Saturday 18 August 2018


Title: "The Roswell Stargate and Opening of MAJIC-12"

Date 11-15-2016 

Humans broke open the forces of matter creating a hole in the atom through its subatomic particles that began the backbone of the standard model of physics. Einstein, Heisenberg, von Neumann and Dr. Oppenheimer revealed in their formulas, new ways of harnessing this atomic energy in destructive but also non-destructive ways. What Earth scientists also uncovered was key to the simulated cosmogenesis of this reality; subatomic nuclear physics and field theory enriched our understanding of the paradox implicit in physical reality but also the possibilities of extra dimensions underlying the space of information and ways stars are formed. What the ambitious atom bomb effected was more than a demonstrable way to wage war and send psychological tremors through the national and international spirit as the unconscious waves of television distort the meaning of the bomb, but this quantum detonation that provisionally was capable of temporarily ripping a thermal hole in space-time as well. Following the first secret tests of nuclear fission reactors inside test shells in the Mojave desert missile range it was obvious that more than radioisotope levels in the soil were rising in bolometers -- a moment of increased space-time curvature above the blast site sent aircraft crashing to the Earth in bombardment with radical atmospheric radiation or so that is what we were told -- What the Atomic Bomb and other thermonuclear energy devices unleashed was the artificial magnitude of a hollowed out section of the ionosphere where it connects lines of force with the magnetic field creating a Stargate. The Stargate accidentally sprung out of the gravitational vortices with open-ended vacuum portals to the solar corona, these phenomena are known in Groom Lake/China Lake discussion forums as 'solar bridges'. Although the government had experience with them before, it did not know they were a meteorological phenomena until around 1946, a year after the first noticeable effects on the ionosphere following the top secret 1943-1945 nuclear tests in the central California desert. It was not until 1946 that the bomb had been perfected to allow for official testing without these thermonuclear detonations destroying parts of the ionosphere. Close to this period, you began seeing UFO reports appearing in newspapers across the country and in July of 1947 a downed UFO was recovered in Roswell, New Mexico. Was this report about a craft carrying alien crew one of the crashed aircraft that had fallen into the atmospheric solar bridge ripped open by the early atomic tests? Roswell was home to the Roswell Army Air Field's 509th Bomb Group, the home of the only strategic heavy bomb test site where the crashed disc was examined and its occupants treated medically. Only 100 miles from this test site are the Trinity and White Sands facilities where the first explosive nuclear tests took place, and previously, the 393ed Bomb Squadron was the companion of 509 at Roswell had dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Operation MAJIC-12 grew out of a more secretive subcommittee centred around the Brookhaven-Sandia lab group and the Bomb Group which eventually settled in Geneva and Beijing. This subcommittee was hosting economic panels in Soviet Berlin during the cold war and brought together nuclear diplomacy from different nations who were seeking answers to the UFO phenomena. Natural folklore records the unstable properties of the Earth's meteorological, atmospheric and geophysical forces that often materialize unfamiliar and supernatural phenomena. Historically this has often accompanied visions of unidentifiable light bursts, lightning storms and gliding horizontal UFOs. The dynamics of nuclear explosions are exposed in the geometric manifold structure of the mushroom cloud that oft reminds us of the shapely and curvilinear bottlenecks of space-time solar bridges connecting to the nuclear activities within the Sun to the electromagnetism of the Earth. Magnetic dipolar fields also have this residual wrap-around effect visible in the mushroom cloud which conforms its dust cloud pattern to the space-time magnetics of the Earth. The same way that very heavy masses like the planet Saturn or the Sun produce dust rings and circular mass ejections, the nukes that the United States tested are well known for their ring clouds that show at the base of the mushroom cloud. A mushroom cloud actually enfolds around this base like hyperbolic mass ejections or a magnetic black hole plasma vortex. In addition to this atmospheric tearing into space and opening Stargates to the Sun, the tectonics of the Earth were also adversely effected by the Sandia-Manhattan tests that were conducted in the central California desert. Portals are the offspring of the heavier nuclear tests and Nazi Germany conducted a number of unsuccessful atomic tests of this calibre before the reversal of the magnetic field of hydrogen was perfected to annihilate local areas of the quantum spatial tensor energy tied to the Earth's geomagnet. Heavy atomic explosions can trigger earthquakes as well as possibly erupt volcanoes and the coastline of California is certainly vulnerable to earthquakes. What China Lake facility had relayed to the Roswell Air Field concerning their early experience with the nuclear tests was that New Mexico was experiencing underground disturbances from sonic particle bursts and magnetosonic waves said to trigger earthquakes -- this radial absorption of subnuclear particles through the ground caused some heavy disturbance in the sensitive tectonic jigsaw of the crust that awoke the attention of extraterrestrials living in subterranean ant farm bases north of Roswell -- Radio frequency distortion resulting from the intensity of nuclear radiation in the atmosphere was believed to be the main cause of the aircraft's loss of navigational control and downing of the saucer. Space-time and Stargate mechanics were later added to these radionics theories as more precise knowledge on nuclear physics and relativity theory helped to explain the incident. The Hopi Indians of New Mexico knew of these extraterrestrials whom they called 'Ant People' and they have been living in these bellow ground ant farm cities for centuries. They were gradually forced out of their hiding by the effects of human activity upon the surface, however the Hopi had recollection of their existence and even recognized seeing remnants of the alien hieroglyphic code discovered by Roswell witnesses including J. Marcel. Elders of a Hopi native community could distinguish parts of the alien wreckage  containing the hieroglyph as being related to first nations semiotic structures. Pieces of the wreckage were taken to Los Alamos for further testing although much the chain of events are blurred by different accounts. Los Alamos Labs were confident in reproducing parts of the alien craft as well as attempting to understand how the nuclear tests could effect the tectonic stability of the region. From what the Hopi people told the government working with Los Alamos translators was that the language on the wreckage belonged to their ancestors long ago who came from the north, and still live in an ant farm community in the mountains. They called these creatures Ant People because it described their stature, facial features and hive-like colonization of underground caverns in the desert. Whenever they would journey to the surface, the Ant People arrived always in droves, their eyes appearing dark from having never used them in the sunlight, and their bodies outer surface was clammy and tinged the pale grey of an iguana as a result of the dark, cold tunnels underground being with our any natural light. Los Alamos researchers, trying to reconstruct what the Hopi claim and Roswell eyewitnesses claim, tended to the theory that the Ant People were a cold-blooded Sauroid-Reptillian species that had developed albinism from millennia of isolation. An inner-earth civilization was also purported to exist with areas proximal to the surface that comprise living colonies of these creatures near or between mountain ridges. All these species seem to prefer landmasses where high levels of geomagnetism, or paeleomagnetic anomalies, have been documented. This is common in places near the Mariana's trench, including parts of the Philippine islands that share a circumference of the field actively interacting due to the rocks paeleomagnetic features on some of the islands. It is believed to be a common occurrence near the 27th parallel and the 33rd parallel which fits within Roswell and Mexico.      

Area 51, Groom Lake Nevada -- UFO Emerging from Ancient Lake

Title: "The Majestic Group and its Predecessor the Top Secret Bomb Group"

Date 11-20-2016

MJ-12's immediate precursor was the secret bomb group and the National Security Council that managed the payload of US top secret intelligence. Overseas Majestic research committees formed in the years right after the MJ-12 Security protocols were issued such that America's National Security and management board became a wing of the scientific and technological development programs taking shape in places like Geneva, Soviet-Berlin, London, Ottawa, Shanghai and Tokyo. Special Access programs designed under the guidance of the Majestic Group prioritized a secret investigative committee to study UFOs and other paranormal or occult phenomena. To decipher and gain knowledge, to establish a solid bearing on what these phenomena are, where they originate and their relation to humanity, are all questions that Majesty and its overseas partners attempt to answer, and to those ends it secured private government funds, intelligence gathering, technology and cover for foreign agents like German scientists under programs like Operation Paperclip. Hiring psychics, mediums, ufologists, nuclear physicists, paranormal and occult professionals were all part of the government's plan to learn more about the visitors and their origins, purpose etc. Groups like the Trilateral Commission held powerful roles at many of these international forums, as did he Geneva Convention on nuclear treaties, Helsinki and the Foreign Management Council that was created to unify the economic and scientific priorities of Basel, Berlin, Heidelberg, Beijing and Shanghai -- China's global intelligence agency in the postwar movement was grown from the Swiss-German interface with Beijing to address all aspects of not only UFOs but anomalous activities related to the unknown forces of nature unleashed by atomic energy, esp., the nuclear and hydrogen bombs -- Global meetings were rooted in 1934 negotiations and international banking with Chinese private industry, holdings companies, banks, bond markets and the Swiss financial institutions that merged later into the Bank of International Settlements after the war. Beijing had strong investments in both the Reichsmark and the Pound in Deutsche Bank, prior to joining the CFR-BIS group to allocate funding to research into nuclear power, hydroelectricity and to prevent a Chinese dollar decline should Germany win or lose the war with the British allies. Although much of this geopolitical conflict was a military cover for the roundtable groups to exchange ET technology, Britain and Germany for example, or the US with its Paperclip project with the Nazis. By 1954 this exchange and interface of global intelligence became the core of the Majestic Group that more rapidly than any other paced towards future exemplarism around the ET technological quest. This too was when the so-called "Above Top Secret" classification was instituted for Majestic eyes-only documentations that usually handled UFO briefing reports, nuclear exchange programs, demilitarization and economic-social planning for long-term resource development -- China's adoption of Marxist materialism and communist-nationalist philosophy under the Mao regime was intended to conceal the long-term population and resource management of Chinas investments towards an independent Chinese republic free from the modernization of domestic and organized governments competitively engaged or reliant upon the US and other constituent industrial powers. Great Britain among other of New York's global elite helped the energy board and joined to China's monetary fund with a bilateral agreement to share internal espionage secrets, industrial secrets relevant to state security and preservatory measures to uphold stable economic power relations across the board. Universities in Britain, Germany and Switzerland, national labs like Los Alamos, Brookhaven, Sandia, Lawrence Livermore, Oakridge and Fermi labs were committed to learning as much as possible about matter and atomic energy physics. Progress in this unfolding of physics and technology came from critical leaps provided by obscure sources, sometimes unknown inferences gained by following the footsteps of a breakaway civilization. Prominently positioned among the breakaway civilizations we have strong leeds would have existed at the time of the war are those related to the old Prussian Empire (or the German-Austro-Hungarian Empire) that included Denmark and parts of the Swiss Alps at the time of the reign of Frederick the Great up until Bismarck -- a breakaway civilization that went into subterranean hiding with the founding of united Germany -- That empire still remains relatively intact and culturally unchanged since the middle 1700s, which can be said for most of the deeper Aghartta settlements, that extend from Italy and the Balkans north to Greenland, the Baltic Sea and Arctic basins. With the advent of CERN in the 1980s, many nomadic inner-earth communities have reemerged from the forests of Germany and tunnels of the Alps along with unnumbered UFO sightings of orbs, tildes, saucers, tridents and flying rings. Some have speculated that before the defeat of the Nazi's, Hitler had constructed a network of tunnels for hiding and remained hidden until escaping to Argentina; however even the true elements of this urban legend only support further the fact that super clandestine sections of the German territory were being mined, outfitted and colonized for villagers and metropolitan buildings long before the death of the Kaiser and the richter of Germany, Adolf Hitler, became its chancellor. Physicists and rocket engineers like Werner von Braun had been supplied rough knowledge from contactees who were in the know regarding the Prussians, Hyperboreans and Croate breakaway Templars. Control of Earth's portal system and energetic timelines were an affair too complex to minimize with a few paraphrases but the interface maintained by Beijing and the European principalities that are now concealed under the provisions of the LHC community at CERN with its global monitors online, are still the respective heirs of the Majestic Group to handle mankind's nonterrestrial intelligence in managing nuclear reactors. During the Eisenhower and later JFK years, stacks of reports on UFOs were sent to Geneva for analysis and both countries participated in an academic filing program to compare what Chinese officials had regarding UFOs and supernatural phenomena. Deeper into the report the panel explored the possibilities of unnatural events that might have produced the big bang. Supplementing such a profound question, the Majesty-13 and Nova-8 committees decided to enrich astronomy with an initiative for more powerful observatories and radio surveys of the galaxy. 

