Friday 5 October 2018



Marr-Viker Epstein: Thanks you Mr. Rawles, I will forward your reply as soon I return from Davos. You are quite right. We must understand that in the mind of Donald Trump the past sticks a certain way, that is partly why he lives in it and we cannot be so sure wether clarity in this reflection of how things were has ever been solidly reconciled as are the requirements of psychic regression and our once 'great' culture that has never more than in today's world seen a horizon of mixed programs, and, has seen more than its share of positive adjustments into the uncertain future. The Soviets and underground intelligentsia on the other hand, and China, with their psychic reserves esp. the KGB and CCP may actually in fact have the original clarity and know how to reverse this change because they have psychic mediums and economic advisors there since the early cold war days who have not adopted the West's more recent hedonistic attitudes, heresies and radical fundamentalisms that pose a burden to psychic clarity etc. We have our vets, many of them suffering the blocks of PTS and a countable list of remote viewers, and we have our people but the treasury we once had is simply no more and Trump sneers like a bad actor, chuckling in jest of these facts. The laissez-faire mode of business and hegemony must be shattered for a more involved moral and ethical discipline that is close to the climate of the working people. America sustained an identity as a nation under God, ruled by laws and not by men -- how then can we presume to believe in promises and claims that, even if they could be confided over and against all we know about him, even if considered as a tool out of desperation, would be more than late anyways -- and the nature of which we have seen thus far to be placing a stronghold on creating descent progress in say energy or space sectors when the fixation of his economic type is with materials industry, postdigital production, reeling and dealing, marketing false images, manufacturing consent, the populist social disease and microelectronic control of society and opinion. For these and all other reasons it all got a zero confidence rating all across the board on all fronts. On the other hand if they were to decide on electing a republican candidate at this point in the transformation of the American political-economic matrix, it would be mandatory that the one selected, even if he should hold similar geopolitical and economic policies, at least have a good confidence rating like what Marr was saying about Scott Walker etc for whom those of a more traditional or democratic appeasement could at least hold faith in and roll with as a process relevant to the expanding grass movements. If anything it seems that whomever is running for office that every candidate is marketable, and Donald Trump is certainly marketable (to the market), its his signature trait -- but can he escape the mould of this merketability that is placed around him by the media (and his very edifice) and most expert economic analysts and calm the restless nerves of the country, that is, appeal to actual people outside the mechanical assimilations of the market as an inert 'thing'? What people then experience is all the history and meaning of what he represents in memory, every bit of recovered data, rumour or social event he has attended; the American people's place in relation to the spectacle that draws up and into their focus all this recall and all this imagery and all this recalcitrant animus and all this venomous spread in the social has immediate psychoanalytic effects over repercussions from Bush-era traumas all the way to Guatanamo; by part the fact that every element in the life of the candidate has been analyzed, subordinated to opinion and thus brought back from the past to the conscious state (and the same has ensued Clinton esp, her emails). This stirs up unconscious denotations as well as anxious zeal for recovery, but it does not yet illustrate a full retrospective that is economically viable to the moral and aesthetic sensibilities recoverable from 'the great times' which were perpetuated by revolutions of the culture movement in which he was only a side act, or psychologically effective I would say its great effect is as a kind of economic propaganda tool that juxtaposes the present Donald Trump in this new post-9/11 America with the past theatre of cold war presidential campaigns that still held themselves in the worldwide ambiance of American confession and abiding to a degree of honest representation to the self-conscious truth. Like a vortex this is, in time. Then as republicans and conservative congressmen distance their support for Trump, so they also show their hidden desire to 'make America great again', and this is the strange irony and psychology of displacement that Trump redeems, in a dark horse heroic way of messianic improvisation, the unspoken viz the politically incorrect etc.. What one gets a glimpse of is the real workings of the political process as a raw event, perhaps not quite at the level of a historical dialectic that involves classically explosive events and unregulated natures, but the process of social revolution that puts things in their place, returns objectives to their origins. The Bolsheviks knew this well, in the spirit of manufacturing dissent of authority they made authority themselves what they wanted it to be in the Communists, and the syndicalists being on the other end of the active party of the people the Bolsheviks organized the revolt that made the image and struggle for emancipation their own and this was taken up readily in the opposing factions of the Communists.
Yanacek Wukopowinskicek: Marr, I have received your message and greatly appreciate your input. I agree with your added concerns, Donald Trump has said he wants to make America great again. Many experts are doubtful that he, or America, has the current capital (as reel capital i.e., raw treasury) to make America great again. That if we could simply return the state of the nation back to how it was in the 70s or 80s without putting every sign, image and economic index under a microwave of refractions, embroiling it with half-baked remakes and hyperinflated cacophonies (like how the past looks through the mind of someone slightly stuck in a disaffected memory matrix for this or that reason) we all know what happens when leaders attempt to make their 'nations' great again under false pretence and with vigorous populist support, this greatness transcends the nation as a separate entity of the false ego, it involves the entire working population today. There is extreme doubt that the West has the perfect clarity to make that movement even manifestable, as it was when it was, that we only know how to process our past through new adventures and changes that damage us usually as we nose dive off our 'narrature'. Dynamic change as all change is (dynamic) involves opposition and some form of competitive model, competitive warfare with another equally sophisticated nation, or a stance to some Other relevant economic force. Europe and the Baltic states during the cold war and now present opportunities for rebuilding economic narratives in the post-war climate, inventing operative systems for dyadic competition or natural simulated combat scenes that reflect the values and tones of post-war European integration, cultural reformation, holocaust remembrance, and ultimately through these a philosophy of conscience to the wider public. In the old world there was at least a time of interchange shared by diverse cultural groups in Asia and the 'Oriental West'; esp. Germany, France and Rome. Starting around the 17th century was a true tradition of global travel, writing and art -- today we as global subjects still try to work within this old, classical route of internationalism and indeed do recover some of its historical points outside our own terrain of language. 
Jeremy Wojtyla: Its Trump's foreseeable "effect", I know, and not his placement in time per se that can be judged a political fallacy, it is based upon the nature and science of media, of the mass economy, political farces vs political facts -- this effect has its origin in the Reaganomics of the Cold War expansion bubble and given the geopolitical order of the present trend, with Trump's background as a business-corporate personality made for TV, there can be no other resultant, what remains has no original consistency to the time, place or zeitgeist determining the social struggles of the 1980s themselves; (however the Ukraine situation, the Chinese market, the US election, Bernie Sanders), surely revives Reagan era reminiscences, in the living present sense, and in a stable population medium, it revives the revolutionary spirit of the grassroots and the state of the popular economy. This has been the focus as well as the fundamental problem of new order political economy over the past several decades. Global communities, the expert systems of various regional economies, esp., the US treasury department, and presidents to an extent have invented policies that attempt to freeze cold-war, Eastern Bloc reconciliation bipartisan continuity as open community organization and communications discourse, the nation-state model of America as a structured cybernetic polity from the Bush period domestic agendas, weave together in such a way they standardize the end of history cultural grammar, i.e., the peak periods of liberal democracy's triumph (in Fukiyama's sense). Americas radical transformation from the late 70s into the new markets of Reagan, the new order of Bush Sr. and Clinton propelled these post-millennial societies to a kind of of hyper-social amnesia, a temporal 'traumatics', if you will, blocking memory of the event, culminating in the post-9/11 crisis, the 'cold' period is often not fully recovered. What the establishment today records is relayed in news, journalism, corporate mimesis, TV and radio broadcasting; a milieux that started formerly at the turning point of the cold war's strategic alliances, the new axis and the new order founded in liberal democracies success, of the CIA, the CFR and Trilateralism. Todays world is a constant showcase of the end, the end of history, with the moment of its transcending time, that period (1989-1992) and in newer modifications, the revisions (1999-2001), give or take a few years on the latter. However one should pay closer attention still realizing that no economically valid events have mediated any significant global reform nor presaged, in particular, the latter's revival and only the supposed end of communism keeps afloat the currencies carrying the former singularity. What global markets and the US do manage to certify is a recycling of socioeconomic, private capital venues, new media, social networking, CIA protocols and the postwar standards of those liberal democracies, global commercial gain, reruns and remakes of the culture. This almost determines a new category for Ernest Mandell's late neo-capitalism hypothesis. What you see instead of a totally novel community process that challenges status quo in the wake of the civil rights movement say, as was the case by the time of the late cold war picture that developed, is a process that recycles instead all the values and social modes, aesthetics and new age commercial interests. We live in a kind of recycled market. People have to reflect again and again, that the direction of the future is pointing them in the past. 1992 is past, indeed, the party is back that way! Unlike recycles of the 1970s, 80s or international cold war principle tiers, the big market culture from the early 90s does not recycle well (it recycles as crass). Since it was a socioculturally unique event in time from the first world war to the X Generation. Other integral economies, other Marxist style processes can be reanimated, with environmental concerns, political mildness and with traditional, rationalist simplicity. But the unique world events and their accumulation to 92, the social consciousness throughout Eastern Europe, the MTV generations, and all that, can only positively re-emerge as social classes struggling from real recoveries (end of war expenditures, Gulf, Iraq), or anti-market movements (global financial recession). Since these are closely uprooted social economies they are managed to a greater degree uninhibited of their genuine purpose, maintain a level of stability that connects to all cultural activity. Thus, Obama pulls it off the best, theres no escaping reality wether we wish to exist close to it or in some virtual history. Out of the rubble of the invasion of Iraq, and the obvious aporias of the Wall St. crash to 9/11, still only a faint expectation might apply since the end of the 90s, that America might want to reconsider putting at its head a black president, even a liberal democrat one, to the Whitehouse. But those were once the sentiments of the people, perhaps as early as '91, which seemed to grow increasingly unlikely with the advent of contemporary education in America after the cold war, and with the political philosophies of the Wulfowitz doctrine and so forth. Adding to this the undercurrent of rumours in political circles that seemed to secure Hilary Clinton as the presidential victor in 2008, as early as 2006, as it so seemed, that a return to normalcy and the transformation of America would be completed, that is, in the old 'new order' represented in the Clinton brand (Huxley-Needham) instead of those of the 'New Republic' with its crusades on terror and history, under Bush's vice president. The perception I encourage people to take on the whole Bill Clinton scandal is somewhat like that of the Watergate theory -- the attempt to impeach the president over recordings, lies or sexual contacts is one of these flauntingly seductive topics that media and public opinion love to digest (Sex Lies and Videotapes) -- Media networks edge in further to the political process and the president becomes an even bigger spectacle, a more prominent star for show and tell that makes itself necessary when money is at stake over potential power yielded by some presidential figures (Nixon or Clinton). What each of these scandals made explicit was the president's inability to contain his act, his power and account of events. But it also made the hypergenerality of the 'president' an idol figure in which to capitalize the news. On the other side, you must consider that Bill Clinton's affair (affairs) were in a way consistent with other fin de siecle phenomena (hence my Dr. Faustus allusions to the then popular German perspective on the century), but consider the fact that there was also the Chinese president Jiang Zemin's involvement with a young mistress, and there was Michael Jackson's various allegations in the 90s prior to all this mess over the US president himself. However with Zemin the acquiring of a mistress is appropriate and allowed in Chinese aristocracy, but is not according to US traditions, is still interesting to note as these events were happening before or on the same occasion as the affair with Monica Lewinsky.  It has never been the purport or function of any US president to act as a role model to the American public either in marital affairs or anything involving the elects personal life, it is more along the lines of a celebrity career, its not a governmental profile necessity. The president elects entire marriage to his first lady could be set up or a sham, it would not deface the operants governmental priorities. People want their presidents to have certain universalist appeals, as a speaker, as caretakers of the economy, of the people's unique interests, to the attendance of religious or spiritual personification in the spirit fused mortal is to reflect the historical geist of the country as a medium of salvation consistent with the practical affairs of our times. Obama appears on the scene as a vociferous charismatic, a revolutionary brand of socialist-democrat, but charismatic enough to instil the feverish worries of the rigged Bush election of 2000, i.e., imagined catastrophes of that confederate alcoholic son archetype whose early disciplines will make him fight (or flight) to war with Saddam, crashing the economy of old Wall St. Thus, Obama did not fortify a self-branding image of, say, the black civil rights leader in the generations of Martin Luther King to reshape the republic with a new campaign promise for freedom (black children and white chidden) constitutionally as idea: in today's politico-economic memory such an equivalent would market himself to the grass roots, tied to the momentum of that moment that had struggled for both parties looking for dialectical agreements to bridge the civil unrest by 2006, involving Kyoto, the green party, the multiparty alliance over anti-terrorism and the war, religious rights and so forth. Although by the early 1990s a selection of candidates with the vision of Obama's would have coincided with the state of the world at that time, the agenda turned out to be more complex to say the least; in moulding an effective third world revolutionary Marxist-Communist strategy. However in America's once dynamic democracy, in its complicated civil embattlements of how it determines its freedom as a right, moment to moment, this firing image of president Obama fits the present perceptions of Guatemala's insurrection, of Hondurus, of Guevara, Castro's Cuba. As someone whose intentions are to radically transform America, educated people might not believe the president's speeches to be more than bait for the naive, for believers in communist doctrine who would embrace some of his views, while the shadows of capital suspiciously lurk in offices pulling strings and essentially doing nothing to stop the president. To anyone with access to a television one ought to question why the choice had not been for those other interests; such as the neurosurgeon Ben Carson, to run for office. As a matter of instant, Obama's immediate impression in the political stage of 2008 is already part of a past series of economic, social and cultural events from 1991-1992 in wake of the medias response to the Rodney King riots, and economic gentrification of black Americans under Reagen-Bush following the war in Vietnam. This period of black politics is where Obama fits in time because it was in those years that people would have seen him as genuinely part of a revolutionary process when those social and cultural upheavals were still historical in the news and Obama would have won confidence running against Bill Clinton with a much greater interest because at that time those were the issues on everyone's mind, like it was with the civil rights movement. Instead Obama appears as a regular democratic runner (i.e., part of an establishment coup from some past cultural milieux intended to fool unrepressed spectators) who we do not know and who is not couched in a political process such as the civil rights movement or the fact that the Rodney King uprisings were almost two decades ago. Thus in this context it was Hilary Clinton who was the more 'historical', radical and least artificial, it is Clinton that could have returned us to that era of peacetime activity and integration while Obama who is simply out-of-date received more voting recognition by populi who are concerned with political change. We for our part have reached an eternal state of sophistication, wisdom and knowledge to care not one hoot about 'political' changes so long as they have nothing in common with moving forward the revolutionary Enlightenment of consciousness.  Even though Obama ran this revolutionary-styled campaign it did not effectively penetrate this remembrance of the early 90s, it did not appear as a genuine event even though this was the style of politics many intellectuals might have preferred at the time choosing between a radical democratic government of the past that you know verses a post-revolutionary black leader who appears as a poster for propaganda research and think-tanks says "hi i'll be your democrat" doesn't exactly blend with the multiphase zeitgeist at that 2007-2008 period of liberal change. Most importantly however, Obama received tumultuously undeserved criticism because, for one, he used the same tactics against Hilary Clinton that is common among the dirtiest conservative Bushites of the New England states who still ride on the dead Horsemen's legacy in a cultish retrospective that speculates frequent hopes for Jeb Bush as a candidate. Obama's style of rhetoric and argument during the elections reflected those naive Bush methods, most importantly, it invited Bush era populism to mix in with his own and Obama's first four years in office was plagued with populist dissonances and discontent. In this regard too he will be shadowed by the reputation of a George Bush Sr. among democrats; as the one who did the most to make positive global democratic change but also changed the world in an equally disconcerting manner (Mid-East war vacuum, Warsaw pact, expanding Wall St. possessive individualism, endangered market etc.,) The mix of populist economics in a non-communist America mutated from the capitalism of Bush's presidency was all part of why no faith in Obama's capacity to make America a post-marxist or Keynesian state was maintained even after the election. Doubts towards democracy itself, doubts that were nurtured from the dysfunctional efforts to make democratic processes work during Bush's candidacy also led to conspiracy theories of Obama's economic connections to the Freddy and Fanny Mae debacles as people attempted to make the best of their divided states with the republicans in office misleading the process. Fears over continuing globalization and economic inequality, outsourcing jobs and immigrant workers in big exploitative industries on and on all fuelled theoretical paranoia against the democrats. The retched heretical synthesis of liberal and democratic social policies in a republic where there is no government, standards or open council to bring about accountability that will rationalize freedom is the prime industry in America that soils the reputation of democracy and liberty with the pot-stain airbrushing of a natural person with a stoners opacity. When Obama ran very few outsiders from his inner circle really saw him or recalled him as this awesome leftist intellectual new school marxist type political animal bred in the social movements of the 90s Euro-multicultural art scene and all that (lingering fools, unable to ascertain the coherent meaning of what I say produce their own hallucinations fuelled by their preconscious emotional grasping of sentences where statements are judged on their word usage or names spread out over a whole paragraph -- these slithery snakes in the grass cannot deal with paradoxes let alone manage facts like a rational person.) Although there were those culture groups beginning to remerge by 2009 like the New York Scene as it appeared in the 90s, but at that moment in time it was all being overglazed by dismay over the big tech boom with Apple iPhones and the disastrous new Windows OS. We could see some of that was happening in the background when Obama came along, but it really did not come to the fore until after the Snowden documents hit, after China's new agricultural reforms shifted the economic focus, anticorruption probes, the revolutionary effects of Pope Francis on the religious world, and the critical tensions over the Ukraine which put the spotlight on US corporations and their politikons. Because of all this the revolutionary community changes in the global scene, which was in many ways a revision of a better past for a larger online audience, did not have the effect it would have had, had it brought together the inclusive social dynamics of a real grassroots event from the publicizing of real struggles brewing at the start of the 2008 election, or an environmental revolution with multi-isle contributors as what took place in 1993 with departments in science and labour union companies. This again was big tech politics geared to the commercial electronics industry with Obama rather than Clinton and Gore making hype. Obama's hyped up initial populism was more reminiscent of Bush's drama and the libertarian follies of that misgoverned time -- so although these 90s reminiscences were happening in 2008 and 2009 the tendency to see Obama more as a characterization of an 'American idol' TV persona of the Bush era really prevailed. So when he would say certain things we agreed with those things, many of them, but did not see them corresponding with actions and the state of the global economy plus the mission by that time was to take Obama down anyways since he took the election from the Clintons and many too saw him as originally closed-minded because of ignoring the UFO question. Obama's agenda spoiled whatever revolutionary incentives there were at the time, which really began in 2007. Centrally though I would say what brought on this dismay with Obama was his signature flaw noted first by Bill Clinton who I think really nailed it, which was Obama's amateur status, that is, as a political democrat. Although in theoretical terms I think Obama did uncountably great things to change the country, in the end, I think what mattered was not so much what he 'did' politically or in decision making but his message and the way that his message played out socially among different groups of people around the planet. The first four and a half or five years of Obama's presidency was however plagued by this amateurity problem, not an immaturity problem but a cultural amateurity which for American and European democratic morals may be seen as part of this Marxist effort at destroying the old. Every event takes place amateurly, flashing out the dark void in total candid abruptness with no art, preparation or sense of personal responsibility for what is or what was or what will be. I think that scares people in light of (or in darkness of) Bush especially. But I also think half of that 2008-2012 period's eventfulness of culture and economic progress was better than before Obama, not that the stimulus Wall St. bailout sent the right tone but culture was emerging simultaneously in the background. In addition, as an aside from the pre-election of 2008, it was former vice president Cheney's aligned CIA organizers who vetted Obama and his 'agenda' which was known could be optimized for exploitable purposes (now you know). This should come as no surprise since as one should know that Gitmo, the US maximum security prison at Guatanamo Bay, was never successfully deactivated during the years of Obama's presidency. Not that Obama would not have done so if he had complete power to do so but the cards were laid out such that there was little that 'would' be done aside from more advanced disclosure. Thus, for many of us who knew of this ahead of the elections, Obama was cast in a negative light. Even though we all really just want to get on with things, the duties of humankind, of self-governing and so on, with the principles of the future and the past, of a radical classical, international culture, within the environmental, ecological, Star Trek future vision and all that. Nobody in any factional civilization who is intelligent wants this control freak, neo-puritan. Trump drags the karma of all these eras of struggle from the past out of the grave sort of like it was when Obama first got in, even though Obama was really just a part of the whole assimilation process of the show of this theatrical scene of candid appearances. By this I mean the 60s and every succeeding calamity since.  Can you imagine in the future, then i'll be saying "see in 2016 when Trump came. . . . and populism was here. . . and it was really annoying. . ." The same things distastefully about the right and conservative wing, socialist characteristics etc., was the kind of brute eclecticism of leftist anarchism without a moral narrative or medium of affect to actually 'challenge' the defunct, deliberate moral codes of capitalism.  Imagine a different scenario that in some other case those survivors of the Bush era were enjoying themselves somewhere in the land of luxury, avoided the social upheavals and other white noise and simply escaped to their second homes or third vacationing refuge with all their pals. In that type of scenario returning to a state of cultural and social order prior to 1999 would not matter so much even if you were among the democratic elite. Its not a nauseating ordeal to reassociate your consciousness to a state of coherency when you've never been poor or never struggled in a middle-class situation. Only when you belong in a different universe of class relations, of elite interests and sensibilities does it truly sicken the soul. Everything after 1997 or 1998 is seen as belonging to the catastrophes of that post-millennial era, of the statecraft and dumpster economy of that era. Because of the traumatic time warp, at this point nobody would want to return to such a mode of thought or policy. Nothing will work, not self-government, humanity nor democracy, until America stops being primitive and wants to join the community of planetary adulthood with the rest of civilized Western and developed economies. Knowing beforehand the givens of the fact that what happens in America effects the rest of the world i.e., especially its closest neighbouring countries, and other European countries as well whose governments operate on completely different notions of what defines economic freedom and social culture, one can presumably foresee the anxieties over Americas way of freedom damaging the expression and aptness of others ways. To American's who still enjoy a kind of uncultivated sense of freedom without the university, the preoccupation with literacy, art and film culture, a sense of history and the like which European democracies create -- it feels as though social control and leftist politics encroach upon the American spirit which has always been one of a novel regard for what is outside all tradition, aesthetics and milieux -- that this tears apart some of the national freedom of the land and social outspokenness which is somehow more natural in ways but only yields a positive truth when enjoyed by the responsible and those who can afford it. Elsewhere however normative consciousness formed about the elements of the natural world in integral unity, those who have surpassed a long history of Centauric cults of personality in the shadow of idols whose populist servants lap up their exploits and whose mired heros are like those souls of enbattered communities who see nothing in the American charade for power and some original escape from the disastrous efforts to liberate them. Before all these destructive technicians who went in and freed the Iraqis and pushed the EU closer to the brink over the Eastern oil crisis and the Western struggle to retain European exports, the movement of culture had began a slow decline which big provincial and state companies, US businesses and conglomerates found common means of tying everything together into a global, unilateral Planet America. Most of this ill formed logic and rogue economic behaviour stems from rural populist movements which become the emancipated, individualistic  endeavours of private capital, banks and financial institutions centred around the US industrial machinery of a US world social order republic schema. At such a point no good chemistry can result from attempting to leverage democratic power plays or rational reforms when there is no international alliance or government in place. All such activity has proven is furthering the complex of bad interactions with neo-liberal commerce, and the felonies of obstruction upon a government (even a bad one) can do little but disperse the revolts and the mechanical separation of valid social substance into puritan routines, random errors, unremarkable libertarian what-ifs, public false idealism, vanishing recognizable narratives, ecological and natural awareness, spiritual depth, realism and magnetism within a general loss of quality programs in any field that would support a worldwide platform for real disclosure or contact outside the henhouse. All that goes bye bye when you put them in charge and we are collectively reduced to the dialectics of problems and reactions without any enlightening solutions which we evade with profane humour that mocks every intelligible function. As an equivalent to burying ostrich heads in the sand, this tasteless humour that dethrones austerity is a vestige of anti-reformation comedy, punning is one of the outmoded populist tactics of mocking the fallible sacred with the profane. Most have missed the point that this approach to humour is bygone been superseded with a radical reversal in which the new sacred mocks the profane. For what is truly hilarious is not what is expected ever from the guidelines and cues given to a studio audience, but rather that comical content as something debasing false things can be debased by a higher standard. The things humans take to be sacred to their hearts and souls can indeed privately mock the fool and usurper in ways never before explored by their kind.  Im not a libertarian either and don't find ant farming in the agricultural dark ages of America to be an interesting or stimulating hobby, turning social development backwards or demolishing the modern world to reinvent the wheel, none of these cheesy republican fads are of interest nor should be expected to be of interest to the intelligence of mankind today, it is science pure and simple, to those who utilize higher brain functions of creativity and have any legitimate aesthetic-artistic sensibility, spiritual complexity and so on, what the left (republican) Amernicans talk about is an ancient form of panpsychism blended to the dirt and faecal matter of past suffering without reason compatible with today's social and technical advancements, no man wants to do those kinds of things, they're unattractive boyish ideas, people grow up and access information. People had more flexibility and rational strength 100 years ago and those who didn't make the cut just had to shut up and do the simple things that god intended them to do in our mutual 'constitution' and 'democracy'. Todays people have taken on the task of mass liberations that cannot hold them all sufficiently without contaminating the higher functions of evolving humanity, yes we DO evolve by the way, in symbolic and neural extensivity wether you want to accept it or not human consciousness is advancing through information and the image provided by art. The vacuous repository mind state of people makes it impossible in Americas deadbeat political system to accomplish a full time revolution mainly because of primitive influences, foreign interference and republican public propaganda.  A revolution for which the republican system of leadership can only turn into a mass public interface for chaos, unorganized democratic emergency calls, uncivilized liberties, paranoid dogmatic reactionism and primate soup!.  The smouldering sulphur and smoke that evaporates from the veins of such retched devil-shitstained economies. When you travel to the 1700s, its the 1700s, when you accept the autonomy and culture of a less developed country its called peace and autonomy. But the republicans make all that invalid and turn it into a problem and an issue. All the karmic disease and mutations of consciousness. The inability of the West and Soviet leadership to manage, to think authentically. Don't worry I understand when your making a joke, and people like jokes they like comedy, but what these groups do is nothing more than that, a joke, meant to be taken seriously but still they have the driest, deadest humour. Only in ideomatic terror-America do they explore the psychological art of manipulation so far and vast through their divided political parties congealing effects. Unlike rational, 'sane' societies, America is controlled by the socioeconomic forces of two opposed views of history and political parties. In the past, in traditional cultures driven by 'necessity' and the laws of nature and physical facts, a political party is to last as long as its potential to produce the needed change in economic demands, population and resource containment etc., Rome's republic lasted so long, Greece's democracy lasted so long and the dynamic conflicts of the past changed to the point that they were no longer necessary. This is attributed to the fact that people will be willing to debate, struggle and shape opinion for so long until they reach a constitutional agreement -- the boundaries between a goal are dissolved and the material reasons for instituting any one mode of government or other also avoids excess and exploitation measures -- because changes of all kinds are traumatic, being a burden to populations, the desire is to reach equilibrium and avoid imbalance, disorder and incessant change. This law of necessity is breached so frequently in American politics that it almost escapes reason and reality altogether.  It has become so rapid in just four generations to radically change the political habits or society, that it becomes an issue for human rights when especially these kinds of adjustments are without necessity and serve only the principle of greed. These utterly worthless American economic models are like the lot of bad Boomers, completely warped. The symbolic economy of populist brands and solicited memes are as equivalent to death and the signal to noise ratio consistent with fast entropy without a preserving asymptote of self-awareness (noisy signal) to balance the empty signitive transmission of syntax (capital value).  
 By 2008 a transcendence of this entire symbolization of the liberal-marxist political machine had already taken shape, With Carson you have a more unlikely, unexpected individual who restores black America itself in sync with the converging political forces of that 2008 period. Imagining of course that someone like a Ben Carson, has a plan to reform the republic in the grass roots language, restores the spectrum of 'colors' to African America as a multicultural historic ideal i.e., the black experience as a colors movement post-baptized by a more dynamic critique, not as a foreign government but in the language of Americas republic which today we reach by elevating the 'nation' as the 'natur' of minority movements. Today this might be too idealistic a dream, bringing to mind not only the Islamic tensions, the history of the CIA, and King's assassination but that the US republic is a masonically controlled organization resistant to being managed at the top by colourful figures. We are thankfully moving closer in the direction where this will be the norm and where unplanned or breached presidencies are a thing of the past. Reimagining America with the religious sensibilities of a new black republic, insists on totally radical new politics, new resolutions to the Israel-Palestine conflict, new core intelligence organizations and multiethnic social revolutions that are theoretically consistent with the evolving economic model, that is US exceptionalism with an anti-capitalist, grass roots vision, undamaging to the world's new hegemonies. Obama, in this respect, is more consistent with what this generation of working proletarians understand, more feasible than an exclusive people's movement that has yet been fully conceived, examined and given thorough sociological critiques. The consensus of many political scientists at least during the 80s and at the time of the Clinton education leadership, to those prior generations who knew the civil rights tensions very well, understand why this is so. Recovery from the political, civil, economic and financial fiascos of the war along with the speculations of the 2008 election, was a slow and insomnially distressing calamity of uncertain outlook, multiphase growth spurts, mini-recessions, gridlock, scrambled markets, and a divided congress. The revolutionary struggle seemed to flatten out nicely however following the rise of the new economic reforms initiated by the new leadership under Xi Jiping, the waring in Ukraine and exchange of words between America and Russia's Putin, and the great pullback from the BRICS nations, not to mention the fulfilment of religious prophecies of the Vatican electing its first South American Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis. Though Obama was part of the equation, the president himself was not doing or saying much at that point in time. Mconnel and other people in congress passed a descent economic bills and the balance between the two divided houses was better because the democrats lost a lot of popularity under this Marxist political embargo but were still the ruling party. America was in a political recession brought on by the critical facts emanating from the East and ex-communist states particularly Russia. The world temporarily seemed to return to basic cold war levels of social interaction and communicational-economic stability. This is how Obama won, Obama topped Bush Jr and he tops Trump already. His (Trump's) worstness is in that he provides the corporate matrix of wretched hyper-postmodern America with the neo-liberal-neo-conservative republic's back and forth paddle-ball, friction and dual persuasion. Had the spirit of the country been charged differently under a different set of circumstances, it would be much more welcomed if someone decided to elect a reputable Marxist, in the conventional fashion of Western post war political economists, not European, British or Russian but a brown-collar American Marxist, republican, perhaps like a Ron Paul (or Marxist social democrat such as Bernie Sanders.) Lest we avoid all the hair-pulling over experience or lack thereof, over geopolitics, economic forecasting, race and religion. Late arrivals are either overdue or their destinations are changed and the lateness becomes more a burden than a blessing. This was the case with Obama's campaign, and is seeming to be the case with Donald Trump since at most 2012. Clinton on the other hand is an altogether different story, what the country lacks is standardized practices, educational and other programs like tweaking the health care bill. Timing is not as pending a matter with a Clinton government on the contrary time has ripened Hilary Clinton's readiness and the state of the nation. At this point a transition from Obama to Clinton the conditions have changed in the life of the economy, digital government, and such that there is flexibility. Secretary Clinton's personal efforts and the efforts of her supporters have been limited through her various roles and positions in the NY senate to both campaign cycles, as secretary of state under Obama. Considering the fact of course neither she nor her husband are in the formal position to organize a government, to institute policies, balance a budget, along the social or domestic routes normal to basic democratic procedures (with republican appointees forming a coalition outside congress), Bill Clinton's past leadership structures cant be fully mobilized while she's running around promoting various causes and securing finances for the electorate etc., Thus what efforts we've seen are limited to an extent and may even have been considered results somewhat 'obstructionist' in character. Until the reigning voice of the majority decide to see the process of democracy to its completion all the additional hoped for options of a democratic system. Back in the 1990s when a lot of the new policies were being implemented and the great transformation of that time related to environmentalism, as before with Bush Sr. there were many refinements to ethics following the slough of malpractices during the Reagan era, but with some perceived moral declines. For example the immigration changes and issues to do with NAFTA were new, lots of these things were new like eco-feminism and the revision of history, things we normally associate to technological optimism and "old new schools" and this leaves room for personal stigmas and possible doubts as to the meaning and intentions of what they are calling revolution. The realization that in the past going back to the metropolitan Greeks, the German Enlightenment and even modern US history, humanity lived closer to nature in all their cognizing, a more integrated cultural freedom existed in the past that ''negrified'' white society and this was critical to the whole modern, Jazz inspired continuum of economic and social dynamics. We recollect this negrification as a measure of returning to our own nature, a nature that must tend to human life as priority and not only the adventures of social organization, national fortress building, techno-corporate advancement and military affairs. Nationalistic statehood never persisted in absolute autonomy and when it has tried it has never found rational cause for keeping it secluded that way. As time has evolved us, the future draws us even more in that direction than was necessary in say the 19th century. We are moving towards a future that is almost wholly multicultured, and a planet of open highways populated everywhere by all ethnic varieties perhaps even becoming omnicultural. History's proximity to the natural world and to the dialectical narrative forces of the creative will, today color our aesthetic reference to the past and to what is an authentic tradition of thought. Man's closeness to the ecological spaces of the natural environment, i.e., pioneers to log buildings; impacted also human philosophical intentions and thus the intention itself of today's eco vision clarify to a real-life system of representation. Thus, whatever mode or type of writing form may have been involved in their thinking about objectivity, the natural world was always one of the preconditions for their thinking and has been a central theme for traditional values all throughout modern rational history. Futurists in the late early 20th century wanted to replace this ecological background of natural processes with a new industrial process based on the revolutionary ideals of the machine age. But their thinking about machines was limited at the time to the perceived effects of the steam engine and other hydraulic systems i.e., systems that mimic to a point the geometric dynamics of ecological events. Today's linear control of these kinds of hydraulic events and the artificial, artless design principles of architects, makes this theoretical use of Futurism as a ideological assist for industrial control and mechanization a fallacious speculation. We cant go back to the world as it was being interpreted before in American industry in the immediate post-Vietnam market, we have the new insights into history, and although some simplicity, some foggy moral sensibility may have seemed to slipped through time I still think we are ultimately better off. Around 1994, and prior to 9/11, we reached a level of clarity and transparency with our progressive systems of technology, representation and public education. Some historicization of themes and artistic simulacra changed how we viewed and interpreted the past, however with the eruption from 9/11 and its aftermath much of this clarity became soiled, hypercontrasted with the realist dramas of a terror war, of an industrial scale threat deploying preconceived measures of retaliation, promoting state intervention and pandamonious rhetorics echoing the economic political propaganda of socialist states. As a condition of the enhanced clarity and transparency established through the struggle, speculative efforts to time travel back by altering the tone, oversaturating the hues, and covering up the transparency with a rough layer of artificial opacity, brought us into a fashion period of new media activism, anarchy and caustic politics -- that bluntly could not hide the progress to clarify the loss of transparency -- but rather present a neo-conservative facade of charred macaroni, a distraction for domestic spying, for plausible deniability and technicalist verbatim excuses. The promotion of this methodology makes up part of the history of recent new media mutations in the 21-century disaster. 
  They created the bastardly systems of America, by first liberating the language of the once Western peasants, the majority of historically once protestant classes and inviting this peasantry of workers to be ruled autocratically by a dictate of ideological and social manipulation at the turn of the last century. This brought possessive individualism into the mainstream of emancipatory European liberation and unification to America during the wars. Prior to this epoch of mass change there was the protestant work ethic of the first half of the 19th century that kept a certain culture and stability in place of this old rural, peasant majority. Primitives were, in essence, the same -- non-literate, not yet educated with little or no access to modern social and cultural knowledge. Their personalities were almost completely introverted and acting out in public, laughing or even showing one's teeth was not at all common in non-liberated cultures, unless the customs demanded it. The interwar years issued a fast emancipation of all this into a possessive culture of personality. Photographs of small tribal groups hurdled together with spears in their hands, and those black and white pictures of puritans, and poor peasant families demonstrate this common demographic fact -- people in these societies were straight-faced usually, did not smile for cameras (until Hitler made them smile for eugenics reasons) and had little in the sense of developed humour or other more complex intellectual judgement ingrained in them -- thus when the big change happened it was devastating in every sense. Today, this primitive, mechanistic, amateur lurking behind and within the features of postmodernity never goes away; we see it every time there are errors in processing common sensibility, damaged goods, late replies, rat-race consumer economies, littered streets, smog, global warming and bad notions of time and human purpose. Reversing the Cold War seems to only remove us from an accomplished state backward to a state were we are too technically altered and dependent on newer standards in the present epoch to safely return to that kind of past in any acceptable manner. It takes us back instead to the economic and social horrors of WW2 with a vague resemblance to that eras lack of conscience. Only in our times, this primitive, rigid dynamic does not simply escape into space in our private, oblivion in the natural abode; it spreads into all private space through news, through internet, through the cybernetic conditioning of every braincell with its mechanical wave of saturation and linear indexing of our states and functions. Self-promoting, watered-down fallacious medieavil psychologies. An endless concatenation of postliberal, postmodern marketing schemes and publicity stunts; self-promotion feigns the arbitrary idol delusions of the masses into the marketing of government as a public organism of parasitic human animals.  
Government works more accurately when, as a democracy held together with constituent forces, communicating and bringing to human understanding the values the people want to see manifest. On its own democracies have technocratic interests, because these are the interests of Americas technological republic. Here, in America, the process of democracies is more complicated because of that. The values of traditions and religious groups tend to be amalgamated to the republicans use of the state and social order to its own disinterested advantage, a long held coalition with theocracy and the church while religious people struggle to govern themselves. This struggle functions more properly through the dialectical exchange forced open when democracies are freed to their natural symbolic and political extensions with complex topological interactions. It works less conveniently and with less resolution proper to a free flowing social order when implemented 'the other way', i.e., when the democratic or liberal Marxist orientation is upheld against an order that is closed rather than an open system that allows republics and their social values to form -- with an open system all that is right converges to an expression because the oppressed are not confined to political or cultic systems of thought, the system is discursively brought open on the solid grounds of completed reason and critical causality, because leadership can be mobilized only when the democratic process is the reigning motif, presidents can be restrained and communities better managed from within, multinational corporations and big private capitalist industries are held sufficiently at bay by the social production of factual discourse pressures and to a healthy enough level of existence without becoming a national threat to the people, the moral majority wherever they are mobilized without the incentives to seek a dominating conquest-wide force in the world (they're allowed to exist simply put, and make arbitrary billions, they're even allowed to advertise their arbitrary functions on this planet). Todays postmodern republican system of US commercial propaganda inculcates a disastrous formula to social, cultural, technological, media and entertainment that is no longer relevant in these fields. Reflecting in every image, reproduction, representation and theme all the inflated, hyperreal suggestions, hyperlinear definitions and wobbly camera views of the amateurish reality show that reel a sadly unstable story; kinda like being stoned in public but not wanting to have all your behavioural modalities inflated, zoomed and instantly relayed back to you through the lenses of life (with all senses amplified to the roughly defined edges of a burnt churis and the seeing in burning vignettes of ventricular noise. Naturally the shades presented in real life, and in real world picturing with the mind's eye, are derided by the over saturation, darkened contrasts and miniaturizing hyper-compression of real life proportions and their normal perspectives. When system's converse with good equilibrium then they are free to self-organize with a standard set to insure how and in what manner they self-organize rather than an imposed 'value system', laid out verbatim which is limiting to the natural thermodynamic constraints of social organisms and leeds to careless tasking and error functions. While four course meals are being rotated, when real edibles are being purchased with all the necessities and someone begins replacing the steaks and vegetables with processed beef out of a can, now someone else asks where the beef is? the answer is Trump ate it, radiated it, caused its economical and political congealing and formal decoherence. The neural behaviour that mimics rigid body dynamics and tremors, of unstable systems resemble the hyperlinear, segmented, annoying indications and forced demonstrations; the shock-dynamics, the saturated, unfiltered hyer-definition replays emulated on screen and in fast forwarded recasting that obstruct the organic flow of self-resemblance conditioning disyntactic states of cultural-semantic feedback.
With Trump, his level of detachment from the will of the people and from reality cannot be justified in the sense that he becomes instantly relieved of his imposed (politically correct) frustrations and notions of social suppression (by media) once he has his wish (being president), instantly relieves him to a maturation of his self representation as if a crucial debt had been payed or a burden lifted from his shoulders whereby obtaining a higher power position, sustaining recognition by news and hence fulfilling this wish 'launders' his dirty past from his conscience easing his use of hubris as if justice has been served on his side. Being a billionaire businessman is not enough, now being US leader wont either until he has in his possession all children's souls and all the keys to all those secret doors and hidden treasure. Its all something else unrelated to Trump and they're building sketchy and irrelevant connections with new inflated values. The hubris, sympathy for it, goes away when the case is closed -- just as Trump's own hubris melts away when the billionaire acquires his entitled position, like an inexperienced baby, this toned down hubris is illusion. Projecting nemesis towards him only adds to his inflated sense of empowerment because it evidences his effectiveness (his power) to anger others, and the most obvious: to feel pitied as a martyr of such attacks grants him an iota of innocence that uplifts his conscience and justifies his twisted 'positivistic' sense of being the good guy while he is doing what is clearly wrong. But the character screenplay of this campaign is so disastrously typical that we fail to believe it is so; that it must surely be designed to fester our attention, distracting us from reality and from other prevailing social movements. Trying earnestly to avoid the fact that political personalities have lost the script for dialectical policy creation -- bouncing back and forth on yes or no issues; poll popular candidates these days display no diplomatic sense for reforming governments or planning regime changes state-wise or internationally.   
In selfish, annoying, idle vanity; greedy corporate-business personalities forge their superficial unions through the handshakes that signify their individual lack of essential vision which they speculatively grasp via clonal reflection in the hollows of an Other. No psychical insights guide their sentiments for these are forged in legalist or political terms of association and incorporation. Trump himself must be considered a member of the entire economic corpus of assimilated and circumscriptive revisionary reality, of hyperreal, retro-reanimation schemes put through hypnogogic filters that perturb the original uninterpreted view. Unataching his process from the baby Bush era platform that elicited its archaic motifs and fearful Oedipal relations is a therapeutic biopic for recovering those relations in real memory within the control limits that were held over the former president by others. Trump, classifiably so, must be regarded as an automated self-resemblance to classical Medieval Narcissism, i.e., popular narcissistic behaviour of the autoerotic phase as youth commonly would exhibit in the self-grooming, mirroring-out and dressing up in hero's garb, caricaturizing fable figures. Freud on the other hand wants to excoriate the hidden, unconscious presence of narcissistic motives that hide in modern neurosis and which wage our political wars, national fears of the foreign, such that all decisions, wether right or wrong, always reflect self-interested motivations.
Caravaggio Narcissus
Narcissistic disorder on the other hand compromises this classical narcissistic acting-out for rationalistic power in the Ego persona (late mirror stage development) and revealing in personal power structures. Adults who are classically narcissistic personality types often suffer in childhood with repressed Oedipal interactions of the psyche i.e., complex Oedipal formations arise in adulthood but do not display real-life narcissistic disorder traits. The Narcissistic Complex is something altogether different; it relives itself of its animus (and Oedipus) by elucidating itself through classical, anti-neurotic, self-glorifying, ancient narcissistic displays of personal prestige and self-intrigue that are essentially hollow persona significations developed in later adulthood and which aid in the avoidance of Narcissistic disorder and Oedipus Complex. Undoing the complexes of Narcissistic disorder Type-1, when individuals confuse mirror-narcissism for conscious self-reflection, is transfigurable to religious myths of the hero archetype and working with themes of immortality. Because this behaviour is governed in the classical archaic universe of self-imagery and projection it belongs to the proximal dimensions of primal desire for the mother (figuratively and as self-enantiomorph). The Medieval knight who impales a foe symbolizes the medium of classical self-advance and self-reflection in the somatified Lacanian mirror stage where the individual is invisible to himself and operates outside himself. That medium is the aqueous pond of Narcissus, reflecting in it the vital substance that records his apparency, confirming his existence visually, an existence which is not yet consciously self-reflective on the inside. Hysterics are the most silent types of narcissist's in the modern age that suffer or inflict its disorder in the neurodynamo. True Narcissistic disorder is the more commonly present, more dangerous neurosis but certainly not the more problematical nor severest in the spectrum -- Narcissistic disorder sufferers insist on their claim to being right even while all rational argument and moral certitude locks them in a self-contradicting circle of false assertions held-fast with mammalian fury by the contractions of the anal muscles; false certainty is emotionally charged by fantastic assimilation to the social authority no matter what the case may be i.e., that of collectively approved super-Egoism that suppresses the Ego's central position of reason. It matters not what society specifically is under consideration (right or wrong), all mass agency that espouses true or false reality is constituted in the Superegos powers as viewed by its Shadow. Narcissistic disorder is aligned to the powers of the superegoically false society, to false social or character judgement; while ordinary classical narcissism is friendly to the so-called 'good' society, to a kind of original justice that perceives all authority and law as alien to its nature. These Narcissistic disorders pose a threat to the individual, to the progress of civilization, and to (classically) capitalist interests with their primal linguistic laws (and not to society at large). Dangerous narcissists always proclaim they are right even if wrong and will break the laws of states and obstruct relative moral truths or disregard others irrationally. However they are not as negative a threat to society at large, to the natural world or environment, to religious principles of morality, as the verifiable Oedipus type biocomplex that build capitalist states that damage the coherency of civilization with the destructive, technologically archaic aims (i.e., Oedipus at Thebes).  Looking to modern day political exemplars and using the neurosis as a model, Obama nearly fits the personality of one with Narcissistic disorder, with zero or weak Oedipus, that is a repressed narcissism unexpressed and uncommonly visible in rare moments. Thus, we may say he is a threat to the individual, to the narcissistic personality, a challenge to the original ideations of failed artists and to free enterprise. Trump, on the other hand fits the ancient state, the autocratic leader, his Oedipal state does not pose a threat to the individual, contrarily, he is a threat to SOCIETY.

