Empire most numerous being Arcturian and Sirian. Those planets had small colonies with pyramids and an ocean on Ganymede that harboured cephalopods and diatom life providing food for the Sirian visiting teams. At the time, the islands of New Zealand were close to the centre of a larger continent filling in the seaplate (that continent was called Zealandia, and it had been the site of a celestial landing strip for planet Earth's major airport.) 

Aerial Topography Showing Altai-Himalaya and Gobi Desert 

Topographic View of Zealandia Half Submerged

From the hilly plains of Zealandia, a secret ET space colony would launch all its rockets and Vimana aircraft, to underground bases on Mars and Ganymede. Mars was terraformed with a pylon and pyramid power system, dikes and canals filled with water and subterranean networks of caverns that millions of years ago gave Mars an artificial magnetic field. When Nibiru apparently returned around 41-40,000,000 BC the poles of Earth flipped and a 25,000 year wobble in central Asia gave rise to the magnetic anomalous region of the Tarim Sea. The Tarim Sea entered through the North China pass and emptied into the Gobi salt ocean, a tropical jungle and marine reef paradise flourished for over a million years. But peace here solely underwent shocks from the wobble in Earth's crustal magnetism. Anomolous magnetism and a sediment drift blocked off the river channels of the Tarim Sea to the north Pacific. 

Water levels dropped and the polarization of the Gobi lake from the anomalous magnetic pull turned its waters into a rare fountain of youth. For nearly 2,000 years the people living in the vicinity of White Island experienced the benefits of the waters ability to soothe pain and extend life up to 240 years. Canopus, the Southern Pole star colony, installed wells for purifying the waters and extracting the basalt from the north craton -- magnetic microprocessor tables were created from the mineral deposits of the orogenic belt including magnetized rocks that were altered from the polar anomaly -- Eventually the magnetic north pole rested in the Gobi basin near Mu island and was stationary for 12,000-20,000 years during the late Eocene freeze. A nuclear cataclysm on the surface of Mars roughly 3,600 years before the pole shift produced a nuclear winter and a time warp in Zealandia, thus causing parts of the coastal areas to sink in the Ergilian deluge. These events belong to a Leviathan age of unrecorded prehistory that corresponds to the mythical literature of predeluge civilizations when the interfacing of reality first seeded the crystalline matrix. India collided with the Asian subcontinental plate and the Himalaya was formed into greater India or Indo-China which was the land of the prebrahmana civilization. 

To these terranes, the oldest Indian sacred texts make only brief mentions but from what is known, the continent of Mu was presaged by a much more ancient platform of land that included the upper Tarim, Gobi and New Zealand Pacific plate. A particle reversal of the quantum electrical dipole of the planet at about 41,600 BC caused the rapid freezing and drying of the riverbeds; lakes and all plant life, microorganisms supporting them. Canopus, as a large empire, continued to exert power after the pole shift, setting forth future plans for a new Sirian Experiment in the late ice age inner ridge of north China's Shaanxi range. 

Shaanxi Plains, Mountain Ridges

New Zealand

Breakup of Zealandia From Antarctica

New Zealandia was to repopulate its surviving farm communities at Shaanxi. The Endless Sea of Khongor, Hanhai was situated on all sides by mountains and cavern systems of the cenozoic that enter into a separate inner-world containing bioluminescent rock formations like those seen at Reed Flute cave in Southern China -- grottoes like these are so large that you can see up to the crevices that expose the subterranean world to the Sun's rays -- with its own weather system that holds in clouds, fog and a concealed ecosystem of plant life, these subterranean Chinese grottoes are the remainders of prehistoric rock structures that once formed entrances to the world of Agartha. 

Towns Inside Giant Caverns Ganzi Sichuan Province China

Eocene Earth housed large numbers of deep grottoes all across the orogenic belt of Asia that were populated by the early inhabitants of the inner-earth. Where the 1,000 ft. White Marble Pyramid once stood was also said to be a stargate used by the Canopean Empire to transport people and cargo to a base on Mars. The same individual who designed the Giza pyramids roughly 3,000 years ago also constructed the one's in China and the one in Antarctica. That individual whose name has generally been written as "Thoth" in the Egyptian pantheon, was the magician Anqi Shang in Chinese, Jurojin in Japan, and one of the great Rishi who taught the celestial race of the Canopean Empire on Earth. Those celestial humanoid people were known as Telokl'an, a genetic mixture of Canopean star people, composed of Sirian, Orion and other primate human DNA types. One of the epicentres of metropolitan activity was the city of Ghubara that had been built close to the middle of the island. 

White Marble Pyramid of Xian / Mu Island 

Meditation stupas were made within a giant crystal mosque for harmonic purposes of resonance with communities of the Telokl'an who came to meditate. Those crystal domed pavilions extended underground or were rooted in crystal opal caves to ground the frequency. Tibetan bells and crystal bowl chiming frequency resonate at the vibratory rate of the Solffegio frequency which the palace and mosques were designed to facilitate. The high pitch resonating crystals coordinated across these geological sites in the Tarim Sea were to hold in place an invisible phonon-sound particle grid known to them as the crystalline matrix. This lost realm was the most akin of all to present day Earth civilization. China's oldest records say how Chinese emperors claimed descent from these sky-men, god-people of the stars who arrived on Earth with their flying dragons from a nearby planet -- most notably Mars and the planet Ganymede -- elements of early Persian architecture, symbolism, carvings and writing appear alongside Uighyur styled motifs and murals. Tang dynasty China ruled the southern side of Asia from Sikiang to the north Kansu mountain range, but to the west was the Tibetan empire and it stretched all the way into Iran and included the Tarim desert and parts of former Uyghur Khaganate realms. 

 The Silk Road ran at the borders of these three great empires. The Andes mountains are the longest mountain range in the world, beginning at cape Horn from the southern tip of Argentina and extending north all the way to the equator just west of the Amazon basin. This vertebral curling of elevated orogeny is paralleled by the Himalayan mountains of Nepal and Tibet, which meet up at the ridge of India forming a distinct morphological resemblance to the shape of South America. Between the Altiplano river basin and the Atacama desert of Chile along the tropic of Capricorn there stood a dense jungle not unlike the Amazon when the continent of South America was closer to Antarctica, and the range of plateaus from the 25th to the 45th parallel occupied the magnetic South Polar ice cap. Lake Titicaca at this time emptied into the Altiplano river basin and the Altiplano-Puna volcanic complex was uplifted by pressure from the plates of the eastern and western Cordillera of Argentina and Peru. 