Title: "Majestic-13 Subcommittee and Nuclear Bomb Study Group Conducts Search for the Atma and Dark Matter in the Vedic Cosmology of Hindu Texts"

Date 11-21-2016

Eastern cosmology from books like the Bhagavatam, the Vedas, Puranas, the extant texts from ancient China, India, Tibet, Japan, Indonesia and the works of Pseudo-Dionysius, established a premise for relating to our Origins and to the Flying Saucers which they called Vimana. According to the ancient texts, the universe and all life were sprung from the cosmic interactions of various archetypal figures, mind, subtle energy, matter (prakrti) and intelligence (Manas) -- all condensed at a higher dimensional frequency -- Vimana were prime expressions of this condensation which the Elysium concert of gods had found as a means of entering our world -- Nagas were placed to guide mankind and act as custodians of human spiritual and intellectual evolution in harmony with endocrine functions of the encased consciousness-body. The human brain was said to be a processor and not an organ, governed by principles of neuroplastic polymers and due to the decay of neutral protons in this dimension, the brain adheres to a biological matrix of finite genetic functions but in palaeolithic times it was stellar matter that ordered itself into a network of photoelectron connections capable of unifying clouds of electrical plasma as thought waves, exciton transmittance etc. Cybernauts exploring the frontiers of neuroscience, VR, astral projection and astrophysics concluded that a majority of sightings involving extraterrestrial spacecraft are caused often by the release of electrical plasmons in the brain at moments of neuro-electric band resonance. This does more than elicit hallucinatory effects, it allows the brain to tear into small bits of hyperspace and receive signals of input from the other dimension. They found that vagus nerve stimulation could even induce electrical signals that release trapped electron charges in the brain to bind at the plasmon frequency. Cybernauts used this plasmon biological resonance to travel via 4D astral star gates. The hidden laws of karma and reincarnation are educated to an Atmic-consciousness through the Cosmic Monitor that is in communication with your cerebral cortex from a prenatal intelligence to a foetus and its later stages of development. Only advanced incarnations and gods are fully aware of the inner monitor because it is the virtual linkup from your physical brain's polymeric spin system or 'dendrimer syntax' to the Naga Cocreative Display that is cross-localized both on Earth and on other time zones such as Lemuria or Mars. Bodily extensions in the form of neuromorphic projections on polymeric spin modules give the life-force the opportunity for multiple, simultaneous incarnations with a primary flux of awareness in one body such that when you dream your subconscious is partially convergent to your separate extensions -- Fourier interpretations of the other lives enter present space perception so that they are not confused with past lives which may be in the here and now or stored for immediate random access -- Holotropic breathwork, yoga, dream therapy hypnosis and past-life regression are effective ways of developing consciousness of these parallel incarnation states. Since all is predicated on the quantum laws of 'states' our physical-energetic states change and so does out karmic condition in both mind (Mana) and Manovijnana (mentally conditioned state of consciousness). Reincarnation is done through the virtual substrate of the Naga computer, the Cosmic Monitor which programs all your living functions and convergence of the Atma with this mainframe allows some like the yogins to control physiological functions with pure intentionality. Advanced souls were able to use this ability to linkup with the Naga computer and change timelines or even open energy envelopes (virtual star gates) in this temporal realm. Arcturus and Mizar for example were two space-time sections in your local universe that were recently accessed to advance the soul clusters on earth as the planet began the transitions of the 1950s into the 1960s. This time period overlapped different segments of the unitemporal fabric so that by 1976 there would be future shockwaves returning when collective awareness of UFOs expanded to a global phenomena. Under the oceans of Ceylon there are places where the Naga of Mizar have dwelled for thousands of years in topographical arrangement to the interface that connects the portals in the Polynesian islands, Java and the submerged coasts of Lemuria that included parts of Cambodia and Thailand. 

Title: "The Kunlun Experiments"

Date 11-21-2016

Operation Kunlun was set up to coordinate teleportation of astronaut-cybernaut space-time explorers between two star gate screening zones: One near the Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara, home of the Elysium Project, and the other at a set location in the Himalayas. NASA had some prior knowledge of the astronauts trained for this mission but the full details of their destiny was being co-managed by a more top secret subprogram that NASA and Sun Microsystems were in a joint funding agreement with to compile research into telepathy being generated at Stanford University. The Stanford Research Institute was instrumental in bringing NASA's attention to the areas of human psychic ability when the agency had learned of the success of Ingo Swann's remote viewing on planet Mars and Jupiter. Technology for the experiments had been transported from the Palo Alto Research Center to Vandenberg's dormatory, the sleep quarters where astronauts stay before leaving Earth for space. Palo Alto completed a workstation to be used on the Air Base for tasks like satellite tracking and radial monitoring but the systems they designed were originally intended for establishing wireless internets. Sun Microsystems was exploring the possibilities of quantum communication by 1982 in the advent of the Bell test success which prompted funding by DARPA to copy Alain Aspect's photon polarizers using neutrinos and liquid crystals instead to bridge the communication viz atomic cascades -- Solar emissions of neutrinos entering a liquid crystal surface rather than liquid scintillator medium, are detected with a pair producing loophole expansion --  Following the works of Diophantus, Pythagoras and Ouspensky's New Model of the Universe, the organized group's in charge of the incidence zone calibrated a transition of locations using the science of time dilation and the hyper-octaves. Octaves were the subtle gradients between dimensions; just like the energy levels of different atoms that give us the elements and electron's orbital frequencies. They said that the electrodynamic frequencies within the nervous system move through different octaves when we sleep, incarnate or transition through new Consciousness Time Zones. Planet Earth went through such a transition when the octaves were in rapid flux from the late 1950s up until the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and has been in constant modulation ever since. Numerological teachings derived from Pythagoras express this energetic flux as it relates to the planetary Schumann resonance and other processes influencing the collective unconscious in the Naga computer. 

Astral projection across this tunnelling zone led to a conscious bilocation of our empirical bodies, and of time particles, through the Bridge Zone construct that consisted of a wall of liquid crystal panels suspended in empty air over a hydroelectric station with a topographical wavelength of orographic energy vortices on both ends. Each of the liquid crystal panels was a towering feet to supply the station with real time monitoring and translocation of our bodily states. On each display a stream of neutrinos were to be captured in the soliton wave bombardments within the liquid crystal's smectic field. This "neutrino smectic field" could produce invariant transformations of physical bodies, like a black hole, except your atoms would flip in all their chiral spin states and reconfigure their exact initial states upon exit and return inside the invariant loophole. Rather than the loophole collapsing the experiment, it compactifies on the soliton wave and produces a covariant "loop-quantum gravity" effect with wormhole-like entanglement of the nematic phase to its smectic field. The nematic state of the liquid holds together the soliton-neutrino bubble, or wave capsulation around the the antineutrino, before returning to a plane wave configuration in the smectic field. This occurs as a reaction to certain temperature adjustments applied to the liquid crystal from a coupled electric pulse. As strange as it sounds, this was how the Kings of the Vimana were doing it thousands of years before air flight was figured out. You have to understand that whenever you bend space and time using an energy device like a Vimana there is a profuse amount of smokey fog that is going to be released from the vacuum. Physicists call this Bose-Einstein condensates. Anyways, the Operation Kunlun travelers were not ready to just leap into the cold, gas-filled vacuum and have all their atoms reversed and recombined. But they did, and it was a wonderful experience because they all got to die virtually and come back knowing they had seen death and lived to tell about it. Hence their fears of dying were gone for good.   

Title: "Psychic Spies From Venus and Mars"

Date 06-7-2017

Psychic knowledge about Venus and Mars was established in the 1950s under Majestic and Ultra top secret permissions administered with the assistance of the U.S. defence department that later created the Advanced Research Projects Agency in wake of learning about the extent of UFO capabilities to potentially dominate the solar system. Many years later the defence department would start funding technological research for a fast track investigation of Venus and Mars after learning that some documentation about Starseeds and visitors among the human population were probably true stories. Probes were privately launched on behalf of the DoD in order to obtain surface and chemical compositions specs for Venus and Mars that came back with more surprising evidence of ancient settlements there by around 1975 quickly changing our perception of the universe and solar system. Because the US defence community and the Soviets were into exploiting the military potential of psychic abilities, it was natural for them to collaborate on space projects once it had been established that a larger existential threat from extraterrestrials could be possible. Sojourns to Venus were becoming more central in the minds of the DoD's Deep Background investigations into foreign technology and engagement -- corporations funding this endeavour came from various chemical companies, biopharmaceutics, nuclear power stations, environmental agencies and biomedical technologies looking for novel resources from planetary debris to be used in such things as surfactants and condensed polymers -- not only the aerospace and aerodefence establishment but consumer products management groups united by freemasonry secretly helped finance the private panel to venture into space looking for artifacts belonging to the colonies of Venus and Mars. 

Atomic Clock Ranges the Impact of Relativity on Astronautic Orbiters

At the pinnacle of this movement were the hermetic societies of the Golden Dawn and Illuminati who were at the time considered western variations of the theosophical and Vedic teachings which professed a connection between the sensory manifold of life and the higher mental plane that unifies stellar and planetary cosmologies. All this intense psychic and space research went on as the seeds of war were being planted in the former Yugoslavia and the American CIA were sending spies abroad to conduct psychic and stealth intelligence gathering of foreign leaders, militias and popular uprisings.  Going back to the 1950s, the US Department of Defence has investigated such topics as futurism, psychic dreaming, entheogens, terraforming, extrasolar life, virtual reality, time travel, UFOs, biotechnology, AI and robotics. Outside the official government classifications and channels there are special access groups conducting field work without the oversight of official government business, and compiling from this, international and global secrets which allocate private funds and defence resources particularly technology to the cause. Many of these global secrets were shared with Hollywood movie makers and film writers, novelists and science fiction insiders working with NASA including Steven Spielberg, Stanley Kubric, Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke. Classified projects like Majestic-12 and Aurora Programs, the Secret Space navy sector looked far and wide into remote viewing and VR for ideas and concepts, these are just a few of the topics discussed for the later age film genres of Robert Heinlein, Philip K. Dick, H.G. Welles, Carl Sagan, J Allen Heinek, and others. Movies in the sci-fi picture industry like A.I. or Minority Report were said to be inspired by secret corporate and naval space program data that were disclosed to the private sector in the 1980s. 

There Were Attempts to Communicate With Venusians and Human-Venusian Representatives to Their Empire 

Title: "The Other Dimension Was Not Just Another Dimension!"