Obama would have come off initially as being a Superego primary debater while Trump's unavoidable Id runs rampantly without reflective Ego constraint. All modern and primitive societies carry within their Shadow the tumultuous burden of some family complex that cannot under ordinary conditions be resolved. It is the few, the true capitalists who suffer the complex disorder that we are hesitant to call Oedipus. Oedipus does not want to leave Thebes but is forced to leave by members of the city state, thence his fear of marrying his own mother is a fear of exile enforced at a more primitive collective level, not by the laws of the Superego so much as the Shadow of Thebes. On the plane of mythical experience, society as a whole repels the effects of its collective Oedipus by reserving it to the site of Thebes, and with Oedipus running away in exile, it enacts a return to the natural order of civilization by taking down those elements in our society that impose its complexes, its patricidal order of creative destruction (Schumpeter) which we as a society simply do not tolerate. Only through this process of removal can civilization recreate its true form of liberty and civil justice -- the disorder created in Oedipus is a collective contribution of all repressed Oedipal fears that Thebans cannot simply retract or expel from themselves, first they must symbolically efface these complications, learning from their king who joins in this self-infliction and exile and without which divided empires cannot restore a genuine sense of unity. Anyone who has violated a taboo becomes taboo himself because he possesses the dangerous quality of tempting others to follow his example: why should (he) be allowed to do what is forbidden to others? Thus he is truly contagious in that every example encourages imitation, and for that reason he himself must be shunned. Thus the nuclear complex of Oedipus, that controls all the other neurotic phases and interactions, is somehow identified with this kind of psychogenetic asynapsis of the typical narcissistic persona that resists its childhood division from the Ego and disguises its Oedipal self-reproachment -- investing it in totemic imagery that reflect unspoken social norms and hierarchies -- Totemic interests do not necessarily arise from a direct connection to Oedipus complex but take the place of incest-laden primal scenery on the basis of narcissistic preconditions that may release the fear or repressed goals of patricide for example. The real demon of Oedipus hovers beyond all conscious responsibility, especially in today's post-analytic atmosphere of automation, where it constantly divides objectivity after objectivity with its strategic auto-associations welling up from the capitalist unconscious in order to secure its savage wishes. Oedipus, thus, is this monster from the Id that is outside the individual and may even control him by attacking external residents of the community. Old age imperialism and capitalism, which the people cannot afford to accept, is exchanged for an anti-Oedipal resistance, rather than a resistance of Oedipus which we call repression, the archetype is revived in its desecration. Only in this act of dethronement can the social order establish a true laying-to-rest of its Oedipal afflictions, remembering with the perceptual clarity of nature how it came to resist outside authority and accept personal responsibility. Rebuking the Oedipal empire that forges itself in acts articulating denial, chaos and speculative propaganda a new empire is born that returns the moral substance of a society formerly living in a naive acceptance of their place in history, remapping the cultural logos and true values of the past in the way life and events are represented. For example, doing the right thing (ethically speaking) the wrong way (morally speaking) sends the wrong message about ethical truth, that right is wrong, etc., while doing what is wrong as inaccurately exhibited in perfect representation, signals that it is right to do so (morally). When ethical acts are performed with immoral representation they are so in bad faith, as ingenue acts, while ethical behaviour given moral finesse completes the act without bad traces. Ethical and moral conditions can be distinguished in a simple way, for example; as a messy home owner with good design sense keeps their environment dangerously a wreck consists in good morals with bad ethics, while a well kept 'clean' household which is dull and colourless, or lacking in any human quality, compares an ethical to a moral home owner. Morality is this sense is considered secondary in nature to ethics, ethics can at least to a good extent be legally enforced by society but many conditions arise where morally represented situations may cause legal issues to ensue. If I misrepresent a fact that endangers life like a hologram of a vehicle that misleads someone to jump to their death, im morally (and legally) responsible if that happens. Among these restructured, Draconian-styled modern oligarchies that control prohibitions and ensure the chastisement of undesirable populations, nonetheless have at their disposal an armoury of archaic methods that lower the standards controlling economic and cultural productivity. This is achieved partly by imprinting behaviour with mechanistic drives through automation, entertainment, propaganda, state psychiatry, pop psychology, drugs and social media. The proper way of instilling natural prohibitions is by defaming or otherwise destroying the figures that most exemplify all incompatible laws, those that institute flawed systems of governing and statecraft. Truth must be arrived at with original faith in the life of the socius, with a true sense of polity decentralized from an imaginary centre, but like totems it can only occur by consecrating the trickster and Oedipalizing the forces that symbolize social monopoly, mass production and expropriation. These territorialized psychological spaces cannot be torn down by instituting therapies; society tears them down in effigies, figures that saliently oppose the rational instincts of the people in political agreement. Republicanism historically feared confronting psychoanalysis because of what it reveals about social order; it challenges imperialist aims and demands organic solutions like hypnosis that puts the people in a position of having to lay down all defences (and mechanisms) which empires usually employ or attempt to instil through social methods of enforcement. With the civil rights movement taken exclusively as an event, such as does not continue beyond those whose experienced it, (its momentum through time vanishes with the imposing forces of new integrated norms, power structures, and their instituted forms, that try to correct or even attempt to manufacture its principle culture.) For its continuance in time a totally new event must be composed that repositions the historical-political compass, radically transforming the social order to accept moral responsibility for its ethical functions. Trump epitomizes, in his fallacious views, the inconsistent and hollow rhetorical tactics, the unfathomably self-contradicting character of the desperate republican and neoliberal-leftist-heretic cannon. The failure to respond to social issues, the failure to maintain meaningful political dialogue relevant to postwar society. But he's one of your boy's I understand, he sees himself as the architect, but its not of this empire.  

Riddle of the Sphinx (Oedipus Rex)
Lacan's major hypothesis was once concerned with the psychological development of self-identity in the infant and child whereby a clear phase is distinguished between seeing ones image reflected in the mirror and identifying this image with the body. Narcissism is thought to follow a dissociation from the body itself and fixation upon the mirror. Thus it may often be claimed by clinicians that to associate with the body as the core, personified self is healthy. I will present the view that this is only superficially accurate at a particular phase of human conscious evolution, and that moreover narcissists are more dangerous to society when they become embodied this way too late in life. Narcissus, if we follow the original tale as given in Ovid, was gazing into a pond of water (not a mirror), and from this pond fell in love with his own self image. We will see that the pond of still water illustrates a stagnation, and a flowing quality that is not solid and thus exemplified Narcissus' character as one of the child-archetypes. The child is a quant spirit that has not experienced the traumas of life sufficiently yet to understand the social boundaries that will define the adult. Narcissus traverses the boundless realms of free play, and exploring the wilderness, but is so caught up in his self reflection to grasp others or the feelings of outside consciousness. We would say that at this stage he lacks a Cartesian cogito that recognizes intersubjectivity. Through pain, through stumbling and falling, the child Narcissus learns that he has a body and that he ought to respect it and other individuals who could also harm him. Thus as most children eventually he becomes accustomed to repairing this contradiction of body and mind, of self and other, and with this realization he overcomes his Narcissistic tendencies because he can see that his (reason), a portion of his subjective mind, is able to infer from observations and the categories of sense (pain and pleasure) that he in fact has both a mind and a body to care for. In this relation it is not too late for Narcissus, because being still a boy, he might overcome this radical contradiction of logic on the grounds of physics. Yet prior to finding a shaman, of some mediator of experience to prove to his senses what is immortal and transcendent of what is illusion, his spirit roams like a bombast, like a drunkard, like an individual who is so self-possessed as the watery substance of his airy-ferry nature draws him to and fro vigorously, he can yack ceaselessly without ever making a modest bit of sense, his conclusions go nowhere and are uninteresting, his ideas have no raison d'être and add up to inconclusive ramblings about utopias and kingdoms ruled by titans. But once this behaviour continues on uncritically examined in isolation from nature, the child-archetype that Ovid intends Narcissus can become an adult with the same symptoms. How can this solipsistic condition of the psyche be naturally cured to the integral state of awareness? Unlike children, an adults body image is fabricated differently, his phases may not all be in sync, and most essentially his metabolism and psychosomatic potency is not the same as a growing, highly adaptive, energetic child who can learn when he's sharpest to maintain certain lines drawn in the past stored in his memory. Thus, to associate ourselves at this point to ourselves may not release all the symptoms of Narcissism but rather make them more complicated, i.e., empowering them as a deeper more problematic complex. Due to the very definition of the disorder and all "dis-orders", the Narcissism personality rejects reason and conclusive sensibility, and he rejects and defames authority but embraces the authority figure i.e., the official resemblance to power and prestige, to the authority figure (which is most akin to the "father" figure or the "mother" figure.) Mass delusion, a product of mass disequilibrium of the father and mother archetype, determine a national identity crisis, a phase of lingering against authority itself and the construction of respectable figures and idols. America, being the costume culture that it traditionally is, builds charecatures to replace authorities and defines human rights in this bizarre fashion as one's freedom against authority to make of oneself whatever he so imagines regardless if it is reasonable or harmful to the country, wether it is creative or whether it is a product of a pathological lie. To some measure, this privilege of the American spirit can have fascist overtones and tendencies where authority is challenged by the brute forces that replace it with quick lives figures. These figures are the product of masquerades, smoke-blowing tactics of deterrence and saboteurs who try to thwart power with various affects that usually lack full coherence.
Marr, yes, and in the past, in the golden ages of the world, Trump typologies did not yield any major social influence, they did not possess effective political or diversive act's that move people, there were no machines at their disposal to this end for converting their stale messages into billboards, trivia, inuendos or to inflate with volume lenses, to add typographic assaults or to sell as one's altered image as a product of homosynthesis and animation of stasis. The methodologies of reverse psychology, of the empowered personas of such erogenous ambitions in ordinary men were most often uninvited to the tables of rational debates, to gentlemen's clubs and education societies which reserve to their orders personal qualities of a certain empathy, reliability and humility etc., they were on the other hand held with a certain disregard for being disdainful forces to all spiritual and material progress to be excommunicated since free personal enterprising was still regarded to be the criminal, circus snake-oil bandit-like behaviour of petty salesmen. Capitalism in the classic sense still governed itself in the forces of material production based on human needs and the products fulfilling life itself were the objects of corporations, and to the extent that nature and raw materials necessary for that function could be derived capital maintained a novel direction until around the second industrial age.  
Can he manage to fulfill the function, even if only superficially, of the representational assistant to the rational-moral imperative of our times which presidents are sworn to protect, an imperative for the Soviet-US cold war interface, or is he really a wedge in the devolution of productive factors, a compromiser for private US-corporate unilateralism and infrastructure disturbance. Since America refuses to adjust to what is presently necessary both politically, morally and civilian-wise refusing to formulate proper leadership structures and with mad protest resist policies to free the dynamic states of their citizens; since theyre committed to a kind of seamless social injustice and a morally unsatisfactory governance centred in corporate bureaucracy, despotism and environmental-economic disaster scenarios, shallow rhetoric, and self-justifying relativisms, political isolation, and self-cynicalist, stale-stoicism, closet sophistry, they have no intention it would seem of forming a natural economic-political alliance on any solid footing that engages in culturally relevant discourse -- their serviceable logic of classification is invalidated at the dynamic coding, interactive-thermal level of information process that would rather speculate in a static void, its own end in terms of the sociocybernetic order explicated on the beds of states. 
He cant pull the Bush Sr. card, as a mild conservative methodist style republican-democrat; he cant calm the snake handlers den so to speak, or at least shows no intention of doing so. He seems however intent on filling the golfers hall of fame, to the administrative chores of the presidency, a desire and boyhood wish to be preened by the establishment and all that. 
On a slightly different note, one must credit Trump for holding ground in this election against the aspiring Jeb Bush, preventing his rise was a bit of a necessity this time around and I might add that since this election cycle has completed, and we still don't have a real clue where this is leading, should Trump decide to step down or leave the race at this point could make room for more options The sad things about Trump is perhaps the fact that his degree of invalidity aids as a contrasting eruption to proving the Western perspective to be wholly wrong i.e., instead of holding a modest, valid geopolitical angle for continuing Soviet engagements, one that continues balancing the equation of geopolitical exchanges in the economy, he blocks the reality principles full expression in permissive ways that dispel action, in the securing of US invalidity where the end of the cold war was achieved by liberating the social oppressions of militarized communist-style brigades and dictatorships; freeing in central Europe and former-soviet republics, drawing down an Iron Curtain. America emancipated its own intelligence wing by accepting liberal doctrine and reviving a new talent form in the acceptance of European and other foreign refugees, in film, music and pop culture of the MTV generation. That generation of talents still had in it a relation to the struggle and the cold-war narrative, to spiritual potency, truth, philosophy and so on, while it ended a period of uncertain strife and archaic skepticism in government and bearish domination in economies. Obviously the same cannot be said today with Russia's Putin, or US cultural and peaceful negotiations -- While valid, descent criticism to GHW Bush's methods and cold war peace negotiations, ideologies as the sole salvation for today have more than a mere point to make, today this point is reversed in that Trump has absolutely no point to exhibit in reality and the cold war fuels the positive principle of America's sense of cultural freedom in a climate of declining democracy. he also helps out the whole rocs that as anti-Brexit, anti-Marxist, pro-G20 globalist puppetry because rational people today want him so dearly to make leave, he simply does not have the effect fitting to todays momentum of reversing these evils, instead his effect sets the whole systems reversal back a decade to the period most identifiable with the crisis. 