To the opposite end of the Earth, from this south pole location, was the windswept desert we call the Tarim basin or Gobi, and a temporal destiny for the magnetic north pole. The orogenic belt of the north steppe, compromised by the Siberian Altai range, maintained the upward drift of the elevated plate terranes while the Altaic-Tarim polar zone cooled into a permanent tornado vortex of velocity winds crunched in by the mountain chains. Much of the former South Pole's landmass in Latin America was covered in the salt lakes from Titicaca to the Atacama desert in likeness to how geologists imagine the Gobi Sea to have been filled in with river flooding from the Tarim-Siberian ocean. Today we have evidence of the salt flats found in Uyuni Bolivia and Chile to support these parallels in central Asia -- the central Andean dry puna reached as far west as the 80th meridian and south as the 35th parallel, directly tangential to the North Pole wobble in the Taklamakan desert. 

Atacama Desert, Argentina-Chile

To the Drake Passage, the Patagonia curvature of the southern Andeas cross arced with the Antarctic peninsula like two coccygeal vertebrae, and the Western longitude of 80 degrees was east of the Pacific Ocean and lined up with Mt. Fitz Roy of Argentina. Because of the coupled tectonics of the Andeas expanse, a northern orocline of the Uyianu-Andean and Atacama elevation is visible from the 40th parallel -- The great Eocene-Oligocene cool down brought winds from Patagonia to Antarctica, cooling the ice caps as South America and Australia separated from the southernmost continent following several thousand years of persistent wobble at the dipole occupying the Atacama-Taklamaka magnetic poles. True south thus became once again Antarctica's polar cap and magnetic south fluctuated between Antarctica and central Chile. Paleogeographic maps show how Eocene flooding from the Barinas-Apure Basin from Venezuela into Peru had supplied ocean waters from the Atlantic to estuaries in north-central Chile. 

Eocene Atlantic waters split the north Andes by a massive salt lake separating all of western Peru, Ecuador and Columbia from Brazil and the Amazon Basin. We see this reflected in the far East where the Tarim Sea enters from eastern Siberia and the Sea of Okhotsk from the north Pacific ocean into Mongolia and parts of the Taklamaka. What was once the Turan Sea covering Iran and the Tajik Basin eventually drained and met with the Tarim arid plateaus to the east. Above the Taklamakan desert are the Tien-Shan mountain range that sheltered the remnant lake following the receding aeration of the Tarim-Siberian Sea. Hurdled around this great salt lake of Tali-Mu was a ouroboros of orogene mountain crests that comprised the epic Kunlun regions of northern Tibet with the Tian Shan of western Kyrgyzstan, north central China and the Altay of Mongolia. 

Gobi Desert Lakes

Delugical Swampland of Brazil

Just north-west of the inland lake on the other side of the Terskei-ala-rau Mt. is another lake that mirrors lake Titicaca known as Issyk Kul or 'warm lake' of Kyrgyzstan. Like many Peruvian and Chilean lakes that are surrounded by snow capped peaks, Issyk Kul lake remains unfrozen. Hot springs in the mountains keep these high elevation lakes warm even in winter and this Altaic lake is prominent among them, being the second largest mountain lake on Earth second only to lake Titicaca in Peru. But the parallels go even further to the Uighur-Inca connections and the future geomorphology of the Andes i.e., orogenic curling of the mountain expanse together into the an enclosure (ouroboros) that will house another Hyperborean lake to a future Polar Race of celestials. The Andes are destined to become the Altai-Himalaya (ouroboros-orogene) for a future land-locked magnetic lake, the same way that Tian Shan and the Himalaya were once a complete oval around the Gobi paradise. These facts are predicated on wisdom conveyed through Drunvalo Melchizedek in his book on 2012, Serpent of Light, which foresees the shifting of Gaian kundalini energy from these locations in Tibet and Nepal to a new chakra in the Chilean Andes. A submerged kingdom is believed to be hidden somewhere beneath the lake that, when excavated, will one day reveal the secret links made by the Templars to the Inca and Uyghur civilizations. There was a widely extraterrestrial civilization on Earth that was placed here to initiate the Paleocene-Eocene and ice age pole shifts. The Mayan technology that arrived here came from the same celestial masters who seeded the Hyperborean people in the Altai-Himalaya. 

Incan, Mayan and Olmec humans were genetically part of an experiment to test the capabilities of these celestial offspring. In ancient Egypt there were people who had descendants from the star Sirius who worshipped the solar disc Akhen in much the same way as the Inca and Uyghur Usuli traditions. These traditions all worshipped the Sun, not as a deity but as a provider of warmth and vegetation, crops like corn which were harvested in central Asia and central South America. Altars and Sun dials for aligning human agricultural activities with the heavens have been found in Arkain in the Ural mountains of Russia and in Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region dating back over three millennia. These people of the Sun were all heirs to a predynastic and preatlantean solar empire that was technologically administered by an extraterrestrial, possibly android intelligence from the star Canopus that safeguarded its colonies under the Pole Star and established computational minds bellow Antarctica and the Andes. A base for conducting experiments with Sirians disseminated knowledge of harmonics and crystallized pyramid networks. Siberian shamanic hunters and gatherers lived closer to the north when the glacial melt began warming the inner circle or temperate belt near the pole. Thus began the circumpolar Ural-Hyperborean principalities that flourished in underground cave systems from Norway and Russia throughout the ice ages. 

An arctic firmament, one which has been described by many mythologies and religious texts, materialized out of a blast of arctic ocean held frozen some kilometres above the clouds and condensed bellow this region of the Arctic Circle. This dense firmament provided cover from north polar winds and freezing temperatures. Because of the varying northern climate of the ice age, the icy condensation around the Arctic Circle was a shelter from the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun which was exposed from the postglacial carbon burning -- this greenbelt of tundra was nourished by the shade the same way the icy rings of Saturn are formed around the equator, the Arctic Circle of our planet once had its own ring of condensation -- Siberian hunters survived the harsh climates within this inner rim of solar heat that illuminated the night sky with Auroras from the solar-earth plasmosphere allowing these shamanic herders to hunt at night. Each of the early sundials or alters built by the indigenous travellers of early protocivilization had copied the ancestral technology of the Rishis, Kumaras and Brahmani wisemen of the prior age. 

The Southern Oracle (South Polar Gateway); The Never Ending Story

In polar Altai, the central operating system was near Ur, or Urumqi in central Uighyur territory, where there existed an observatory for charting the heavens. Replicas of this prehistoric observatory were created in the lost Andean civilization, now subterranean polar culture, that inspired the Inca of Peru and Bolivia. Planets like Mars, Venus and Saturn were visible to the naked eye and could more easily be observed with telescopic lenses. Ancient megalithic and stone buildings were used to anchor into the magnetic grid the architectural modular space of a celestial circuit or terrestrial computer processor. Terra-processor arrays are interior designs found in the metrics of the Mayan Itzchal pyramids and Incan tomb sites as well as the pyramids of Xian and non-pyramidal monoliths found in Balbek and Ural Siberia. Northward in Siberia were the Pillars of Heaven that produced the Ocean of Heaven, or Arctic Circle of ice, firmaments above the Isle of Heaven and Earth Station are surrounded by the Primeval Ocean (Tarim Sea). 