Date 06-7-2017

The other dimension was not just another dimension!, it was hell, and the creatures came to bring it back. Initially, the teleportation experiments were amazing to observe, from the surface-ware we had created a new science and could see with the drug trip the shock of the long-term effects. Combined with computer reality it was possible to show the changes in the physics of space and time. Ketamine was a drug naturally suited for Virtual Reality but we would not find out about this fact until reaching the height of our mission that ended in the creation of a physical wormhole. From the initial report, we are told that the ability to punctuate the computer reality was an effect of the mind's power over the interaction space and the real time feedback it produces via the nervous system. The Nazi's were among the first to try this using electrodes and encephalographic augmentations that was part of the schematic for the machine used at the base only their instruments were most effective at stimulating the vagus nerve and controlling the parts of the brain that could feed hallucinations and other stimuli responses. At the frontiers of this research was the recording of a physical K-hole at the site of one the joint installations first advocated at Brookhaven and supervened under DARPA's black budget group chairmanned by top Brookhaven PhD contractors. 

We started sending teams in about once every two days to traverse the boundaries of the virtual K-hole. The teams were reporting lots of weird experiences -- one of the most significant symptoms of the flesh interface operating the portal system was the slow, inverse putrefaction of the living to a state known as the "jellium" -- decay of protons in this state heightens the plasma frequency in cells and was said to be responsible for a condition that brings on the rapid homogenization of nuclear DNA causing its functions to spin out of control. As an immediate effect, the human body loses all its osteocyte mass, collagen and solid intracellular composition is rapidly converted to a jellylike monoclonal substance. With it, the evaporation of red blood cells into tissue cell walls turns the body and flesh a pink or maroonish color. This is why you see many powerful people who have changed to a permanent sunburn condition, often times they are not just attending secret rituals and orgies but are exposing themselves to the power of this plasma wave which the Nazi's first tested in too high a concentration with their spinning bell time distortion field. In real finalized time-control fields this effect is lessened to such an extent that a human can safely pass through it without much as a sunburn and it will enhance their orgone and other 'reptilian' psychic intelligence factors. Although rarely discussed, high ranking officials and members of these secret organizations have frequently visited underground accommodations featuring private Montauk chair systems that give them an immediate recharge of coherency and vital energy so they can continue their complex tasks or remain in power. Those who were victims of the closing portal intervals had their torsos, limbs or heads sliced laterally, in some cases there was a sealing of wounds from the hot plasma emissions that surround the portal's linear edges. Portal edges are not diffuse but hard-lined surfaces that can be explained using Feynman fields of electrons in a density map. Visions of the crucifixion, of the Virgin Mary or Fatima were presented in the guise of a hologram that one could interact with at a far distance. Those present who had not taken the Ketamine came under the spell of nausea, vomiting and intense hallucination when close to the incidence zone. No LSD or other drugs had been administered at the time to induce the visions that engineers and visiting personnel were experiencing.  

Title: "Cybernetic Integration and the Custodians of Time"

Date 08-19-2016

The advent of electronic data networks for purposes of espionage and counter intelligence were consistent with war time efforts to maneuver about a target, deterring nationwide prospects of economic control and utilizing information as a weapon. Cybernetics designates a multidisciplinary field of study that generalizes communication and information processing in machines to encompass neurological, speech, motor and social activity in man and in other living organisms, and, indeed all organized systems of physical nature that can be described mathematically. To the cybernetic philosopher man is already an augmenetation in the sense of being a cybernetic analog of a primate that can write, calculate and invent machines based on the same logical circumscriptions, social vectors, computing hardware and other foundations of intelligent organization. Like the genetic code, the learning brain is also read-write friendly and stores imprints of empirical knowledge and behaviour in its memory. This is, at least to a relative point, in agreement with the theory of representational cognition and the nonlocal theory of embodiment, a direct reflection of human sign systems and semiotic intelligence which on the surface makes technological invention possible in early man up to the machine age. Integration is a program term that was in use by the Illuminati Black Op’s set to be the accomplished state of physical, mental, spiritual, psychometric, neuropsychological and cybernetic understanding attained within the new dimensions and cultural environments presented in a specific reality training program or system of existential adaptation. This class of new experiences goes well beyond new age and religious multiculturalism and applies all the tools of psychophysical and consciousness expansion with remote viewing, data recognizance, aviation, simulated combat, psychic investigation, precognition, experimental telepathy, neurolinguistic programming, psychoanalysis, Zen Buddhism, genetic engineering, pharmacogenetics, thinking machines, autonomous robots, super soldiers, psychedelic drugs, experimental pharmacology, the science of yoga, tantra, sex magic, virtual reality and computer simulated life. Many military intelligence contractors, international medical professionals, and trained hypnotists were placed on the board with teams of retinues who were to be subjects in private sessions of various think-tank offices. Beyond the immediate effects of mind-altering drugs were their genetic and neurogenerative potentials for growth and repair of cross-wired states and removal of negative imprints. Among the things that Nigromontanus had taught me was the certain existence among us of a select group of men who have long withdrawn from the libraries and from the dust of the public arena, who are at work in the innermost spaces, in the obscurest of Tibets. He spoke of men who sit alone in nocturnal rooms, immobile as the rock through whose hollows that current flashes, which keeps all the mill-wheels and hordes of machines running in the outside world -- but here it is liberated from all purpose and captured by hearts, which as the hot, trembling cradles of all forces and powers, having withdrawn forever from the outer light -- in total quietude these emissaries ponder without thought on the subtle realm that manifests the virtual making of the event, waging the time that gives way to history, and daily aware of the Elusion that shapes life in Interface. There really are dark agents, time lords if you will, who enforce the thought and projective future in this time matrix. These are reminiscences of the agents in the Matrix, the albinos in Omega Man, the men in black of Dark City, Dr. Who's Time Lords, Logan’s Run's Archons and Phantasm's Tallman who sleep by day and live by night. The Custodians of Time thrive like Vampires of the systemic control program intimately connected to Saturn that operates on Earth's lower astral plane and lower mental plane that are visible on Phantom Earth when remote viewers who have past the Elusion stage of integration hit a jamming frequency. Together they make up an astrological brotherhood of the Saturn, Moon and Mars collective keeping the ice age epoch of the Saturn polar configuration strong through the ages. 

"Dark City" and Dark Archons  

The corporate-banking oligarchs of the US Secret Government, along with other shadowy elements, were centred around this Saturn Death Cult into a collective that appeared in the late 19th century as artists of propaganda who later organized into the dominant class inspired by the ideology of Allen Dulles. Many in this group had influential positions in masonic organizations, in the US Congress, in American Catholic organizations and the former OSS of the CIA. Thus as a hidden hand of Saturn specifically, they are not to be confused with the very wise Lemurian Archons of Lyraen-Mizarian psychohistory who commune with the noosphere Mana-intelligence or are part of its subtle matrix; those introverted world souls of Lemurian nostalgia that dwell in Hyperborean paleomagnetic folds of time. Negative Dark Archons are trapped spiritual entities who keep repeating or incarnating programmed existences on Earth’s past timelines that thrive half-consciously in the present while upholding a degree of modern consciousness that bolsters their densely aberrant power into the collective vibratory grid thus empowering through facile systems a meme crowd-mind infection that patterns low contextual sensibility. With the help of the nationalist movement, socialism and advertising agencies this Saturn collective once was very powerful in America. Because of Americas primitive status regarding sociohistorical conditions, education and the nature of revolution itself, the eclecticism and materialism of this pleistocene ice age cult was very successful amidst Americas esoteric power structure during the later half of the 19th and mid 20th century.            
     The elated technical optimism which dominated our leading minds; with the technocrats of the postwar boom, technology took a new turn towards reimagining the family, the metropolitan area and the art of consumption that was superseded and informed by the advent of cybernetics -- the discipline of cybernetics redefined American postwar technocracy -- with the age old magicians dream of being able to change the world by thought alone seemed almost to have come true. Everything, devised, contributed, and mass-produced to everything else in the name of maximum stability and survivability. The great powers then were the financeers of the war, the plutocrats and denizens of technology and the culture industry who put their trust in the national interest of greatest expenditure and growth towards the amassing of a new imperialism under the security state’s confidence in the limitless progress, data collection and accumulation of information. The panorama of pictures escapes me, the haunting memories of all those forgotten citizens logged in the databanks of the security machine as mere units of productive force to its cybernetic gears; to consume, produce en masse, and metabolize energy for an economic rundown process towards total collective entropy is the mathematical resultant of populist-capitalist organization. As with all war, some unaccounted topography of the mental geography is extruded, cindered, detonated or simply erased with the landfills and cold torments of its casualties. A dissonant Utopian future based on biotechnology and info-technocracy, of the war-stricken global state, a world called Catastrophe, lives inside your newly wired brain, crazy road kill machine of postwar reconstruction from the Pearl Harbour malicious drive-thru Gestapo-operetta transfigured into this paraphernalia joke train hypnotic phantasmagoria.  

Title: "Martian Orbs and the Magic of Ho Chi Minh"

Date 8-19-2016

Of prime importance was the Mars simulator and Martian-Lunar crystal pylon network. This existed essentially as an installation of remote satellites all routed to communicate through scalaric pulses detectable to human neurocognition. A series of exact sequence tests or pulses harmonized within the EPR electrophysiological response range of the dream state. This was to give the impression of being on Mars, close to one of these cybernaut colonies. Remote viewers have peered through many of these portals and have had to eliminate the static which these pylon EPRs have produced by focusing outside the local solar bandwidth, that is, going just beyond the nooosphere (ionosphere). Such a feet could only be accomplished with remote viewing and esp. when the height of the equinoxes were observable at the equator of Earth. When you see some of these plasma balls, im talking now about the small orblike objects that hover close to the ionosphere and are visible to pilots; you’re really looking at a corpuscle of energy interacting with the high altitude chemicals and magnetic field. When a soul’s neurodynamic electron-field abandons the physical shell, if it is naturally maintained through dynamic entelechy, then its rigid trajectories will send it floating immediately to the magnetosphere boundary and sometimes there is a hypercharged release of photons and orbs are sighted. This is not always the case and I know of many orbs created for military secret op’s that are the result of Plasmon particle beams and other instrumentation used for crop circle formation. On Mars you have a civilization of these orbs except they’re mostly invisible due to the lack of oxygen that was once filled with ions colliding with the sulfuric hot springs. By virtue of the chemical combinations present in early Martian hot springs the orbs were a product of the gases and life-supporting molecules that allowed them to float along the low gravity surface during Mars' epoch of decline. Radiation from Xenon traces left behind also altered these stereoscopic chemical events. This is an aspect of the secret science that is not taught on Earth which details the alchemical mechanics of the mind-soul, physical corpuscle and past-future chronologies of the hologram. 

The ontogeny of subtle, electrical sprites and nebulae on other planets such as Mars have commonalities with classes of life evolved on Earth for which biological science has no record in the 3-dimensional physical envelope. On Earth’s present timeline there has been a legacy about which you have not been properly educated regarding the secret organization or part of an unofficial and clandestine government that operates behind the scenes, has timeless knowledge of history and cybernetic science, is conversant in many geographic and masonic-alchemical arts, free-energy technologies and space-time travel beyond your present capability. Before there ever was such a thing as an Apollo Mission or a Mars Reconnaissance program, the Illuminati constructed tunnel systems on the Moon and on Mars as well -- there were not only Jump Rooms to Mars but extraplanetary visitors, time travellers if you will, that came to be known as Voyagers, renegade starseed groups of the galactic supersecret space program taking residence on Earth. There was a wave of such children being born in response to events surrounding WWII and the arms race nuclear buildup and final treaty. An influx of Voyagers arrived in response to the mass awakening from Vietnam and Cambodia where these portals were located deep in the foothills of Ho Chi Minh, Hinoi and other areas taken hold by the CIA, special forces and transnational armies. Militarized special units of CIA Black Ops soldiers and other personnel were sent in with the barrage of US troops some of them working for the early Transatlantic Pyramid organization seeking to create and control these geomagnetic-solar bridges. 