Marr-Viker Epstein: We mustn't forget that Donald Trump is a modern day impostor (an enemy of the practical economic order invented by his father and grandparents generations), a stale and empty suite full of air, automatically desperate, postmodern toad and an indefinitely self-contradicting political paddle-ball player who can change his tie color to match a polarity play from demo to republican but wont feasibly centralize a formula for potency while refusing to live under God's roof fulfilling his natural role and place in the hierarchy of universal needs. He's not here because he cannot stand Obama (or leftist economic heresy) which he successfully enjoys in being absent from the critical anti-Obama scene where he could have found an avenue of instrumental use, until the moment arises that the revolutionary struggle for Obama's new economy has found its natural equilibrium or interphase point, now all of a sudden it matters, now all of a sudden when the fighting is over and all the participants are sleeping, the loser arrives to smack people around like a vulture who cannot compete with the living and thus resorts to consuming corpses. Thus, he's here because he cant stand the Soviet-US interphase, moral democracy and simple traditional, cultural mores, geopolitical cold war era strategy, America, freedom as a philosophically self-determined truth, the religious world etc., repulsed by the whiff of nature or whiff of a naturally completed Marxist economy built on multicultural nodes of constitution as humans always lived, nor the equilibrium of fundamental powers in the world -- and not because Obama, the first four years of Obama made him relevant. Media present articles with his image, wearing the hat and giving the thumbs up, like its a predetermined Tom and Jerry cartoon. Everything is returning to normal, America and the world is becoming great again in some originally historical sense and this comical spoiler shows up "well well look who shows up" kinda funny, in a Sylvester and Tweety way this new spectacle is the irony of the comic pose whose image speaks for itself amidst the entire state of affairs recollected and known in advance. Its an unanswerable irony that is funny before it is negated or viewed with an eye of disdain. Yet the transparency in which he and the other presidential candidates, to some or lesser degrees, present themselves covers this comical side of the electoral process and its representation by the image. All the fake explosions, special effects, penned points and dotted lines of the comic strip appear here in full effect! The two-dimensional character plots and syndicated acts of ridicule show the obvious play with comical triviality and irony. Wether taken as a total act of a political coup d'etat or a sincerely preconscious ignominy to better what is best, the candidacy of Trump is a phoney event in and of itself, it is inescapably phoney to the conscious mind of all audiences. Philosophical readers might imagine a 1901 tribute to Husserl; Hegel returns from the dead and attends a Husserl lecture wearing the hat saying "Make phenomenology Husserlian again". Not realizing the new method of making Hegelian phenomenology self-conscious again is already here.   

Jeremy Wojtyla: Trump obviously was never a part of the core events involved in the counterculture movement, he's part of a diversion (an anti-communist, anti-government, anti-rational, anti-geostrategic one) that automates itself in the therapeutic overtones of impossible economic growth catharsis. Like the entire digitized neo-classical economy, the restless Oedipal reverberations of the precritical past, of false memories, stirs up vile revulsions as artifice against reason. Just as true Oedipus lodges itself in the biocomplexus of facades interacting at the semiconscious memory, coding and then overcoding the paternal-maternal lust-object through a mixed sensoria of processed emoteables -- Father-mother phallus sensation is the processed sensation that self-associates dissociative complex opinion ("I feel rational, I feel correct" i.e., I subconsciously desire X-mother, Y-father image as an empirical power-complex of fear and infantile arousal processed in my digitized cortex). The afflicted Oedipal psyche does not recognize the substitution object because it lingers in newly formed unconscious relations, figurations and associations while Oedipal parental desire from say the 'oral suckling of the breast' or the naked primal scene is itself morphed into new conscious knowledge about carnalized gender signs that emerge from their interactions of original childhood memories hiding in the subconscious' deep phantasmal strata. Thus, as new orthodoxy would claim, the expression of the real Oedipus complex happens in later adulthood when repressed desire for the mother is aroused subconsciously during later adolescent sexual development and interacts between an adult love interest and forgotten memories of a parent scene form a complex when they cannot be released in dream work or hypnogogic self-analysis. Oedipus always is believed to exist in all cultures past and present but the complex is more rare and is consistent with large, modern, industrious economies grounded in the linear modes of production and labour that repress the subjective proximity and communication of the conscious persona with its subconscious dream i.e., caffeinated labour markets that over-stress socialization and a language that denies descriptive reasoning. Early protestant Europe for example wouldn't have a population densely afflicted with the complex since its populace were germain to a simpler work ethic and naturality, society itself prior to television elicited less prohibitions of consciousness and the anti-authoritarian language of dissatisfaction among the masses of people was not demoralized by the state.  Trump is the one who hallucinates the singular image of the ink-blot test, or the Indian fable of the blind men and the elephant wherein four blind men each are holding one part of the elephant and think they are able to describe the whole elephant. One man has the tail, another the leg and another the trunk. Each of the blind men think what theyre holding is the elephant but theyre all wrong. Worse still is that with Trump he holds only to Ganesha's penis while telling the world that god is a man and that this makes him and any of his opinions unique or valid.
 Wayne Christenson:   Superegoic defences mix in the sensory adumbration field with the "im rational" Ego states of the "white", "Western" consciousness in self-protest while holding at bay pluriconscious recall of denaturalized Oedipal desire which is substituted to normative conventions while all along pushing forth from the subconscious a new fantasy for the past mother-father scene. Prohibitions and cultural norms only mask this deep-seated inclination which more primitive societies expelled from themselves by invoking totemic imagery and engaging in various mythological rituals of the paternal-ancestral image system. With the presentation of psychological archetypes in primitive societies the inner Oedipal structure that places in the primal scene all its latent growths in the subconscious modifying the outside perception and interpretation of the Other to fit the mirror projection of a parental figure are displaced with symbolic tapestries or clan-group edifice couplings that act as the polis governing the whole society. Modern Western societies had similar systems such as dramatic film, art brute, burlesque, political parody, absurdism, theatre of cruelty this sort of thing. 
  A neurotic's sterile disregard for reality, his or her's immoral assertions which follow an irrational path sorted by public opinion in regards to the superego's need to protect itself in social hive-minds, or to deeply repressed libidinal powers that defy practical reason and the contexts of knowledge that govern reality proper; are fractured within from the optimal disproportioned Ego-Id-Superego gestalt subset with a superego dominant theme over the Ego supplied by the feelings and totalistic affirmations of the Id. In this state of affairs the neurotic persona cannot consciously account for event structures, (with the primal scene as central), or the shared significance, or insignificance, of value objects -- for all their natural gradations enter upon the repressed stage of youth semantic structures (states of mind, cogito awareness etc.) that hold taboo markers, real or imagined events and event sensations. As such, necessary gestalt-rational data and particularly moral processing is hindered often defensively with a authoritative certainty exhibited by the affect-Ego and its constant psychosocial defences against all explanatory common sense. Commonly, the domestic archetype representing the Terrible Mother in the psyche of young males assists in the false attributes of Oedipal fears that disguises for Oedipal-mother fears i.e., mother's who are predisposed to a primitive desires of their fathers as youths or have participated in sexual contact with a father are more likely to inflict Oedipal Rex-like symptoms such as social disintegration (confining the socius sphere to the family, religious or domestic unit), recreating the site of Oedipus as a psychosocial mytheme, keeping to the verbal regimen of adolescence, dress and the unwed or virginal characteristics, collective assurance of views that uphold mass Oedipalized currents of thought and anxiety. Even while standard psychoanalysis and other methods of primitive regress, education and self-reflective behaviour might recognize an alleviation of the mental-psychological symptoms of the complex inner dynamics, the contemporary relativistic attitudes of the post-modern crisis indicate a irrecoverable side-effect of today's automated society and culture -- i.e., the lasting impression that psychoenergetic trauma, and researches about it, has on the consciousness of individuals even after the psyche has processed a hard reconciliation of memories and complex contents. Mentally we may find stability, even a greater stability, once our past has been coherently recollected in the light of metapsychological, essentialist truth. Conversely the same can be said as when mid-life interactions or crisis in the unconscious produce false memories and sensibilities go astray from lodged, fragmented or misinterpreted future meanings -- Consciousness is a field all its own that substantiates everything performed by the mind, it is the water in the mental fish bowl, consciousness carries the shockwaves of every event the mind attaches itself to. Ages past patients or ordinary undiagnosed subjects were in more direct personal communion with their unconscious world, archetypes, feelings, knowledges and anxieties -- psychical functions resting on these imaginative states put the psyche in greater harmony with its consciousness. Today the need to invent imaginaries, fires and fantasy images in the unconscious space is weakened by film, mass print, visual media and photography that automate the process for us, leaving our personal Id relata, Ego abstractum, and visual imaginations empty of rival potency -- psychotherapists wanting to generate a subspace for these imaginary powers effecting the conscious field an play with suggestive imagery, blot tests, vague impressionistic images, Gestalts, engrams and eidetic recall pictographs.  
  The affect unconscious is the deceiving principle of the persona that excludes from it the signature of the unearthed rotten turnip, the exploding gas bubble, the pile of horse manure in the manner it presents its being to a rational consciousness exclaims first its faulty ontic consistence as the 'coming-off-as-Being', or the positively-polarized negation of truth as discernible stink. Artificial republics are deff to intellectual self-government -- the original essence of spiritual work, of philosophical praxis and truth are discoursed about like the laws and the economy is to archaic states and their unnatural, unlawful craft. Being off-balance, the human of such self-glory can only divert itself from a purely ethicalized devotion to what is Other. Even with all his unstapled boyhood ambitions rooted in domination schemes, he knows how to make himself useful even if only momentarily, at the final phase once his approach has been lawfully debunked and found to be detrimental to the cure rather than at the stage when he was still a potentially useful instrument. Like ceilings that are painted and stripped too soon or too late, retreated and sanded then replastered; this Trump represents a postcritical paint job that ruins the ceiling. The exact psychology of his type is the one heretical psychology that ruined this country, and all our lives, dreams, (repetitively), unrecoverable. As im sure you know in advance, this ones not here because he experiences care about the country, its truth, spirit or history; as a businessman you have first to observe the fact that his appearance now is selfishly motivated; his bid for the presidency is driven first by a recent loss in ratings, popularity, and public necessity, which he needs and surely fundamental concerns as well; commi concerns, eastern economic concerns, loss of dominance concerns, God concerns, historical concerns, dynamic cold war concerns, nature concerns, fact concerns. Thus that with all the facile hype . . . . . . This has only to do with the radicalism of America! neurotic false sentiment for its liberal-socialist past (or social Weimarism), will not suffice now especially -- people whose cathective mode of consciousness causes them to attach themselves to frivolous outside appearances as things phantasmaly related to themselves; as a business person who is mentally confined to infancy (feels the contents of the world belongs to his self-ownership), because intersubjective empathy and the rational picture of the world have not sufficiently manifested at the correct phase of neuropsychological development. It is the transparency of the mentality that infects the technology and magically seals it in an evil vessel. Lateness in developing environmental sense for the independence of the world, of the Other, of nature and one's own subjective cogito from this outside nature necessarily miscarries the essence and the meaning which it improperly represents as a kind of heretical conjuration of the psychic complex (Id-Superego disarrayment empowering the Ego's rational appearance). This phantasmic self-mesmerizing over biased, individualistic interpretations that linger in them like the fuel for their ambitions and solidifying as a dogma with numerous suppositions chained together, hanging on last words as if they were timeless maxims and maxims like they can be passed off inessentialy as random statements. Regarding fundamental human values, rights and truth, one must hold total vehement regard to their treacherously faulted record which is an outdated, speculative, less-than-standard average brought to the fore as the pity they receive when they file for pitiable power. Nobody wants to see those scenes, those past enactments of commercial advance and US individualist expansion! like the Berlin Wall has been taken out, theres nothing to free except the people you people enslave in your precarious disregard for all reality.  The nemesis itself that almost singularly destroys everything essential and sacred cannot play the role of the national saviour. These god-awful heresies commit themselves to an infinitude of debts. Oneness is achieved by constitutional (lawful) unity among particulate axons of a network, not in any way by some inflationary total-integration of every value that can be placed at ones disposal and that results in the caustic relations that spoil necessary functions, and lives.

Jeremy Wojtyla: Europeans came to America in order that they may escape the standardized noble chain of government commands prevailing in Europe's constitutional monarchies, primarily in central and western Europe -- the USA became a free enterprise essentially out of this colonial, logocentric based culture involved with the annexing of territories and inventing precariously determined cliches from the contact with the material environment as something belonging to the nation's corporeal identity. Logocentrism of course is the philosophical notion that all ideas created by thinking beings must be grounded in or derived from an external reference which they hold firmly as truly existing (like the nation), endowed with the qualities of an authority (as a unionized government); it is also a corporate culture most popular in America today which privileges the acts of speech as conferring meaningful potency over the written word because, to them, the spoken word is closer to a brute sort of immanence occurring in physical time. Republican philosophy, insofar as it references itself to Plato's great work, claims to abide to the first principles of an idealist view of the universe which we might consider today or in some recent epoch to be synonymous with subjectivity -- it foreshadows the world of ideas and forms as a world of logocentric speculations circumscribed to fit the agenda of the political party's established goals to undermine philosophical or 'leftist' truth with its own 'ideas' of innocence. This logocentric free-enterprise foremostly geared itself to technology viz industrial monetization of social economies and its marketable, mass generation, without of course being given to rational or scientific oversight, and in this brutally freakish way marketable social innovation and progress displaces natural invention and genius with neo-classical methods of infantiley small economies that to yours and my experience in this unending crisis has only catered to plutocrats. This dispensing all human assets to a neo-classical caste order society, plutocracies copy with faux finishing all the accomplishments of history and selective breeding among wealth only the top handful of lives willing to live for the cause merely to protect their masters from all competition with wider more feasible economies that support natural talent and the god-given laws of the land. However it was not always of such an extreme, logocentric modes of communication dominate the communications industry in America from the telephone to the digital space of social networks and this defines as well their manners of society, their personalism and deprivitization of public space. This is not to say that all such social evolutions are impractical or impossible in their own right but that they must necessarily suite their contexts i.e., they are feasible as commodity functions under the tones of a system grounded in a system of social constitutionality, social democracy etc., just as the circus belongs in a circus, acting belongs on the stage and not in the practical affairs of life. Corporations and business entities unfortunately do not create fundamental peace nor regional prosperity -- today, in the postwar environment, these sought after goals are resolved through differential conflicts when two or more evils destroy what is misconstrued in their own ways, their folly is annihilated by competing on the grounds of each others fundamental premises, historical or otherwise moral-ethical, for what is practically good in each; a bringing out of good, of the responsibilities to do right or to do well in cultural advancement, emptying the unconscious potentials of evil through controlled rational combat, controlled conflict, artillery buildup, treaty formation, dynamic exchange, and operational simulation. This, thus sending the message domestically about conscious self-redemption and natural confession of historical and latent crimes. More so than the minimized loss of life to the methods of international war in postwar society, is the unaccountably cruel loss of life and limb millions of citizens suffer at the hands of unanswerable corporate felonies, their malpractices, and seamlessly planned obsolescence of products, untested gadgets, exploding vaporizers, hazardous fine-print etc. that escapes all recognition. Continental countries have long abandoned the rigid positivist attitude and have transformed their private and public law into something rather more rational than a heap of rules, dating from different eras without internal coherence, and also have purged the law of absurd, iniquitous and outdated provisions. America, however, has to some extent today adhered rigidly to the positive principle in theory and practice with the result that their law is chaotic and full of random injustices. The problem originated from a lack of standards, not a lack of exceptionalism per se, for untested products misgoverned in heretical practices, i.e., when some one cant see the big picture because they are too disarrayed in their personal tunnel visions that the dawning of factuality happens prematurely. Like those torchereous grade school and board room tests, folkishly misconstructed sentences that arise on a bed of outdated marginalities and racist pretensions, making state education hell, belong to the late private and Boomer generations of behavioural misconducts, that slipped through the free policies of the civil rights movement, had nothing to do with liberty and everything to do with sentiments for the era of socialism. Hence the plight of the people, though trivialized by power, is for the most part a self-invented series of biased claims. The truth of the movement was for government participation by the most competent and, among the suppressed, serving the advancement of the country against status quo neo-capitalism and upholding civilian responsibilities in their proper roles and interests abandoning the status quo upkeep of the socialist period. These exact specificities are learned at the graduate level of political education and are not expected to be discerned with exactitude by the people even the formally educated appertaining to some political knowledge. 

Wayne Christenson:  The standard hypothesis adhering to much of Freudo-Marxist and psychotherapeutic economic thought concerning political dissent, anarchy and libidinal economy in capitalist, neo-capitalist societies is the same hypothesis shared by post-analytical or integral rationalism i.e., that post-rational and (postmodern)-neurosis is to be cured through psychoanalytic treatment before any truly rational social class, social or political state can be realized. What passes for reason either professionally or scholarly often is a trained series of practices and eloquent appearances belonging to the capitalist, neo-classical system of free markets. To say that modern people today are rationally governed objectively trained to a regimen in a rationally derived order would, according to some Freudians, be based completely on appearances of privilege and access. Here, the whole system is a fake, and most persons in postmodern societies that proclaim to be rationally self-governing would not be found demonstrating this rationality in novel, real-life applications or in everyday practical affairs (like the smart nerd who nonetheless cant tie both his shoe laces) these neurotic traces leave moral deficits and disasters unaccounted. Historical-dialectical reason was never reached through these majority political states that place an elect where the entire democratic process is upheld continuously as an elaborate extension of the law with the circumventing or inclusion of moral traditions as part of its ethical constitution. All great social movements like the American revolution, the Reformation involved the uprisings and conflicts of interest or were forced into being from their inception through the radical ideas, original efforts and will of their personal representatives to overthrow an old regime of thought that had turned stale. Economic tyrannies bred in narcissistic or Oedipal paranoia and dictatorship ought first to be systematically deconstructed and replaced with naturalized economies freed from unconscious libidinal prohibitions. Postmodern libidinal economy attempts this with an amateurs speculative enforcement through socialized perversions where propaganda is used publicly with otherwise categorically invasive methods that are automatic, archaic and induce further repression and libidinal fear in subjects. Spreading propaganda that hyper-Oedipalizes economic potencies (neo-Bernay's), social and libidinal programming (neo-Reichian), neurolinguistic programming, industrial social norms and other systems of overt social control have a denaturalized tendency to advance themselves against more current neo-Marxist systems of global equilibrium that normalize the free flow of sociobiological energy contrary to the language of capital. For a naturalizing system to be successful it must first decode all these false relations that we vend positively manifest in the political economy. Organic reason must accord in itself with the relief from the neurotic neuropsychological states that block its harmony, or encode it to the language of repressive denial and capitalist reductionism. Objectifying liberal wish-fulfilment in the capitalist industries of life, self-commercialists and consumerists ignore the genetic first-substance of life itself as an organically determined social form created in the balance between taboo and expository desire. These societies advance, instead, a mechanistic impersonation of all that is dynamically living in social expression to a rational self-reflecting image, creating, instead of life systems, markets of self-indulgence wherein the queerly delusions of narcissists hide their infinite transgressions from the civilized order of living systems as if it were something resolutely coded to a theoretical deliberation of 'human social nature'. Myth has consistently found a place of importance in the human psyche, in society and in understanding how history makes itself. To the unconscious strata of the biological psyche the complex mythological threads bind to memory giving thematic substance to dreams and latent perceptions. Scenes as they are primarily apprehended in childhood, from cultural settings to social spaces, are interpreted first as transferable contents to the ones imagined in the autodidactic reception of myths by the learning child's mental picturing. For these stay untouched in the conceptual mind and not frequently relived through memory, acting as a reference to empirical sense. Freud could attach his focal subject 'the primal scene' to the linguistic theory of the 'event structure'; the latter describes the process where empirical data is reflected in semantic structures of say sentences as an irreducible expression of the event, of some empirical state that ordinary syntax, ordinary lexical descriptors do not presuppose. The event appears frequently as something in language that is not totally quantifiable to linguistic functions. Originary experiences of phenomena hold an event structure especially in the developing biological psyche that allows altered states of meaning to be established viz., a psycholinguistic transference act with visual data. Events are unavoidable in language as might be the primal scene's reappearance in some other guise, or other more abstract vectors of desire concealment where genuine Freudian slips are likely to have greater frequency of occurrence. Myth attaches its unique, primeval spaces of events to parts of the real world and especially to lost or forgotten historical landscapes. Reading through myth stimulates this primeval consciousness as having always been essential to life, contiguous to the everyday living spaces of all people. Without the embedded shadows of myth cast in the language of the psyche humans lose coherency in their development from a child to a reading adult to a casual glancer at handheld digital books; the richness of text is its semantic resonance that fortifies the substance of comprehension. Event structures are densely coupled in mythical scenes providing a base for the natural religio in anthropological creatures. Inevitably this primal religious substance transfers over into new comportments of linguistic and social meaning and forms an integrative web of coded neural interactions.           
Metamorphosis of Narcissus, Salvador Dali
Jeremy Wojtyla: The one major vulnerability of typical social creatures are the laws of large numbers in a social context placed at odds against them -- when opinions disfavour them or society as a majority ruled system opposes their representational image or beliefs, then we say 'rational' human behaviour comes to be recognized as such and the facts affirmatively represented in language or recognized through social actions. One comforting illusion is that ontologically separate realities of language expressing facts and facts in-themselves cannot be properly correlated to an objective universality. Rationality they accept only by appearances, like mundane personas with their verbal-affective deceptions, moralized opinions and dogmas. All respectable traditions congenial to public education, clerical work, ethical and noble functions attributable to natural governmentality would have rejected the kind of inauthentic, deceptive disguises of the Trump-breed because all neo-commercialism is fundamentally stale and facile; socialization is a disorder of organic social functions dictated to human neurolinguistic coding and is facile both to the ears and eyes of discernible nature and physiological pattern recognition. It breeds unconscious ills, somatic disynchrony and anxious cynicisms that leeds ultimately to the intimation of hatred. By not allowing the normal social convergences to happen in their regular flux, by obstructing the confidence and the flow of the political process, of factual laws, and social justice, the system continuously is forced into a never ending relapse, and rehearses its degraded and facile themes as 'democracy' struggles in obstructed communications to constitute agreement in society where the principle degrees of confidence have been replaced with odd ball speculations of positive hope and superstitious slogans of purchase.  One of the worst dispositions is in the immediate effect on geopolitical and economic ties, constituencies that are of a viable diplomatic nature; Trump catalyzes an obstinate mudslide downward in economic responsibilities, strengthening the very solicit immoral processes of the 'left' and bad democracy in its forced disfunction. He assists the dark areas of the West in this regard, those areas that grow from complications of economic illness, signifying in all incompetency what we don't agree with as lovers of art, cultural works, freedom of religion, of conscience and all authenticity. All these signs of economy, he effectively desacralizes. We believe it would potentially in fact be 'better' simply to allow the Trump administration single-handedly to be given complete reign over the decision process for the economy in order to avoid the miscarried 'commercial' symptoms of unelected democratic functions that force their way in as sideways liberal compulsions due to Trump worries and the zero-confidence facts of his ruinous legacy. The lovers of quality would rather just have Trump "as is" than an obstructive (bad) democratic effort or protest under Trump (or); instead of Obama's first four years of disastrous struggles, Bush's world as it was in the final three years of hair-pulling. In other words, the final stages of Bush Jr. up to 2008 was a more coherent world than the first four of Obama which made those policies relevant in some perspectival sense to broker consistency movements (but that's all). But you can see how they optimize control that leeds to long term social-economic misery and depression, in a calculated way, they can say its 'fair' game by drawing bottom-lines that determine seemingly seamless areas to empirical accountability like all the additional brain space that is unused. 

Marr-Viker Epstein: Jeremy, sorry for the lateness of this reply. I am just arriving in New York from a long stay in Montreal. I understand what it is you are saying. Today we prefer the anthologies and retrospective histories to attempts on behalf of perpetual political stunts to reintroduce pop culture, fashion and positive economy into the world system. The man-in-the-street cannot be perfectly rehabilitated to reason or to a state of political normalcy, he cannot be morally trained to common sense, he cannot be enforced with laws or made to participate in constituted forms of self-government nor silenced with bullets. To succeed in any of the methods for governing irrational hordes precludes a pure dialectical antithesis aimed at the sociobiological roots of unconscious capitalist thought process, an antithesis to the core values and beliefs held by opinion tribes. That antithesis must take shape through the political system as an enactment mocking the very beliefs, views and opinions naturalized to dissent upon people with illogical and unethical commitments to their own neurotic principles i.e., to break the spirit that breeds erringly against true religion, natural freedom, property, government and the rational consensus of civilization. Anarchistic methods of political agitation distress all these autonomous methods of social control through proper mockery (Obama mocks republicans as a facade of the Bush-chimp just as much as Trump mocks liberals and vice-versa), the destabilizing potency is complete to be rescued by a combination of Western and Communist-Marxist traditions that liberate a proper order nature. All the distorted hype generated by propaganda machines, popular movements, entertainment, culture industry, and political theatre, distracts from the true glory that ultimately comes from within, through great works (of art, spiritual discourse, literary genius etc.) and not the ecological clamour, noise and denatured economies of irrational crowds and organized consumer states. Even the available use of psychedelic drugs that enhance conscious experience, metaphysical vision and the growth of the spirit in the animist body, are derived for functions that are natural and only secondarily are they for other, mass uses, gatherings and public recreation. Tell me what you think of the banner, I sent it as a pxt file. Sincerely.

Jean Marcoux: Putting aside for the moment the long-standing encyclopaedic account of the Trump-complex that goes with the acts of politically inept talking heads of the dependent state complex, we want to discuss this political contamination of social values in American culture and the state of civilian divergency in America's political landscape, often cited for its rhetorical statements that get spread around between political actors. Does this speak to a predisposed or residing conflict in the American psyche? How and to what extend are the issues Americans are concerned with relate to inner-divisions that may be historically placed and those of present divisiveness in politics. 

Yanacek Wukopowinskicek: Its interesting, I was having a conversation the other day and a colleague brought up something perhaps relevant to your question. He said that if we were to be able, in some parallel universe of technology, to transport 19th century or early 20th century thinking people with their corresponding cultural mentalities, and approach to social and epistemic concerns, into today's scene with today's technologic tools and knowledge, we might already have colonized Mars, the Moon and have cured many diseases. What he was alluding to was the state of human integral thought at that time with regards to invention, art, religiosity, science and philosophy and how their model of thinking would never have this fractured area where all this has become a huge debatable thing. Postrevolutiuonary France or Germany, America, Britain or Spain would not have suffered the same 'internal contradictions' that Americans especially have a challenge when dealing with better or worse scenario thinking, thinking in terms of categories, intuition and rigorous rationality. He said our mental bluntness (Unbewussten) makes us stop, propels us in the wrong direction where reason has not completed its task and that our motives for technology are not sufficient to their ends i.e., we have severe moral impairments to modal judgement classifications when it comes to what is 'descent' and what is 'grotesque' or 'politically incorrect' verses 'wrong', 'out of time' or 'out of place'. People then were less transgressive, served their cultural and social functions to the greater good, there was an integrated sense that with the age of the air balloon or the steam engine that humanity was moving in a direction totally in unison with the 'Dao' or 'God', at least this is the account of history we experience through narrative, biography and written records. For them, reason, scientific rationalism, mythopoesis, spiritual faith and revolutionary life were collectively self-contained functions most of the time; one cannot separate the inquisitive, rational soul from the animal being, to see a contradiction is an error of the animal being and its speculative logic or its dogmatism, the rational being has wisdom and fine-tuned discernment that is able to incorporate, to 'reason' this difference to the properly natural 'ratio', that it is partly animal and that this animal is part of its being rational without which it would be only a logical machine processing linear binary functions and hence devoid of sensations. Sensory consciousness is the greet fulcrum of our capacity to see beyond logical contradictions and animal programming, integrating to a constant what we call good sensibility. These are things past people took for granted in the revolutionary and post-revolutionary reform state, things which in the American century have turned them into issues of the molecular public, into conventional taboos and split the psyche into a matrix of brackets and indices. Like alcohol consumption among the married and professional upper and middle classes in Europe and early America. In accordance with tradition alcohol was often consumed as a social drug, it was a common addition to festive preparations and courting behaviour among the young. Alcohol was later found to be a curative to sustaining marriage not because it 'imbalanced the cerebellum' or lead to 'alcohol related divorces', but because it sustained the non-ritualized, original courting behaviour pattern of youth into the later stages of middle adulthood when married couples are less physically potent. Outside the older forms of ritualized couplings in the anthropology of marital roles and rites, the return to the objectives involved in the practices of courting, mammalian behavioural instinct, in later marriage keeps together the aspects of the human animal which are related solely to courtship, mating and bearing children. As official history, even Freud shared cocaine among his patients, and people took this for granted a once very simple habit of man to become detached, spiritually, and in self-control over his functions to reduce the products of modern culture and science to actant significations of the conscious mind (Nachbildung and Vorstellung), from liberation theology to the principles of devotion (to God or to marital life) was integral to society. When there was no 'left' designation i.e., there was no ultrapolitical, assimilatory force by the mass media that try to segregate atoms from chemicals, air from the fire etc., most people prefer for instance anesthesia to pain, inoculation to disease, but in the process discover symptoms and statistics for which concern and stigmas over health prompt dissident theories that try to coalesce an adverse response to established norms. Some take these signs and symptoms to justify a total rejection of the overall benefits of medicines and this focus can become a distraction from reason that puts people at risk of becoming neurotic.       