The Tusk, Mountain Peak of the Ross Orogene Antarctica 

Zhanbu-Zhou upheld Mt. Meru (the Marble Pyramid) as it is pictured in many cosmological diagrams from antiquity; in Tibetan Buddhist depictions the pyramid of Mt. Meru is upside down with its capstone embedded in the centre of the rectilinear mandala. When Hyperborean North magnetic pole was located in middle Tarim China, the white pyramid was placed at the apex of that region's circle of water with the four Kumaras at the head of an observatory which also had a stargaze where astronauts would transport themselves to Mars. Long before these prehistoric aeons, when the Gondwana continents were not completely separated, the four quarters of the World Map including Atlantis, Australia, New Zealand, Antarctica, South America, India and Asia were closer together in a space called Jambudvepa or Yggdrasill. Mt. Meru at that place of origin was likely a Tusk of mountain rock bordering Zealandia and the Ross orogene, but could as well had a pyramidal origin. 

Later ages of explorers and astronomers tried to adapt this global concept of an Earth pivot with new local geographies evolving into the Mercator Map of the North Pole. What all these cosmological world maps attempt to illustrate are the immaterial grounds of which the landscapes of the world are to be represented mentally or spiritually esp., to an age of humans who had yet perfect knowledge of geology, geography and astronomy.

However, it shows what lost knowledge they received thanks to Celestial Guardians and their own intuitions about the Pangean Earth grid system which has kept those locations in cellular memory. Jain cosmological Mandalas present an elaborate view of the cosmos ascending upward in a pavilion of light containing structures that reiterates the eschatological hierarchy of both Eastern and Western models of the terrestrial and heavenly spheres -- these mythico-geographic representations of an antediluvian centrepiece around which all life was ordered to a higher destitute are remnants of an Archaen principle uniting every energetic vortices in the microcosm. 

Every occasion where the planetary magnetic axis flips and changes its sign, the primary meridians of the Earth's Akashic Records root themselves in a new geographic location. Starting near the middle Eocene there were Azolla marshes in the Arctic that were a main biosignature for the hyperboreal ecosystem which came as a result of contact with Arcturus bioships. Lower Eocene climate reached a maximum around 40mya and was antecedent to the joining of the Indian subcontinent with Asia and the Tibetan plateau that created the Himalaya. Until the upper Eocene period, roughly 56-41 million years of slowly varying climate, warming occurred alongside a flora increase supported by tropical conditions of the arctic latitudes. A homogenous climate took over the polar regions where date palms, carboniferous ferns, alligators and tropical snakes like the Anaconda took precedence. Equable temperatures across the arctic and higher latitudes suggest changes in magnetic polar positions and subtectonic diffusion of magnetic rock, magmas and sulphuric gases in the higher latitudes. During the early post-drift when giant swamp fens and peat plants spread in the North Pole the sea floor temperatures were for a duration of about 600 epochs in the range of today's shallow tropical reefs. Warm arctic surface water was filled in with a carboniferous biomass much as we see in the northern Siberian peatlands of Western Russia and parts of eastern Europe, Estonia and Greenland.

Greenhouse gases visibly enmeshed from the methane rich chemicals of the polar regions, including the Eocene polar stratospheric clouds of auroras, rose to the surface in parts of Greenland and the sea floor trench as dense fog or swamp gas. Cooler climates could be found closer to the Loess plateau and Tibet where elevations and high magnetism centred in the Himalayan-Altay ridges. Charles Hapgood's theory of Earth Crust displacement which shows how the former presence of southern tropical life such as alligators and swampy biota, near the Arctic oceans of Greenland and the Labrador Sea can be attributed to proxies of the magnetic field wandering that characterize this and other Cenozoic changes in biodiversity. 

The last major pole shift took place around 15,000-11,000 years ago which took a millennia to terminate. From the end of the ice ages to the present, the last pole shift also triggers the dawn of civilization and the revolutions shaping history -- Memories of these pole shifts and other natural-mediated events in the cosmos are recorded in ancient mythologies. During the periodic cycles of a magnetic reversal, the polar magnitudes wobbling causes high bipolar magnetic anomalies and magnetization in far distances from true north, for instance, that signify north or south in locations as far as the equator and can last thousands of years. The poles have shifted dozens of times from the end of the Paleocene to the apex of the Eocene-Oligocene boundary, and beginning in the middle of this Eocene-Oligocene period 43-41 million years ago, the Earth's poles have been reversing at a more rapid frequency. From the Archaen to the early Paleocene, Earth's magnetic field remained more constant, was stronger and changed only so often with an epochal change -- For the last 30-40 million years the poles have reversed many times in a single epoch, that is every half a million to a million years on average the poles shift and begin to shift more frequently with reversals of magnetic north and south occurring between 9,000 and 20,000 year cycles, a periodicity range in between these denser quarter million or more temporal locations. Small pole shifts like the ice age and late quaternary shifts alter the field sign of north to south and the whole geomagnet is known to flip. It is with the longer cycles of geologic time of quarter million to two-million constancy changes that poles decline to new locations like the Andes or Baltic Sea. Our larger classification of paleoclimatic time places the whole Cenozoic timeframe into a more general ice age. It is suggested that large continental movement or landmass segregations into new oceanic isochrons presage or govern diverse epochs of temperate paradises. Untwining of Antarctica from South America for instance opened up a gravitational hole or vortex from the ocean bottom and plate positions to force wind cycles to gravitate around the South Pole. These conditions eventually were responsible for maintaing present epoch ice house currents from the oceanic and polar surface-atmospheric pressure. 

The South Polar vortex covered parts of southern Zealandia following its break from the Ross orogene and Pacific drift up to about the middle Paeleocene. Upper Paeleocene and Eocene environmental conditions and volcanism settled old Zealandia in the ridge of islandic masses, some halfway submerged and other thick inter-islandic mats gave rise to basalt bridges connected by thick bogs of thawed Antarctic permafrost. Zealandia's large continental shelf would have been short lived following the rifting from Gondwanaland and lithospheric thinning is coincident with sea level rise that define the New Zealandia oceanic slope, accompanied by the disappearance of old coastlines. Magnetic field and seafloor isochron distribution, undergrid early Paeleozoic and Phanerozoic rifting, detachment zones and mountain range morphotectonics that delineate future continental structures. 

Lithosphere displacement by oceanic ridges pulled in an expanding portion of the quickly subducting zones of Zealandia at the Pacific seabed by the late Cretaceous until the early Paeleocene when New Zealandia's stromatolite mats and basalts crystallized with incoming marine seabed flora, with bottom dwelling seaweeds and coastline caverns that were home to several species of marine reptile. Antarctica's marble peaks erupted from the vast shores from their transantarctic-Gondwana homeland as fragments scattered like bullets girdled across the Southern Chatham Rise to the west and the Sea of Thunder south to the Gulf of Australia -- the Tonga and Kermadec Trenches towards Fiji was mimicked by these fragmented island mounds. Our home Shikasta was turned to dust, a landing by Nemesis (Lords of Mars) threw out the last Pavilion Metropolis at the heart of landlocked Mu with fireworks of smoke triggered by the atomic nucleus of the Nemesis explosion. Taklamaka is what you have today, a sandy desert that was irradiated millennia before the onset of the last ice age cycle's permafrost. Bellow the desert are reminders of the hydrogen melt and volcanic eruptions that subdued most of the Loess plateau of what at the time, 35,600 years past, a warm fibrillation of Pleistocene glacial thawing pervaded the landscape of China -- periodically making way for the cultivation of Giant An communes in Antarctica and the Andes as recovered in the Loess sequence. 