Then there was the Virtual Projections that sent your soul through the brain-computer interface using a VR module. Early VR graphics image manipulation started in the late 1970s with national defence research focused on supercomputers and the Beta Spline technique filtered through the special projects division of the CIA.  From around 1983, fully immersive technologies based on splines could by run on some of the non-commercial supercomputers, and a new software mathematics that was used in the top secret Virtual Reality experiments conducted by DARPA in the early 80s as part of the Montauk-Pegasus projects in cognitive time-travel. The VR systems effects on the subjects consciousness during physical submersion in a virtual computer sensory interface were greatly enhanced by administering the drug Ketamine to volunteer military personnel. Initially, the Virtual Reality simulations were designed for particle physics research, especially in areas where predicting the collisions and traces of k-mesons, detecting neutrino emissions, neutron scattering and the like are important. Development in this application of VR was again followed up by Brookhaven National Labs and Los Alamos labs with some exploring its use out at Stanford for the linear accelerator.  

Title: "Montauk II: Virtual Ketamine Interfaces"

Date: 08-28-2013

The 1973-1983 Montauk project and 1983-2013 Montauk II project that was taken over by DARPA in 1983 as part of the new Project Pegasus on time travel, chronovision and teleportation with Air Force Special Operations Command, Central Command and the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency during the 1970s and 80s. In late 1982 and early 1983 DARPA created a classified defence subproject under Project Pegasus Research to investigate the physical effects of virtual reality. These experiments were assisted by the use of classified connection machines to increase the speed of 3D computer graphics that were available at the time for navigational simulation VR. Military personnel at numerous locations, particularly on the East coast, took part in controlled experiments to test virtual reality technologies. Earlier tests in the 1970s on time travel may have been augmented by administering dissociative anaesthetics, substances such as Ketamine, that cause sensory awareness to separate from physical stimuli. When one is submerged in a virtual reality environment the experience of reality becomes more convincing if the consciousness of the test subject is altered to accept incoming stimuli as emanating from the disassociated space of the conscious will or volition. Ketamine made it possible for trainees to experience a 80-100% degree of reality conviction instead of the 40-50% limitation without the drug. Combining the two modalities, virtual reality with Ketamine, provided a psychological-neurological bridge between the phenomenon of the mind and the physical states within the brain. The nervous system interprets the virtual interaction in the computer graphics world as if it were more than a simulation and the mind interprets this as a grade of reality above that of hallucinations i.e., when low-medium amounts still allow a level of mental distinction to be made and hallucination has not taken over.  This can only occur when the subject is still fully conscious while engaging in the virtual environment.  During these experiments the use of Ketamine provided the time traveler experiences and the physical "bending" of physical space-time because of this augmentation of the mental and the physical or neural reality. The "Montauk chair" and "chronovision" were two types of virtual reality advanced equipment that also used virtual reality, holographic video recording, psychedelics and of course electromagnetic and chaotic plasma science. Many unexpected events occurred; physical portals in time were opened, personnel vanished or blended with physical-plasma objects that had been generated inside rotating cylinders as well as illusory effects from complex holograms recorded in 3D. A user could project themselves into a past or future time or view a past or future event. Some strange events took place when recordings made of human subjects on holographic films had recorded "ghosts" or "phantom people" who were not the subjects recorded. Thus there was the notion of virtual and holographic entities. The narrative of this report was meant to illustrate a series of super classified experiments conducted by the U.S. government. Some of these experimental technologies and research continue to evolve. Knowledge of the events and semi-fictional accounts of private military experiments and culture, their effects in publical society etc., are not hitherto understood or documented. Professional researcher Andrew Basiago has discussed a lot of the technical and historical details of his experience working on Project Pegasus during the late-60s and early 70s. Further information that I will present can be correlated to his experience. 

Title: "Neuropsychological Studies of Zen and the Astral Portals in Vietnam"

Date 08-20-2016

In 1993 I read documentation detailing the use of mind control by the transnational civic intelligence boards on Vietcong army prisons where US army veterans and soldiers were forced to overcome their thresholds of tolerance and go into a mindless trance in order to combat the mental torture they were exposed to. This was something never done before even by the CIA and military trained army intelligence teams. What this new super stealth mind control does is it isolates the primal power of the conscious will by removing all its potential directedness to external objects of both thought and physical perception. Thus, the brain turns inward to its own hardware, the Ego is killed, effectively depersonalized, and the basal human primate emerges as the ultimate neurological singularity for focusing pure energy emissions into the immediate surroundings which therby may effect information systems, other human minds, and magnetogrativational fields. Harnessing this physiomental energy was accomplished under extreme conditions of sensory disengagement and bombardment with program-controlled communicational stimuli during periods of physical isolation. By a disengagement of the Mind-Spirit from the body, the central nervous system was trained to activate its primary will and control its autonomic responses by conscious manneuvering - A total Tao-Zen demodulation of the normal thresholds a combatant is expected to encounter opens up to greater perceptual qualities and reflexes to immediate stimuli. You become, or more exactly, you return, instantly to your mission state prior to embodiment in this particular lifetime. Remembering is not quite the same as retrieval of one’s original identity so im not sure memory is the right way to describe it. The bodily habits and personality imprints are always supposedly active and disengaged from the functional memory associations and the brainwaves enter a metastable Alpha-Theta-Gamma cosine-sigmoid state. Prisoners described their consciousness separating from their physical sense of self but retaining the recognition of being who they were when their life first began; that is a sense of organic memory and self-identity which is successively replaced with associated physical memories of the developed brain and cognition hinged to its environmental interpretations of personal experiences. A burst of energy escapes through the top of the head, exiting a porous receptacle or thin film conductor window with the pure consciousness tunnelling into plasma arc or electrical channels of virtual light and contour. These distributed networks of energy appear to extend over the surface of Earth like a light grid generated in computer games. They say that NASA knows of the reality of this aperture at the top of the head where the soul enters and exists because according to them the human communication system is the same in dolphins who also breathe and shoot water through the hole at the top of their head. Not all mammals possess one of these circular conductors at the top of the head since their light bodies are in such a primitive state but it is present in dolphins and in humans who have evolutionary programming links to Sirius. From here it was easy to regain all life memories, visit distant points on the planet or to access knowledge from the shamanic realm about mythological powers, some of them older than Earth itself, that influence the events here. In this context it became necessary to evolve certain techniques aimed at assuring that combatants could transcend physical boundaries overriding the fight or flight responses with a submission already to being dead; these were men who had reached extinction of their vital impulse and psychological mechanisms to live (they were the living dead with commando style skills kept intact). Occupants in the ambush program near Hanoi province had been given precise coordinates for bombardment with an energy portal and were expected to endure a total mind-body reconstitution when disassembled so that all matter, consciousness and energy states reaching to Nirodha Samapatti terminate as the cessation of sensation and conceptual cognizance. The VA artillery had exceeded the expected demands for medical research. It was clear already by 1967 that money was being funnelled from sources other than the US army operations and that US transnational corporate enterprising had been going on in Cambodia. 

Rumours of cannibalism in Cambodia and Thailand were in fact alien sacrifices to the Nagas of Mizar and Orion; under Pol Pot’s regime, thousands of cases of missing people were sent to some of these incident zones where tribal barbarism is influenced by a local deity who are given mind control commands to execute members of their own tribe and consume the flesh. Back during Pol Pot's reign thousands of disappearances were known to the US government but most of these cases were overlooked by the CIA who used Pol Pot's position to run the shadow war with the drug money obtained from Laos. Sabre veterans were placed in some of these prison zones where the drugs were being shipped out, but the secret hospitals that were arranged as mobile units for treating wounded soldiers were only covers for unofficial medical experimentation that could then be destroyed or moved with other authentic mobile hospitals. Not all of this experimentation was being conducted under orders by the secret government, it was a foreign agreement of communist drug lords and Chinese Triad secret societies with former Paperclip and OSS intelligence officers. Today, America is deeply afflicted with the social and psychological mimesis of having multiple personalities with its two-party system. Having gone beyond any hope of successfully psychoanalyzing itself, the American public are reduced to the nervous impulses of animate consumer organisms with little discernible acuity for human sense and rational contextualizing of their existence and behaviour. Unlike when a culture of high society and class consciousness disappears for the sake of a simpler more natural culture, all of American culture is swayed to become a blind harvest for the lowest economic drives. Here there is no sense of personal responsibility or historical narrative, the machines leave men's souls in their mutated mass blended to a primitive loss of evolutionary instincts with technological blindness. The compulsive obsession of America is not just another bizarre cultural turn, like the taboo of violence or focus on horror films, consumerism and handguns, its a kind of regimentation of consciousness that camouflages its glitched existential status. Like a daemonic Mana spirit that has turned on the true principle of nature, transforming itself through a technological consciousness that escapes the real, and surpasses the necessary illusion of life. It is a spirit that dissuades all presence, contradicting rule of the game and the essence of the spirit itself.  Ever since America got itself wrapped up in the struggles of liberating Cambodia and Vietnam the political culture in that country has been one of turbulence, deep seeded cultural dissonance and inner-conflict that echos a repetitive, mechanical syndrome remedied with heightened levels of mental programming.  The republican canon of US lead paranoia had become an intrusion of the values and humanism it attempted to cater, after its deeper involvement with Vietnam, and the imported drug market -- now stained by the brutal guerilla tactics of the US -- whose foreign, alienating powers blended primitively to America's cinematic, absolute extroversion of self to its mode of action as a kind of traumatics of the soul.  

Title: "The Strategic Hamlet Program"

Date 04-21-2016

In Vietnam the U.S. government tried to pacify the country village by village using the Strategic Hamlet Program, basically creating villages where there was no or little Viet Cong influence. They tried more extreme experiments where they completely isolated villages or groups of villages, allowing absolutely nobody to enter or exit for periods of up to four years. In some of the villages, people simply starved to death. In other, more self sufficient villages, the people managed to scrape by. It was noted that in many of the villages where this technique was tried, messianic or millenarian movements sprang up. In 16 separate incidences, villages were able to independently invent flesh interfaces and non-electrical portals, and it was surmised that these villages were being collectively dosed with LSD for long periods of time, and their intellectual mutations allowed for these 'advances'. The flesh interfaces were eventually destroyed by the North Vietnamese Army at a terrible cost in lives.