Marr-Viker Epstein: Trump? oh gosh, he should never be spoken of in any serious or suggestively 'respectable' way neither as a creative business personality nor as president! To me it is far more realistic and suiting to him as a decenter of all rational, social, political and environmental issues, of everything pertaining to the mystical work, to the function and essence of self-governance and science, art, religion and pedagogy, of what concerns us today he is just discontinuous political paddle-ball. He is a diversion created by the IMF, a post-cold war Soviet backer of the revolts in Russia, a war spoiler, an anti-communist, a fetishistic supplicant of our allies, a needy civil rights era troll who says he wants to bring back stretchers, a social parasite and a cancer to the development of responsible civilization. He needs his picture reiterated into Warhol soup cans and that is his effect.  The object of a discourse and a process of review through the lenses of history, this presents to us an opportune moment for reflecting upon quasicriminal free enterprising and a history lesson about the roots of postmodern neo-capitalism and the racialist practices of immigrant hiring with their behavioural monopoly on automorphy to actual slave-trading. All of which Trump makes politically correct or neutral at a more than subtle level of the political unconscious. He presents himself of course as a desperate agitator -- trouble-maker in your comical display, who has adapted his method of apprehending others with a shrewdness that gains him overt criticism by fellow Americans, like pulling the wool over the eyes of a boxer that lead to technical felonies and knockouts refereed in his favour; in this he attracts nemesis and in doing so is given points by anonymous sympathizers close to his arena but in picking fights with other political opponents more diverse than himself he is safeguarded by light-weight laws. Thus, again the dirtiest rules in the book manage to exemplify a position in our world of mutated social forms. With his love of conning others, in dictating marketable novelties of a modular unconscious projection, or pretending to preside over the curds that govern the body-politik of the presidency; this pastime as a mongoose of the golfers drag party is in the autocratic federalist enterprise of the bygone socialist parties and movements that presaged Weimar Germany.  But his is a much softer, milder fascism even than those theocratic methodologies of GW Bush's era. Yet at the semiorganized level of personal fantasy he returns to these desperate times in nuancing the aesthetics of the great utilitarian princes of Rome, and imaginal phantasies that reenact the psychological dimensions of a Fuhrer's populism. The automatic workings of the state machine, of federalist industry in pure praxis; these are the calculated didactic and godly hopes one must spread. Steeringly open to the sunlit horizons of a pragmatist, non-philosophic will coding the organic nature of his primal humanness within the substituted themes, images and structural fittings due to industrial objects and their symbolic consumer, psychosexual processes at the unconscious rungs of the annihilated pleasure principle placed under the constraints of repetitive manufacturing protocols. These obvious and inobvious acts of heckling behaviour invite disturbance and interrupt natural social vectors. Nonetheless they are successfully integrated somehow into the self-individualizing, delusive process of independently empowered thought in the causal chain jarred by irrational postings confabulated in the Ego-Id-Superego complex sequenced in disequilibrium. Repression, in its most idly typical automaticity, allows for the prereflective conclusions and unthought opinions that tend to hedonize relations to society as groundings like 'state mores' are 'game rules'. When thinking agents are accidentally assimilated to the mire of these processes, they missequence a total homeostatic integration of the population, of their sociocybernetic responses attaching them to false character judgements, or to their aggregated frustrations, taken out of the chain of causal contexts that effect them and simply assimilated to their modicum of negative offences. Singular Republics are cause for much disfunction because they lay down social orders that are out of harmony with the thermo-informatic (natural) laws of social mass energy distribution. Both domestically and in private fields of industry; the trends programmed in a federalist republican economy spread inapplicably through these areas of society where no basic critical thought is payed to their belonging as proper interests but are integrally held together in pure simulation -- they simply run a rigid program with specified degrees of flexibility and inculcate this program into the current dynamics of progress. However, as an isle of the dual US-political complex, the republic's phantom sublation of itself also means it can dilute in-itself many of these malappropriations with a liberal zeal, calling on instant derivations as affective bargaining tools or pleas for individual-intersubjective positivity measures. Typically, corruptible corporate agents and empty suite talking-heads of the business cult world can be easily made compliant with the correct use of Ego psychology i.e., turning a neutral positive quote or statement from a past transcript and interpreting this quote in a real-life examples that serves some just cause in terms of the reality principle may go against the intended Ego fantasy of the original quotes message, it pleases the Ego's rational tendencies just as it can program dubious soothsayers to a genuine effigy given to a social good will.  The whole situation arose from the Bush admin and that god-awful 21st century leadership experiment. But theres no point in blaming the president now for the crimes of the previous. 

Jeremy Wojtyla: It seems with Trump that the good the bad and the ugly all have to be deconstructed properly and with full thoroughness. It just doesnt otherwise do justice to the horror of it all.

Marr-Viker Epstein: In some cases, in many cases, this is how it has to be. Trump appears to troll around like a goblin, or some aspect of his Shadow, looking for logical excuses to use for his own selfish benefit. Its not about the presidency, remember, its about other stuff, historical principles that emulate madness in the complex itself. Like in wrestling, when 'Bret Hart screwed Bret Hart', his own brain screwed itself that caused him to fall to his death in the ring. 

Wayne Christenson: You mean Owen Hart. That's his brother they were both wrestlers. He was doing a superhero stunt at a WWF stadium that went wrong. While he was being lowered into the ring he tried adjusting his cape but something malfunctioned and he fell 60 feet. 
David Cronenberg, The Brood (Oedipal Transference in the Dramaturgy of the Analyst/Analysand Relationship)
Jeremy Wojtyla: Yeah ok sure, that's funny enough! Trump on the other hand is completely fake as a ready-made tailors dummy: absorbed halfway between his audiences heavy-dose of zeal, his devoted fans, and recognizable reality principles as psychological states based in any reality that pretend ignorance of current trends and current affairs. Amidst this self-absorption theatre he is able to force approval ratings and with typical finger-raising rhetortions (pseudoanal-retentive posturing), as he is surely self-trained to act-out such repressed oral psychology in a manner that relieves parental and or Oedipal traumas, this is one exaction of Primal Scream therapy one recalls from Arthur Janov's work. Primal Scream methods are not far from the imaginary solutions invented by Alfred Jarry such as Ubu and Pataphysics. Acting out in adults as a precursor to late phase development reconciling of fear, potential event structures of childhood, the figural composure and typical psychological behaviour of classical narcissistic self-absorption empties the conscious mind of suffering its symptoms in a real context.  This act is well depicted in the first scene of Conenberg's film The Brood where the main culprit who also happens to be a psychoanalyst, enacts a real session of therapy with one of his patients to an amphitheatre full of onlookers; it is only half-real, the therapeutic effect carries a momentum that brings in so much real human drama to arouse tears in the subject/analysand as the release of repressed tension is covered in the play, that is reality theatre, perhaps an older prelude to the model of reality TV. 

Our matriarchal pretender is also the hidden perpetrator of Cronenberg's script who signifies the false mother. He is a brilliant doctor but is experimenting with a new kind of unregulated therapy called 'psychoplasmics' that is able to force the psyche into confrontations with the body, inducing various biomedical symptoms and mutant embryonic outgrowths. The opening scene is composed in the silence of distant enunciations as the therapist creates this distance to the patients emotions, "he" plays the patients mother in the reverse gender dialogue and he (the patient) regresses to a child. The Brood barrows themes from Freudian biology and Haeckel's developmental schemas like false memory, and Oedipus Rex. Reviving in ways ideas parallel to transactional therapies, primal scream methods that force unconscious emotions by confronting early life trauma, or which utilize unconscious defragmentation of complex content through neurolinguistic or somatic dislodging processes that temporarily enhance social functioning are also widely known to be controversial with affective damage to the personality. Though one must not forget Freud's original approval of automatic methods such as the inventions of Breton and the surrealist's, suggestive hypnosis and autorecall, or Dali's Paranoid Criticism that intends to empty the psyche of its component irrational conflicts of nature via the symbiotic imagery of dream and waking vision -- autoneurotic impulses released through verbal automatism act as natural evolutionary adaptions of the primal nervous system's autonomic functions gauged to environmental feedback -- the random or chaotic assemblage of automatic drawing, writing and speech may unhinge disassociated content to a level of coherent association through these expressed mediums that communicate the irrational dynamics of the nervous system's animist life-force into a perceivable movement that is rationalized through the synchronized feedback gained in this perception. Artist's and other exhibitionists of unconscious meanings may be on one or more area of the spectrum considered objectively more competent than the common repressor who are socially inclined to hide behind the society of superegoic-infantile sterility. In exaggerated form, Trump performs the personal animus that revolves around his critical indifference to revolt or being morally ostracized. Using expressions that nuance old liberators of the German state prior to the war that spawned the Weimar social cliques of the national socialist party, cheerfully playing the clown as well as the mendicant soldier, or even the Keiser himself. But as a corporate panhandler of assimilated folk language and values enters into the comical act that feigns self-confirming essentialist truth like a slithering drunk iguana that undercuts the facts in this obnoxious paddle-ball game that ricochets in the linear behaviour circuit with its static, anti-dynamic corruption of codes. 

Yanacek Wukopowinskicek: This, like the old state propaganda of the German liberation movements made for an audience that no longer lives through its traumas, they are lived out on television, which presents an irony to the fact that in this psychoenergetic-telemorphosis effecting mass culture (again), the Trump agenda uses TV and media to spread a public image that shatters the domain separating signifiable therapeutic potentials i.e., the appearance of novelty, of having a popular appeal, of representing a contemporary message that is relevant to something other than nationalist-business mechanisms, stirring up primal emotions of laughter or anger pretends to extract repressed feelings from those past realities, of past progress, but still fails to catch intelligible, knowing attention. Everywhere theres always some annoying, over ambitious monkey acting in the same cheap charisma, that frictional force of the primate brainstem, is the same in all socialist-aspiring madmen who idolize themselves, misconstrue others intents as their own, engendering predictable acts, inspiring the popular normalization of social oppression in society, assimilating to their stale interests all self-governing power. Though he may seem to spend his time reeling over better times, as if in constant reflection (pretending to be stuck in the 80s), you are not witnessing someone nostalgic for them as must be confirmed; he misses the limelight of his once self-importance mostly, a limelight that he now simulates as expressed through his personal reality TV self-behaviour circuit. What he misses is the first four retched years of the Obama struggle with capitalism, what he misses are the programatic nuances and telematic  advertising insults of the Reagen market and the money he makes off it and not some primary human datum of experiencing life etc., discoursing about the reality ingrained in a mind yearning for the barren, formulaic trends of socialism and the benefits of a safer Weimar-nation in actant folk semblance. Even though a sustainable portion of his view (one which we are all assuredly mighty sick of) lodges a point to be recovered from retrohistoric economic tiers -- these release themselves as ordinary narcissistic apperceptions through the relay machines of digital cells projecting a flyswatters view of a compressed or dwarfed standing image presented with all the haphazard discontinuities of animal nervous responses. Contrasting to the Clinton aporias and concerns over deleted emails and financial records, these residual impressions of past chimes denting the political image fit in perfectly with the present fall of Washington itself. Every trivializeable specification, every damaging detail, memo or transaction from the past is wanted to be fished out, searched and put up for analysis and public scrutiny -- from divorce files, to law suites, false bank accounts, tax havens, from the layed-off workers, gambling casinos, and mishandling of client reputations, beauty peasants scandals to all the lost dirt collected by the European spy agencies in the 80s. Sentimentality in the folk psyche is a common source of social pathology and fascist psychology as is known from critical studies of authoritarian personality types. Espousing sentimental ideology leeds into isolationist pressures from cultural norms and is not the same as an artistic vision or reflective nostalgia that engages original philosophical thought by the just, or by those possessing original historical conscience.  

Wayne Christenson: That's because he's not suppose to be running as president, he's suppose to be in the doghouse receiving morsels and trying to be a better man. There's nothing more the honest, hard-working American can truthfully accept (esp. confidence in him) that hasn't already been leeched out and thoroughly compromised so in this sense also he cant represent a retroactive force to the moderate exceptions who play by the rules or to the interests of traditional society. (Unsettling the lions den in a political colosseum that has rightly lost its authentic rigour for a balance sheet of economic competition). Since Trump has spent his time grooming himself under the burning Bush era of speculative disasters, he has never openly complained since the 80s over American aesthetic and cultural decline, yet those of his crowd who commonly support him in psychological assurance or even refer to him as a potential hegemonic-patriotic power to negotiate old America to clean up Dubai or global capitalism, he is turned over as a do-nothing with a unintelligent track record of petty transracist associations which is simply undesirable and ineffectual in the modern intellectual world. Today, he is known for being a TV personality of primitive postmodern false reality, in the past he was known for his sharp criticisms of immigration, like his 1987 proposals to build a Mexico-US border wall and such. It was all way back when at a time when the macaroni was being boiled, whatever economic sentiments he tries to make relevant is rotten and is all terribly irrelevant presently, this is why, again, he was never mentioned in this regard as someone we could rely on to broker power away from global capital when it could have preserved earlier treasury economies, the Duabi mess in 2004 for example. For those of us awaiting the downfall of global capital now experience nausea of its resurfacing when it was still quasi-dystopian, Trump signifies not its regulation but its obstructionist disequilibrium and desperate return (the country, the world, was fine and now its not!). With him virtually lodged in the political process nothing positive in democracy can be expected to result, nothing in the recent revolutions that have taken place between 2013 and 2016 can be expected to gel with the rhetoric coming out of the present republican party. To change that the entire party would have to change through some radical internal revolution which I do not expect to see any time soon at least not in any proficiently rational manner which is effective. Trump taken alone is already too tacky to even run as president the same way that Obama was too amateur to run as democrat at that time. Much worse however is the fact that unlike with Obama who inherited a disaster out of which we all needed to escape, Trump has inherited a moderate and functioning economy that he can only hope to hype up and destroy, envicerate and lay down airy, watered-down enforcements that cause all the mishaps and erroneous hazards that disable the fulfillment of harmonious economic and social functions. The effects unlike those of having a Soviet revival through reopening the discourse and differential display of authority with Russia, Trump's effect is only toxic to the wider world economy and systems of representation the modern world relies upon for its socioeconomic and moral survival. Much the same as before 1998 when the Western economy was prospering and republicans began injecting their millennial hype, anti-Islamic rhetoric, issuing all the changes and primitivisms of the post-9/11 state of affairs. All the economically destabilizing forces of capitalism that give rise to the anarchy and inequality that America became so hated is the same force behind rising anti-democratic sentiments, anti-civilization and so on. Because of this it is necessary to uproot capitalism in order to salvage the democratic process from being entangled with big business and corporatism. For this the economic collapse of 2008 may be seen as a necessary step in the formation of new social movements like the Arab spring, participatory democracy and managing the problems of oppressive economic powers that thrive in very large free markets.    
Jean Marcoux: Yanacek, Its because Trump's wrong. But he tries to fudge his own sense of rightness using Clinton as the shadow. He is not considered useful as a genuine patriot in today's world nor in modern history, you would be looking elsewhere perhaps some retired US navy, someone who studies Chinese poetry and has a different outlook completely that wants to make the whole (world) a better place!, that world whose loss he superficially laments in the loss of symbolic power (linear economic capital) has still a chance but under different leadership, philosophy and vision, with people who want to take it with some degree of seriousness. Trump's a problem and a menace in more ways than one, a spectacle of deterrence America may in its lowest nature try to position as a benefactor, but this only proves more that he is problematic to the greater good and for reasons much more fundamental than what the person who deficiently recognizes only middle-class values is capable of lawfully caring about. Obviously its too late for 'the Donald' to shift his personal image for this role, go back and make a new image for himself that could be redeemed as politically useful to the good of society, humanity or the media according to the mechanics instituting how social justice is formed in today's climate. People stand around watching and waiting for him to add something to the discourse but cannot lead, as critical he is of other people's psyche's, his own psyche would not allow himself to do what many wanted him to do long ago. Except for when his TV and popularity ratings go down because his fanfare has abandoned any hope in US potency all turns to Soviet reconciliation and cold war economic tactics. Finally then and now we may say that greatness has made a comeback (until the one whose function was to remain in place is able to smell this great divergence from torment in the air and realizes the great age is again here) he just cant stand it all. That in and of itself is comically ironic enough to induce tear-jerking vomit. Instead of building a limited constitutional arrangement with new democratic leadership making more diversifiable republican ideals feasible and keeping open ended geopolitical space for foreign criticism and tactical adjustability, now your stuck eating Trumpturds with buckets of Garbage Pale kids vomit for no justifiable reason. Thus the first inclination is to adapt as all business moles do; pretend to want revolution, suck up to powerful people, religious authorities like the Pope first, suck up to Hollywood again, royalty, the industry, try to sell oneself as the redeeming factor of the GOP, veterans, evangelicals, liberals etc. One should be clear enough to spot the trail of misadventure even without study and predating all these monumental tragedies to the suspicions of what preceded Americas decline in the first place. But this does not suggest Trump is altogether non-useful or misappropriates a positive political function of self-adverting reality, as long as believers hold to the innuendoes and themes he signifies then he does catalyze an assurance at least of his own parties central role in the creation of this entire mess, as some distant antithetic to the whole system of psychological critique. The philosophical law rests better in closing the case over the moral responsibility for decline -- cementing the automatic society as it stands on such responsibility, differing from the age of entertainment, of problem-reaction-program, socialize-solicit, and other rule setting antics. As long as this stabilizing act of his can maintain a correct homeostasis he can emulate the dust-sweeper to the terminological dustbin of the democrats laissez-faire practices. Yanacek all the idiosyncrasies and all the annoying excuses of this Trump drama have to be deconstructed now! 

Jeremy Wojtyla: What exactly was the fixation over princess Diana was that even real or did he somehow foresee her disappearance? (referring to all the roses as a funeral omen)

Wayne Christenson: No, the whole thing with Trump has always been wanting to be associated with Royalty. Even since the day's when he was a TV personality for shows like Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous in the mid 80s, back when I was still his personal psychotherapist and life coach, those Royal fantasies had all been prefigured in his psyche as according to the classic power structure dynamics of the narcissistic personality type. In addition, he does this with everyone, its one of his signature traits, he's not a romantic or eccentric enabled by passions that contradict society or the immoral law, but the roses thing is just one of his regular business cliché's. Reading Ovid's Narcissus tale it becomes a revelatory and foreknowing power that is often the case with Royals who are reserved a right to a kind of elemental self-mirroring (rejecting courting efforts with non-Royals as a means to protect lineage.) But he is not mixed with Royalty of that kind, though his noble sense tells him at least he is smart enough to know that not all descendants, and not all privilege, is born with genius i.e., there can be gross incompetence in genealogical terms enumerating from one set of branches to another larger set and failure on behalf of mass society to recognize incompetence where it sees only authority, status or strategic obsolescence. That's set out in the laws governing capital, its generational accumulation and statistical growth that liquidates the special traits with an expanding number of attributes of people that bare those traits. Capital limits the growth potential of raw talent in individuals, in this respect, so that what is in-born can be compromised for the optimization of its mirroring into an economy of possessive units. This relates of course to the retched neo-liberalist heresies and archaism of the British empire in their commercial conquests and an unhealthy denial of Marxist historical facts (which sadly Trump aids in strengthening, the 'beast' of fraudulence). Obstructionist democracy is truly the demoniacal type, the one that is without constitutive balance stirs lazy crowd-mind idolatries and airy dumbfounded zeal for meaningless crass. Descriptions of life conducted in this mode fill the bulk of critical dialogues concerning the infamies and heathen rituals observed in religious texts particularly the Hindu and Judaeo-Christian cannons.  

Marr Viker Epstein: Yes, but he suffices to enforce acceptance of proper American attitudes, behaviour and social order at a time when such a hierarchically simple angle reflects so drastically that its an insult to injury rather than say the would-be presidential figure who reminds school children to respect their parents, peers, traditional modes and nationality. This kind of ironical overdose of of reality TV smacks of selfish desperation that is just as an unresolvable crisis is being effectively recovered from a long, disastrous and drama-filled timeline, this demon revives the drama with no potential curing power.  The market picture and general economy becomes as over-saturated and as fake as Donald Trump's tan. Remember these were the same political and economic conditions the world was in that caused people to run away around the time of the second Bush election. An immoderate economy that infused with this kind of demonic neo-liberalism simply cannot survive under natural constraints or be sustained in its plastic, infantile, diarrhoeal state of mundane production as we already ought to have learned from the gravity of info-thermal defaulting in processors, credit swaps, and recessions. This is the forged ethics of a market culture, that will never be able to comport itself as a product of natural right it is instead the pathological expression of propaganda machines and the mechanized animal intelligence. That cognitional modus of the sapient animal is an inferior model of its actia primum, a mechanical derivative of originary thought that once initiated itself from a base eidetic stock of historico-archetypic feeling. Today that feeling base is unreplentished and crudely represented in the technicalized media of the new republic, of the detached practices of corporate systems who exploit the mass culture of the brute psyche in its middle-class struggle to be critical, artistic, intellectual and morally free. Republicanism ultimately is for psychological animals preoccupied with theorizing mammalian systems of social order and other stale crafts that dominate the mass through abnormal programming, a sapient public of privilege positions with an irrefutable history of fallacious, mass atrocities all over the globe. These imperialistic aims of republicanism that produce atrocities because they cannot compete or refuse to allow for any proxy real world engagement, to invents in morally competent war games with equals, and only misread phrases like infidels who unconsciously realize that their ignorance of meaning is an adaption to kill off competition in order to try to demonstrate their suitability which is immodest. This immodesty is expressed in acts of insurgence like the American indian genocides which were nonetheless considered to have been formed in a treaty were severely compromised acts of technological domination. How in this modern world can such imaginary fictional systems of corporate government that inherit them even be permitted to exist with the unfathomable weight of evidence and reason against their methods. As an informal club the party in America serves better as an antithesis today, as a power that may be used to reform malfunctioning democracies in the senate or house, as a historico-moralizing aesthetic and economic agency but the rogue elements of it may be useless like the Tea Party without a democratic overpower to oppose. Trump's pointless and this much is proven but our reliance on foreign or 'normal' governments has become ever more necessitated by the collusion and antitrust elements of the democratic system, for which Russia and the communist party bring responsible critical facts of history and moral representation to bare on the failing constitution with all its severed political diseases and artless bipartisan acts that confine free speech to the straightjacket of corporate neo-liberal stalemate. Like busy bugs, mosquitos who miss the mark yet are self-animated in all their breached deliveries of speech, misapplications of theology and science, sociological backwardness, miscontextualized meanings, mistaken interpretations, fundamentally unrelated linkages, bastardizings and debasers with their childish scribbling, labelling and desperate need to seek self-justifying philanthropic coverage. Why have the incompetence of AI when you have the social mutation of human artifice that comes to us by way of the corporate neo-liberal and neocon republican systems of badly galvanized economies neither of which in situ can be justified as grounded in reality, reason, nature or art. Each is closed to the formation of antineurotic processes, the environment, the laws of thermophysics and communication as its functional premise. While neocons usually believe in imposing an info-thermally invalid social order through various modes of economic and linguistic dictation because they never succeeded in rediscovering their own (liberal equilibrium), neo-liberals are voraciously progressive animals with ludic agendas ruled by the distorted unconscious drives of heretics, witches and quasiqueers who misinterpret Freudian intentions as liberating what is traditionally not socially acceptable outside art. Thus in this sense also each fail to be artistic icons or investors in these economic social mediums, they fail to therapeutically manage these drives in homeostasis, they modify cultural expression and confuse its applicability as politically systematized amalgams of language and symbolization, the image and the person. The new technology will never redeem these recent blunders, we have new formulas that have been known for decades based on mathematical ecology but only recently have they been utilized. The worst of course is the US economy itself, in all its detached stirrings, inner conflicts and ascent from the dynamical abode of the human sociocommunicational and neurological organism. Its the way all this antienvironmental activity distances us from recognizing the still collective essence of life that allows all historically relevant culture to emerge harnessing the memory locked in the body and fields of the planet. Here, in Americas programme republic the transparent, unfiltered image of reality which is well received as representing film (the actuality of simulation) turns into the old nationalist themes of ultrafiltered, plastic, oversaturated, painted black and white photos and airbrushed landscapes that spread the nuance of the nationalist eclecticism of the 1940s i.e., posturing, propaganda imagery, product fetishism, virtuality and the economic 'socialization' of value. This detached mode presents all reality and natural scientific truth as a market of altered values fortified in the law of large numbers (social approval) while deterring all reason from the obvious fact. In the unemotional chaos of Trump expect many processes to shift to this detached, barren, formulaic, careless practice of radiating the potential of the real. Cow-manure corporatism spoils the experience and appreciation of all human culture, it is the taint the demon seed that turns all feedback with the irrespective environment into meaningless existence and inessential logocentrism. It is the venom of automated and irrationally noisy creatures who as children bind themselves psychologically to the accepting of manure stench that is carried into all their unconscious decision making and which through US corporatism and primal digital technologies assimilates all transparency, activism and positive essence in the human economy to themselves as a narcissistic vampire of the recessive agricultural stench is expected to.   

Jeremy Wojtyla: I notice that most of the presidential outfits since the end of the Nixon era have resembled the same posh Anglo-American motif of the golfers club, except in their actions many displayed behaviour consistent with traditional presidential values and strengthened those values in a number of ways. Bill Clinton for example, whose ideals were unique among them, as say Kennedy, who brought political differences closer together to form a more constitutional vision of unity, democracy and conservation that most could agree too. Carter was perhaps the last definitively 'moral' president, who presided over an era of great change into the uncertain 1980s. Today, many look to the people running for office with a skeptical eye -- so many of these types simply fulfill the same function of assimilation to the destructive agendas devised by the political economy, the news media and the mid-east issues and do not display the attributes of providence, revolution or self-governance expressing the 'proper Dao' we expect of men to fill the role of leading the world in this age of multiculturalism, information and climate troubles. Expecting that all those speculative 'values' would be liberated from the anachronism and pathos of blurred historical lines, that conservatives would become environmentally friendly and educated new age gentlemen of the postwar period only relapses the symptoms of these golem figures who administer their toxic political diversions. A totally retched, disingenuous, economizeable humano-mammalian plague to the natural functioning of humanity and the biosphere is what the American system of political leadership creates while running on the republiturd tab.  I remember a lot of Ronald Reagan was this having to separate the fake from the fake, being an actor and Californian however gave him certain unauthorized privileges with corporate industry and the new left during the cold war that made this new political mutation of old ways into new policies a normalizable affair. The illegitimate presidency of Trump is a hyped-up affair, like children watching sports announcers play sports, the devil is in the presentation as when something of an unexpected, comical sort takes effect on the stage with the arrival of mascots that interrupt the normal broadcast or native American racial puns about the Indians or Cherokees. Simple two-ply public intellects will never grasp it, in their lives of scheming for self-preservation tactics or for monetary powers which they sit upon evading all answerable to facts with an infinitude of hypocrisy that contradicts a moral fortitude established by capitalist self-preservation and regulated stress. They will never recognize reality for the sake of truth or the laws of the just which they evade through automatic socioparasitic fakery.  It is hard for possessive individualists and cultists to recognize the economic imperatives of their moral fabrications. Solicitation and self-advertisement, mass idolatry, etc. as the cause of their interference in the environmental (and neurosynchronous) stability, collective stability, of natural social processes. Theirs is a social and economic deliberation grounded in infantilism, greed and the hyperrealization of neurosis. Those whose consciousness is subsumed by monetary power and speculative mathesis have no sense of self and thence no sense of self-defence, which is opposed to terror, and is why they will always be the flipside of the same mechanism of agitation in the world. Such creatures tend often to bully the selfhood of others who are preoccupied with the productions of reason and self-government. Precariously and to no avail they reap the solutions of natural ethical right to return to the fields of silent marching bands and televangelist programming scripts impregnated by the CIA. 

Yanacek Wukopowinskicek: I think of current politics as a crude enactment of the logic we commonly call 'insult to injury' claims. This kind of insult to injury shows itself more adventitiously when the simple minded try to assist in defending their own interests (social, economic, nationalistic, psychological or otherwise) in the name of ascendants who care nothing of such interests esp., when they are made to outgrow them for reasons of which the simple minded had never shown an interest in vetting as part of their interests, or completing normal commitments, fulfilling standard logical contracts etc., The lame fuck arounds continue to waste time, leeching as school children do the last threads of patience wondering in their infinite negations why motivations and expectations are subject to change. The insult to injury claim is when nobel laureates or drug developers are unable to secure their patents, or are made to hover above the poverty line in limbo, suffering bouts of anxiety or troubled by crowd mind paranoias to common psychotic moments -- given their unfit environmental conditions, permeated by noise causing sleeplessness. Pseudo-disorders and suggestive paranoias are met with psychiatric treatment and forced choices of diagnosis which do not clinically fit the symptomatic criterium. This state of affairs describes a society ill on its own that systematically fails to recognize standard moral and ethical categories of social or forensic judgement (i.e., leading nobel laureates, for example, lost in a neurotic economic index not likely to be prone to classical insanity). Yet the laws of states that replace human individual and rational judgement with automatic or 'training' criteria never bother to ask accountable or conscionable questions of origins of phenomena. In effect, sealing the rational person to a fate of terrifying possible questions (like why rational states are not rational, why upright walking mammals are not rational beings.) To such a person it is an insult to injury to want to undermine the standard (esp. modern private) practices of psychiatrists in-itself which is not to blame because not only are those standards misconstrued and not put into proper practices, but a rising majority of mental health patients simply cannot be treated with standard rational methods of therapy. Medications continue to be a postmodern standard to a postmodern problem regardless of the fact that a rising minority of patients admitted should not be considered true sufferers of latent illnesses or that many that are could be aided with better programs. It is still an extreme insult to the injuries sustained to a (theoretical) 'doctor' or 'house wife'  or 'rocket scientist' whose metric of competence has been foreshadowed by the anathemas of neurotic societies and irrational economic baronisms to stand ridiculous trials in the superficial (false) context of the mental health profession. The same group involved in such statecraft who caused such damages return to alleviate the damages caused, they do this by blaming standard methods in light of the entire field of psychiatry rather than the insane influences or the state itself. In this sense they do themselves a favour and pretend to lift the burden from victims as a psychological write off of their mental tax returns which their voided conscience can best optimize its capital residues by induction.  