Reawakening the Pleistocene biosphere was the rocky tundra from Kyrgyzstan that once filled in the drained Turanian Sea from Iran and the Mediterranean Tethys of the Eocene. Poured boulders of granites and sediments where the Afghan and Tajik basins decoupled from the Tarim plate. Remains of this colony of kings is either scarce or purposely removed at the dawn of civilization. These were the oldest artifacts of a human burial settlement with early human remains, mummified bodies, from an ice age heliocentric forest tribe in central China. These were older than the 1,800 BC Tocharian donors whose mummified remains were found to be associated with the ancient blasts in the area of Lopnur desert. DNA analysis concluded that those donor races were light haired and light-eyed caucasian nomads descending from a western Silk Road agricultural community in southern Siberia, Iran and the Kazakistani mountains. These 'Tarim-Iranians' or Tocharian speaking Kazak-Russians were an old progeny of the Ural-Altai tribes, the descendants of the white Kumaras who came from an Indo-European, celestial bloodline -- 4,000 year old preserved mummies found near Urumqi at the edge of the Gobi belonged to the Celestial Mountain colonies of Germanic-Uyghur integration assimilated to the culture of the north Ural plains of Asia. Between the writing of these ancient crypto-druidic villagers and the indigenous rural Uighyur written language evolved from a syncretic commonality already endemic to certain groups ethnographic traits. Uighur's, Japanese-Mongols and Koreans all wrote and pronounced certain vowel forms in the exact same manner as a variety of proto-cyrillic Russian and Indo-Druid Aryans. Dravidian, Dorian and Druidic syllable structures derive from a morphological character root system known to be apparent from earliest configurations of this language. 

The primeval substance of all sentient and non-sentient form is an alchemical reagent of the lost gnostic tribes who lived for thousands of years in the central Tarim. By combining and refining the warm elixir field in the central channel of the body it could be atomically reconstituted, the orbital chemistry and electrical bonds that make up our physical totality from very small irreducible and singular components via holodynamic, physiological and kinaesthetic Tantric bioregularities of the bodily field. Transmutation of living Qi from mortal vitality into an immortal original embryo is produced when withdrawing into subtle realms of inner-light and shutting out sensory and conceptual intelligence (mental activity). The transubstantiality of the immortal body is first materialized in deep meditation and Tantric turning the light around to convert into pure conscious transparency. A fine grade of living light is produced in the elixir but is perpetually transformed into a pure crystalline, non-oscillating resonance tone that stops all frictional forces and movement between atoms and hence by inertial confinement and resonance stops aging process. Transmembrane electrification of the atomic bond in living nerves and cellular tissues repairs and assists the process of thermal stability which enhances the vital field of the organism. These alchemical-tantric teachings originated from the inner chambers of the celestial kingdom Shikasta in the upper Tarim Tienshan Mtns. and was spread to India, Tibet and China. Understanding the inner workings of existence and phenomenality is given in the subtle, tonal transforms of light and sound vibrations that permeate into hyperspace opening a well and a containment space for enveloping the bodies matter fields. Physiodynamic matter complexes can be moved closer to hyperspace by tuning and consciously accessing their lost inner resonance points discussed in Tai-Qi, acupuncture, kinesiology, Qigong, Reiki and various Indo-Tibetan yogatantra systems. 

Alchemical homeopathic mediums such as orpiment and malachite may be diluted or inhaled in the form of microvapours smelted in a beaker tube -- hence the rigid, impure substance of mortal interfacial existence is to be refined by limiting perception and the mechanism of storing perception habit which is based in conceptual cognition. Dharmadhatu is the inertial mandala-tablet of original consciousness that rests at the pivot of all changing phenomenal evolutions. Purified condensations of the thought, sensory and matter fields of the body are reduced to weightless, resonating light arrays. Dissolving the physiosensory tendencies of attention, strain, stress, language, physical sustenance, processing, inhalation and exhalation are themselves turned around in reverse adaptations to their habit-fields. With the help of a preterrestrial age quantum nanotechnology, nanochemistry and quantum Taoist science of consciousness, these advanced Celestial Guardians of Earth taught the high priesthood of Melchizedek and Ur the means to hack into reality. A virtual mechanics of perception and microcosmology of the body, mind, Earth, stars and solar system gave them direct access to the divining powers of Fengshui from within the inner-landscape of the world and all the heavenly and preheavenly realms. Preincarnate streams of knowledge, memory and consciousness flow where the Dharmadhatu converges in the precosmic sphere into which life itself begins its evolutionary journey. To the indigenous societies these aliens were known as the Ancient Ones, those who came from the inner reaches within to teach man the arts of astronomy and writing. By going within, one returns an original matrix-seed of own-consciousness that co-created life in the hyperspace of the virtual time cosmology. Millennia of human movement with the uncountable cultural dynamos that have crossed paths through trade, integration and battle over territories in the inter-Mongol Gobi and Altaic desert, are held together by the ancient grid that echos past history in the nomadic DNA of this collective land, a land that almost totally transcends the effects of its human magic wether spoken, composed in music, architecture, jewellery and mosaic design. Their furthest ancestors were the original Avian-Angelic-Dragon race (Oraphim) people of the Diamond Sun; a cloister race nurtured by the Kumaric Starmen seeded in the Pleiades by the Empire of Canopus. These earliest Canopean starseeds constructed the Pillars of Heaven at the steppe boundaries separating the Celestial Mts. of the upper Gobi terrane from the rest of the Taklamakan desert. The Diamond Sun refers to the original design of the Cosmic Adi Buddha Body of crystallized light, another appellation for the Sun Face Buddha, Vairochana, Viracocha, and Vajrakaya of the Lordship vehicle Dharmadhatu. Angelic humans of the first and second seedings at Hyperborea north and Shikasta in central China received progressive upgradings of their rDNA-telomere strand lengths and additional DNA nucleotide coding for a 3, 5, 6, 9 and 12 strand harmonic lightbody. Those celestial progeny of the Kumara Ancient of Days integrated nanocrystals into their 2-strand chromotypes with the 3rd violet chromosome male-female anima-animus holodyne. 