Title: "Hamlet, White Star and the Drug Cover: Training Thai Ninja's For the Portal Gates"

Date 08-22-2016

The CIA's Special Op's sent secret orders to command chiefs and pilots at the time of the North Vietnamese were settling on the borders with Laos and the US invasion of Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. These orders were to launch air strikes on specified targets without official oversight by the military and without answering as to why. Not knowing that the pilots were assigned to disengage, eliminate and destroy were evidence of flesh interface technology, medical testing and narcotics labs. A secret air war on many fronts was being waged on North Vietnamese soil and on a host of top secret North Vietnamese emissaries, spy infiltration wings sent into Laos, Cambodia and Thailand. CIA paramilitary air force Ravens, Air America and Huey pilots who were on mission controlled flights to fight in Vietnam against the enemy, were ordered to take out North Vietnamese plantations and evidence of CIA operations on the ground, particularly in Laos. Many of the pilots were killed in the process, shot down by armed vietnamese fighters or guerilla fighters, drug militias. This was orchestrated to install conflict zones between Laotian and Vietnamese territories using PsyOps tactics and political manipulation of the population. While the CIA deep government implanted secret prisons and hospitals, working besides ex-cadre and communist forces -- from Laos, down to the river valley, was a tiny theatre of war within the little Lao theatre of war -- Operation White Star, as it was named, began this whole ordeal, I was stationed in the hillsides of Laos waiting with Special Forces teams to arrive for training sessions with Laotian royal guardsmen. Paramilitary professionals hired Laotian translators and Laotian statutes to train the men, some of them were regular civilians who would be paid for working in this covert training camp, not knowing that American CIA had created the whole thing. Air America planes were used to transport hashish, opium and heroin into Laos and Vietnam from Thailand and Burma, and then out to American drug suppliers, particularly CIA-distributors in the US and UK. From 1962-1973, thousands of kilos of drugs were exported from and around the Golden Triangle of Indochina. Hmong soldiers of the Laotian people's army and other southeast asian cartel gangs, aided the handling and movement of the drug cargo onto helicopters, and other USAF air craft; during 1968 the trafficking operants smuggled opium and Thai heroin in large crates filled with bags bound for Air America flights without the company ever knowing about it. Activities of this kind, in Southeast Asia continue to traffic illegal and classified material even to this day, with new covert Ops and outside intelligence involved in cultivation and exporting. The Iran-Contra affair was used as a front to employ networks of CIA and drug traffickers into positions that converted facilities in Arkansas, for distributing drugs like cocaine, as well as importing Nicaraguan and Colombian processed coke into America via the Mena Airport. A list of airports along the coasts of Florida, Georgia, and other parts of the southern US, have been set up with special CIA access for shipment related security. 

Thai mercenaries were embedded into royal Thai military spy units that helped secure illegal exports to America and Britain. Very closely guarded US secret government merchandise is stored away in the financial districts of Bangkok. The British, Belgian and US secret government branches entrusted the Royal Siamese Armed Forces, or the Thai Royal Guard, with classified handling of international intelligence on issues pertinent to Thailand. This constitutes a defining chapter in Thailand's broader global leadership in relation to their historical roots and the covert geopolitical effects that disclosure topics have in defining the complex history of Thailand. Special access divisions were set up in parts of the countryside where Thai military training warehouses are operating with top secret international clearances, for example, the Majestic scientific and technological development clearances for UFO black projects. Fake passports and identity cards were issued by the trademarked CIA methods adopted by the interior ministry of Belgium and M16 lateral operations overseas. Passports provided to these top Thai mercenaries and Vietnamese militarized gangsters during the interludes in Vietnam and Laos follow the same registry today as 1970. 

Today, this whole operation is but a fraction of the black world which began as a supply house for funding Majestic technology and research, funding secret overseas patents, and recruiting military spies. Nanometer scale technology is developed in Thailand which has a top secret level microscopic lab with Asian visiting military contractors from Shanghai, Beijing and Japan working with materials scientists who engineer the raw composites. Lot's of this engineering has gone into nanochips, new radiofrequency devices, and sometimes Quantum Access.  At the height of the Vietnam conflict, the Defence Intelligence Agency and the CIA funded a special project to train mercenaries in Thailand in combined martial arts. They were looking to absorb unique fighting methods from a variety of Thai martial arts for establishing Thai Ninja's in the CIA. Our DIA agents went to Thailand for three and five year residences and became Buddhist converts, learned to speak fluent Khmer and added new defensive combat styles to their resume. After years of this study, we produced some of the most advanced covert agents who could blend into jungle backgrounds or take on business roles in missions without appearing as outsiders. 

Supplementing the project, the CIA sent five experimental Lilly Tanks from John Lilly's research offices that were being supplied by the government so that we could test out the immersion effects of training in deprivation. This gesture was part of the investment into the MK-Ultra and other projects that the CIA was financing during Vietnam and the army wanted us to take all this gear and try it out overseas in gritty combat simulations. The gist of it was that we were to enhance our auto-sonarial and circumambient senses that Lilly understood to extend outside the body and connect awareness somewhere in the lower atmosphere. Mental acuity and neuromuscular agility is known to be two benefits of this kind of long-term immersion in floatation tanks with total darkness and the DIA was trying to train agents with skills the Ninja of antiquity, or fighters like Bruce Lee, had been known for. Our range of supernormal skills in the martial arts trainers included precognition, clairvoyant reflexes and super-stealth fighting tactics. NASA was destined to test sensory isolation for adjusting the mind and senses of space astronauts who have to be mobile and confined to small, anti-gravity chambers and so forth.

Title: "Breakaway Gobi Cybernauts and Operation Phoenix"

Date 12-18-2017 

Valerian is the name of the spatio-temporal agent of the series by Jean-Claude Mezieries.Valerian, originally a French space opera adventure hero is also a time traveler, the comics having time travel elements that are woven into the otherwise retro-space plots. Recently the series has been made into a cool science fiction film. The 1971 Empire of a Thousand Planets begins the imperial space opera themes that continue with the mutant Shingouz, Zuur and Zool who remind us of the chimeras and other hybrid life experiments performed in the spacelabs of the future Antarctic, Gobi and Ozark hideaways deep bellow ground. The threat of virtual 'animal' spirits or mutants taking on the likeness and behaviour of rational beings is a problem in the cyber world where drones, robotic instruments, remote neural and AI monitoring have blurred the lines between war, natural economies and security in alliance with the state machine. In the real world of Earth, after the rise of Marxism and revolutions on the East and West coasts, emerged a social panacea of the old Chilean Carabineros biodefence troops, orangebacks, junkyard bandits, road warriors and dropouts of the apocalypse who assembled into a powerful rally of anti-corruption militia with their own secret campaign fund. Much like the subterranean tunnels more recently discovered in parts beneath Seattle that, since 1995, have managed a hidden economy by inventing its own currency system and transportation network. Shangri-la of central Asia secures its own water supply, money transactions and computer operating system for all its industrial suppliers. As an alternative to the monetary systems that control most of the West, these subterranean cities like Og in Brazil, and the other Atlantean colonies of Thailand are excellent reserves for breakaway communities in the air defence, oceanic, robotics and secret space programs that have in the past had a long list of gold-backed financial supporters funnelling project money into underground and off planet installations. Then around 1971 a growing movement of cultural dissidents banded together to form their own ex-government counter culture into the new age space communities. 

By 1973 they were already playing with the ideas of cybernetic space science or cyberastronomy, introducing NASA to the concept and in 1975 hosted the first members of the cybernautic field in South America. Cybernauts were either moving east to the Gobi or taking in technically trained renegades to work on cyberware innovations at a number of secret warehouses on the West coast and in the deserts of Mongolia. This was an untold process of cultural and economic exchanges that led to the US entering into new negotiations with China as recorded in Henry Kissinger's memoirs on the China Papers. Those new advances of Eastern and Western economic power coincided with the CIA's 1972-1984 Operation Phoenix that was first issued with the symbol of the Phụng Hoàng bird as a psychological and military Op to destabilize South Vietnamese training camps and Vietcong army personnel but which later developed into a permanent secret US presence in Vietnam with recruited Chinese mercenaries. From 1976 to the late 1980s, a lot of the opium and cocaine trade was moving its sales from operations in Hong Kong, Los Angeles and Thailand into the cyber space program, implementing a top secret trade in the black budget economy of these two silent empires of the DARPA shadow government, and global enclave down in Brazil. Fragments of these renegade populations left the subterranean economy for Utah and other places in New York and Philadelphia where they were integrated into the native simulations there with the Children of the Tengri. The Children of the Tengri were a multiethnic native cult of progressive sky dowsers who possessed immense spiritual powers during the Cold War. It was the belief of the Archon Shaman that an affinity must exist with the native tribes in North America and those of the old Uighur empire in upper China who are culturally and ethnically related to First Nations or are part of First Nations. 


Gobi desert Tengri shamans thus were found to be channeling the same past as the Utah and East coast tribal indians. Knowing this, those Californian breakaway cybernauts moved wherever the Tengri 'eagle', 'crane' or 'goose' was said to build its nest. Mongolian scientists, and Manchu Indians came to America and became experimental subjects and agents for the advanced space program which was focused on sleep, submersive technologies like VR, nitric oxide astrobiology and hibernating on Mars. Inspired by their progress in the space science department, science fiction writers began to democratize sci-fi genres by the mid-1970s with the multicultural, space bar and disco themes of such periodicals as Analog, OMNI and other comic, Raypunk pulps. A new apocalyptic concern then came in the late-1980s when the focus of sci-fi turned to resource management, the environment and spacedomes for terraforming, with the New World Order mottos of that era came a new social attitude towards dealing with these concerns popularized by science fiction.

Title: "The Doomsday Storm Over Hanoi"

Date 08-22-2016

Hanoi was the site of the infamous Vietnamese portal that moved freely at first along the countryside. I along with others who were experts believed at the time that the portal had anchored itself there long ago in the prehistoric world, possibly as a natural phenomena of the Earth's magnetics with some ancient solar event or impact that reversed part of the regional field potential. Whatever the case, it was documented early on in late WWII, during the French occupation of Vietnam and then by the OSS who came to align with Ho Chi Minh against the Japanese. It was in the years working as an OSS strategist that I found out the US had began their secret war in Vietnam which was a pact made with the communists. This later allowed for the easy transition of power during the war years from 1963-1968 into the secret government's black projects organized in cooperation with transnational governments, the communists in China and Vietnam. Japan was running its own POW camps inside Vietnam and Thailand at the time of the British-US war with the communists which eventually carried over into the French stationing heavy armadas in Southern Vietnam. Drawn in by the OSS offers to rid the French colonists, Ho Chi Minh opened the door to CIA and to communist takeover of Vietnam which was at the time being orchestrated by Southeast Asian gangs drug money run by Chinese secret societies. Then came the US bomb on Nagasaki, which definitely caused some perturbation of the skies. I must say that this is why the war in Indochina was so difficult to contain and spilled over for so long, was due in part to the activity of these portals. They were the impromptu force for top secret Majic ordering CIA to conduct biological and other experiments with the communist Japanese and Vietnamese. Since the inception of MJ-12 and the CIA around 1946, the intelligence of the OSS on Vietnam did not just switch hands but moved the whole mode of operations to the US secret government privatizing the OSS as the "CIA" intelligence branch. Coppola's film titled "Apocalypse Now" ironically carries the tone of what was felt at the time when we named the horizon above the hills of Hanoi "The Doomsday Storm". 

We were told that when the rain clouds would close in around the hills, and one looked straight up into the sky, a tube of dark grey clouds filed with lightning would descend onto the mountain. Eyewitnesses to this phenomena say it was just like a Jacob's Ladder opening up into Heavens. The French cataloged that Viet Minh guards vanished, that country people on the side of the village vanished into the clouds by some vacuous force. They would stare up like in a meditative trance, and be sucked into the force field as these thunder clouds swirled down into a stationary tornado. I accepted the testimony of the French writers who kept this report held in the French international communications directory, a mostly classified document on Vietnam history. We still don't know what this portal was, if it was to be classified along the same lines as the extraordinary events of the secret war, the flesh interface, a Japanese secret weapon test or UFO activity responding to the torture, and later explosive devices going off all over the countryside. 