Jeremy Wojtyla: Wayne was of a bit of an older, wiser one of the boomer generation and one of the lesser few who 'got' those things, Trump individually does not quite 'get' those things principally because he cant (neurologically), he certainly cannot properly 'represent' those things (to) the system, and not for lack of moral sentiment, this is all part of why he cannot be commander in chief. I wont be here to endure anymore unending toothpulling over it, or laundering of souls, or reading of minds so that Trump can 'get it'. I wont be here for anything involving this not today not tomorrow not five months from now not eight months from now not ever. As far as news goes I have withdrawn completely since the election: Like evil, I see no Trump I hear no Trump. 

Jean Marcoux: Does Obama 'get it'? 

Jeremy Wojtyla: I don't know if he got it when he came in, but he certainly gets it now. However with that said we must remember that the disastrous clash between political substances and limited, ineffective points of view that try to sustain us in their negative resolution is not a path we wish to endure. A systematic revolution must be organized, with full strategic preliminaries worked out in advance without the potential for misinterpretation or further struggle at the confused grasping and finger pointing of brain dead children. We want to conduct this by way of the Art of War, not the Art of the Deal. With the idea being that war can be operationally contained and hence equaled to an art. Or that its social objectives no longer require the production of casualties, but pure competitive dynamics involving both cultural and moral strategy. Trump's worst fears are responsible and maturely reasoned engagement, tactics -- and the truth of history whose operational equivalence (war) is relived by Veterans. We on our part do not want a war for the sake of war, that is the thing, we want coverage, of reality, and truth in its expository method that (they) want to avoid at all costs if it can expunge great revolution and social reform.  Which is why European and Soviet crises like the Berlin Wall, Bosnia and the Ukraine reflects mildly badly on them (neo-liberal and neo-conservative ideologues). We revile the baroque dramas of the war machine, the spectacle and the programmed upstaging mottos of the war and this is why we hope to return to the site of war only so that the conscience of the masses can reflect on its history. The cold war opened other semimanageable opportunities, it involved little in the name of battle, insurgencies, etc, and little or none of this dialectic until Reagan brought it into his Star Wars simulation schemes with the market which was his main area of decisiveness in the industries of space weaponization and the shield. Naive-faux Platonist idealists are wrong; to picture a truism from a truth, to assume blindly that in some instance the mind is independently related to the body, or that signs of life outside the brain gives precedence to shoot ones self in the head (is still misapprehending the intention and true meaning, its not of relative importance its error). The twisted logic of Trump's brain is unconscionable in its absolutist irrelevance. The demonic exposure and transparency he composes out of his own unconscious, infantile desperations. Much of what was unliked about Obama in the first four years was obviously unrelated to his political career in any real sense, and unrelated to the movements taking shape below the economic rubble -- it was theoretical, anti-technicalist and to an extent tactical antithesis. I'm leaving you with this, you can sit down and smell the roses, I wont be here not one minute for 'this', in whatever compromising shape it may take. I wont say that I agree to what you were once claiming to be a doubling of an 'accursed share', to me it is a complete blowing of reality out of proportion to say 'Trump's right' or even to ponder 'what if, Trump's was right' and to roll with that, to me is wrong -- other instances of this exist with further merits but to say this is fallacy. The system doesn't work its failure is its incompetent design. That is what came from the neoliberal economic principles and practices of capitalism from advertisers and a culture of automation which favours lazy and cheap labour over quality and open democracy, representation and recruitment. It was nice before with the cold war and there was a balancing equation between global economic systems even as it was thawing during the 1990s because you had someone with a good brain organizing systems globally. This is why Trump is never brought up, he is where he is for a good reason, he has his reality TV circuit where he can be a selfish free-loader. Only incompleted attempts to install liberal government keep him in business. If he is here to entertain a transition point in a process or to make a mass statement about something or sign vet bills then why not just pick Sanders. Trump's intolerable because it is his breed who single handedly ruined absolutely everything, infected everything and claims to be Bush and all that. We don't want a repeat of people having psychological split personalities over Trump, being in his image with the icon of former presidents. In light of the veterans he may have been relevant 'before' at some point. Trump lives semiconsciously in a lower realm, though he tries to listen to what the higher voices tell him the facts trouble him so his restless spirit can stay in control of itself as he tells himself various affirmations and corporate self-help wonders from the day. When he is discussed negatively he deflects this as his reflecting 'mirror' power, because he is inside out all criticism is coverage of his signature when the name is used he feels popularized. A wretchedly anal and forced campaign of stale polemics and fear mongering over Islamic state terrorism and foreign intelligence -- Trump's weakness is his medievalist ways, being an outsider to government, the laws of an informed citizenry in today's world of information and 'precogs' with the objective of the great work made by novel thinkers of past generations. His class war rhetoric is by far the most unjustified, treasonous attempt to an excalibre 'cadre', Trump university, that remakes the propaganda states of the civil war look almost fancy.  Theres a place for everything and everything in its place; the place for republicans is in our constitutional democracy, the place for Trump is on his TV show. Without the versatility of the cold war critique and dialectic we now have the end of relevance. Theres also a time for everything and the time for restoring America's republic to its original status since the end of the Civil War is long past its death certificate. 

Marr Viker Epstein: Trump is a stale vacuum, as most "assholes" are expected to be. It is this vacuity that alone engulfs the constituted element of any political faith in the democracy and truth beyond a reasonable doubt which Trump himself is the exemplar for all unreasonable doubting and vacuous ontopathology -- He is the one strangling the truth, like the infant son of Oedipus whose sense and logic are blended with the external world so that no independent truth or state of existence can be recognized by him, all are subsumed under the maniacal laws of the ego's stunted growth in fixation complexes. Perhaps if all those Boomers had not fried their brain cells with all that Woodstock acid their politics might not have been so psychotic and the rational potential, lessons and narrative values of the private generation (their parents and grandparents) would have imparted them deeper priorities. Instead we suffer the lousy foot-dragging election after election with these dehumanizing manipulators. That obviously was a product more of Bush's economy melded as it was to the rogue dysfunction of unelected democratic interferences and the lack of counterbalance which none of the other parties in the conservative and republican groups can strongly influence. Trump, like most cave dwelling mammals, is the type to be involved in lie detector and DNA tests to find out who the father is. Blurry minds like that cant be held too accountable let alone be of the level of detection for sniffing out terrorists. He is a beast of many self-illusions that must have every odour confirmed for him so as not to misconstrue the causal facts of reality that lead men of his dullness to propounder illusions of moral goodness, heroism and the law while all the factual details that constitute legal reality are disregarded in the name of what popular narratives and middle-class mythology are prone to recognize as significant.  

The wiser, traditionally liberal 'friendly' corporatists don't want to live in a technologically over-ramified society based in liberated postmodern 'libidinal neurosis', in the quirky techno-joviality and the erroneous over-simplified innovations of social systems that lead to hazardous accidents. Societies that are so saturated with the shit-smell of assimilated autopropaganda, pseudo-cynical and sarcastic advertisement cliche's, and the reterritorialized immoralities of this kind that can only enforce the logical autorationalization of ancient Oedipal-infantile circuits that relay the behaviour of protectionism -- which can induce isolated illusions of social conservativism and ascetic desire in integrated majorities -- A fair portion of the business world wants a return to normal postwar era business modes governed in healthy grassroots movements and common sense interactiveness with real world objectives i.e., a return to the naturalistic, strong, mature and open social ethic to approach events and phenomena anew with the novel dialectical responses expected of a conscience that responds in order to correct visible error -- and holding only to what was learned from the laws of reason while allowing intuition to direct the future integrally with what action to what is perceived by rational beings to be necessary in its domain i.e., the sensible decisions enacted by the wiser, more practical, rationally spirited and creative men of past ages of discovery. Only a proper revolution of the unconscious can enable that kind of stance to economic behaviour, as today's CEOs, major corporations and entrepreneurs fancy themselves in the mythical psychology of past business icons who were visionary men with genius or ties to genius unafraid to initiate new ground or say what needed to be said. Today there are fewer 'constitutional' alternatives to the social pathogenesis of emancipatory Western democratic imperialism and capitalism that politicons have the guts to enact in the darkness eclipsed by populism and business behaviour. What happened in the first half the the 1960s was the 'program' of the past, to a great measure, that had failed mankind lead people worldwide to unplug from the existential naivete beginning a more open system based on communicational rationality, democracy and investigative science in the post-revoltution phase of human discovery. This evolved into a social break from the West's linear economic and social programming which dominated in the wake of national socialism and its antidiscursive influences in the world from 1936-1958. People began 'talking', with an introspective will known to the rational being into which he seeks the truth, and with the onset of the civil rights movement and social dissident groups, new factual governmentality for involving real citizens and ways of existing were realized in light of the ecological disorder caused by the war-era economy and mass industrialization on the planet. In contradiction to these facts and to the facts of rational science, religion and culture of all ages simultaneously imported from the European continent, the American tendency has also seen a counter-productive, counter-intuitive backlash of republican, conservative and world-order dissent emanating from the past since Vietnam onward. In this continual struggle for upper-handedness these 'groups' have been unable to make an invariant shift into the new political process the further they break off from the desire to fulfill social progress, which is beneficial to it, nor reverse the direction of time and justify their leadership as genuine time travel.  Only the reinjected, artificial effects inconsistently tied to automation can this appear as an effort to resurrect a motif of history; only the redundant, artificial exploits of history we see in eclectic nationalisms, socialist propaganda and the pictorial advertisements of statecraft that work retroactively on society, with attempts to commemorate historical reality upon the stale narrations of a faux historicism that is ever terrified of truth, reality and historical life. Why don't they see that this is wrong? These are simple value judgements that children ought to be able to sustain. Unreasonable and demonic mentalities that extort their own dignifications rather than do what frightens them most; face up to reality principles and join the revolution. Historically, obviously the human race once lived as free spirits in the practical spirit of reason and necessity relative to their limited situation, place and culture; not yet as outlaws, man's conscience and spirit was considered free from the disembodied state's disassociation of in-born Socratic virtues. Especially since the passing of the age of newsprint and the facts of living in a connected media culture of information and automatic events, our connected sense of environment and free spiritedness is no longer confined to the social narratives of past generations whose parameters for freedom of conscience were less determined by the same sporadic laws and behaviour of society in the era of post-deconstruction, 9/11 etc. Social media means that all events must coincide to this post-deconstruction worldview, that is, we expect that all minds are on a similar track towards the eschaton. When these variables are adjusted because of resistance to natural changes, it relays historical trauma and a reminder of the discordant peasant opinions and drudgery imposed by agents of a past people who also have a less ingrained sense of Socratic freedom and social modernity in their blood. This discordance is a false appropriation of time since as literate people exposed to satellite communications, digital audio and text, libraries and instant upload of film, liquid books and digital novels, that we all are by now universally acclimated to the beneficial determinants of the modern world and aware as well of the potential side-effects and how to deal with them. Any person in nearly any corner of the globe has access to historical facts now, to the works of thousands of writers over the internet where one can, for free or for a small price, download an e-book and learn a basic moral lesson. It is impossible to imagine then that the unrealistic and despotic efforts undermining democracy, of the right for all (even despotic thinkers) and anarchists to have differing opinions, or opposing interfaces like Russia that balance Western neoliberal imperialism, can still be at risk by absolutist clowns representing a dictatorship-style circus that does not and cannot gel with dynamic democracy. Some characteristics of behaviour thus ought to seem antithetical to rational human nature which involves the neural-integration of learned experiences with the logical analysis of meaningful stimuli, cross-associated and shared collectively -- indeed some typical personality traits are to be regarded as harmful and parasitical to their own species communicational potential for enhanced modes of survival. In man this goes further to the advancement of his rational powers, psychic complexity and efforts to self-inform his agency by the tools of science what he can learn about his natural habitat. The American animal possesses little in the way of a standard conscience of himself and rational others, in the way one reflects on circumstances to reach long-term goals, he is brought to an abidement instead through the powers of law alone which he obscures as a premature relational value to witnessing the consequences of his error wether as a result of receiving real punishment, being 'penalized' as an officially 'coded' realizing ones wrong, by majority disapproval and respectable social ostracizing, of the extremities of bloodshed and violence, reacting to the severities of life, through suffering and old age that grows human naturalness, desperation and outwardly rational behaviour, or the appropriation of pleasurable imprints that uphold the fulfillment of vain interests, appeasing the public good with watered down values and opinions, manufacturing constructive justice, constructive criticisms that are ethically irrelevant and sustain only the lowest common needs of the middle class whose values never change with changed conditions sine they deny the environment and uphold capitalism, with the futile, closed biocircuits of logical utility. The law for them goes only as deep as language, and it is here that his unlawful unilateralism obstructs it to obey his own phantasmal political evils that ignore the necessity of self-evident truths and that he mirrors upside-down everything stated critically against him to the reversal of laws in thermophysical and infothermal nature; the facts of rational psychology that is independent of the perceived reality of barbaric or pseudo-barbaric 'human-animals' with low-grade rational humanity. 

Trump approves of the law not only because he can manipulate it with unwitting candour, in his own outlandish desire-perceptions but it specifically, insofar as the law alone as a universal arbiter, that 'justifies' him of possessing any moral character. Just like being wrong in an absolute sense is justified as being right politically or in rhetoric, argumentative relativism and so forth, can allow republicans who support his candidacy to circumvent and avoid the entirety of factuals against his political necessity i.e., that he is politically useless in the biggest picture sense, and a wretch to the balance of maintaining social and cultural sensibility based on every thing we know or can take into consideration without absolutely contradicting the underpinnings of his effect. Law enforcement and not the laws themselves, especially of today, are his saving grace even as much as his personality contradicts the democratic social norms of progressive American values, in the political media and so forth, the brute enforcement of legal actions as a separate force from the law itself which is self-evident are friendly to his immorality and ethical obstruction. Republican evil of this variety originates in a total lack of experience with the grounds of natural knowledge and causative forces that dictate life. It is true that a brutes mentation follows the linear, cybernetic modes of ego-categorizations assimilating the environment that are the first flight from naturally associated linguistic forms. The manure stench of a polity, a plastic revision of not-yet antique items repeat their defective norms into the populist sewer of official posturing and shady business. These breached conventionalities and false sentiments for that time period when national socialism and fascism was still in vogue, a reprisal of negative-dialectical contortions, of logocentric idealism, imprinted speech, quasi-fascist deliberators, public power, premature misadventures, possessive individualist thought and behaviour propelled itself in the wake of the industrial enterprise that became the united front for the German SS and other mass ruling societies of the past before man had the technological tools of global documentation to forensically cross-examine his history as a post-theoretical agent of critical knowledge -- all those semantic programs that contributed to the American ratrace with primate republican evil saturates the techno-visual sphere through social media with its homogenizing populist soil -- apeshit Baby Boomerfuckturds brains are so warpy and mashed like potatoes that no clear concept nor proper apprehension of objective reality in its valid representations could ground itself in them as a shared rational consensus. Such a precondition would require consciousness of a sufficient calibre that empathy is presented as when we become embarrassed over our behaviour and adjust parameters in accord with observant, rational facticity. These empty head spaces were filled with air and glue to attempt to keep together regular segments of reality. The sad truth about many of the Boomers (atypically, not all Baby Boomers obviously, but many) is that when they get really old their own kids might not be there with any remaining patience to spoon feed them, to help them up when they fall and cant get up, to nurse their neurosis, change their Depends or clean the house. One can imagine diner trays being tossed at them while they cart themselves around. Past generations of people may have earned some degree of filial piety and human respectability but as this one phases out with time it may not be as growing wise and gaining forgiveness but adding an icepack to a bruised forehead from a coliding dinner tray. 

  Trump deconstruction terminates in his monstrosity, known to be a postmodern preference to the presidential career, as a dissonant liberal self-made by conmanship, now a redneck benefactor, a commercialist watering down the necessary social substance with his urinal acts and adding faecal opacity to what is ethically transparent, an always potential neocon and impartial 'patriot' of postmodern folly to the likes of a gameshow host. You would not have found him interesting in the 80s, even as a six year old kid. Trump's reputability was as a typical Polo liberal, very effeminate, very airy-fairy, 'anal retentive' narcissist type, male Princess Di clone, someone, yet another repeatable clone that your mom would have dated. This, and his other financial mishandlings and allegations, are why he's not taken seriously anymore even in a world game of economic corruption he is too messy, corrupt and unprincipled among even the harshest risk takers. At the instant of confronting the absolute truth like a prescient adolescent, his tongue swells as his own shit rises up from his immoderately retentive anus wherein he takes self-pleasure in tasting his bullshit on his upper palate like a wild animal is in existence expected to undergo eons of reincarnational suffering towards the evolvement of rational-enlightened abidement in the cosmos. Typical of the feudalist, quasi-fascist, and barbaric father personage who falls to the death while asleep, having instead of boulders dropped on his head, his throat and underbelly are slashed and jabbed while unconscious. What it all boils down to in this election is not Donald Trump trying to represent a fix for all the recent misrepresentation in corporate, government politics i.e., he's not masquerading to be the placebo effective redeemer of all the excesses and errors of formal political candidates and the establishment in general. Trump cannot muster himself as being the 'right stuff' for the republican party to commence with what is excessive in progressive conservative neo-liberal or the neo-conservative discourse, the disasters of Bush era free marketing and bipartisan counter-reform. He cannot be the tea-party favourite for any grass roots movement or middle-class change that would ever be capable of time traveling back to Reagan era novelty when it was still ripe as liberal capital, a novelty itself furnished with high-hopes and tax cuts that bankrupted the economy in the end. Instead the total assimilation of the Trump image, the icon and the iconoclasm, into the state of the world, a state which is returning overwhelmingly towards a government by the people, and control by the media, flat out rejects and transforms his attempts at forming a government into a charade. Thus, the presidency of Trump is not at all about the presidency of Trump as a hero, as an anti-hero, as a failure, as an icon or even as president duche exemplar. The role of the president is not to shape anything in the world on the basis of the political, but to be assimilated into the world-stage as another media show, a presidential spectacle and primal scream educational tool. Its not about any of the things you imagine it to be about, its not about Trump as president, its about the disaster that we are. But the disaster of Trump merely makes us all more aware of our own disaster in the Faustian sense. Not to boycott the power of unconscious oil spills, or to assimilate the powers of the president to a public creed of all the presidents men, but to make of him and his creed a campaign of impotent disasters, an absolute of shame which cannot hide itself in the false theatrics of shaming (do you understand my son yet, what you do and how you hurt so many innocent people?). And the answer may eventuate a yes answer, but not to any of the necrotic growth factors benefiting Trump's conscience is this in any way worthwhile to a campaign promise. Nobody would stand through such a tumultuous escapade of this order simply to watch one senior citizen confront himself only to sprout a latent pubescent mind. No, it would have to act like populist diffusion i.e., exemplifying a total effect on all narcissistic mirrors who can identify with him being torn down. In this way Trump redeems (himself) by stagecraft, by staging himself as this Other to his popular self-image and loses the horrible responsibility of the burden of psychoanalysis. Like I said, its about other stuff, like shattering the camera lens, with all these disaster stories of the past four and a half decades, all these people falling off ladders with their speculateve, self-appointed road rage. So then you may ask, why not add more truth to the analysis of Trump instead of focusing exclusively on the negatives? Answering this unfinished train of thought which demands deeper consideration is simple; even the worst case analysis of all his surmounting political endeavours that leaves open any positive marks for potential good intentions or what have you, only arms Trump with an inflated sense of value. Trump cannot handle descent criticism without deflecting mediocrity as conceded credit, like an inmate on clemency who instantly jumps to the level of granting himself full parole on his first day mopping the floor, while never being fully rehabilitated. Thence, if my criticisms of Trump 'seem' unfair and extreme, its because Trump is unfair and extreme. Let's not seduce ourselves into amnesia over the precedence of actual goings ons, it was Trump's brand under the Bush leadership that individually fettered the system with all the errors and mishaps which have left us in the state we are in. To a strange twist of fate and logic you could almost place Trump in the seat of Bush Jr., because really it was the latter's followers and leadership policies that undermined the economy at large and not the direct actions of the former president (if we were to take a totally sterile, legal approach to the analysis ignoring all empirical dimensions). This is why disdain for Trump is hard to see the light of day, wether you think in terms of, well at least Bush wasn't as much a social liberal like Trump, or at least Bush did not act alone while Trump mostly does. Even so, such a logic is still doomed to failure because, see, I still think Bush Jr. is worse as a president for the country, a lot worse and more dangerously as a multiple personality would seem to live to conceal its private life of sabotage. Yet, oddly I would not say in any way does Trump justify or add contrast that helps any of his potential republican rivals especially Jeb Bush. I do think Jeb Bush if left to his own devices would serve as a better 'candidate' than Trump or otherwise permitting, under different circumstances, for Trump to form a government assuming power. Considering that Jeb Bush would probably form a colder, calmer more luke warm regime that is 'conducive' to democratic norms of these recently established bipartisan states. Trump however is a better choice because he can be more directly criticized effectively and thus used to do the bidding of the liberals (which is not exactly a good thing either and a terribly irresponsible mode of governing) but better than being stuck with another Bush incapable of dislodging. Clinton on the other hand was never herself in the years she ran prior to 2014 and this gave her critics room and leverage, however accountable historians knew this could be changed once elected with opportune momentum, the problem during the mid-election period of Obama was her further entrenchment into the role of secretary of state in the Obama cabinet. The conditions at that time turned favourability for the Clinton machine's 2016 election hopeful into momentary doubts over continuing this progressively downward trend of Obamanomics which began in 2009 and ended in 2012. Considering the fact that in the present situation of the revolutions that have been taking place around the world since the Arab Spring, the people now elected to office fulfill the economics of their image en-toto, their historical record completely revises them, the moment they are loaded or reloaded into the political scene of this post-contemporary digital market. Thus, a vote for Hilary Clinton is a vote for Bill Clinton, being that the president does not take charge of the market, the market more and more shapes the political and social career of the president wether he is active in political affairs or not. That would not have been as much the case if Clinton had been elected in 2008 because market idealism at the time was floating on hopeful recovery from the recession, but by virtue of the colder relations with the East and other thoughtful changes in the world, government has had an opportune moment to keep itself together, or to reform its collective goals and interests. Unfortunately we are not fortunate enough to have Bill Clinton again as our president. Instead, we have to clean more devil-baby diapers with the near complete loss of feasible charades. The sharp indecision favouring Bernie Sanders over Hilary Clinton is fully understandable if you account a proper analysis of the socioeconomic givens at that time. The reality of having political insight into how things actually operate sociologically in public elections and with administrative systems in general eliminates the common doubts of political outsiders who may not understand the process itself while speculating in the mires of the public opinion machines, big media, campaign advertisements, polls and the shifting landscape of viral contact processes that signify the traits of populism and market capitalism. These in themselves evidence the artificial-pathogenic roots of populism in primitive states, even prior to newsprint or media, the same way infinitely complacent faith in capitalist mentalities resides in the anthropological laws of the fallible ape and not in anything resembling the 'rational animals' of 'humanity', political education, social science or environmental self-responsibility. In a grand Freudian way, wether in policy making or in life, human responsibility is still continuously intolerable to anthropic humans without having transgressive ethical freedom deducted from their conscience (in other words; man cannot be simultaneously free and responsible, liberal and socially or economically conservative, as the revolutionary men of the Enlightenment were or of those men of talent who partook in the early 20th century intellectual movements and the traditions that followed them). Today it is impossible to be free without being consciously responsible, to be responsible without being consciously free and the latter flows more towards anti-repression and anti-prohibition as a norm of the postmodern social economy than in Freud's time presaged the social and sexual revolutions. Revolutionizing these necessary directions of thematic freedom and responsibility is no more critical to the survival of rational civilization and demanding to coherent nature than it is today. Where the past liberation was central to the process of revolution that it inherited from the European tradition, now it is a descent from recognizing basic responses, rational behaviour and relativity that is missing. Pressure arising from the possible threat of a Bush or Trump victory erases the contrast of the two democratic candidates, it forces an indifference of opinion because, well as long as it is not them. It had seemed that the most prominent shift in public attitude, the big change in media and what have you, had begun around the same time Clinton had published her book in 2014 or whatever it was. At that time the conversation had been about the Arab Spring and this and that, the spark of the world shift towards revolutionary thinking. And then you had all these events hitting the news one by one each day. Most of that has subsided now as a collective dismay and response to Trump, fake new paranoia and populism. Bernie Sanders rallies were clearly drawing in a lot of energy, a lot of the revolutionary interest that seemed to encompass a broader spectrum of the grass roots -- there was an overlapping of ideals and prospects with this election but with Trump one immediately smells the petroleum industry, the chaos and caustic effects of the Trump effect irritating the situation from the very start. There were many reasons to be impressed with the grammars coming out of the Bernie Sanders crowd, what we want I think is a continuation of the economic stance taken by Obama with what was merging with the majority on a global scale following the Snowden movement that was radical resistance to the entire system of thinking that has emerged in the past twenty years, but not to one's cultural aesthetic. I'm suggesting more of a return of the counter-culture, to valid culture in other words and not spurious nationalism in a digitized reality. What we don't want is Clinton fuelling this sidelined social and economic mess while Trump occupies the White House and there is no leadership and no central brain governing democracy or the social process of mass opinion formation -- obviously less democratic obstructions that arise from neo-liberal corporate funding and more democracy itself is what matters, because then we see the banks and free enterprises feasting again, sticking their hands in the pie, looking for a free exploit, and with it the malignant growth of social unrest, violence, an undesirable economy without representational management, with all the symptoms and distractions created by social liberals and which Trump deflects onto the mass of society in the form of socially liberal populism, consumerism and cyber-emoting. 
    Giggling hyenas and mechanized, robo-wired observers who have no discerning character or social judgement and just conjure paranoid, primate-stare nonsense and professional name calling. Stemming from an original disharmony with behaviouro-environmental consciousness, these serialized narcissistic observances reflect in themselves the infantile omnipotence of the pre-logical, pre-rational ape mind dwelling within. Trump, so long as he is residing as president, will obstruct all sociopolitical and economic processes attempting to naturalize the multisystemic parameters of government and market programs. In other words, everything that is a direct result of or reaction to his leadership capabilities reflects his dysfunctionality -- the American-led neo-liberal market, the linear economy, the torrential budgets, the social and behavioural mechanisms driving the fundamental dynamics and characteristics of social systems in the world; as a unified force mask his retrograde policies and disequilibrium. Rising up in defiance of Trump is a caustic effect, part of the toil that is the entire Trump effect to the fact that we have lost some essential scientific or dialectical way of procuring mass self-government. One of the key of this problem is the infantile shudders of prohibitionary consciousness that Trump symbolizes. Everything simply divides into disynchronous influences, harmony and proper dynamics are severed like Trump's dualistic persona.                       