Shedding of the ouroboros surface is considered one of the major initiations into the Brotherhood of Light, following integration of the Nagaline higher mental consciousness in the Brotherhood of the Serpent native rites -- one's hermetic body is unlocked in accordance with the blue-green order of Melchizedek Ormicron Jade DNA liquid where the alchemical elixir in Taoist neidan tablets transforms the carnal flesh of birth-thrown interface to the next phase of surface coded existence -- Hence the fleshform is shed by the 5-dimensional fire-ether (plasma) produced as seed syllables in the lower abdominal chamber and circulated via the breath into all the microcosmic chambers of the physiosomatic circuit. These advanced stages are instructed by a yoga Rishi to a practitioner who accepts empowerments explained in yogatantra Mahasiddhi texts like the Six Yogas of Naropa and Kalachakra. Further stages regenerate the gene blueprint of the early seeding human's silicate matrix which has 12 DNA helices with strands 11 and 12 stored in Keylonic grids at the base of the Xian White Marble Pyramid -- intersecting at its flat capstone, the superpyramid holds up another pyramid of equal extension to generate the diamond-Merkhaba oscillations -- in cosmological terms, this trapezohedral pyramid architecture illustrates the cosmic blueprint of Hindu and Tibetan cosmology. It is also the bridge of light used by the space faring Celestial Guardians who establish communication channels in the Mid-Way station of Arcturus for transporting Vimana to other planets. 

Mt. Meru Diagram

Here in central China there were Mid-Way station structures called EL-conversion towers built by the Celestial Guardians for powering their agricultural communities. Millennia after the decline of this prehistoric civilization, a new reconstruction of El-conversion towers was attempted by Lemuria and is believed to be one of the concept technologies that powered Atlantis. Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in more recent times even designed Tengri sky towers that follow a geometric pattern that revives this EL-conversion multipyramid structure. 

The double tetrahedron and the hexagon compose the lattice binary of crystal symmetries facilitating silicate matrix recoding of the carbon based organic cell complex into quasi-solid, diagonalized bonding complexes within silicate crystal molecules. 20.8 million years ago, Guardians of Arcturus placed large Pavilions of Azurite into the Tianshan mountains sinking to several yards into the rocky crustal basin. These became the chief Azurite Temple complex of the Planetary Logos for calibrating Double Diamond Sun Matrix evolutions that are done using a clear liquid derived from special diamonds found in the core of the planet Venus. 

Azurite Temple Pavilions of Shambhala
With the chemistry, heat and pressure on Venus, diamonds grow in a melted magma state and can be extracted from garnet veins in the Venusian mantle. Another nano-hybrid silicate base found on Venus, these tempered pseudodiamonds of silicate material are polished into inert shielding for the pavilions and substrate for holodynamic microcomputer arrays. Later settlers in the Mongolian plains would invent replicas of Azurite Temple architecture with the layouts of their Sun Altars. This last remaining Azurite Temple in the Tienshan mountains north of a lake that is roughly the site of the old Dzungari Sea was filled in from the Tarim-Siberian ocean and became the iconographic source of other tower structures, most notably the Tengri People of north-central China and Kyrgyzstan who were the direct descendants of the Gobi ancestral kingdom. 

Tengri Native Totem

Even in the present age, the central axis of Shambhala is known to be pivoted at Mt. Khan Tengri, the half-way station where the ancient Silk Road travellers would pass on their sacred journeys to central Asia, Persia and Turkey. Between Khan Tengri peak and Jengish Chokusu mountain on the Kyrgyzstan-China border there is a gateway to the core network of Aghartti, the mysterious world of Shambhala which many travellers have journeyed here in pursuit of lost wisdom and knowledge which has been guarded in secrecy for thousands of years. Further to the west along the Tienshan range where the Kirghiz mountains meets the Altai at the western tip of lake Issyk-Kul there is very large moving vortex that today remains a mystery. 

Khan Tengri Mountain

Permian magmatic rocks are the last survivors of a powerful magnetic pole shift that left it's imprint on this area of the Celestial Mountains. Trapped magnetism from the pole shift pulls these magmatic rocks and boulders down the rivers towards Naryn where hikers have witnessed them leaping into the air from the streams and pouring out of the grassy hilltops in large avalanches. Other anomalies of the Kyrgyz-Tienshan vortex are the perceived existence of Zhenren, mountain men from ancient Mongol times who wander the hills practicing precosmic breathing exercises and herbal alchemical refinement yoga. The Eight Immortals, including Lao-Tzu, were believed to have ascended to this location after their passage through Mt. Kunlun, an event signifying the connection between Khan Tengri and Kunlun. Teleportation and visitation to and from the stars is not uncommonly discussed as part of the lore belonging to this region of central Asia. Transport into the subterranean world of Shambhala is done through a space bubble or wormhole opening that some have witnessed in the shape of a transparent orb floating through the grassy valley of the western Tienshan. 

Kyrgyzstan Mysterious Valley 

Orbs come to us in several guises, one is the plasma-particle or plasmon interaction that produces orbs, another is the eruption of flying gas bubbles and other photoelectric chemicals from subvolcanic geysers, man made laser-plasma spheres, and the vortex phenomenon which can enclose photoelectrical and even dust particles in the lower atmosphere with bursts of lightning as these 5-dimensional distortion fields move in our gravitational vicinity. The earliest ancestors of the Atlanteans and Lemurians were spawned in Shikasta and are described as having an electrical or internal soul complex without a physical body -- these luminokayas of cognitive energy are written about in Cayce's dialogues on Atlantis, but in Shikastan mytho-historical imagery they might have been threads of pre-neural electric current stored in silicate webs appearing like the jellyfish, that emits an electric glow. 

 Anchored to its 6th and 5th dimensional magnetodimensional sinks, the grid network of Shikasta reconnects to the Founders higher universe stations terminating in Arcturus. The superpyramid of White Island was composed of fine Tibetan minerals, predominantly Kunlun-Shan white marble that had been mined and cut into elongated slabs. Parallel to the Egyptian pyramids of Giza, the Tibetan marble superpyramid was not made with limestone, weighing almost three times and reaching twice the height and breadth as the Cheops pyramid, this prehistoric mammoth was constructed with shiny Tibetan white marble-stone slabs pilled in criss-cross formations using the same levitation technology for raising heavy blocks. A capstone of polished opal glittered at the apex of this behemoth "gateway to the heavens" as it had been known.

It is easy to imagine some material from inside the Moon could have substituted as insulation for the inner chambers of the pyramid's walls. Next to the central superpyramid are the smaller 500 square ft. orbitals whose placement was to resemble the eleven major planets with their Sun Pyramid located at the middle. Solar heat was made to circulate from inner convection plates and photovoltaic mineral ceramics that absorb the Sun's rays and keep people and stored maize warm through the colder seasons. On the inside, the pyramids walls glow with a fluorescent white light produced from its internal solar light-conversion system. 

Centred in the middle of the meditation hall is a unique red and white yantra-mandala containing the eight-sided Chinese bagua diagram with the eight trigrams of the i-ching representing all permutations in the axis mundi for each of the alchemical elements. Yin and Yang appear as a tapestry of red and white marble stones composing a mosaic resembling the Mantle of Lip Plugs i.e., the Hunab Ku symbol of the Mayans used to venerate the Milky Way. 