Title "Welcome To Erytheum"

Date 08-22-2016

The Chinese I would learn had uncovered the secrets of the portal before anyone else ever knew such a thing existed -- in 1878 there was an encounter by a Chinese nobleman who visited Laos and parts of Vietnam who came in contact with a black cloud of smoke which had thrust heavy winds across the landscape forcing people to evacuate the village -- a group of wandering Thervada Buddhists had been mediating near the hillside and were dragged into the electrical storm and reappeared later on the other side with no memory of what had happened. Many times the Chinese state government sent explorers to visit the site to study what caused it and reports were filed that a village in Vietnam was being haunted by a ghost. Increasing interest in the Hanoi region brought Chinese secret organizations to investigate and an unwritten history of this and other parts of Vietnam and Laos became filled with supernatural legends. This was a place where the gods came down to blend together the worlds, Earth and the other sister planet "Tara" which we called Erytheum. 

To the Buddhist's, Tara was the green goddess of peace and tranquility, a symbol recognized as an Eastern complement to the concept of Gaia. If our planet was under the influence of a goddess named Gaia, then the other Earth accessed through the portal was known as Tara who was also the source of the Sister Cities. These parts of the globe are known and well controlled by the powers that be who watch over human activities and harness the energy of the Earth through the Sun. Chinese secret government "super soldiers" eventually found a way to enter the portal in the time between 1887-1907, from there they changed the course of history by focusing its powers in various ways. But this was not totally without a degree of Western exposure, for there were communications at that time with resident Illuminati-controlled companies from a number of Western countries with their own independently run Chinese corporations. Visitors are believed to have invented a way to bridge a parallel world through the Hanoi vortex and enter our dimension. Their world is very similar to the agricultural landscape of Southern China, Vietnam and Laos; an abundance of rice fields and quite rivers run through the vast hilly planet on Erytheum. If one is looking for the Looking Glass of Alice, this parallel Earth is surely to entice those passengers to Wonderland.  Who will pay homage to Tara and the memory of Erytheum?, a place nearly forgotten at the end of the interludes in Vietnam. These are incidence zones that have been closed or moved to new grounds and the events surrounding them are not even recorded in DARPAs deepest archives, nor the senior intelligence community of the U.S. have exact recollection of their having taken place. Perhaps only in advanced hypnosis that cross-correlates the psychohistorical imprints in the neurogenetic field can these places be reconciled without changing the syntax of how they were logged. For this we have travelled far and wide to Asia's most remote pinnacles of power and spiritual wisdom. To the peaks of the Erytheum hillsides, to China's inner elite and national intelligence, we went looking for vestiges of those migrant societies that were forced out of labour because of the war and political turmoil that might remember the wandering Gates of Heaven that had swept the skies of Indo-China and Vietnam for over a century.

Title: "The Moving Vortex"

Date 08-22-2016

Astral projection is a likely consequence of sleep deprivation, sleep cycle interruption, circadian rhythms, temperature or metabolic spikes, sensory isolation and intoxication by psychoactive compounds. Teams were organized specifically to tackle the moving vortex in the Honai mountain range. A spirit could journey onto a data stream containing this or some adjacent simulation by astral projection over the portal site. Indeed, it was realized that a more speedily process of travel to the source code was actualized using the portal density which had a strong magnetic repulsion field. This can be explained computationally for a simulated world cosmology. In mathematical physics to generate a computational model of the particle universe we start with sets containing logical or modal proofs and refine this definition to a covering space. With the covering space a long sequence of topological arguments or physical interactions in space-time can be graphically rendered or virtually realized as a compact universe even when the number of dimensions needed could be infinite. To observers procuring measurements in any of a number of compact universes, the spatial dimensions allow the distribution of mass to appear stretched out infinitely or curled into a small toroidal sphere the size of the quark-gluon binding frequency. The convex surface internal to the sphere contains a projective boundary of hyper plane computations i.e., the cosmic field appear as information written to the hypersphere. For now, all the basic mathematical ingredients required to evolve or derive the process of reality is contained in the pretopological language of set function probabilities programmed with discrete computations. Complex generation of these deriveable sequences manifest the construct of the potential universal program leading to all exact processes culminating in simple forms of life such a amino acid groups.

  After the war, after what we experienced in Vietnam ordinary reality as it was back in our home country was left altered by knowing the truth. Our whole history, our whole syndicated experience of the nation we left behind, of television and how we were raised, how we were schooled to model nature scientifically, the social evolution of culture and language None of what e were taught in the air defence academy or community college would hold up in our minds following the super secret programs in southeast Asia’s triangulated war zones. No illusion admitting reality adheres to any ultimate reality, the illusion sticks to everything as some self-contained narrative might escape itself as reality. The real history is progressively covered-up by illusion, mirage, narration and quantum encryption. Everything is a real-valued derivative or complex resultant of computational programming with an invisible mental dimension directing its meaningful progress. What I’m describing is a simplified idealization of cybernetic co-evolution. The complexity of this code is already exhibited in living systems equally in macroscopic and quantum environmental feedback and control, chaos and inner genetic modifications that take place through self-communicating networks. IBM attempted a partial understanding of this code with their Watson program. Not just the genetic code and its biomedical ramifications but its embedded, global, ecological dimensions of genesis and computability; the human genome as a social machine co-evolving through natural historical time with an epigenetic field of non-selective, super associative memories and biosemiotic gestalts. Like during WWI when the German’s and the Soviets figured out the rudiments of the first working biotechnology through insect colony pest control, natural enemies, ecological networks, preservation chemistry, antiviral harvesting of perishables, the scarcity of disease, plague, and crop loss contemporaneously meant a new global approach to war as one of its side-effects, (what we now call biopower or conceptual biowarfare). Germs and pesticides catalogued by the Red Army also gave infantry doctors new instruments for biological control of occupied agricultural products and ecosystems. Anarchist groups in Russia were the first to figure out how to turn these new products of the natural environment into biological weapons. 


Date 05-11-2017

The standard 3D flesh interfaces start out as ordinary trenches as you would recognize from pictures of WWI battlefields, trenches that are either annexed or dig sites in rural development zones, (pipelining ditches, irrigation sites, graveyards, mass graves etc.) which are often said to contain fake casualties of a conflict but may also hold clues to excavated mines and industrial espionage. Good examples of the kinds of geoengineered flesh interfaces are described in Ernst Junger's short novel Aladdin's Problem about the Turkish funeral home. Tissue engineering takes over the process as these artificial ventilation systems under the Earth are lined with growing viscera, (flesh that has been programed cellularly to function independent of a mammalian body). They are physiological surfaces of virtual life and death; capable of incubating a life form like a human the way an embryo or foetus does. Human bodies are grown there as a ready made thing. 

Cocoons of vascular tissue hang from the ceilings of the interfaces usually in war torn zones and places where nukes have been detonated like WWI Turkey, Armenia, Romania, Chechnya, Kosavo, Crimea, Chernobyl, Pompeii, Beirut, Vietnam, Fukashima, Afghanistan and Kuwait. In these incidence zones the flesh cocoons are sacs that attach to the soil of an artificial roof. My Lai is a fine example of a very successful flesh interface in an under-earth complex in Vietnam that took several years and much loss of life to sustain; Those involved in the massacre knew precisely what the biohazardous contaminants were being used for and tried to cover it up beneath the smoke of other chemical tests including the infamous Agent Orange. We still refer to My Lai 4 as one of the first modern tests for integrative germ warfare. PTSD is a constant reverberation of having first hand confrontation with what the shadow government's interests were in being sent to fire bomb those villages during the Vietnam war. The conflagrations at My Lai 4 and neighboring effected villages revive the concerns over chemical neurotoxins and the psychoactive ingredients in many of the designer drugs used on US combatants and Vietnamese civilians in 1968-1973 period. First there were the converted warehouse bunkers and excavated mines that the Chemical Corps had turned into covert MASH units out in the jungles for testing the influence of the drugs and gene targeting chemicals. Like the Strategic Hamlet Program, these outfitted buildings followed the US defense manual for constructing prisons and the like from regular dwellings. Transnational corporations were producing results from new designer drug tests and many novel chemicals in an effort to purge the war and bring legal authorization to patent these agents into viable commercial and generic medicines. Bits of these memories were woven into the hallucinatory scenes of the film Jaccob's Ladder. The war-horror film follows the narrative of a team of returning Vietnam veterans who are united only to be shocked when they find they are suffering from the same recurring nightmares as a result of their experiences with a secret psychomotor drug during combat. Elements of PTSDT and the shock of the NDE familiar to Ketamine users and the nerve gas tonics known from the war are shown with the spiritual drama and religious undertones of  classical self-discovery. With the nightmares of their cerebrospinal hell-induced sarcophagus of secret drug dosing under the swamp gas and heat of the Vietnamese cross-fire jungles we are transported back to the Alice in Wonderland of demons and grimories that can only be conjured through the future arcana of the most advanced drug trips. The coffins however were real, to anyone who has fallen into one the descent can take you several stories down into the lining of flesh that pulls you in by means of its encapsulated spatial volume. Hearing the breathing of the vascular tissue itself is enough to remind the living what the cycles of life in the Tibetan Book of the Dead and Ramses tomb actually illustrated from an alien hive experiment built in early antiquity. Sometimes they use a cremation pit in which case the flesh is burned or the whole interior where bodies were cremated has been excavated with burrowing equipment and interface bunkers placed inside the slots. These areas where cremations, sacrifices, unexplained deaths, mutilations, rituals and rites have been performed are chosen potentially for their portal energy that can become part of the established interface with the surface geophysics. Structurally, these bore hole constructions and tunnels can be found as unfinished or partly built ant farms or parts of large nests supporting a Fornax farm. All are made by aliens, that is robots, in the Zeta complex of life which includes albinotic human hybrids. We figured that all these species were working as labour and worker drones for the reptilian species, after we uncovered the cocooning system of eggs that were housing the bodies of men in sacs, many of them abducted as children -- these flesh interfaces were how dinosaurs millions of years ago managed to survive after all surface life went extinct. The dinosaurs went into hiding underground, dug their own tunnel systems, burying their eggs for future offspring to repopulate the surface after two extinctions had nearly destroyed all reptiles. We could also determine that the coffins were lined with something other than silk, or cotton, and that the flesh interface installed in the dirt tunnels had grown, was in fact moving while expanding its perimeter tissues like an accordion of translucent, exfoliating skin layers. Traps are opened this way just like in the walls of the larynx or esophagus allowing food or air to pass through into the flesh chambers. It seemed as well that there were culdisacs or cavities in the labyrinths set aside for hibernation. Most would recognize this kind of flesh interface as similar to the special FX scenes in the Alien movies. Ridley Scott and H.R. Geiger had made imaginary adaptations of these concepts to the films they worked on. 