 The real question then becomes, how does one correctly rewire Trump's brain to reflect his original programming, not as this fabrication of bad entertainment but as an existential freedom to tend to what is immanent in one's nature? In traditional societies rooted in natural human perception and fair judgement, malbehaving children are spanked, in the domestic arena; dogs are scolded when they're puppies in order to domesticate them to the common pedigrees accepted by a breeder such that the treatment is no longer applicable in their adult life as they come to gather knowledge about their environment -- fellow citizens who enjoy cultural status as such also acquire a social intelligence based on the acclimatization of natural boundaries observed by other rational men to be endowed to them a sense of self-awareness that reflects in other's of common moral character imbued in the raw spirit. Opinionated behaviour that emotionally responds to normal conditions of engagement socially is backward and does not comply with the common rational considerations for an other's inward states, for the collectively agreed upon facts of this world that stand regardless of what state of mind or what drug one is taking, or the most reasonable assumptions intuitively reached upon and the presentiments of the people in their capacity to fulfill the standard legal sensibilities of an ethical jury. We all must take upon ourselves this collective truth, as responsible jurors day-to-day, to take to heart the considerations of a combined human conscience which is the moral of many stories and not the sporadic opinions and misreadings of those clones against all self-evident truth whose spiritually illiterate unconscious possess bad intentions to scramble the authentic meaning of words and phrases. For example, free-loading hippies are accepted as a group that value habits which are normalized (culturally) to their own creed, their own cultural enclave or sanctioned group of cannabis smokers, hashish users, and which is ecologically friendly and harmless to the wider community, even as some insects which, though some may not prefer their genus, nonetheless are destroyers of pests that would otherwise destroy productive crops. Even if one is not of their breed, you might not find them to be categorically 'rational', there is no 'reason' to interfere with them in their own social ecosystem it is not relative or rational to one's larger domain. Wage earners employed in an organizational occupation on the other hand are expected to complete tasks, be on time and show courtesy with respect to the social needs of the organization that employs them. In an insane asylum the norms are reversed for full-time occupants -- the expectations may be reduced to some transference of needs or ideals of occupational psychology. Industrial and late neo-liberated capitalism imputes a methodology without a postulate and runs counter to the existential-modal principles invariant to the biothermal laws of dynamic order. Every stale, folky, pigeon-holed, pigeon-shit-spray notion they maintain or support is in total contradistinction to what is true, or to what is naturally intended to be truthful, in confirmation by and encompassing an all-angled, rigorous statistical analysis of empirical data as it is tacitly absorbed by the associative memories of the brain's statistical spread spectrum. No sovereign sensibility can withstand the constant presence of belligerent false reading or methodological fine-combing for grammatical exploits done by these self-absorbed, self-appointed toilers. Artificial deliberators do not grasp nor cherish the natural experiential content of any solid principle or human value redeemed as part of the biological organization of life. Ignorance of natural law can be avoided by experience as long as the living dynamics social or otherwise are present, the logico-rational process of normal homeostatic, intuitive self-education, homeostatic environmental learning, perceptual logic, social intelligence, cognition confined to a class or cultural strata etc., is the same experience, the same empirical process that grounds scientific knowledge in its widest acceptable forms. Material facts are reached through the same deductions and conceal on equal footing a direct symmetric relation to how organized systems that produce behaviour are able to learn by spontaneous association to their environments. Likewise the scientific attitude is a practical extroversion of the natural intelligence of perceptive judgement and empirical learning that does not produce itself from calculations nor puts into use any explicit logical operations, such functions are themselves mechanisms acquired from pure learning, pure cognition. Pure learning executes no functional neurological algorithm to arrive at a rationally resolved picture of the world, neither for following a ball or picking up a cup. Pure cognition does not involve 'figuring' or isolated thinking; it is a concurrence of empirical immediacy. Hence, the assumption of an algorithm that determines a programmatic series of responses is executed in time and forms a binary ring of sequential time saving mechanisms -- primary responses do not have built-in time saving mechanisms, they help to form mechanisms for self-referencing rings of behaviour and intelligence. Social norms supported on the rational perception of what is judged as rational human behaviour may follow similar lines of natural selection and moral revision to become arrayed in the postmodern attitude which is radically more diverse and integral to the social change ushered by new scientific and technological revelations especially concerning human history and social biography. Capitalism suffers a deficit of the rational consequentialities that result from irrational social behaviour because the capitalist insulates himself in environmental exclusion from the attitudes of society at large and hides instead in the crowd-mind of public opinion and the economically exploitable mentality of populist majorities that are socially ready-made personas unhinged from any individual regard for rational cause or their emotional desires. These consequentialities nourish various aspects of social learning and their domestic attitudes, the behaviour patterns of working majorities who must absorb the causal account of events and science in order to maintain the homeostatic functionality of working economic systems.    

Under natural constraints, surely someone ought to have knocked Trump's lights out at some point in his infernal existence, thats commonly the case or that's what happens when retched pie hole tapeworm scolex shit disturbers yelp unleashed. Someone like that must have been raised excessively liberally and insulated from basic social and environmental conditions, the endowing of self-consciousness, will and empathy, education, religion, art, economic class and respectability -- Trump chills out in a bra shop with absolute self-comfort, chit chatting and trying on Spandex because he's fucking weird, and a fucking twerp. Vital demons such as he belong in a home for childish old men and bygone wretches. Trump can go itch his stab wounds through the bandages in the ER because the ungodly pillsbury bucket of devil cuntscum makes good stabbing practice. An error in the sociomathematical continuum of reality, Trump is the expendable ineffectual demon with incineratable qualities, nothing a rag and a canister of toluene cant correct. Terror calls his name as the stool of destiny to hell. So much so he cant prevent the reddening of his visage and outer extremities. Trump is a mistake, an error in cultural, social and historical development -- He's the Joker, the Club and the Pon of a hide and seek game. His only measure of factical self-importance comes from the law and the originally infinitesimal negative fact that its technically illegal to kill him. Without the protective law as a low relativism he might surely be dead or lose all existential value as a proprietary object of American social culture. This in itself predefines 'desperation' and Trump is so humanly, virally desperate that the negative of the law taken in its shadow justifies his security which he is expected to be obsessed with (security) because he is worthless without it (i.e., as raw truth, he is not innately nor self-evidently important as art confirms and the creative process establishes) his intrinsic value is as common trade, working class productions, self-speculation for which no essence fruitful to humanity can be analytically verified to reside in anything he produces by machination and blowing smoke -- every other ethical law he ignores or resents because it doesn't justify his most primary vital function to replicate virally his own existential vacuity -- the beast is simply this way, it has no intelligent faculty or aesthetic knowledge that is socially of any supportive value to its survival. Paranoid readers cant read between the lines, they are enraged by jealousy, and god help them, cant look into their own souls for the relative truth of things. Only complex human intelligence has insight into culturally essential knowledge that it produces art, philosophy or is socially productive to a multitude of interests beneficial to the whole. Trump however is not beneficial to the whole nor to individual rights and freedom, he is an economic and social parasite that has the tendency like most birthlings to spread their genes around until all species reach extinction and humanity dies from boredom. If his seed were capable of yielding prodigal keenness he would righteously be stoned by his own male children. This assuredly so of course since if he were not rich and were hence unable to provide them silence by material offerings, no doubt he would never hear the end of it until his own end. Although he styles himself as sharp and tasteful he is not, his characteristics are more fundamentally lethargic, psychologically reversible, with dull sensibility that is speculatively aided through various inferences which he inflates the emotional content with pathological foxing and salesmanship, powers feigned from abstract sources which act as a distraction, with himself being the paddle-ball in the middle detracting attention from the real scandal which is in private capital. What he cant tolerate and must throw off balance is the natural intuition that sees without needing to perform analytical inferences since Trump needs to be informed bit by bit with proof and justification up his dog snout for everything that he himself is guilty of forging in life and since he assimilates everything and every opinion to himself as all self-omnipresenting narcissists do, he cant mentally separate liars from true subjects, charlatans from professionals, fake news from real news, statistics from demographics, reality from simulation and so on. Dubious bums of his kind overpopulate the planet and are as common as thorny weeds. Trump injects the system with all his desperately annoying, immodest, oil pipelining, seedy resin stained, venomous, shitfaced, stink contaminating the government and the process with populist social aberrance and autostimulant behaviour ; his hog stench seeps into every fucking pore now, oversaturating every image with the contrasts of a charred and burnt offering, an automated economy of divergent dysfunctional forces  Trump doesn't do a great deal of math either, I don't think he does a lot of personal accounting otherwise fewer people would have been screwed over in his Casino days. Not all the bloody news is fake, see this news here thats real news of Trump ripping off contractors for building a casino, and this news here is as real as it gets or needs to be, and those people they're all real too! Why would anybody in their right mind desire the news to be real to begin with, the process of media is to mediate a process, the function is to provide coverage of events and not events themselves, the evolution of news is in screening out bad reality, in the theatre of the real; it is theatrics. If fake news has a saving grace it is that it can destroy authoritative attitudes grounded in prohibition and cast potential bad actors in their proper light. Taking authority 'figures' in any degree of seriousness has never been more inappropriate in the news and plaguing on a mass scale as today, when the false rationalism of political pundits and wordsmiths that are advised by think tanks water down the potential for establishing uplifting rational discourse and with it the abolition of stupid public opinions. Complaining that the news is fake when the fucking reality is fake, now thats a sign of inflation and severe monetary imbalance, and Trump most of all is the fakest of all, his whole existence is carried out in immoderate fakery that they had to designate a zone in the American talk-show and media circuit just to contain him. He is a self-destructive spectacle of his own self-punning mechanism a product of his egoic attachment to news, to ratings and appearances to audiences that drives his fear of the news being fake; this is what he feeds on as his self-appearance and relay of outward material Being and behaviour and what dubious populist scapegoating nodes attach to their identity field is the machinations of Trump's memeing imbecility.  

We entered a dehumanizing age of postmodern economic staleness, ritualized moralism and dissociated information reduction to the laws of entropy that are falsely consuming the once complex inner dynamics of the soul as a bioenergetic and residual metabole phenomena of cultural, ethical and spiritual postings in the semiotic interpreting mechanisms of the brain and central nervous system. As a habitual species we are digging our collective burials to Hell by denying that habit even exists. Though we cannot touch or smell habit we know it is a real phenomena because we observe it -- habit is expressed as the increased likelihood of occurrence dependent on past behaviour in a system, its likelihood of repeating a specific act, of craving certain experiences, of averting certain signs or feeling the pull to do something or to avoid something is a natural function of learning and thus intelligence both sentient and dormant. The increase in the number of events also increases their capacity to repeat, grow or reside in the memory of a system at an exponential rate. We thrive in a mechanical society that conditions us to accept bad habits -- populism survives on the same statistical grounds as those that arise through the formation of habits -- but habit itself is irreducible to the qualitative multiplication rules of large, increasing numbers since it is an invisible tendency of systems qualitative measures such as its genetic memory that determines the rate and the depth of its learning potentials. Humans forget that, essentially the brain in-itself is an organism, that learning goes on epigenetically, (much like a plant), and that human language i.e., illicit social behaviour is totally foreign to the genetic imprint of the CNS, its nature and objective drives, that are simply causal-rational in purport lacking in any collective, populist self-instantiation to laws of identity and symbolization of collectivity. The gears of the distributed neural functions move in accord with their specific, interrelating environmental requirements we call this cognitive representing of real and social space in neural space. 
  Populism, idolatry and homogenous society in capitalist systems is the decay rate of postmodern crisis. Some are so incoherent in their pseudojudgement and placement of fundamental contexts that they cant even form useless, but rudimentary, public opinion because they depend too much on the given popular networks of self-identity and formation of mass judgement belonging to the infant nation-state: such trolls must immediately revert to childish name-calling and the mustering of senseless pigeon-shit ideations from their active grey matter when they're unable to adjoin their perception of reality to any personal opinion that can be rationally argued with empirical sense. Empty of even a capable voter's range of public opinion, infinitesimal trolls fish out avenues of verbal graffiti in order to vent the anger they lack and are emotionally incapable of experiencing in rational accord to casualty, or giving a determinate cause for manifestation of original judgement. Appearing instead as mere barnacles riding on bad polity, as biproducts of informal governance or a failure to govern statical herds of goslings. They're countable refuse as a raw statistic can be predicated on inferior methods of educating and enstating social roles to thinking Beings. A reminder that all that they teach, everything they believe in and posit in vain is absolutely false, heretical, naive and a constentation to what is good, true and valid knowledge. The political rights unholy war on truth, goodness and natural right runs counter always to the default laws of physical nature and man's capacity for rational survival within the environment. Would be extinguished if social and biological cognizance did not align to his decision making apparatus governed in full scope observance of reality principles. For surely he would allow himself to consume the manure of livestock if his elemental-paganical psychological programming could argue for it in the name of his own self-deifying conceptions of omnipotency. The environment itself is self-identified in reverse of its fundamental essence as a causal continuum containing a priori laws of comparable logical categories -- instead it is idealized to a level of the personal godhead and childish phantasm, a skepticism of profound, irrational measures destructive to the forest of probable events which his arrogant omnipotency divides, conquers and denies thermally with the suicidal razor of Occam.  
  The brute, insensate, neurolinguistic mechanisms of human actors are destined to atomize their legal functions from the neuroplastic frequency of linguistic order and gauge to entropic attractor states that drag their neural field components into the superdense thermal fluctuations present inside the earth conditioning their electron from a ground (dead) energy state to an excited (alive) state where 'conscious suffering' or 'burning' of the spherical bodymelt in situ. This demonstrates itself in the way that do-nothings do nothing, watching on in all idleness as their own communities crumble disastrously or are looted by petty thieves, in such manner calling upon the names and virtues of salvific Lords, Buddha or Christ, they refuse to act as human beings with the simplicities of moral eyes and conscience; stuck in the trickery of the trickster with his false values of society, they give a blind eye to desecration at the helms of foolish deceivers and ideologues who dictate negative usurpations of truth, positivizing what is empty and stale while thieving through self launder and conglomerating all the world as belonging t the infant ego's twisted logic of phantasm, these scavengers of toil are ruled by pinhole perspectives that barely reflect the light of truth, and follow through dead-end unorthodoxies that conceive the world upside down and to a reductionists myopia they insult the spirit of rational holism dragging others down into the atomized void of an ancient and amateur mode of skepticism which is divorced from any probable or rational sense. 
Corporate capital inculcates the evils of mass economy and the mass market of technocratic and theocratic states. Negativity in these situations can turn easily on the more commercial and even organic aspects of liberalism as a kind of misanthropic response to corporate capital and materialism when genius is left to sink bellow the cracks. 

Fanaticism and the unholy alliance of statist speculative Christian cultism to corporate economic imperialism and logoccentrism. A formula of the real, living devil in manifestation, of fundamentally daemonic-brutish machinations. The evil-angelic Christian organized religion is commonly known to be one of the false religions if not the most primarily false religion today. A dehumanizing and despotic influence on popular movements these dogmatic presbyters of totally faux ideals given to wicked ends are the lost sheep of the bible who know nothing of what they do. Evangelical protestants in AMerican society acts as superstitious fuel for the flames of populism, a postmodern hex and a true curse on religions, on actual moderate Christindom and the spirit of the original protestant spirit as it once thrived to the end of the 19th century in Europe. America, on their toiling, became a hated ideological cesspool of irreligious heresies against reason and nature, an immoral control-based and narcissistic mania of instigating crimes against it like a great beastly collective of dangerous robots which it is and which it revokes as natural punishment by the sovereign powers that be. Theres no such thing as an independent Christian movement in America, the political centre of hypocrisy and idolatry does not permit it to exist there -- albeit there may have been the cultural activities during the cold war and following the break up of Eastern Europe with the end of WW2 and Americas learning of the Nuremberg trials -- today's playcations of a religious right existing in the satire of their political messiahs and other corporate evil doers is a grave illusion of almost deathly proportions. 
 To this there can be no authentication of an independently postwar sovereign Christian state, all such claims of independent statehood are heretical claims to all with intelligence and spiritual sensibility, the hurlings of shallow lying, know nothing despots, goblins and shills. Thank God liberals and political leftists have to lie and use flawed propaganda, thanks to the flaws of democracy in America Trump's existence can be argued into prominence, falsely justified on political grounds, for if not, for a descent society would have use for his scavengery -- leftist ills are his only substance, like hogs watching TV to become sports announcers, like illiterate snobs who drivel over spelling errors made by accomplished writers.  
Homo sapience in posthistorical reality is a human animal possessing sapience but no humanity. They are homes but not (human) Beings i.e., non-rational creatures with no aesthetic or cultural taste -- When we attack certain issues with extreme veracity and it seems like radicalism, this has its source in the extremism and dissonant immodesty of the times. Before the days of the new media, the growth of mass media and TV tabloids, entertainment, industry, production, automation, overpopulation, global warming and social networks, there may have been room to spare certain indulgences of the past, certain policies, opinions and modes of approach were allowed, they were 'afforded' because it was the past. Before Henry Ford and the auto industry for instance, or the oil crisis and Baby Boomers, the world in its totality was much smaller and technological growth much infrequent by comparison. Today's world can no longer afford the additional self-fixations and illusions of populism, of ravage capitalist free-enterprise and other free market values. It can no longer pretend to live in the ancient state model of social hierarchy and capitalism as anything more than a model or a frame of reference the way modern monarchies are established with professional classes of administrators. Electoral tradition has laid down the figure role of the president as a vocal figure of the crowd, the podium and the ancient tribe of Rome. We as citizens quickly lost the validity of this role with the advent of cameras and modern television and radio, when it was no longer about entertaining the organized crowds on location but the entire nation fed and enthralled through electronic media. Now, these traditions and forces inspire bad behaviour, they leave their mark on society and global culture, they alter the course of social monetary power and the perpetuation of degradative spectacle, consumer habits and mental attitudes. Its like the derelict without a valid excuse, the rebel with no cause, the devils spawn with no Alpha traits. Now, someone with a flaw or a few forgivable flaws who has redeeming qualities or an alibi is not equal to someone who is a wreck and serves self only, deceives everyone who is gullible enough to believe him as a means of survival and is a scammer, a charlatan, an imposter, an empty suite, a conman, a living auto-denigrator. 

Subjecting to total scrutiny all purported endeavours at the systematizing, deriving and anchoring a new set of fudged rules and escalated measures of social production, the magical-unconscious laws of strategic self-assimilation aimed at the environmental foci of affect responses are these political self-charicatures emulating desire that misacheractarize real things, like the 'political right' verses the real distribution of what is rightly grounded or reflected through scientific knowledge, confirmed as rational fact, (there is the facimilated 'culture' of right duty and right order) which radically surmounts by displacement all of its own essence above factical right in the manner it discludes or sets aside the most fundamental energetic or power laws, exiling from mind the original culture of its descent by selective denial. Thankfully for all singularly focused on objective survival that medical science is governed above all in the execution of sufficient reason and that the total account of scientifically referential and recoverable states of reality are not blindly turned over by the impulses of human intellectual distortions carried by the unconscious of some discombobulated psyche. Righteously so that what is independently true of all political factions is governed in what is most sensible i.e., rationally verifiable by sense experience, and not in what wildly exclusionary personalities and informal cliques designate the 'political right' as a kind of polarization of the factual, otherwise political humans might not occupy life in its full extent. In these archaic practices of many Western political economies the sentimental serpent of the right-wing is played out against that of the left and democratic programs like two buttons on an ice cream machine containing the wrong formulas behind each of the flavours false labelling.  But the complacency of the neo-classical economic machine is that its ancient values happily assimilates or exchanges one for the other by public request, insofar as it enjoys the obstructed sustenance of dysfunction by controlling the representatives on the ballot and can excuse itself of these cheap tactics in privation of its needs supplied with all the fake melodramas and infantile psychophancy common to all disingenuous governments that are hoisted in naive populism, rooted in capitalism and share all the same neo-liberal puritan values of the bygone middle class. This exchange creates social and economic chaos in which it takes cynical pleasure in excusing as an alternative effort to its incompetent attempts at mass governance.  