Symbolizing the place of time within eternity, the yantra for meditation is a reminder to harmonize the breath, inner-heat and samadhi cycle with the cycles of the seasons all the way from the solar system to the galactic centre. The Mayans called it the Great Cycle, the Kaliyuga and Krtayuga of the Hindu and Tibetan cosmologies can be referenced in their calendars. Shambhala is the mystic city of the Celestial Mountains, a secret location the Mayans of Mesoamerica called Tulan wherefrom their sacred teachings and wisdom originated. Unknown to present knowledge, the two hidden kingdoms of Shambhala and Tulan had been built by the same celestial architects, the immortals or seven Kumaras were the ones who came to be known as "keepers of the flame". Planet Earth's etheric body is composed of many chakras -- functioning as palaeographic and anchored locations where primordial and celestial energy is established through the prakkrti and prana grids known to the meditators dwelling inside the pyramids -- Tibet's esoteric Guanyin tradition stemmed from the elaborate adornments that decorate the marble pyramid and a parallel pyramid building tradition which developed into the stupa and the Mayan pyramid builders. 

Hidden civilizations more evolved than our own exist and harvested small populations, even villages, with their own energy grid, microcomputer technology and calendar. To this day, those most ancient ones who reside in the colonies bellow ground refer to their world as "Mu", the Motherland where all other kingdoms since the great deluge had gathered their wisdom. Jose Arguelles wrote extensive accounts of the Mayan calendar through an artistic compendium of charts calculating the intrinsic similitude of Mayan spirituality to the Chinese Taoist I-Ching and Tao Teh Ching. Mayan zodiac signs, Chinese cryptograms and seed syllables appear on the floor of the Shambhalese white marble pyramid illuminated by a complex system of heat, light and sound detectors attached to each of the stones. The mantles where the celestial ones are poised to the main hall are built on eight-sided octagonal marble stones of white, sapphire, opal and jade.

Each of these extended 3D mantles is a fountain of Ormis water magnetically treated by electrodynamic metal plates. Designed for hand washing and spiritual bathing, the fountains are part of the daily exercises of the Taoist yogis who frequent the meditation halls, silently pacing the void of time without ushering a sound. It should be noted the shared importance of the Chinese dragon and the Mayan feathered serpent to both zodiacs. The Omicron Jade Dragon was previously an Orion starship collective of the subatlantean network in eastern Siberia that was to represent the north-eastern polar race of Dragon kings just as the south polar kingdom of Canopus was founded under the sign of the Turtle and the White Tiger. North eastern China and Japan covered the domain of this collective that was activating its Atlantean pylon crystal net from within deep dream states after it was deactivated near the end of the Toba volcanic eruptions that ushered in a mini ice age. Tengri customs that extend back to the Eocene Gobi Brotherhood of Light were preserved in various new age circles in Japan and cult followings spawned from the channellings of ascended masters including branches of archeoastronomy and white magic. 

Toba Volcano, Sumatra

CO2 accumulation from the ash spewed out from the large Sumatra volcano covered much of the atmospheric debris in the ice ages that is known to have occurred about 75,000 years ago. This volcanic winter resulted in a reduction in human population and 1,000 years of supercooling of the surface abruptly eliminated huge numbers of wild game and their human hunters. Thus the network was intended to create a local space-time energy trap from the cold temperature at the base of some post-cataclysmic Sirian pyramids scattered under Pleistocene overgrowth and frost. Megalithic anchors in the North China craton, Korea, Siberia and in southern Indonesia will one day reveal a bottlenecked time-line of the Shikasta Empire. Crystalline scalar points on this network are transected into the Earth grid. At around 75,000 BC the journey to present day Sichuan and Shanxi province was made, journey that in the era of Qin Dynasty China were unified branches of the Chinese imperial domain. The head of the dragon covered these domains north to Manchuria and the Korean peninsula guarded by the wings of the Phoenix. 

For millions of years after the fall of this marvellous empire of Shikasta in the Gobi Sea, an attempt was made by the Celestial Guardians of Canopus and Sirius B to anchor new resonance points in sections of China's landscape where the Earth's paramagnetic field and scalar tectonics had once drifted since that time and have continued to haunt the imaginations of Eastern seers and writers. One of those locations was near the city of Xian, the chosen place where the Emperor ordered builders to align a series of stone pyramids to the orbital and spiral resonance of the solar system, including a 12th planet -- This landscape of Sichuan and Shanxi are ice age remnants of that lost civilization whose founders installed observatories and crystal pylons for holding together the pulse of a very ancient grid block that deactivated itself from a number of Oligocene cataclysms, nuclear winter events, ice age aeration, flooding and pole shift. The Gobi autonomous zone, like the Arctic basin, shows the geological remnants of these catastrophic energy fluctuations. Geologists do not know the exact dates for all these cataclysmic events, but a cascade of such events in the Earth's composure that were shaken up from the recent merging of India with the Asian Himalayan crest are believed to have forced the climatic and magnetic alteration of land pushing itself upward and west into the Altai orogenic belt. Late ice age redistribution of humans across the bering strait of Siberia and Alaska occurred at the same time as the Toba volcanic eruptions that progressively led to cooling and a northward migration from the areas of India into present day Mesopotamia, Nepal and Tibet.  Flooding overtook Lemuria as clans of old city survivors from Java and its surrounding islands headed on dragon boats towards Peru, Mexico and the Andes. 

To this day the pyramids of Teotihuacan are known to the Maya as Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, a translation of the 'flying dragon' of the East. Teotihuacan was designed with the same ingenuity and schematic precision as the pyramids of Xian and temple architecture of Indonesia. It is even speculated that some northern indigenous tribes may have possessed some, if not most of the DNA as the Manchu, Inuit for example, as the Peruvian and Chinese relics, scrolls and other written sources suggest. An imperial quest by explorers from China arrived at the shores of Bolivia and Peru, America and other parts of the Pacific coast. 