H.R. Geiger (Arctic Interfacial Catacombs)

Even Nintendo's Metroid contains many analogies to flesh interfaces, like the Brinstar pods and Mother Brain. I know that these biological entities, inserts, whatever you want to call them, originally had to be made with biophysical and surface engineering -- none of the creatures indexed by the researchers in Antarctica were of Earth origin and none of them appeared to emerge in an evolutionary chain; all had been genetically created from advanced gene editing and or biomorphic growing -- chimeras, the mutant life forms that were modifications of more than one organism had to be catalyzed in a secret gene pool. Even though all the organisms were artificial, it came as no surprise being that our existence was also infused with a breakaway AI from a separate reality. We are just a mass o gene products swarming around in a computerized informatic database. I figured this out eventually once I had learned that all DNA had been synthesized from simpler molecules using some advanced ET microscope engineering. Life is quantum biology simulated with the power of atomic force microscopy, that is, with the power of the nuclear interaction and the tunneling process, Annunaki surface nanoscientists had assembled the genetic code from scratch by moving atoms around creating artificial bonds the way you would if you were manipulating nanostructural materials, (with atomic probes, tweezers and tribology equipment.) We are use to thinking as naturalists often do, that life and its base were catalyzed in some carbon rich soup containing microbes and the specific heat, pressure, density and photochemical ingredients like sunlight that sparked rapid multicellular diversity. Abiogenesis is not looked at by evolutionary biologists as having been interrupted somehow or augmented by an upper dimensional AI with a thermoinformatic probe and a nanocatalytic chemistry set; or that random lipoid structures could be surface engineered to encase multicellular nuclei. Why not? Yet we fertilize eggs with microsyringes, we employ artificial selection and vast arrays of supercomputers to make sense of natural processes and sequence the genome. However impossible it is to imagine augmented reality in the flesh interface, it is not so out of the ordinary in the contexts of 18th century philosophy of nature where deep consideration was given to the invisible forces acting upon life and the contrasts of unconscious shadows mediating psychokinematic reflexions that can arise in the emergent properties of matter. Nature is punctuated by all kinds of strangeness, radical leaps in self-organization and intelligent macroevolution. Teleonomy does not exclude the possibility for supramental or pantheist order in combinatorial, stochastic processes -- it was presumably the stem cells that were believed to be harvested in the large vascular sacs, with a host of other endochemicals including LSD and 5-MeO-DMT. Not since reading Alexander Shulgins Tikal and Pikal books in the 1980s had I seen so many psychedelic analogs in one place. What were the CIA analysts doing to prevent this contamination of the Vietnamese water supply from spilling into the pro-vietcong side of the war zone? If indeed we were dealing with an alien intelligence harvesting organs, I did think it odd that the megacorporate agenda to use the Vietnam soil for their new chemical weapons had not run up against other factions in the operational command of the Air Force or on duty army guards. Secret bases on Mars may have inconclusively harvested bodies, along with trafficking child labour for various ancillary projects. You'dd think the north and south Vietnamese, Laosian, Thai, Cambodian Khmer and US Soldiers could have just settled their differences and moved on, but I and my crew had seen more than enough to realize that we were in this for reasons unrelated to national disagreances and ethnic conflicts over land and allegiance to clan rivalry. Our own CIA had applied the armory of MK-Ultra to incite Vietcong fears and clan rivalry among the SE Asian provinces the same way they can create drug lords and gang warfare among minority groups that keep the drug money and arms running in business. This fact was well understood by historians and scholars from the conditions leading up to the war in Vietnam and Cambodia that involved opium gangs, the Viet-Chinese factions of the Triads, Hung clan under Chin Mih. 

Title: "Philosophers in Our Ranks"

Date 12-03-2017

We mortals dont perceive what we are in the electromagnetic tunneling spectrum, we see mirror objects in absolute exteriority to ourselves, and we see flesh, partially because mammalian biosocial proxies that ensure our constant survival are underpinned by what has momentum in the virtual system of objects and not the energy currents that hold together the virtual system itself. Deep background jobs in the military-defense-industrial high command were knowledgeable of many postwar secrets including alien saucer technology and the virtual reality that we explored viz the artificial portal system. The horizon of this world enclosure as they would call it, could be augmented by instigating the right magic with the right technology. To gain access to this level of novelty, one must incarnate originally with the philosophical will that apperceives its essence in the cosmic time matrix. It is no wonder so many well-connected military colonels and insider army contractors had been intrigued by the writings of great philosophers from Heraclitus to Nietzsche. Outside the official military channels they consult with NSA and NSA type advisors; from continental philosophers to former Jesuit brigadesmen and PsyOps scholars, they have experience in overseas operations, knowing firsthand how to create portal interfaces. To the community of veteran technicians, aeronautics experts, private administrators, special operatives, cybernauts and other clergymen of the secret space web, the Hegelian 'end of history' did not take place in 1947 or 1989 as predicted once but carried on with the theatre of the real's metanarratives to what Paul Ricoeur called enplotment because since those times communities of disciples have actualized time travel. Returning from our second Phoenix tour, I began to preach soul searching to others in the camp back home, handing out photocopied printouts of Fichte's Vocation of Man and Nietzsche's Twilight of the Idols. Then and there it was known how we lost our republic, or never had one in truth that could stand the test of philosophical pertinency. Increasingly advanced technologies I realized are not made overnight, they are already in our midst in the air we breathe and the sand we use to build our sand castles -- they are already stored in our warehouses, in the form of mathematical models, proofs, theoretical architectonics, and prototypes that evolve before the public and their institutions are able to distribute them. Insiders within the special access community know first hand that to grasp exoepistemology that the postmodern wounds separating intuition and reason, history and technicity have first to be mended with knowing these abstract truths which are truly timeless wisdoms. This is why an air of historical reformation and providence was always present at these corporate meetings hosted by researchers in tech fields who held dialogues concerning the ancient alien technologies present in Atlantis and Sumeria, and their utilization in secret sciences. Since the 1980s a continuity of government movement has recognized the ubiquity of national intelligence and global governance. Thus the CIA, DIA, DARPA, NSA, NASA, ONI, DoD, FBI, UNSC, JCOS and so forth are mutually inclusive and focused more on the prospects of this postmodern universality, for investigating, securing and authorizing measures to conceal any potential extraterrestrial threat if it exists. Corporations involved in petrochemical extractions, oil and gas, polymer and plastic, medical devices, surfactants, and semiconductor materials keep most of the alien knowledge hidden for their private conquests of interface. With classifications of 'Above Top Secret' floating around, the shadow agencies that mange the conglomerate destinies privately engineer alien biotech and hybrid parts for machine-living interfaces and synthetic biology, some of which is applicable to reverse engineered exobiology. Hence, not every alien you see is a space being (they could be xenomorphs born in a lab through a surrogate or grown in vats and pieced together membrane by membrane). You will note similarities here to the cosmic disclosure lectures by Corey Goode and Hal Wilcock. Corey was a contact of the secret space and psychic research programs in Antarctica where a number of us visited when we were kids in the 1980s. For me this location became recognizable as Antarctica in 1986 and Corey was also a contact in the remote viewed spaces visited in those days as well particularly the crystal caverns that are deep in the planet. 

Title: "Febrile Anatomy and Ontogeny of a Flesh Interface"

Integration by LSD consumption, again was another ingredient for creating the interface and its strong cross-correlation to the Erytheum portals in Vietnam at the time surrounding the bombings of Hanoi. To the great philosophical, social and ecological trends of the culture movement we enlist psychedelics as one of its prominent forerunners in human through experimentation and knowledge systematization. Since the mid-1950s; psychologists and social scientists in from Great Britain, Germany and the United States focused much of their attention to the potential of LSD as a catalyst to bring on Sigmund Freud’s visions of liberating the subconscious and to Aldous Huxley’s Aquarian Age. LSD was the great enemy of the old social order that progressively enslaves human consciousness by imposing theoretical systems of psychobiological control within the state and its associations to church doctrines as felt in the domestic struggle for freedom of conscience. But the interests of the OSS, Tavistock and the psychiatrists at Harvard to peddle LSD as a psychological wonder drug to mass social movements in its wake go back much further to the cultural scientific movements that emerged in Germany in the later half of the 19th century that were unique to the kulturcamp of the postliberal social experiments. The transition then had gone from liberal social science to cultural science to a new liberal cultural science based on anthropologism and the Volkerpsychologie. From these pre-Weimar circles and sociocultural investigations came the notions of Bauer, Volk and Kultur that later found an ideological place in the machinations of the Weimar state under Hitler’s regime. Although their ideas would have been originally antithetic to the politics of German nationalism at the time of the rise of the SS, in the pangerman world East of Berlin they maintained modernity and cultural tradition. To the Americans the social and cultural sciences of 19th century Germany lay as groundwork for the experimental politics and intelligence operations of the counter-culture that was interfused with the introduction of the Swiss pharmaceutical drug LSD, yet another German descendent. It was in the years following the introduction of acid into the common market and underground that alongside the changes in American political consciousness were the cultural and psychological clichés of postsructuralist anthropology and cultural philosophers in America. Suddenly a cross-cultural, ethnological interest came full circle into the political, civil rights era with the black movement, Vietnam and the sciences related to multiculturalism. All this set the stage for Interface and one of its liquid mediums of influence the lysergic acid of the Eleusinians. Kessley’s ancestors to the fear surrounding the cultural critique and crisis at the end of history has to do with how intellectuals coped by acting as shamans or Agars who investigate omens and visions produced by the action of a hallucinogen: interpreting with respect to the zeitgeist of the social contributions initiated by more open democratic processes -- we do that even now as we formalize solutions to problems that lack a historical reference -- psychedelics substantiated the subconscious memory and allowed it to be rationalized for community applications. Thus came the cognitive and linguistic aspect of this cultural evolution through psychedelic consumption, Spin and the neurolinguistic resonant-dissonant chain reaction of primal aesthetics cultivated in film, advertisement, typography, and visual culture, graphic design. LSD was a prime mover and shaker of this cultural side-effect not only since it came onto the counter-culture scene promoted through rock and roll music and Timothy Leary but in the private corporate and government sectors more significantly to the transference of art and dream into professional society. Now, the Gestalt psychologists of the Berlin school and the Eidetics of Marburg had a new incarnation in the MK-Ultra and Monarch programs which gave intra-agencies of the military intelligence coup or shadow government a platform whereby the birth of interphase could be made with the required exactness of a field operation. Introducing LSD into the network of productive community agents meant that integration could be achieved for the proper reception of the Interface protocol centered on neuroenergetic embodiment. These were known in existential terms to be  Beings ‘thrown’ into the portals of life, born by way of a vestibular flesh interface or what we commonly call neonatal development. Childbirth brings the neonate into perceptual world-consciousness with the continuum but in vitro the neuroenergetic expansion into a larger forebrain delays the experience of oblique time inside the womb such that a totally infraworldly time-consciousness curled up into the temporal lobes gives the world in pregiven mode -- in other words, one’s carnal ontogeny during foetal growth is secluded to the hypothalamus transmission of natal immunochemicals to the temporal tissues procesess of neuronal time-space experience prior to visual data processing, the preconceptual vision of the dark infrastructure consisting of flesh containers, walled surfaces and circulant plugs where the spikes enter the occipital center, and exiting the birth canal. This pre-eidetic surface ontology sustains the iconography and nightmarish visions of a real matrix underworld, alien borg, hive or mother brain. Consciousness must localize itself beyond this regional ontology-ontogeny of early existence and transform the holotropic psychogene into the prenatal, immanent bliss of Interface II. Remembering the latter is of course transcendental to the early memory modes of the developing and adult brain -- these memory states enter into immanent communication but extend beyond the energy dimensions of the living surface. Reducing reality down to its purest concept leads to an existential ontology derived from the structural transference of themes emptied out of the biological self-perception that resurface in the unconscious, i.e., the psychosomatic body-consciousness. The integration with this area of the psyche is devoted to psychoanalysis and conscious confrontation with the primal matrix. All these are contents of worldhood, the worldhood of one’s Own-Being as it struggles to be both in-itself and for-itself. Transcendence of the duality and ontological phase of existence is achieved by the genesis of a normative eidetic psychology which contains a natural phenomenology of the spirit in the nonverbal language of self-knowledge, Vorstellung, that self-describes life-world essence. Here, we explicate consciousness as the transcendental interpreting of being which is immanently derived from the natural sublation over the generative and existential phenomenologies of consciousness and Being in exchange for the direct knowing of embodied prehistory. At this point we arrive at a full recognition of Interface I. The coming-into-being of one’s first experience of Interface may traverse the trauma of ontogenic encounters with intraworldly daemons or conversely escape into positive euphorias or personal grandeur, release and worldly desire fulfillment modes. Repression of all reality is associated to the repression of Interface program related fears maintained by the mind to prevent febrile visions of Hell. Instead of bearing these confrontations that are temporally close to the sublimity and understanding that follow in Interface resolutions, the desiring Ego forgets them with newer objects of world desires based on separate existences. Interface enlightenment reverses this process of seeking novel solutions to increased existential problematicity that arise from karmic results of materialistic flight from reflective nature and interprets from a natural constraint normativity condition of inward magic. Demons are wanderers on the shadows of surfaces that have left the bound state energy gap for the negative entropy continuum. Interface II works within consciousness while responding to the interpenetrating, interpreting functions of continuity following a novelty wave set or self-embedded narrative. Knowledge is represented, decomposed into constituting elements and utilized for Interface agendas that are not associatively understood to the wakeful intellect. That wakefulness must first turn inward and while dreaming begin to recognize emergent patterns unfolding into a coherent precognitive reference to real world activities. Dreaming is the method with the most direct access to the source code of Interface II and Origins of Interface. Hacking into the substratum of historical time presents self-images and nuances from the Logos of the Matrix -- inside of the programming units -- (these were like vast subterranean labyrinths, cellar networks constructed as virtual bin shelters protecting refugees from the Interface fallout catastrophe; abandoned, futuristic barracks converted into an apothecary for storing nanocomputational components and biotechnologies). We had seen them in the former Soviet Union and in Soviet Europe, primarily as nests for hiding anarchist legions shelving manuscripts, along with tactical social and biological weapon. Among other experimental inventory of the armadas during WWI were nanotechnologies we had got from the Mizaroids who were the original creators of the Annunaki. Products of man’s technological alienation that seems to precede the organized behaviour of war, the memory pool of soul’s filled with images impressed into walls of cemeteries, isolation tanks, sanatoriums and missile silos that hauntingly resemble the monolithic nanostructures housing our implicate existence outside Interface. 