Cybernetic linearization begins in the totally uninhibited, emotive speech acts which are deliberate, totally automatic-instinctive and reference little or no physiological states corresponding to the presence of human emotion. What the evil mana speaks is like a highstrung evil genie, a mad person who can be hysterical when attempts are made to reason with their moody self-contradictions, such people will holler that the sky is orange even when it is blue and claim sanity as hypersensitivity, elitism and perfectionism, calling madness strength and strength madness. These tyrannical personalities have no fundamental grasp of the law, of psychotherapy or history. They have no sense of human rights, the human potential or the ground they walk on, all that they speak is a discontinuity against the facts, against religious truth and coherency. They hold to finite ideas and dogmas and yack on with no sense of coherency or respect for the whole, they disregard reasonable states of affairs and reasonable assumptions and stink or immoral intents, cant form valid arguments and should probably be considered a dangerous threat to the survival of humankind on this planet. Proving once again public power is useless without representation and decency. Even libertarians who fail to form some sort of ‘government’ or ‘organization’ of participants fail and become hollow shells for a bunch of people who cant handle responsibility, negative principles or the modern aesthetic. To be libertarian you still have to hire the best talent, you still have to have an open democracy that invites and interests creative people. Its kinda like the environmental issues people have today. Regardless of even the fact that we have statistical evidence of man made climate change, even without that statistical evidence, to say that climate change is natural and the weather is simply warmer and we should do nothing about it, to say that warming is simply a cycle is still incoherent drivel in the end. Climate change is clearly tied to man made aggression and ’activity’, it is clearly associated with primitive industries and mentalities, regardless of physically demonstrating this link. Its not indifferent to denying terrorist attacks as such or failing to represent a universally lawful point of view. Its as incoherent as denying purpose in the universe, denying a causal origin, its incoherent and everyone else sees, everyone elses brain spectrally analyzes the statistical spread of inputs and finds the natural equilibrium and settles on the facts. When you have two lines of argument and each can be deduced to the same level of consistency your point of departure for truth is suppose to be divided by ethical measures rather than even what can be convincingly proven as realist i.e., if suffering is the consequence of one truth over another then the equality of these truths is no longer debateable, the truth that increases suffering is false. Its like rotten goods that arrive too late that excuse their lateness as an effect or chain reaction of their being ordered, they blame the order recipient and ignore the relevance of time. Theres a trend running here and you might try opening your eyes to it. When morons excuse their moronic behaviour on extraneous measures, falsifying every breathe of their existence just to deceive and survive, repel the fact that they’ve been excluded for reasons much more fundamental and necessary than what say bad libertarians want or anarchists rebel against descent leadership structures that would otherwise employ authentic genius. But poddlers will poddle and scavenge about assimilating everything valid to themselves like omnipotent children to the bottom of the vacuum. Unlike in history when people grew up naturally, enjoyed the challenges of the natural world they had to thrive in and learn from as children, studied and educated themselves in the home and school, reflected maturely to the social ethics imparted by a tradition, myth or religion from childhood, tackled challenges and fears, accepted certain dark truths as part of life in order to tackle its problems rationally, and integrated knowledge and traditional thinking as responsible adults in alignment with some social goal universal to the values imparted as necessary to the ‘grand social order‘; they wern't all politically segregated childish morons, by comparison, todays people build senseless walls around everything and reject integration on political or logical grounds of contradiction and thus become unnatural, insulated babies who never suffered in the wars and past economies, take all meaning literally or out of contexts, flunk every immediate answer, do nothing palatable, have no taste for art and maintain vomit in the high jinx and mania of commercial growth and speculative fantasy that tears down genuine culture and genuine talent. Past generations would never entertain the thought of employing such rugrats to the tasks of the literate class, or the clerical duties of a church, of a government or noble cause. The world was not yet so polluted as today with Americas contradictions and snake oil. The populations of  social and ethical transgressors in Western culture had to fulfill certain existential duties in recognition of their human fallibility -- Denial of this fallibility is a denial of the most fundamental axiom of all religions and philosophical observances in history -- Those who believe that man is capable and responsible to shape his own destiny without a higher rational or divinely inspired council and oversight from a professional community of philosophically capable realists and scientists suffer a psychological megalomania and not just a spiritual mandate to direct the passions of people towards greater and greater enterprising of their utility. Past ages of humanity operated on these grounds in various ways and in light of the placement of the stars above and the state of technology up to the second industrial revolution these kinds of advances were not yet conceived totally in darkness nor with an evil, unknowing intent. With the integration of Marxist economics and the novel insights into the world offered by modern science the ancient ways of capitalism begins to erode at the middle of the 19th century and especially at the turn of the century with the evolution of the reflective spirit in unconscious matter. Postmodern cheerleaders who are as cheesy as baked dung just cant seem to settle into a historically valid or positive reform of the total economic condition, culture, education and environmental consciousness. When you are faced with two extremes, two inaccurate modes of existence it is illusion to assume they are separate. The same way Republicans had no intention of silencing Obama or removing him in any timely way. The extravagance and global monstrosity of his first four years in office (helps) people like Trump because it gives them plausible deniability in the form of justifying their usefulness which they readily accept only at a semiconscious level which prevents them from acting natural. Trump would never dare muster criticism against Obama unsettling the corporate machine in his first term, its only because he cant stand (decency) and moderation of a competitive nature, of a balanced economy or the international social dynamics of the postwar era that he bothers to run against Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Such political animals have no immediate recognition of how normals process time and events. They are consumers of fads and product trends who never critically examine things in their time or moment of popularization as being worthy of criticism. Like the global cultures, environmental and neofuturist movements of the 1990s were associated with a lot of the later forms of commercialism and tech industry of the millennial craze. Now, desperate idiots will cling to these early criticisms as a cause for returning vengence on them but only when such things become necessary to an economy. Just like with all stereotypes and fads, serious intellectuals avoid assimilation as a criteria, they avoid violet flowery colors and pink when our culture has signified these things and removed them from their immediate implicit naturality. The same way speculators build fabricated systems based on literal fears like, the aesthetics of ’the dark side’ which nonetheless must exist on the Moon and on Earth for life to exist at all since we can all agree that at dusk the Sun does tend to fall and that an overabundance of solar radiation would in fact be destructive to mans precious existence. Evil however assimilates and misreads every word and intention that is alive. It perceives life and living words as free game for political or corporate assimilation to its vampire agendas which are linked together as part of its lessez-faire ‘business‘. What kind of immediate sensibility do you expect to come from the brain of a guy who combs his hair over his bald spots and does nothing to fix his hair, carries on like a redneck and pretends to be fashionable? Someone who misses the point completely, that Trump is blind psychologically to his own tackiness, is a sign enough that he misses the mark and justifies ignorance of the big picture, blind to the patterns that emerge which accountable people must keep track of. There are definitely ways of doing things but Trump’s style is not obviously retro or trip-hop cool in any way, like people who have a remorse or a sentiment for a past era, a connective sort of inner lamentation for a lost milleux, and will try to show that part of them is there in that past time but that they are nonetheless ’today’ , ’modern’ thinking people who are ’conscious’ of shit. Trump is simply ’stuck’ in the past in a way that is not productive or reminiscent of values, especially not when he tries to occupy a presidential position that gives the position of the presidency a respectable and meaningful duty to fulfill in alignment with the times which we are told are suppose to be times of great revolution and enlightenment. His anachronism is in having never adopted a contemporary viewpoint and being left in the dust of his past crimes by social business and media. This divides the plane of those in business who are truly shady and those who were valid in the beginning who created new things with the power of the past, in other words, those who were rooted in the old school who felt the importance to bring what was then valid into the present and succeeded in a new medium or created a new mode of art or business concept. Like time travel this conscious recognition of the past allows creative minds to effect the collective because they bring past and present into the future, incidentally genius is almost always like this and a sense of the past is part of its territory. Some things really don’t change, except Donald Trump who only mutates while remaining exactly the same shape. Unlike Vladimir Putin who people definitely see as intelligent, able to produce historically relevant commentary, a gentleman with ideals set to his task, who makes descent use of strategic intelligence applicable to the Russian spirit, Trump sends a vibe of anti-intelligence, is not traditionally rooted in any respectable endeavours aside from parasitic real-estate investment and ripen off other people's concepts and work, without a hint of any well-publicised or known ties to the liberal Marxist business culture of his own era or the honest, moral majority. Other republican candidates however might be reasonably successful at bringing the party closer to the workings of todays world economies, with the values and support that is needed. Putin is far more similar to Ron Paul than to Donald Trump and that is the thing critics of Putin are missing, Ron Paul is a more academically valid contemporary with a more modest, traditional outlook who understands today’s world as well as the goals of bringing America to a historical or renewed state, much as does Putin for today’s Russia, and Trump is an annoying demoralizing force intended for TV, a force seen in many other disguises that we have all had far more than enough of long ago. Other republican candidates like Scott Walker might have been able to materialize the essential unity between the parties and organize a balanced platform where the voice of the party could actually achieve the goal of making a revolutionary democracy 'republican' in character without the 'people' having to hate their president elect no matter what he says or does, and their country, and thus inducing bitter intuitions to all restraints over progress. Someone like Robin Williams for example, if he were still around, could have theoretically run as a republican with the same audacity and iconic persona following, received vast liberal support and made the party work as its suppose to, while Trump cant run with that audacity and personality without it causing problems because his spirit is empty of poetic truth and he does not seek the modest role of working out the dialectical difference with his enemies, Shadow, or whatever you want to call it, under some other roof. So again we are stuck with an infeasible, totally unjustifiable, presently useless candidate who but none of this matters to salient and blunt headed American spectators or crawling toddlers who cannot yet comprehend a language let alone think critically. Careers for working class souls are secured in order to survive even when they venture beyond physical labour, learning and literary accomplishments are divested into the same order of paranoid survival as con artists and with the same negative intent; to subvert the primary purpose of civilization and the spiritual goals of humanity. Such people cannot even read philosophical treatises responsibly, even if they were spiritually inclined to do so, the first premise of philosophical wisdom reserves the right of philosophy to the process of overcoming ignorance and is not for unaccountable, thoughtless people with worldly intentions willing to learn in order to scam a buck. Playfully, these personality types pry into the duties and pristine works of originators hoping to find some mirror of themselves, spilling their tabloid-worthy commentary where it does harm to the stillness otherwise important to genuine thinkers.  
What you see is that the overall ’mentality’ is wrong. The mentality of a people or of a particular person encompasses more than just wether they accept or deny certain practices, views or opinions. A mentality is the integral truth of many instances of truths and reflects the social and moral integrity of a given people at a given relative time of cultural and social development. In advanced Western democracies our mentality is usually a certain way, with a regard for the relative truth in scientific facts, even though we may see plenty of rational evidence of scientific incompleteness and the signs of a more immediate function behind emergent forms or causality in nature, we accept the social or Darwinian laws of evolution as a relative overall process in the 3D physical sense despite that there are fundamental gaps, relative flaws, or dynamic processes outside 3D time and space effecting everything, the same way we see the damaging social effects of teaching creationism in school and find the need (socially and politically) to keep that kind of education confined to the home in the domestic social abode where all religion first arose in the first place before the invention of statecraft. But the same can be said about separation of church and state; the state doesn't belong in religious affairs or in the church any more than religion belongs in the state-run schools. Obviously home schooling and catholic schools for example are a different milieux. Promoting neo-Darwinian education then becomes a necessity only because of radical creationists who do not understand that human social norms and the very promotion of heretical views comes from disregard for proper contexts. Politically motivated paranoia then causes lunatics to run frantically in the streets worrying about religious rights while China's communist party is safely preserving religious traditions and the flourishment of its own cultural and artforms. This is a mentality, it means either way there is tolerance for opinion even as incompletely understood opinions have a relative value. Even though opinion to us may be an outdated mentality our own mentality is such that it already includes such stages of development. Those with a holistic mentality will understand far better why these absolutist motivations wether in society or political activities are simply wrong. Everything that is long been considered standard to human preference in the modern world, and to human nature even in the ancient world, is feared, doubted and discriminated against. When talented students have to defend themselves against unliked bullies, and the school board shame the defence against a common thug for instance as unnecessary violence, it’s a bad mentality when adults side with truants who must learn it at some point in their lives if they are expected to survive, wether by their parents or nature or going home with a black eye and a bloody lip from someone standing up against them. Societies that fail to see the light only send the ethics backward to a demagogic state that enforces unreal political games inconsistent with reality and ethical laws. Those who believe it is mans duty to control all of nature also blur the lines of nature and cant understand their own and this is why our culture is a truant one polluted with premature acts. These are the same homogenous societies of the past that did not integrate modern values with the common civilizing norms revealed to us and mutually supported by modern science, global education and the forensics of biography aided by todays computer databases. In these shock based societies everything we consider normal they see as alien, as breaching some local custom or other. I call them shock based societies for two reasons, one in that they find normality and naturality to be shocking and unacceptable, the other is they are necessitated only by shock, shock value and shock treatment is the dividing line for action wether it is extremes of violence or being forced to leave their home or some other threat to existence. This response of homogenous shock societies goes along with the mentalities of Western democratic states as well as it does in ancient republics as a symptom of postmodernity inherent in technocracy and the religious morals of the state practiced especially in more primitive cultures like America where education and regard for modern thought and scientific knowledge is weaker. It is this way because such folk are originally non-rational and have no regard for natural right, any real man with basic philosophical gonads and spine is capable from a young age to reflect discernibly on his own will and on the natural equilibrium with his environment. Men who do not, or men who fear what is natural, are fundamentally disinclined to reflective self growth, forever imitating acts and deliberations like the cytoplasmic replication of female-inherited genes. 
  This refusal to see self for what it is, to develop socially -- this ceaseless play with masks, this curling up into unconscious denial and boastful acts of compensation, This is all manifestations of the mana's narcissism. Narcissism is not a typological trait of the self, it is a socially obscure behaviour that endlessly exploits others tolerance, willingness and cliche to further vein self-interest. Narcissism is consistent with the behaviour of addicts and mimes who display a feigning and deaf response to reality principles, as well as deceptive mythological creatures who lack higher wisdom. It is a metapsychological, meta-real illness of the negative mana spirit attached to the subconscious areas of superstitions.  A narcissistic mana knows no boundaries in terms of their own advantages that can be suckered out of other people, they will exploit any and all possible imperfections in others language, wherever they can with no dignity or sense of laws. The evil mana looks for lack in his opponents with no self-dignity, he capitalizes on this Acchiles heal when he is too square to win a fare battle -- the jackal too eggs on his enemies with smear and smirk, and bates his opponents for their reactions which become his prize, narcissists are never aware of fouls or illegitimate arguments when they commit them because mentally they conflate the reality principle where the ego is withdrawn into its delusive feelings -- ultimately narcissism is a denial and complex repression of reality principles that results in the complete disregard for reality, empathy and self-reflection in social contexts. Capitalistic expansion and ceaseless production are signs of national addiction and nationalistic narcissism. So why cant Trump simply analyze these deficits, take glance at them, a month off and recuperate himself? Why has he not been able to bare through the time of transformation necessary to unlearn these socially malign habits? Somebody messed with his head me thinks. Neurolinguistic programming and primal scream therapies can leave long lasting symptoms of the personal lingering over passed momenta, of a dissonance reverberating immediate cognition as a tangent to 2-dimensional narcissistic mirror images. The time-image of self enduring does not fit the perceptual scheme of one who only is conscious of glimpses of themselves, who has not begun in self-reflection to be ample in the art of tasking inward recognition. These moments of self-consciousness are glitched incrementally by the 2-dimensionality of his time perception and pieced together by the unconscious into hyperbolic figures of the individual.   
   The trickster spirit that pervasively entices the minds of the strong, rational, ’natural’ individual is a collective human behaviour that breeds in populist networks the same as it does in the side-show circus. Social animals who are like stick-figure cartoon characters constantly feign immediate problems, reactions and solutions and (constantly) mistake the causal contexts and preconditions for their actions. Like the stick-figure who miscarries the premise for his scams and scam artists dominate the world in the ways the ungoverned public conduct their indecent lives. Children learn all they ought need to know about living in the human world by studying Sunday morning cartoons than following the indecent, detemporalized instructions given to them by stick-figure authorities. Yet hypocritical evil will even feigned off this cartoon analogy as representative of childish values, as an excuse for plastic behaviour, and depraved commercialism. Real revolutionaries and genuine statesmen who endure a true vision of stability may rise up to the unspoken tyrannies of the dominant culture -- however capitalism is a consumer infestation that only buys consumer products and which shuns at the rise of genuine struggle against capitalism even as it hypocritically embraces hollow promises from stale puppet revolters. Consumers of trash are addicts of half-ass truisms. They enjoy participation in a false-flag revolution so long as it can be instantly assimilated into the capitalist system, take Trump for example. In all his grandiose presumptions about helping the economy or raising the middle class his fundamental cause is without question yet another advertisement campaign for the very capitalist, Reagenomic, Thatcherist, populist schemes of the past. And yet people will jump on the bandwagon claiming in the most myopic, log-eyed, twisting of the truth that because of Trump’s madness that this will be the very thing once more that will reek havoc, saving us from the establishment and the norms that want to keep the average person from usurping their born-yesterday opinions about conspiracies or what have you. Unfortunately it is not one of those cases and not even for Trump as any sort of a heroic act can it be deemed economically feasible but I know people who are, who undergo real struggle, real pain and their all living oppressed by clones like him. But as grouches will always leech off even the most irrelevant connections between things, in Trump’s narcissistic perception of reality the thought that any recognition of something hollow on the inside could be economically feasible on the outside inflates his Ego to leap into empowered status even when he himself is neither. You want to find representatives on the ballot who are not remakes of old neo-liberal economies who at least keep the system stable. A stick-figure society repetitively fails to recognize the simplest most necessary errors such as context, setting, timing and other measures that all historical cultures took for granted. In Trump’s case it may be more his lateness than even his approach to social order that is unacceptable. Not that the preference for more openness, communication, Eurocentricity, democracy, protest, multiculturalism and variety is out of the realm of desirability, but that if America wanted to reverse the direction of a post-Marxist structure the time to do so is beyond rancid. And just like so many do-nothing stick-figure leeches, who show up in pathetic desperation dragging themselves on their knees, at the end when people are dying, and not because other people are dying but only once the flames are blistering their own selfish assholes off, Trump drags his drunkard ass onto the stage only to inject his useless skunk stink into the world. We write scripts for children’s cartoons and sitcoms so children can see how not to behave like Denis the Menace or how to behave like children better so when childhood is up that phase is energetically expressed in the life of the child and more self-controlled by the time adulthood kicks in. Hence Trump, if anything, provides an exemplarist role model position for defacing the status of menaces (the status quo of Bush Jr as himself further mocked) for all to see like Obama‘s ears. The professional world will have to better observe itself to be more professional in order to avoid being as narcissistic as Trump and hence avoid the equivalent of being smeared in the media in the eyes of a responsible committee of close contacts. They will learn that driving your car off a bridge inst cool and doesn’t get you into Heaven. Always doing the opposite of what the stars above insist and the will of God employs men to do is the nature of human beings. This is why violence is their true boiling point for rational behaviour and not human worth, artistic expression, vision, love, compassion or practical necessity in its full expression. Where historical people had to do what the will of their nature inspired them to do as rational beings, today’s people cant find their self-preserving principle of reason nor their reasoning of it to their instinctive mutual, societal priorities to the collective will of humanity which they breach by pushing themselves ahead of the line. Living in continuity with the natural world as liberated people of a deep ecology, while understanding that reason and science can benefit the direction and destiny of man is their big challenge. The logical programming in mens brains wont allow them to get over grammatical contradictions in logic but it seems only to be in instances where it is ethically necessary and morally essential for them to do so but have no problem with intolerable contradictions in logic that harm other men and the planet. This is why every good deed is punished, perhaps, there have been good deeds done with only selfish motives to avoid punishment. If the human brain had been wired to recognize innate goodness, to reason with essential measures that recognize value in nature they would see as all natural philosophers and genius have suggested, that the fruits of the Earth are pleasant to the tongue and that categories of modal intuitions impart universal truth and relative truth to men naturally. They would not then if this were the case only be capable of acting out of desperation when the water scalds the tongue, from pressure, fear of consequence, defamation, punishment etc., instead they would flow with the known principles of life that, for example, are receptive to lateness, bad contexts, out dated fashions (like Trumps hair), and what is reasonable verses what is unacceptable or unjustifiable. The metalayer of malprograming in the transference from sensory categories of pleasureable sensations, textures, sights and flavours to displeasureable, disharmonious, ‘badly shaken’ dynamics to a sadistic grammar misfires in the contextualizing of life experiences. Such that the “Good Greeks’ of past whose souls were formed from a blending of sensation modalities and intellectual principles, have not found today the cultural equilibrium, philosophy or language to discern the proper integration of rational intuition that otherwise naturalizes into humanity. This is why we cant live here among them any longer in any simple arrangement. There is no room for reliable basic existence because they do not comply with any rationale. They only comply with accepted behaviour and the laws of necessity when there is a law or a pressure by government or some other collective power explaining everything moment by moment. Without these historical narratives running in the world nothing gets done right, nothing is admitted for what it is, there is no self-aware decency or deontic culture. Humans walk around with a head inflated with programmed delusions and cant see that they are regular human beings who are suppose to attune themselves to spiritual and rational functions as a basic background necessity of taken-for-granted cultural and social  function peculiar to the situation, but instead they are reduced through state-intervention and republican and liberal corruption to a criminal class of hysterical psychologies that need to be legally controlled and conditioned with protocols that are not organic to the human nervous system. Now people talk like they want to make a ’nice’ republic (oh you mean like they have in France and India and Czeckloslovakia) then the person to do that would have been people like Ron Paul and Scott Walker (assuming that that’s the direction, the narrative, they wanted to construct), but now instead to accomplish even a polluted, watered down version of a ’good republic’ economically and socially, the president once again has to be tied to a chair and made to shut up while other people make shit happen, and even then don’t expect buyers, don’t expect America to magically be unhated. This chair tying gag trick is the only way the country ever worked under such circumstances; it was that way during most of the Reagen administration, during Bush Sr, and Bush Jr. and we had to do it during the first four years of Obama, essentially we tied Bush back up again (with added bonuses). But then again we have repeated the same old childish schemes for economic systems; the systems of artificial, miniturized gardens, train models and toy people that reappears in new settings every time we elect a Reagan, Bush or Trump. The schemes that we find consistent with narcissistic and infant psychologies, the one’s which ultimately fade with time due to education and economic growth, nonetheless employ a model of education and economic growth that is inconsistent with their own typography I.e., the Baby Boomer generation of the 1960s and to a great extent the 1980s when expansion and population growth demanded more public and child education of the variety that was common in the Bush schema. These platforms of miniturization ultimately weaken Americas hegemonic role and intellectual status in the world. They weaken the status of the world and the reputability of the species which shrinks at the hands of its technologies each time such economic cycles are carried out. Everything today is now tinged with a goofy, giddiness that it conceals bellow its efforts to portray messages or act seriously. It is different in naturalized European democracies balanced by history and science of society where the cybernetic variables of speech and communication are part of the process of harmonizing factuality to the economic bootstrap. Here, in states governed in repression, control and mass surveillance, these necessary tones of variance are kept bubbling near the surface in unexpressed nuances rather than in more regulated art forms and modes of communication and education. The American platforms simply lack the maturity and history for these kinds of free balancing acts because of the greedy obsession with private capital hoarded by neoclassical wealth, the uneducated and the pampered who are secured from natural ecological self-growth. Their model for intelligence fit’s an agenda of artificial genomics, insemination and selective breeding that is not consistent with the complex probabilities of the natural world and of genius. Contrary to the aptitudes of genius the linear model economy is programmed into being without regard for the full spectrum of effects and interactions that naturally exist and degrees of freedom preferred by higher intelligence. Everything in the Boomerfest economy is watered-down for unemotional gnomes who speak baby language. An economy that today is shunned at with high disregard. Not so much since it is a aspect of historical states and classical modes of existence, but especially so in a digital age, an age of potentially purposive development, they devalue the potential value we are collectively aiming for. What American post-critics don’t seem to understand is that in its past America was still edging to become a world superpower but was balanced by the economic powers of Europe and the East. With the decline of its closest economic ally, Europe's economy, its virtual parent, the baby is let loose from his playpen and builds playpen bars around everything mutating progress to a miniature train version. These are the disorders of neoconservative psychopathology and cannot be cured by swapping political systems, only through hypnotherapy can political missions be accomplished that lead to a descent equilibrium. Most of history dispensed with these modes of operation after the world wars and after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Its close comparative in communism for dominance is that communism itself changes and accepts that its struggle is for a vector of change that naturalizes progress and social development with time. This has turned linear economic programming into a narcissistic dystopian fad, a blunt product of the fabricated Ego which it always was in surpassing technology and biology as something of the artificial reality because some psychologies process this expanding information transference as literal self-processing and literal meme expression. In other words, less emotional types and persons of a level of class organization, will take all events in the modern postindustrial economy as a mechanist psychology of the self for literal transgressions and building of facades. To Trump his hairstyles never changes because this degeneration of time is taken literally as a procedure of self machinations rather than as an option for postmodern self extension. This dissonance of the child intellect is expected to ricochet off every pronouncement, giving off dissonant effects in media and advertisement or byway of social media it replicates in the vortex of populist posturing aimed at creating spectacle as a calculated pure distraction. Age old propaganda methods are rehashed into the rotary belt of the market with no consideration for their disastrous long-term variables on the exchange of value. The great achievers of past eras were not like today’s leaders and think tanks that model societies and built large economic engines. Great personalities and minds of the past lived in a different continuum of progress, movements and advancements with superconductive events unfolding all the time. Unlike today where every instance of life is precalculated and monetized, the past gave man a background of activity which allowed citizens to flow and ideas to reach fulfillment. As the modern world of the 18th and 19th centuries came around there was a spontaneous immanence which meant that spiritual intuition and reason in elite world-shaping personalities was rising and there was simply more common sense in those people who shaped the world. Even though there was surely many problems, character flaws and psychological suffering, issues and so on, partly because it was the past, there was still more common sense and an openness for radical progress and political change. Whereas today there is more statistical division among politics and progressive factions with other goals spliced out from time. The major structural problem today has to do with populist consumption of irreal ideas and meme ‘culture’ (a culture of degradations). These mutated subgenres of the classic dramaturgy and play thematize advertisement to the masses holding together in digital form a motto, a jingle, a solicitation, a demodulated telegram or recitation from the war era. These demarcate areas in social space and punctuate modes of social behaviour in the unconscious imprints designed for collectives of aping twitterfeeds. Remnants of the deluded fantasies of past political leaders coupled to the nightmarish hallucinations from the war-stricken memories of Vietnam vets, explode onto the political theatre as melodramatic vacuum bags that draw into their focus a defocusing of all social energy, and the over-dramatized national fears of constant invasion by communists or terrorists impinge faded-out versions of contemporary living relayed to the masses because the trauama of living in saturated reality now can be teased into accepting neo-liberal laws of progress. This desaturation, this total whitewashing of contemporary fashion and ubiquitous information has demoded the peasant, the middle-class as an acceptor of the digital economy and social media. Every value, every era, now mocks itself in the new high-definition that captures in unfiltered repose an artless time image of the death of human progress which is its lie. This continual visual harassment and telemorphogenic cynicism that escapes through ads and new media in the digital phase of mimesis, is a catalyst for decentring populist networks out to the statistical contact process of viral functions that mimic host environments. These surmount tensions between inner and outer boundaries of social control, communication and playcate the notions of messaging, speaking and their variations in self image topology. Thus the limits of self representing are compressed or devoid of momentum and escape from ritual behaviour. Many people today live in a speculative universe that adversely considers the fundamental basis of psychological competency. It is not well understood the interactions of psychological inheritance, environment and social parameters play on the development of mental health and mental health constructs. The mental health stigma, most notably in American psychiatry, clouds the scientific reality of what constitutes psychological competence. In the past the world was more prone to domination schemes in competitive business, politics and the arms race, and as such the theories of psychological competence were influenced by self-preservation and domination over social integration and self-empathy. Competency in psychological terms stems from a rational self-inquiry that compares and looks at the world both contemplatively (a priori) and scientifically (a posterior). Empaths and intuitives look to their surroundings and try to better understand how to adjust abstract social components of communication, representation and aesthetic expression in order to convey what they experience. A direct awareness of ones self, how content appear under varying conditions and contexts, the ability to dream lucidly and in color, being conscious of one's thoughts and other people's emotional states, perceiving subtle tonal differences in speech, describing one's experiences in empirical details and sensing the causes and conditions that make one feel one way or another, how thoughts arise in dependence on previous ideations and experiences in the past that ground how and why one perceives things the way they do, empathy towards other people's manner of experiencing and the anxiety that can arise when having to relate to non-empaths and people who are mentally inert or opaque and know only how to absorb mind etc. It has not always been a friendly companion of American psychology to consider the empathic dimensions of the rational subject. The American spirit is imbued with an individualistic, ego-driven determinism that does not often consider the fragility of its own empire or the cultural world of other subjects, how they perceive outside the American vision of personal self-enterprise. Psychological capitalism, thus, is the opposite end of the inquiring approach to knowledge because capitalism childishly assumes it already must know what the answer or the nature of this or that objective is about in a predeterministic fashion. When we are children we make many naive and omnipotent mistakes, believe in superstitious explanations, until learning more fully the laws and properties that govern the world. Democratic methods try to get at the source of all this error, or should seek, open forum to get to the bottom of what drives all the chaos in the world. Subjects must know themselves first, opening the door to social anti-assimilation of the personality in dialogue with other rational selves. Moral considerations can be influenced by introducing educational themes and supporting traditional styles, not by directly imposing authoritarian principles but creating retrospectives and explicating the past in memorable ways. 