The voyages of Zheng He reveal how China made contact with a pre-Columbian people and traded porcelain, silk, gold, coins, fruits, calendars and other articles endemic to their respective lands. There is little doubt that the imperial and dynastic rulers of China's various empires had developed intercontinental ties with South American, particularly Incan civilizations, and that the first Peruvian kings were sons of the great Khan Khublai. Thousands of years before these discoveries, yet another transpacific encounter with South America was preceded by the pre-Incan culture of Tiwanaku Bolivia, whose ideas and archaeoastronomy have renowned similarities with early Mayan ideography and beliefs. Certainly early cities with the glory of El Dorado in the Andes had to have been presaged by much older subterranean mining cities such as An, which may have included traders from Shikastan times who went west for the Brazilian gold. Ruins and geoglyphs found in the Atacama desert of Chile are part of the new Albergis city that if confirmed may point to evidence of the South Pole civilization opposite of what is now the Gobi Desert. 
Emperors Tomb in Shaanxi

The pre-Inca carved rocks known as the doorway of Amaru near lake Titicaca was one of the magic stargates assembled around 15,000 BC, it was made to assist in acting as an entrance point or portal between the Canopus-Orion stars of the Southern Sky and the Earth. Kalasasaya in Tiwanaku, Bolivia, is an observatory with an intricate system for keeping celestial time based on the solar-lunar equinoxes and solstices. Orientations of the gates keep track of the markers to reveal the motions of the stars. The pyramids of Tiahuanaco were arranged to work as a large chronological anchor system for Earth's geosynchronous fields relative to the celestial heavens. Consistent accuracy in charting the position of the solar system and stellar conjuncts to Orion was crucial to the Tiwanaku construct's purpose. Instructed by Viracocha, a representative of the diamond-Sun and the god of Orion, these temples portray the evolution of celestial arts in reference to cosmic events that were believed to help the Inca survive through the ages. Kalasasaya observatory was another doorway of the 11:11 Great Central Sun system as revealed by Solara, a doorway which was intended to harness the power and memory of a lost high Andean civilization once inhabited by the Star Ancestors millions of years before man stepped foot on the South American continents. Some of these historical remnants are retold in the Legend of Altazar. 

Puma Punku and Tiahuanaco Stones

Viracocha is a feathered serpent, possibly android-metaloid king who guards the gate of Tiahuanaco, in preparation for the alignment with Canopus in the Argos constellation. When Spaniards arrived on the shores of coastal South America and Mesoamerica, the locals saw them and their ships as the return of the Argos and their own ancestral gods. Quetzalcoatl, and other solar-serpent deities were enshrined to human dignitaries like Pacal Votan who may have been an alien voyager or star man who visited Palenque. Pacal Votan is an incarnation of Viracocha who is the Incan representation of Ra Mu, the hieratic head of Mu shown in the Niven altar inscriptions of Mexico. Being part god and part man, Pacal Votan is a heroic figure who like his Sumerian counterpart Gilgamesh, must go on a journey to the stars in search of the sacred key to immortality. In all cases, the king takes upon himself a noble spiritual quest to attain everlasting life. The journey is the same in Mesoamerican, Sumerian, Chinese, Vedic and ancient Egyptian versions -- his tomb is the edified image of his soul's transition through the doorway to the virtual afterlife -- With the fall of Lemuria, the pre-Incan and Mayan brethren of the post-deluge had made their way on large boats to central and South America over a period of 75,000 and 15,000 years BC. 

As early signals of flooding and eruption made way for the healthiest and most prosperous classes to escape and colonize elsewhere, their fleets were recognized by the native communities as the return of the gods symbolized by the dragon heads carved onto the front of their ships. In places like the Gateway of the Sun in Tiwanaku, Viracocha is seen as a spiritual Guardian of the doorway, as you likewise see in the Chinese Guardian deities of folk myths who were once dragons, lions, dogs and cobras that protected the gates of temples and other public entrances, had later evolved into the mythological wild beast warrior men of China and Tibet. Earth at this time was experiencing major magnetic disturbances sea to sea, and it was evident the poles would again wander with the Celestial Race visiting Earth to regenerate the Emerald Grid and establishing the covenant of Shikasta. Those solar and lunar communities who grew from places like the Gobi Desert Kingdom, Golbekli Teppe, Egypt, Bolivia, Mt, Ararat, Xian and New Zealand all inherited a genetic code expressed in their silicate matrix to remember their roots. Even the deactivated DNA joined to local grids still hold the memory as an unreadable, stratified code as much as the lithosphere contains magnetic records of Earth's past -- bulk memory in DNA is a memory that might express itself in an objectified pattern of unconscious behaviour and can be recognized from dreams. Collectively, the descendants of Shikasta knew preconsciously how to discover their ancestral high civilization's science through divination, astrology, shamanic magic and architecture. 

All these esoteric arts classify as primordial forms of white magic existing in their totality when the Eocene colonies were first established as Shikasta on the Xinjiang island of Tali Mu. The Uighyur, ancient Turks, Armenians, Egyptians and so forth, practiced the well regarded secrets of white magic of the Sun and Moon, stars and Earth meridians known today from places like Avalon and Stonehenge. Indian swamis and the Sufi of central Turkistan-Kazakistan, the Gypsies of Armenia, adhered collectively to various methods of invoking charms and angelic spirits that were originally developed by the nomadic tribes of those root cultures -- a magic that came by way of the Hsien of China, the Senrikyu and Sennin mystical yogins of Japan, the Tibetan Mahasiddhas, Rishis and tantric Taoists of Java -- From the distant heights of that immemorial polar culture, the thawed arboreal desert planes whisper with a resonating tone igniting the flame within the heart of Shikasta's silicate matrix. Above the deep water valley arose the Tibetan plateau whereupon cloudwalkers nested their stupas amongst the grassy plains. 

This canopy of resting spirits and subtle miracles is where the orbital Vimana, Changhuan Chariots, and mysterious airships of China were to land. The Potala Palace is the most renowned architectural attraction of Tibet, a mud-and-brick sky scrapper made by the 5th Dalai Lama that was to become the residence of all his successors. At this location a museum was placed which contained hidden Sanskrit texts with a set of manuals for building spaceships. It may turn out that these Sanskrit documents were a relic translated or left behind from migrating inner-earth people from the Khazakistani-Altai forests, a group of Indo-Europeans who are reported to visit inner-Mongolia and the Tienshan mountains. The ascended masters compiled a library in Lhasa where this group of Indo-Europeans came to reseed the spiritual hierarchy on Earth. A series of machines called Astras were described in great detail in a number of these documents to be piloted by their engineers, who were stamen capable of gliding in these magnificent ships from star to star. 
Jack Kirby, Sky Ship / Vimana 

Vimanas and Alien Air Ships of Antiquity

Translations from the Sanskrit manuscripts state that the original drivers of these interstellar aircraft had traveled from Earth to the Moon. Actual flying replicas of these craft are stored in secret bases under Tibet and Mongolia by an unknown monastic civilization sometimes called Shambhala. Mount Kunlun is the site where there are buried many ancient remnants of this lost civilization, and a gateway to the inner-kingdom which contains a hangar of these flying machines. The Yellow Emperor of China, Huang-Di, was a divine descendent of the first ancestral culture in China who many believe incarnated from the stars in Ursa Major. Hunag-Di was personified with the soul of Mt. Kunlun, or thereby associated with Kunlun and the sky goddess Xi-Wang-Mu who ascended together to the Kunlun area with the flooding of the Chinese Lemuria in the Tarim Sea. 