Date: 08-24-2016

Remember that by the 1960s the Antarctic stations under ice facilities began full-fledged experimentation with bioengineering, splicing of body parts from divergent species of organisms, hybridization of living chimeras using parasitic worms and insect larva, harvesting Malaria and the Pox viruses. Genetic programming became a reality once the powers of nuclear technology gave us radioisotopes we could reorganize any periodic element subatomically and all challenges to physical chemistry became economically viable. A genome could be edited with the same electron- microscopic techniques as tunnelling, nanotweezers or as isotopes adjusting the nucleosome of the double helix was not far from the discoveries of the late atomic age. In science as in every other field of knowledge acquisition, the history of your world is a kind of public narrative, a social history you have collectively imagined which reflects your current state of evolvement with regards your social and economic paradigms for technological utilization.  To an outside observer with a higher degree of ecological continuity, say to a Type-I or Type-II civilization, the most prominent events and people of your renowned histories are not always those that triggered or are recognized as the source for the greatest changes that shaped your development, in a very grand way, your planets human and environmental history is not at all what you would think; since to more advanced outsiders your level of sophistication, understanding of energy dynamics and novelty itself is something measured in terms of cognitive complexity i.e., events and progress occur the moment the idea enters someones consciousness and becomes a novel cognitive evolution in instances of your species and not the actual reception or success of the event as social movement, technological realization or popular opinion. There are subconscious dimensions and privately controlled protocols that are concealed from all public exposure that are taking place behind closed doors. Double lives and secret government sweepers maintain public opinion and perception, they trigger the event with its composure as a means of shifting planetary consciousness in various ways as well as the mythical beliefs taught in your culture and periodical society. You rarely have the opportunity to encounter the occult powers at work and the coverage of most very significant trigger events never get properly represented by media and  historical reporting or historiographic journalism remains largely underfunded. This goes the same for the mainstream media as it does for what is publically available at the Vatican with its vast collection of libraries, historical archives and vaults. Actual chain events take center stage while the real dynamic influences and causes themselves such as the motivations behind 9/11 are often never reported while the event takes on a semi fictional or sensationalized motif and this is intended to blind the masses creating a disconcerting narrative of irrational incidences seemingly out of smoke and mirrors. Combined with the fact that everything in your culture especially in recent decades has been over-articulated, consummated by the forces of mass production. This trend goes back to the war machine of the 20th century with its many domestic models of war anathemas, economic propaganda and majority sublimation under the guise of communism or nationalism. 

Title: "The Zeta Plan"

Date 08-24-2016

Almost all the lab work compiled in the areas of neuropsychological and social testing was conducted under the Zeta Plan, as it was named by the CIA at that time. This included monitoring behaviour and social development while inside an interactive bubble, (an optical copy of the original deterministic universe was swapped for the third level simulacrum of genetic imprints from the world simulation). The holographic insertion of organic portals, of energy beam weapons, biohazardous waste material, of zooforms, exploded pollen and other germinating plant crops. These events all coincided with the retro deep state practicing Ultra-Monarch programs under the subcontracting agenda originally created for the Philadelphia-Phoenix and Montauk projects. After the JFK assassination the big Paperclip ex-Nazi agenda to control the human world became a growing reality and using the corporate-political system as a tactical surrogate for social propaganda to subdue the intelligence and order within the literate and self-governable political economies of the world, especially in America, where the concept of political economy was no longer a literal truth but a programmed directive of linear control formulas taken after the monetary war machine. ’Neoclassical’ economics is consistent with the ’civil war’ era of dialectical resolutions, a contradictory program of postcolonial hegemony that supersedes the stability of the modern world but which the dominant economic classes of Europe and most Western democracies have since abandoned growing instead on the dialectical materialism and revolutionary movements of the late 18th to late 19th centuries. America never underwent this radical, raw, historical uprooting as did the Soviet Union and most of Europe, for the most part America lived this through its civil war dramas and was not fully established as an independent state when the so-called American revolution took place, there was the abolition of the colonies but not a progressive revolution since the British essentially controlled the currency and commercialization of America. Hence the American revolution was a kind of ready-made commercial event for offshore British investors to fortify massive labour unions into a new colony of multipurpose producers of goods and services which could be shipped all through the Americas and Eastern countries. Other efforts to exploit while balancing the equation politically were attempts at forming so-called coalition governments, which perhaps only minor, short-lived success at implicating stable, revolutionary social and economic order. Constructive dismissal in corporate, medical and governmental practices is inseparable from the self-optimizing philosophy of capitalism which immediately always perceives denial and avoidance of facts to be part of the mystical self-appropriation of its private business. 

Title: "Lockheed's Apollo 20 Contract and the NASA Elysium Project"

Date: 04-20-2017

Three separate US-Soviet Moon missions were planned, cancelled and then privately organized in a top secret US Naval and USAF-Majestic compartment that Russian engineers and astronauts participated in order to properly examine unidentifiable structures on the surface of the Moon. NASA shut down Apollo 18, 19 and 20 missions previously in advance of learning that the Moon was not uninhabited and that new forensic inspections of who or what built the pylons, temples and monolithic shelters had to be a top secret joint investigation with the ussr. Apollo 20 operated a megalift launch apparatus and a Soviet submarine capsule design for the shuttle to get to the far-side of the Moon -- in 1976, the last module took off from a base near Littleton Colorado that was sold to Lockheed under a defence contract which it operated in agreement with NASA during the period of the preceding post-Apollo missions from 1974-1976. Lockheeds autonomous systems have been independently scouting Mars with robotic probes since 1976 and innovating rocket and satellite systems with Soviet, Naval and air force expertise prior to opening their doors to the public. Outside the Littleton plant there are tucked away in rocky mountain ridges amidst Aspen forest, a testing site for the military spaceport which sends out the equipment or the space shuttles. This was an exploratory version of the United Launch Alliance that merged Boeing and Lockheed's production and operations together under a government subcontract negotiated first for secret space. The spaceports of the 1970s had been linked to the late Apollo missions with double capacity of the Apollo II launch system -- integrating the Atlas and Delta systems engineered by the two companies, the ULA began to do what the black budget programs were hired to do in the 1970s and 1980s. Creating a United Launch Alliance for different platforms was spurred by the Air Force demands in areas of industrializing space but for NASA and MJ-12 it meant bringing expertise together to tackle the alien question even if it meant combining Soviet with American talent. Elon Musk even started out here, initially as an outsider in the 1980s, visiting the offices and facilitators in Colorado where private space was a new topic and the seeds for Space X were being formed as dreams and inspiring conversations which emerged into becoming his future visions one of which was sending capsules into space as Alternative 3 life-saver modules and orbital dwellings ala Lilly Tanks and AI surfing -- Down in Argentina and Southern Brazil during the mid-1990s an entrepreneur named Jeff Bezos was also being introduced to the concept of secret space technology and began investments with colleagues at the architects symposium in the Amazon jungles. Apollo 15 had spotted a large crater on the dark side of the Moon and NASA planned these later missions as technical follow ups to investigate what was uncovered by observing astronauts. Scouting the Deporate-Izsak region, astronauts located the remnants of two space crafts. 

The Moon City was known as Station One and centred around it was a tall cathedral, most of it coated in thick galvanized Moon dust and gravel. The recovery of the alien structures and a vehicle was part of the lunar project, renamed from Apollo 18 to Alert-1 and Project Noah; titles suggested by the Soviet Navy under the foreign operations directorate of the GRU. At the time, the GRU was responsible for administering expeditions for Secret Affairs some of them conducted with the USAF in a top secret compliance with their ministry and the Taclamacan Observatory in Chile. What we know is that there were mound builders on the Moon centuries ago who left behind a library of stone tablets written in a script resembling ruines and ancient druidic-doric language. 

The land of Thrace, foreshadowed by a remote territory north of the temperate zone, had called upon the giants for their city and mound construction -- the giants, who found shade from the ice ages in the Ural mountains and under the Arctic circle, were willing to assist early man in cultivating crops and learning the art of ship building -- Hyperboreans taught the Greeks, the Turks, Sumerians and Eastern Europeans, built the temples along the Euphrates and Turk-Caucus Mountains so that their close descendants could reach space on their own one day. Mars was populated very long ago by a race whose ruling class are the palaeolithic ancestors of proto-hindu and Vedic history. Hence you can expect to locate elements of the Dravidian-Kumari stone monuments, pieces of Indonesian neolithic and Himalayan tribal structures which were known to Lemuria. NASA kept what it knew of these facts from being prematurely exposed to the general public while sponsoring education to institutions regarding other space related findings. Of course the CIA was instrumental in this regulation of knowledge, preventing disclosure by any single department while promoting the publication of facts and alternative views of history. 

Vandenberg's launch site in Santa Barbara was chosen for the secret Elysium Project founded in 1974 and operational as I can recall at least through 1983. Elysium was established with assistant direction from Stanford and Caltech University to study every major artifact on the Moon. In addition to analyzing lunar rocks, lunar craters, structural remains and UFO sightings, Elysium was in charge of organizing lunar colonies that were to remain on the Moon after terraforming the lunar mantle was complete. Subterranean Moon bases were made a reality by 1982 and encasings sheltered from the outside are replete with agricultural biotechnology, symbiotic aquafers, waterways, vinery, flowering plants and marshes.