On the hilltops of Tibet met the azure skies perfumed with wild flowers and clouds edible to Taoist immortals as living vapour bubbles filled with Qi. From these vapour bubbles the Dharmakayas of various incarnated Buddhas were born, including the legendary lotus-gharbha who took the name guru Padmasambhava. Long since the first Martian detonations and nuclear winter there have survived traces of the celestial priesthood that overlooked this paradise. They rose to Tibet and fled east into Korea where we find oral histories that tell of a magical, hermit cult of wizards, alchemists, architects, yogis and astronomers who ever so often visited the regular people of surface communities. From sea ships they made homes in Japan and Taiwan, but millions of years ago they were concentrated in central Asia where Tibet, the Gobi Sea, Mongolia and Kazakistan were a paradise allowing for humans to develop spiritually. Twelve or 13 tribes existed and were distributed to various geographic regions. 

These tribes were representatives of the main linguistic and racial groups that were to be upgraded with new DNA types the experiments integrating human ecologies with the environmental landscape. Before separation of the tribes, hybrid people walked with the Celestial Guardians and Kumara angelic race. An Avian-Guardian class was instructed to maintain the secrecy and security of Shikasta from any invading elements of the so-called nomadic tribes who did not carry on the duties or values of the Sun Kingdom. 

Star gazers derived alchemical recipes from calculating the properties of elements with star charts. Much of their knowledge did not stay in central Asia but moved to Japan, New Zealand and Australia where it evolved from western contacts with German, Dutch and English exported technical wisdom. White magic and hermetic alchemy, as inscribed by Thoth and other incarnations of his archon creed in Asia, educated small new age groups that came to these countries to piece together lost aboriginal teachings. Thus it can be recovered in some factions of the islandic cultures that remains a vital link to the Atlantean Silk Road today. In these countries that had a prior history or belonged to a reincarnated soul cluster originally as part of a Shikasta silicate matrix lineage we find art forms reminiscent of the cultural and ethnic synergy that once converged upon the Silk Road trading routes from China, Mongolia, Kazhakistan, Turkey and Egypt -- this multicultural plethora of spiritual energies recombined with the angel magic, sufism, crystal and sound healing, heliocentrism, lunar calendars and geomancy in the recent age of cultural globalization. 

Those unknown advanced engineers who raised the blocks of the pyramids and many other megalithic structures going back to the ice ages were in possession of an advanced resonance technology that works off magnetism which was mastered long ago by such advisors to great emperors Huang-Di, Ghengis Khan, King Akenaten etc. Many who carried on the tradition of charting the heavens were of an Indo-Slavic ancestry found in upper Persia that survived in underground open shelters like Aghartha and Hyperborea in the north Arctic Circle. Along these inter-terrestrial lines, the new age rediscovery of the very ancient cosmos of Shambhala has its roots in the prehistoric Silk Road that brought together transportation routes from Mongolia to locations like Gobekli Teppe in Turkey. Hence a Silk Road mythos lurks beneath the collective unconscious, cultivating communities of avid star watchers and astrologers to hark back to the days of the solstices and lunar gatherings with an east and westwind awareness of the ageless magic history, a cultural geography that we experience as one whole planet under the Sun and stars. Loss of this astrodimensional connection sequesters human awareness from the Earth, limiting focus upon only what is immediately presented rather than the ether of cosmic firmament that contains the shifting life of all continents, latitudes and planetary effects on the magnetics of the psyche. In addition to the technological, alchemical and astrological methods and magical arts known to them, the celestial offspring of Shikasta held to their own sacred science of the soul and of numbers, a metaphorsical and mathematically system that we find in works of Plotinus and Pythagoras. 

However the polar scientists of antediluvian Mongolia and China had invented a script for encoding numerals and solving arithmetic problems according to which the soul, demiurge, absolute deity and creation are divided, produced, multiplied and combined into elements of spirit and matter. Solutions to these mathematical problems of spiritual nature became part of the writing system, daily life and way of interpreting reality, such that mathematical divination could be used as natural magic for astral travel, opening doorways, vortices, seeing the future and reading subtle plane activity behind physical nature for success in the natural world. In Tibet there are concealed archives and tunnels several levers bellow the solid rock plateau that have been rumoured for well over 150 years to keep in their confines all the long lost secrets of the world civilizations from Atlantis, Mu, and Japan west to Asia Minor and Russia. This would include libraries like the one at Alexandria, books, manuscripts and treasures from Lemuria, Atlantis and the Gobi Desert as well as maps from the ancient sea kings who charted Antarctica, South America and Easter Island centuries before Renaissance cartography was even capable of doing so. Before geoscientsits and paleoclimatologists unearthd the true past sedimentts of the Amazon, proving that it was once an inland ocean flooded by the veins of the amazonian rivers entering in from the Atlantic, archives in Tibetan underground hermitages had maps and pieces of world encyclopedias detailing the missing pieces of our planet's past. 

A great civilization occupied the land of present day Brazil about 25,000 years ago when the basin was filled almost entirely with Atlantic sea water -- Modern day Amazonia is presaturated with carboniferous mud and sedimentary silt from this deluge that is why it is a rich biohabitat for flora, birds, insects, reptiles and equatorial rain forests. If some natives of the submerged greater Antilles islands, called Atlanteans by us, were to have sailed into the Amazon then what remains to be seen from that predeluge metropolis would have been part of the lost world of Atlantis. Late quaternary Earth climate would have provided a temperate zone of possible dwellings for early human settlements in the Amazon basin without the pressure of droughts and cold spells. Crops, including corn and fish from the Amazon rivers made Brazil fertile ground for an empire. 

Recent aerial photographs have spotted the ruins of a coastal Amazonian settlement on the borders of Brazil and Bolivia close to the edge where abouts the Amazon basin would have been inundated with sea flooding. Modern clear cutting has now revealed vegetation under the jungle which has grown in the formation of Nazca-like lines on the Brazil-Bolivia border showing signs of geoglyphs, the irrigation canals from the estuaries of the Amazonian rivers, as well as pottery dating back 2,000 years indicating larger settlements. The civilization that lived in central Brazil from this water quarry at the mouth of the Amazon to Peru and Bolivia were well organized agriculturalists, irrigators of the land and rivers with a knowledge of astronomy, pottery and farming comparable to ancient Egyptian cultivators. Excavations by archaeologists in the Acre region of Brazil confirm at least fragments of a lost Atlantean refugee community at the edge of a previously water-logged Amazon basin. Frequent massive flood waters inundate the Amazon and in the more distant prehistoric past lake Titicaca and the Andes rivers were overflowed from this constraint upon the veins of the lowland valley. 

The Armus Valey, for instance, is a valley on Mars that was carved out, not by water but by lava, long ago. Since then the wind had taken over the volcanic debris and wasted away its top layers into relief veins. Along the right end of the valley a large dune extends somewhat as you might expect in places like the Atacama desert, the eye of the Sahara, and the Gobi Tarim basin, where recurrent volcanic eruptions and sedimentary blasts have shaped the canyons and these other geodynamic fault areas that were subjected under tectonic pressure. 

© Jeremy Jae, 2016-2017

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