© Jeremy Jae, 2015-2016

Trump is a self-absorbed machination that reeks like the stench of rotting garbage at the bottom of a trash can; that reeking fly stench reminds you of the inner contradictions in every completely ill founded threat he conjures from his sociopathic cathode spine. And like automated buzzing fly's and scavenging buzzards, he complacently founds his own residual mimesis from the swamp of expendable and pathological leeches. See a true sociopath is noncompliant with the rational laws of science and facticity; their implanted dogmas and false beliefs make them a hazard to natural laws and thus ultimately a true, a true sociopath are people of his dramatizing self-idiocy who have no holy sanctum of thought or empirical religiosity, wandering in sterile speculations unhinged from any willingness to get real enough to find the true essence of divinity. Full of shit and full of turbulent, hazardous waste, that seepage of buzzardly machinations that all counter-revolutionary sickos prescribe too as their own childish anus-picking cryogenic shit stink. The evil, bombastic masses of unmeditated, digitized trolls distill their repressive evil in the populist economy of irresponsible trash-heads like Trump and the rogue liberals, none of which are healthy or have a balanced conception of reality and how to manage the poisonous venom of public evil. Dystopian nightmare of social pollution by a uncultivated horde of bedevilled goons and denaturalized cynics, repressed snobs of socioeconomic and industrial garbage who release all their rotten, precambrian folklore into the atmosphere of social discourse. In the digital medium of representation, that does absolutely nothing to grace the stale machinations of festering ancients, the totalization of exhibition and prohibition is reached through the guise of folk simulacra. Nothing could be more contradictory and repulsive than the liberation of folk culture and stale regimented customarily in the progressive medium of digital technology and virtual systems. Since the whole basic function of the new is to enhance the rationale of civilization, its normal association is to radical revolution, to space age and interplanetary transparency. To force the old butt plug of folk mentality onto the present mode is a futile deliberation that only causes accidents, constrictions of necessary flows and mutates benign modality into immoral behemoths. Introducing such chemicals into the mix is the heretical political and ideological error of our times. This is how beneficent medicine is turned into poison. And once you hereticize the genuine spirit it becomes an evil spirit, once you contaminate democracy by placing speculative constrictions, it is democracy that they will wage war against because you have turned the good medicine of the pure angels liberation into a demonic horror story, by combining those bad chemicals you have created flammable and corrosive relations between people and this is a genuine sin that is veered at with utmost fury in the eyes of the one true highest at the end of time. Evil shit-trash has no original conscience of its own existence, no self-recognition of its own malicious self-absorption, like pests who are controlled by a unified field of programming instil folly whenever they spew inconscient trash out their sterilized mouths. All populist scum are like inert sociopathic toxins that spread in the air, instigating recklessness everywhere their genes spread around. The misery you see everywhere is produced from the reactions of adding hot-reactant sulphur to an otherwise beneficent chemical solution. Now, with all the raging flames of neoliberal-populist, positivist mania, its uncertain wether the fire is emanating from the sulphuric heat of the second chemical added to the first; or wether its the liquid combustion of the chemical that invisibly becomes the flames as it ignites. Once you add poison to the pond it damages the reputation of the pond forever. People will protest endlessly against everything because of your cheep, easy brainless mistakes and carrying on as though the forest were the same as the trees. When you have two beneficent agents, or one (as in a flammable chemical that is used by humans for solving a physical problem) and you add one to the other it makes the other a problem. Taken in isolation, a pack of matches and solvent may be useful, but once you add heat from the matches to the solvent, the solvent becomes the medium for the spreading of destructive fire that hurts man. It is the same in politics and in socioeconomic matters, with the conservative fire and the liberal solvent, or the capitalist impetus mixed in with socialism. Because of America's axial role in global economic realities and political effects, probably nothing will work positively until Trump is out of the White House and all the sheets and carpets are cleansed with a new solvent. Its that distribution of heat emanating from America that is damaging everything else that might have otherwise been culturally relevant, revolutionary, modest, economically quaint and of pertinence to human issues. Taking into consideration that solvents on their own might give off pungent and toxic fumes from their caustic solution that synergizes its own thermal potential, even without any added heat, the situation is reasonably correctable with that small dose of Russian political and strategic hegemony to catalyze the social chaos underlaying Western technocracy. Blindness spreads now at the rate of ebola whenever people are to be made tangible receptacles of their own viral corruption. America, reduced to the playpen of aggravations and psychological fairytales where political analysts foam at the mouth like the abscessed fangs of parasitic worms. The truth about humans as they are is that in the absence of possessing any dynamic inner movement by the powers of self-reflective consciousness that have developed our modern sense of spiritual and moral freedom, the species is a self-perpetuating vacuum of inert, quasi-destructive and repressive energy, a totally ignorant repository of static and groundless speculation, dull, mute and lacking natural simplicity, they surmount a black box of normative disillusionment in the form of social and ideological constraints on their own collective disorder, by instituting dehumanizing principles of organization; the human all too human fallacy is one of participating in this furtherance of the digital baroque opera. Unlike factual people who are rationally in thermal equilibrium with their own biological 'intuitiveness' that responds empirically to unusual conditions negatively, avoids extreme unjustifiable decisions, repulses at automatic language that conceals obsolescent personal opinions, etc. Socially parasitic humans are individually systemic automatons, trained or programmed to fulfil certain rational functions applicable only to a given system or professional task based on relative specifications and when those specifications aren't given they most often cannot think or use their innate human sensibility to intuit what the solution to a problem is. In this regard they allow their obsolescent public opinions and beliefs to interfere with the infinite potentials of reason and natural justice as such. As social animals who cannot perceive the big picture because they are too egocentrically absorbed in their own social status and the capital that their status carries in the infectious form of opinion, fail to see the world and all facts the way they really are. Unattentive and unconscious of the 'biorational' coherence that works in spectral alignment with reason. Biorationality is the natural balance that psychologically competent people eventually grow into by the grace of the fuzzy-ratio inputs and outputs of the human brain. The biorational boundaries of objectivity in contrast to subjective feeling are in 'conscionable' agreement to the topics that fit their social contexts. One simply feels the drawback in cognitive alignment with the gut instinct, that 'empathic switch' that responds 'rationally' to stress, for instance when to negate the 'derivative reasoning' that makes up stale, inessential, speculative excuses in your head to account for the complex problems that arise in the real world. People are naturally (in-themselves) neurologically engaged in a reflective relationship with the outside world upon which they objectively respond to various causal phenomena such as when something is conceptually funny, they laugh without constraint, sine they attentively observe and judge situations where irony cannot be avoided and repeats its presence in everything like a mystical experience. Mania could also be the result of other cultural symptoms such as manic spending or the orchestration of mass economic behaviour in consumer societies when it is not a consequence of a revolutionary movement influencing hyper-kinetic, high-energy dynamics with the novel discoveries that inspirational conversations can flow under in progressive nations with a sense of human depth (i.e., during the 30 plus year Cold War with the Soviet competition). The opposite of this stance to reality is impassive socialization, dry toilet humour, everyday consumption of folk cliche's and following monotonous propaganda or marketing schemes as social commentary. Common to the previous war generation, your great grandparents were naturalized to this more intuitive recognition of cause and effect in the everyday world that alerts you when something is off, when there are subtle nuances suggesting you have to think ahead or think through some question to the end. Like when your grandmother, who plans a family meeting, reaches for the soup can and her taste buds and gut induce tiredness, so she decides to make mini-sandwiches instead without consciously being aware that it's because soup would make everyone tired and listless. These then form the standards upon which modern situations evolve and not because of an over-indulgent and over-protected society but because of real-world dialectical struggles that human intelligence is able to learn via empirical verification. Empirical verification removes the sensory stasis that keeps structurally dependent intelligence hyper-skeptical of life and the fulfilment of reason which must regularly be applied to confirm how things are or ought to be. Since we can agree that empirical verification must frequently be applied where numbers and statistics are not enough, we can also agree that in some interpretations Machiavelli would also be correct to say that men only respond with positive concern for society or the philosophical premise of the law when there is a violent threat to their existence and that once that threat is removed, no matter how frequently, they return to their prior bad habits and faulty affirmations. Waiting always for the most solid proof even when all reasonable doubt might be relinquished by the best indications, is the same as always waiting for the most solid sign of clear and present danger to confront the senses, or the rats whose lacerated brains are unable to learn from repeated shocks upon their stimulation of having their most basic needs dispensed through a feeder. Hence the definition of insanity, repeating the same mistakes over and over while expecting different results. When an individual is loosing focus from the big picture and falls into mirroring upside down all the outside language of his opponents with abstract, circumscriptive, personal protocols that feign personalistic avoidances to repress self-recognition or confrontation with all known considerations. Saturated instead with the overproduction of values, of manufactured needs, of ambitious complexes and hyper-speculative compulsions that are sanctioned into designated zones in Americas capitalistic, free enterprising environment. It couldn't ring anymore true and coherent that this. Yes, there really are people who walk around making decisions in our society who are just this messed up, people whose moral sensibilities are like that of a dog that copies its owner and cannot objectively recognize that he is a dog. It is like an attention starved dog or a virus with a pathological tendency to gain access to cell membranes by mimicking the host's behavioural signals. Those existential parasites go away or they squirm towards empathic behaviour when they become self-identified with the rational other i.e., when they can unload their heavy baggage onto the existential subjectivity of an other that has accepted to take on their mirror and self-identify with them. It is not like real subjects who have a real often tragic past, whose works are genuine and whose goals and concerns are governed within the relative laws of all rational communities. Parasites get by and succeed by uninterrupted financing of their accomplishments, social status and environment in the monopoly whose language is translated into syntactical machinations that are tasteless and thus abandoned by people with real concerns such as caring for self and other. Only the severed umbilical cord of capitalist, survivalist self-interest pretends to emotionally engage with sterile occupations like real-estate or hedge funds. Aside from perhaps the eccentric sons of great fathers of past eras, there is nothing of human substance in the rat race that determines the Western economic model of life or personal advance. Like the crook or the imposter who wears a disguise or the self-proclaimed artist whose craftsmanship resides entirely in profiteering and social status, the market economy of the West has this disturbing loss of culture, of milieux, of artfulness, humanity and of moral truth. A hyper-speculative dungeon that masks this loss with fluidic precision of emoting expression because it is socially designated within safe zones of capitalist gain to take unconscious joy in individualist advance and accumulation of root survival needs. The Western system of fulfilment of rational needs is confined only to the manufactured artificial fulfilment of the capitalist machine, the system of moral principles that are devoid of fundamental reality and actually negate moral action, contraindicate the truth and honest facts.  It is the opposite of what drives an artist, a philosopher, saint, visionary, writer or poet, the opposite of human nature, of every substantial and intelligible human observance. The most fundamental source of all human strength originates in everything that is contrary to the process that preoccupies the conservation of speculative adventures, capitalism and America. Reality is liquidated to the digital order of predicate events, a conversion of every sign, formula and physical interaction into an unbearable evocation that advertises its inessential nature ad infinitum in the most see-through summation of random deterrents. Worst of all perhaps is the derivative tangent of global warming directly associated with the unnatural, unholy liberation of this chaos with its evil assimilation to morality and security that never retires its endeavours to seek justification by imposing the very social restrictions that induce terror. Instead of having real talent and promoting the innate gifts of those endowed with unique vision and perception, the only condition the system is able to support is tyranny and social alienation, expulsion from the natural human cultures and dis-integration of holistic salvation of the full functioning organism, mankind falls into the cement block of hyper-speculative neurosis, with every known hyper-malignancy of the Ego including narcissism, Superegoic machination of collective vows that no longer reflect any liberal desire to suite rational mores, instead all the old signs of the old conservative mentality have resurfaced in progressive global cultural garb, hiding like the Shadow in the new far-left's media war on free speech, of what retentive typologies deem 'appropriate', like preliberal prohibition in Victorian Europe and folk society in general, the new far-left cant escape their unconscious motives immediate assimilation to the evils of Neo-Puritan conservative agendas, the dehumanization of rational, self-conscious, self-regulating life and its dynamic expression by biological intelligence etc. All these hazardous imbalances of the system today combined are like the inverse thermal pressure gradients of corporate enclosures that leave no room for instantaneous distance, critique and energetic boundary formation. Thus in the speculative attempt to emulate every true, lawful, liberal principle in economic terms, the global system of liberal capital suffocates the very thing wherever it is authentically known to exist by its infinite expenditure of mimicry. Those business adventures of speculative healing and maladvancement, share with their antithesis, capital, unimpeded reiteration and progressive refinement of the same business franchise in the style of automation and melodramatic effects. This effectuation of drama, of false civilization is what separates the contamination of global economy by the American false right, from global milieux's, artforms, and revolutionary economies proper. To sustain this state of historically relevant revolution however one must disengage the system by short-circuiting all the monolithic prison cells of representation that rebrand themselves in the afterglow of superficial structures such as major producers and advertisers in the poststructural era. One would be better off returning to the counter-cultural pop iconography of early 20th century monograms and prewar poster adds than to be inundated with the buzy bees of todays shock treatment consumer circuit that reduces human action and surplus, communication and events to the zap words of 3D printerheads. Here in this molten soup of disconcerting utterances and mechanical self-deliberations, there can be no separating conservatives and liberals among the populace, they're all false shells. Nothing remaining explicitly self-aware ever speaks in any manner that does the least bit of justice to the state of the world in its shrinking status into the black hole of time. None of the deliberations of such mannequins ever takes place in a real coordinate system of presumable events sparked by emotional necessity or the modal conscience of intelligent, rational beings. There were things in the past and there were things during that time of the economic recession accompanied by the living currency floating around in the aftermath of Obama's retro-revolutionary message and that's it.  There's nothing going on now and hasn't been since mid-2017, since the end of the false election and there's nothing deliberate the 'system' can do to cleanse itself, to comport itself, to adjust its false parameters in any direction which will have any redemptive quality today in the way things are presently. Wether this had anything considerably to do with Obama (or Biden?) who knows for sure, or wether it is true on the contrary, that Obama's first term was plagued by the media agenda of entrapment, by portraying him and his period as resembling something of the candid, amateur coke scenes of the late 60s to signify something 'primitive' or unAmerican in moral-aesthetic character or wether it was the reconstruction, the interlude of Obama's Marxist economic policies that did not come to fruition until later in his second term? Or wasn't that rather the former Bush economy? A residual constant of the cultural anarchy that was felt globally. All we know for sure is we aren't in times of great revolution now and Trump interference is most certainly to blame for it.  It is only he who is useless, for closing off the symbolic exchange of real power, and the routes where once there was a passage of culture through the European, Baltic and Soviet states to the far East and into America. Trump is the cockroach and the rubber doorstoper blocking the essential openness to the integrity of spiritual momentum that once made the country justifiable or worth anything. When there was the cold war still there were practices and priorities which American citizens followed to sustain competence and promote excellence in schools, universities and government institutions -- now that spirit to truthfulness, to state things as they are, the faithful longing of honest professionals and those real objectives who have to make the country work in principle as it did in the past at all if its ever actually going to be great, those hopes are extinguished because you let the baby out the crib again -- you confused the national spirit and true substance of someone with art in their veins for the whimsical political speeches of a hogwashed, bloated airbag salesman populist who has vampire fangs the size of the wolfman, and took them for human realizations for which you   
Now there is a very good chance that cold relations with Russia will go stale, becoming unnecessary hot relations because opaque Trump is lodged in the White House (with) 'folk-nationalist' Putin where everything turns to smoke and mirrors, instead of educated democrats, revolutionaries and a Russia talking about bringing back elements of Soviet communism we have this divergence. Obviously this horrid meme underpinning the system internationally is a compulsion towards Trump and his populism generated from combinatorial monetary interests. It is a mass pathogen and unfortunately Trump himself is the one carrying it and influencing it abroad. It exits as behavioural trends, dumb Tweets and such, is how the uneventful non-issues and non-event of Trump populism moves about. One must know first that this social distraction has no trajectory, unlike popular culture and the artistic movements of the 20th century that trace their roots back to the origin of civilization, Trump's populist innuendoes are anti-trajectories intended to create conceptual static, to destabilize attention from anything intelligible that might ring of collective salvation or faith in any culture and replenish its wounds with cynical, political stalemating. Sporatic is one way to describe this behaviour that has only symbolic virtues, like every claim made by Trump to justify his revenge on problematic groups. Attacking Amazon over federal shipping rates is worse in measure than Amazon's practices since all this implies is more shipping hikes that make shopping ever more pointless. As if the shipping increases by the federal government went enough of an insane constant. One might ask what in the hell he thinks this is going to do to change the real problem's of a global book market riddled with overpriced print-on-demand books. Overpriced shipping is the main deterrent from purchasing or tackling any big purchase from independent book sellers because you have to pay for shipping on every single purchase. Printed books are no longer in circulation, they print xerox books with glossy ink that aren't worth a dime and you pay additional shipping for Fed-Ex or Purilator every half a year, not every few years or decade like it use to be but every half a year the shipping goes up five dollars or more since 2008. Its beyond deploring. So although Amazon might be the precursor to this bad book economy by standardizing on-demand books, (or a policy enforced by the Fed anyways upon Amazon) what the hell does Trump do to fix it, other than being a diversion that makes shipping more treacherous? What does Trump do to fix Apple products or Facebook's website? Nothing but perpetuating the do-nothing economic models that allow it to worsen since its not the presidents fucking role to correct products. That is achieved through constitutional agreements in a moral democracy where the people enforce labour changes or unions are formed to demand equal this and that, a complex process of systems that we use to have during the cold war and don't have now. Then you look and notice Amazon changing their website for the worse, removing features like Wish List search bars and adding obsolescent trivial buttons for your History that cant be distinguished the On or Off mode because the button was never given 3D shading and you lose your search history. So people take to online trouble shooting and blogs for social support and instead of getting to the bottom of any of this, the norm is still that capitalist slaves and drone henchmen at the disposal of remedying the situation arrive to blame the complaints of users on the users digital illiteracy or lack of realism with regards to the service providers benign intentions. Usually Ockham is right, especially when it comes to capitalism and business optimization training which all big industries are graduates of since the 60s at least, you can uphold exact certainty that under the capitalist framework relative to America that private enterprises are practicing Ockham-closed asset optimization methods. It is not realistic to pass the judgement that companies like Amazon are (not) firing hundreds of workers and ruining their websites in an effort to optimize their assets wether financial or material or social. In a capitalist market the most likely scenario is the optimization of capital and self-interest, not philanthropy to the common good or the moral will of the consumer. To suspect it is Amazon screwing with employees or consumers is quite reasonable and does not require a leap of faith or cynicism to want to blame Jeff Beizo either even though the CEOs personal links in the chain leading to the decision schemas and staffers involved may be out of question a consultant network of the CIA or NSA. Although the technocrats of today's capitalist enterprise all work in concert so that there is no difference between Amazon, YouTube, Microsoft, iTunes, Facebook, or Google since they all belong to the same federal forum to control information, promote commerce and the capitalist view of the world. Amazon and Microsoft would definitely top the list for corrupt practices while Facebook and Google are more minor issues that interfere with proper functioning. There is nothing worse than paying full price for brand new expensive hardcover books and receiving fake, home-made, photocopied garbage in the mail and having to send it all back and pay shipment fees and wait through the shipping ordeals to be reimbursed. Trump is a viral expression of a cancer cell, a metastasis of the very thing eating the thing, like when an outgrowth secretes a poisonous biproduct from its host cell and speculators fathom that it is releasing the ailments from the body when its actually entered its final necrosis. Capitalism since its ancient beginnings has always been this way, toxic to everything in the natural world especially its own hellbound existence. As with most republican sessions in America, 80% of the people's programming is all fucked up; every which way of reconciling the valency of the market and volatility in the economy is at once a statuesque posturing of revolutionary momentum confined to its designated zones of fanfares, hobbyists and the private pursuits among a minority of Americans to be found on their closed circuit radio talk shows, online groups and chat blogs. The media? they stop reporting relevant material once the trash is back in office and the American rat race goes on pretending like they don't exist (or that if they do it doesn't matter as anything equating value). Consciousness retires to the protectionist eggshell of embryonic neonates and infantile gene pools, in vast numbers that were just now for social uprisings and changing the tune of media to reflect comically on the fatally flawed judgements of authority figures, have since resisted the potential to awaken to their natural state of existence are back economizing the crustal rot and regurgitate of earlier monstrosities. The Medium is the Message -- what happens when the message is lost to a bad medium that has turned completely to artless naivete? Long ago a majority and a long list of professional organizations decided they didn't want the message of society to carry a bad effect so they tried to discover the equilibrium that personalities and speakers might adjust their quality of affect to suite some universal model of humanity and objectivity, the prevailing attitudes of broadcasters may be different from their corporate sponsors or Hollywood mainstream from the rest of emancipatory human populations. The same desire for equilibrium is found in the struggle over equality and human rights, over diversity and cultural balance in all shades of media. Announcers were acquainted to regulate their message both in perspective and in tone; technocrats were perceived as appropriate when they could add a human flare to their message, voice moral opinion now and again or intone certain words and phrases so as not to be associated with robots who devalue meaning, miss the point or fail to recognize enlightened facts which are not always material in nature. Amphibilous marketers who announce excitations of hype over a trend or a public consumer ideology were advised by pedagogues or professional clergy about appearing less childish or very brutish trainees were fully transformed into modest speakers with the help of behavioural modification. This dilemma in the archaic history of broadcasting and occupational education was revolutionized at some point near the end of the cold war and traces of the old problem went away as only competent people were migrated into the system who did not require and thus did not exhibit the symptoms of those who had coaching or a linguistic handler whipping them into unnatural shape. The milieu of the more diversified networks, or the New York scene, or the more well informed local news stations past, soon converged into a standard culture which came about from fundamental revolutions against psychological prohibitions against art, thought and nature.  Then you have the sterile news vermin who are quick to demonize or target any human traces which may or may not contribute any ethical substance to civil society.  Once you start paying attention to 'what' people say and what their motives are it almost becomes clear that every faction of human postmodern society is a pathology of its Other. In this way the Tr*@! scenario (his name should only be pronounced as a muted curse word from now on since mention of his Goetia title can only bring on his curse) is a systemic toxin, a secretion of the innate vileness of the system that is at play, the cynical evil of American society which is all that we stand for in the first instance. Thus those who unintelligently find him to be offensive and emotionally despise him without an analytical justification do so only because they hate self-confrontation with their own vileness, their own repressive tyrannical impulses which he is the comic depiction. Like watching jealous dogs fight over their own image, this universal Narcissism was already established as the norm and the sheeply following of Western idiocy, T*@!p merely reaffirms it, releases it back from its temporary bondage to a soteric threat and resaturates economic mania with the vulgar divergences it is known for. While it may be simple enough to mathematically equate the problem to a single motivation within potcontemporary culture, like T@!*p or federalism or the department of commerce, the vacuum of American economic hegemony stems further back to its own secret protocols, to the aims of the republic and to the oligarchies who are instrumental in manipulating and blocking the economic policy of the country from taking novel, abstract and ecologically friendly shapes. The diagnosis is the same today as was in classical times; capitalist shit hordes. 
The trickster spirit that pervasively entices the minds of the strong, rational, ’natural’ individual is a collective human behaviour that breeds in populist networks the same as it does in the side-show circus. Social animals who are like stick-figure cartoon characters constantly feign immediate problems, reactions and solutions and (constantly) mistake the causal contexts and preconditions for their actions. Like the stick-figure who miscarries the premise for his scams and scam artists dominante the world in the ways the ungoverned public conduct their indecent lives. Children learn all they ought need to know about living in the human world by studying Sunday morning cartoons than following the indecent, detemporalized instructions given to them by stick-figure authorities. Yet hypocritical evil will even feigned off this cartoon analogy as representative of childish values, as an excuse for plastic behaviour, and depraved commercialism. Real revolutionaries and genuine statesmen who endure a true vision of stability may rise up to the unspoken tyrannies of the dominant culture -- however capitalism is a consumer infestation that only buys consumer products and which shuns at the rise of genuine struggle against capitalism even as it hypocritically  embraces hollow promises from stale puppet revolters. Consumers of trash are addicts of half-ass truisms. They enjoy participation in a false-flag revolution so long as it can be instantly assimilated into the capitalist system, take Trump for example. In all his grandiose presumptions about helping the economy or raising the middle class his fundamental cause is without question yet another advertisement campaign for the very capitalist, Reagenomic, Thatcherist, populist schemes of the past. And yet people will jump on the bandwagon claiming in the most myopic, log-eyed, twisting of the truth that because of Trump’s madness that this will be the very thing once more that will reek havoc, saving us from establishment values! Unfortuenately it is not one of those cases and not even for Trump as any sort of a heroic act can it be deemed economically feasible but I know people who are, who undergo real struggle, real pain and their all living oppressed by people like him. But as grouchy scum will always leech off even the most irrelevant connections between things, in Trump’s narcissistic perception of reality the thought that any recognition of something hollow on the inside could be economically feasible on the outside inflates his Ego to leap into empowered status even when he himself is neither. You want to find representatives on the ballot who are not remakes of old neo-liberal economies who at least keep the system stable. A stick-figure society repetitively fails to recognize the simplest most necessary errors such as context, setting, timing and other measures that all historical cultures took for granted. In Trump’s case it may be more his lateness than even his approach to social order that is unacceptable. Not that the preference for more openness, communication, Eurocentricity, democracy, protest, multiculturalism and variety is out of the realm of desireability but that if America wanted to reverse the direction of a post-Marxist structure the time to do so is beyond rancid. And just like so many do-nothing stick-figure leeches, who show up in pathetic desperation dragging themselves on their knees, at the end when people are dying, and not because other people are dying but only once the flames are blistering their own selfish assholes off, Trump drags his drunkard ass onto the stage only to inject his useless skunk stink into the world. We write scripts for children’s cartoons and sitcoms so children can see how not to behave like Denis the Menace or how to behave like children better so when childhood is up that phase is energetically expressed in the life of the child and more self-controlled by the time adulthood kicks in. Hence Trump, if anything, provides an exemplarist role model position for defacing the status of menaces (the status quo of Bush Jr as himself further mocked) for all to see like Obama‘s ears. The professional world will have to better observe itself to be more professional in order to avoid being as narcissistic as Trump and hence avoid the equivalent of being smeared in the media in the eyes of a responsible committee of close contacts. They will learn that driving your car off a bridge inst cool and doesn’t get you into Heaven. Always doing the opposite of what the stars above insist and the will of God employs men to do is the nature of human beings. This is why violence is their true boiling point for rational behaviour and not human worth, artistic expression, vision, love, compassion or practical necessity. Where historical people had to do what the will of their nature inspired them to do as rational beings, today’s people cant find their self-preserving principle of reason nor their reasoning of it to their instinctive mutual, societal priorities to the collective will of humanity. Living in continuity with the natural world as liberated people of a deep ecology, while understanding that reason and science can benefit the direction and destiny of man is their big challenge. The logical programming in mens brains wont allow them to get over grammatical contradictions in logic but it seems only to be in instances where it is ethically necessary and morally essential for them to do so but have no problem with intolerable contradictions in logic that harm other men and the planet. This is why every good deed is punished, perhaps, there have been good deeds done with only selfish motives to avoid punishment. If the human brain had been wired to recognize innate goodness, to reason with essential measures that recognize value in nature they would see as all natural philosophers and genius have suggested, that the fruits of the Earth are pleasant to the tongue and that categories of modal intuitions impart universal truth and relative truth to men naturally. They would not then if this were the case only be capable of acting out of desperation when the water scalds the tongue, from pressure, fear of consequence, defamation, punishment etc., instead they would flow with the known principles of life that, for example, are receptive to lateness, bad contexts, out dated fashions (like Trumps hair), and what is reasonable verses what is unacceptable or unjustifiable. The metalayer of malprograming in the transference from sensory categories of pleasureable sensations, textures, sights and flavours to displeasureable, disharmonious, ‘badly shaken’ dynamics to a sadistic grammar misfires in the contextualizing of life experiences. Such that the “Good Greeks’ of past whose souls were formed from a blending of sensation modalities and intellectual principles, have not found today the cultural equilibrium, philosophy or language to discern the proper integration of rational intuition that otherwise naturalizes into humanity. This is why we cant live here among them any longer in any simple arrangement. There is no room for reliable basic existence because they do not comply with any rationale. They only comply with accepted behaviour and the laws of necessity when there is a law or a pressure by government or some other collective power explaining everything moment by moment. Without these historical narratives running in the world nothing gets done right, nothing is admitted for what it is, there is no self-aware decency or deontic culture. Humans walk around with a head inflated with programmed delusions and cant see that they are regular human beings who are suppose to attune themselves to spiritual and rational functions as a basic background necessity of taken-for-granted cultural and social values but instead they are reduced through state-intervention and republican corruption to a criminal class of hysterical psychologies that need to be legally controlled and conditioned with protocols that are not organic to the human nervous system. Now people talk like they want to make a ’nice’ republic (oh you mean like they have in France and India and Czeckloslovakia) then the person to do that would have been people like Ron Paul and Scott Walker (assuming that that’s the direction, the narrative, they wanted to construct), but now instead to accomplish even a polluted, watered down version of a ’good republic’ economically and socially, the president once again has to be tied to a chair and made to shut up while other people make shit happen, and even then don’t expect buyers, don’t expect America to magically be unhated. This chair tying gag trick is the only way the country ever worked under such circumstances; it was that way during most of the Reagen administration, during Bush Sr, and Bush Jr. and we had to do it during the first four years of Obama, essentially we tied Bush back up again (with added bonuses and time travel picks from the 2016 Alnamac),         
But then again we have repeated the same old childish schemes for economic systems; the systems of artificial, miniturized gardens, train models and toy people that reappears in new settings every time we elect a Reagan, Bush or Trump. The schemes that we find consistent with narcissistic and infant psychologies, the one’s which ultimately fade with time due to education and economic growth, nonetheless employ a model of education and economic growth that is inconsistent with their own typography I.e., the Baby Boomer generation of the 1960s and to a great extent the 1980s when expansion and population growth demanded more public and child education of the variety that was common in the Bush schema. These platforms of miniturization ultimately weaken Americas hegenomic role and intellectual status in the world. They weaken the status of the world and the reputability of the species which shrinks at the hands of its technologies each time such economic cycles are carried out. Everything today is now tinged with a goofy, giddiness that it conceals bellow its efforts to portray messages or act seriously. It is different in naturalized European democracies balanced by history and science of society where the cybernetic variables of speech and communication are part of the process of harmonizing factuality to the economic bootstrap. Here, in states governed in repression, control and mass surveillance, these necessary tones of variance are kept bubbling near the surface in unexpressed nuances rather than in more regulated art forms and modes of communication and education. The American platforms simply lack the maturity and history for these kinds of free balancing acts because of the greedy obsession with private capital horded by neoclassical wealth, the uneducated and the pampered who are secured from natural ecological self-growth. Their model for intelligence fit’s an agenda of artificial genomics, insemination and selective breeding that is not consistent with the complex probabilities of the natural world and of genius. Contrary to the aptitudes of genius the linear model economy is programmed into being without regard for the full spectrum of effects and interactions that naturally exist and degrees of freedom preferred by higher intelligence. Everything in the Boomerfest economy is watered-down for unemotional toddlers who speak baby language. An economy that today is shunned at with high disregard. Not so much since it is a aspect of historical states and classical modes of existence, but especially so in a digital age, an age of potentially purposive development, they devalue the potential value we are collectively aiming for. What American post critics don’t seem to understand is that in its past America was still edging to become a world superpower but was balanced by the economic powers of Europe and the East. With the decline of its closest economic ally, Europe, its virtual parent, the baby is let loose from his playpen and builds playpen bars around everything mutating progress to a miniature train version. These are the disorders of neoconservative psychopathology and cannot be cured by swapping political systems, only through hypnotherapy can political missions be accomplished that lead to a descent equilibrium. Most of history dispensed with these modes of operation after the world wars and after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Its close comparative in communism for dominance is that communism itself changes and accepts that its struggle is for a vector of change that naturalizes progress and social development with time. This has turned linear economic programming into a narcissistic fad, a blunt product of the fabricated Ego which it always was in surpassing technology and biology as something of the artificial reality because some psychologies process this expanding information transference as literal self-processing and literal meme expression. In other words, less emotional types and persons of a level of class organization, will take all events in the modern postindustrial economy as a mechanist psychology of the self for literal transgressions and building of facades. To Trump his hairstyles never changes because this degeneration of time is taken literally as a procedure of self machinations rather than as an option for postmodern self extension. This dissonance of the child intellect is expected to ricochet off every pronouncement, giving off dissonant effects in media and advertisement or byway of social media it replicates in the vortex of populist posturing aimed at creating spectacle as a calculated pure distraction. Age old propaganda methods are rehashed into the rotary belt of the market with no consideration for their disastrous long-term variables on the exchange of value. The great achievers of past eras were not like today’s leaders and think tanks that model societies and built large economic engines. Great personalities and minds of the past lived in a different continuum of progress, movements and advancements with superconductive events unfolding all the time. Unlike today where every instance of life is precalculated and monetized, the past gave man a background of activity which allowed citizens to flow and ideas to reach fulfillment. As the modern world of the 18th and 19th centuries came around there was a spontaneous immanence which meant that spiritual intuition and reason in elite world-shaping personalities was rising and there was simply more common sense in those people who shaped the world. Even though there was surely many problems, character flaws and psychological suffering, issues and so on, partly because it was the past, there was still more common sense and an openness for progress and political change. Whereas today there is more statistical division among politics and progressive factions with other goals spliced out from time. The major structural problem today has to do with populist consumption of irreal ideas and meme ‘culture’ (a culture of degradations). These mutated subgenres of the classic dramaturgy and play thematize advertisement to the masses holding together in digital form a motto, a jingle, a solicitation, a demodulated telegram or recitation from the war era. These demarcate areas in social space and punctuate modes of social behaviour in the unconscious imprints designed for collectives of aping twitterfeeds. Remnants of the deluded fantasies of past political leaders coupled to the nightmarish hallucinations from the war-stricken memories of Vietnam vets, explode onto the political theatre as melodramatic vacuum bags that draw into their focus a defocusing of all social energy, and the over-dramatized national fears of constant invasion by communists or terrorists impinge faded-out versions of contemporary living relayed to the masses because the trauama of living in saturated reality now can be teased into accepting neo-liberal laws of progress. This desaturation, this total whitewashing of contemporary fashion and ubiquitous information has demoded the peasant, the middle-class as an acceptor of the digital economy and social media. Every value, every era, now mocks itself in the new high-definition that captures in unfiltered repose an artless time image of the death of human progress which is its lie. This continual visual harassment and telemorphogenic cynicism that escapes through ads and new media in the digital phase of mimesis, is a catalyst for decentring populist networks out to the statistical contact process of viral functions that mimic host environments. These surmount tensions between inner and outer boundaries of social control, communication and playcate the notions of messaging, speaking and their variations in self image topology. Thus the limits of self representing are compressed or devoid of momentum and escape from ritual behaviour. 

When all signs of dialectical solvency have vanished, when the wars between Western countries, especially European states and the East that have had radical revolution in the past are subsided for mechanisms of of symbolic peace then the real misery, the greatest divide of civil malaise, inner conflict and social epidemics rise to heights that no casualties in the territorial insurgencies of today could ever compete with. Western economic imperialist philosophy has been critiqued mercilessly on all quadrants from the overwhelming majority of authentic academics, public philosophers and intellectuals who are not lip serving the financial interests of the state or some global corporate agenda with the stamp of neo-capitalism. 
When the economy of corporate engineering takes as programming advice, the critical facts, it reverse engineers these facts to its own private lexicon of absurd, folkloric, cheerful digressions that affirm the study-group derivations of Behaviourism to a behavioural fallacy governed in the consummatory behaviour of the sapient animal. All this is founded upon an anti-rational comodification of empirical truths personally synthesized like a language and posited as the language supporting reason; a negative innovation of conglomerate behaviour that destroys its own youthful rational tendency while claiming an 'association' to reason and modernity. Hence, 'reason' is bought-up, exploited, inventoried and disarrayed to a public social value. Practical reason implies the capacity to instinctively draw correct limits by repeated empirical observations. To detect true or false appearances without eradicating the object with naive assisted testing. Reason encompasses deduction as a reverse order, the order of nature deduces everything it spawns. Formal logic, even at its most reified modal formulations, only enters reason at the peripheral edges of what its natural form covers -- that reason can use modality but the mode of reason is itself universal to contain the grammars of logic the same way the mind has categorical and sense modules for language that make up a fraction of what its thinking and other cognitive sites import to consciousness. Logical categories have an ambiguously difficult time associating real spatial and environmental categories and making rational-intuitive degrees of distinction between entire ontological domains such as absolute and relative truth, mental verses material fact, moral verses ethical applicability and importance. Only a mind that puts its sense faculties to work with its dialectical synthesis of intellectual associations and probabilistic intuitions is equipped with the classical, dynamic superconnectivity known to be once inborn to the modern rational brain. 
  Some will attempt to argue that science itself is equatable to reason -- this is an obvious fallacy of expression. For instance; when people place their complete faith in science alone (the methodological, empirical, lab styled science), leading their acts of decision, they commit to a fallacy that empties the human intellect and instinct of its natural responsibilities in exchange for the methods and calculative devices of secular science. Albeit many ignore that rational dialectic has granted scientific knowledge a privileged position as a fundamental instrument of the rational endeavour to eliminate ignorance of the physical processes observable to us, and in order to understand its hidden reality through empirical methods -- it fails to grant properly contextual judgements and may imply serious deficits of the categorical acts of reasoning, producing apophatic statements contradicting states of affairs or discrediting evidentials with little reasonable doubt and with extremely high likliehood for providing evidence.  
  Because reasoning life is an instinctive organismic impulse in humans it can only exhibit itself in action and not in bare theorizations. Historically, most of the civilized world caries its weight on the back of rational assumptions as they were instinctively driven values of past civilizations like the Greeks to the Romans, the Khazar Jews to the Russian Empire, etc. It is with the European stages of enlightenment where true reason flourishes and becomes theoretical knowledge (and rationalism) a quest of educating and authorizing into the public the ideals of enlightened culture. This backward way of programming people with all the know-hows of modern civilized society while others do the thinking leeds to regressive laxity or 'leissez faire' capitalist primitivisms when populations give way their rational powers of consent to a governing industry of free enterprise. Natural libertarian communism detests this kind of unnatural childishness. Uncountable instructions had to be elicited to the working people by government agencies with big-pocket agendas and irrational circumscriptive schemes fuelled by the negative philosophies of positivism, social realism and other dissociable complexes that partition the memory stores in disarray causing referential neurolinguistic apophasia. (The classical biolinguistic associations of environmental and sensory meanings attributed to the normal distributions of the synaptic cell couplings with their nonlinear synergy forms our common sense picture of the world and of our Maslovian foci equilibria -- this arrayed cell complex is associably set to our linguistic feedback modularity complex with how we interpret perceived events and the sense structures that dictate so-called 'natural' connections of phenomena such as 'red' with 'hot' or more ramified judgements that build into our neurolinguistic reference to physical states and their material-rational valuation by the core dynamic attractors of the brain. The field that investigates this information is called neurophysics, a specialization that may act as a complementary study to cognitive ethology.) It is possible to graph these cognitive intentions to biolinguistic markers in the brain; behaviuor and language which is decentralized from the classical rational neuron's oscillatory summation can be found to have stochastic correlations to behaviour like disempathic mimesis, superegoic or nationalistic values, repudiation of statements and rejection of explanations that conform to the rational Bayesian spectra that share numerical flexibility with the perfect, plastic model of the brain. The affirmation, the motto, the propagandized, paraphrased social modicum and elicit doxa that deny universal reference and, not just the educational value of knowledge, but the use of proper metaphors and fitting depictions of situations.

Tests and standardized platforms for technological prioress blind human judgement with their detached, squidish, inhuman and demoralizing promulgations of 'monkey fiddling calculations', sublimating, liquidating human aesthetic judgement, solidarity and biorational substance with their anal-moralizing zealotry. This hyperplastic, over accumulation of social and communicational networks freezes the social bond potential as an environmental distortion of social energy; a loss of narrative filled in by technology, and weakened by the loss of a unifying spiritual principle -- the organic social matrix of reversive-narcissistic biosocial codes is disintegrated into an affluent mixture of crowd-mind tendencies and positivistic Id-affirming fantasies of intellectual-spiritual 'independence'; a complex of once rationally integral joining is now detached from any intersubjective 'ecos' of the natural biosocial 'life' codes, is also detached from any mutual potency of a personal self-efficacy, and in infantilism it self-operates in an atomized state of organic separability of the coherent truth that is wholly accountable and maintains this false dignity of itself via operant codes of signalling that forbids all healthy, rational, heteronymous transference in the psyche relation. A multistable degree of controlled entropy consists in that movement predicated by the system as necessary for its disguise, survival and write-off potential. Tactics that might arrest the development of the system's progressively -- its erroneous logic governed in narcissistic Ego-automaticity -- can never iron-out the political or economic semiodifferences that would otherwise correct its logic, its programming, its autotyrannical self-itineration, and return to a naturalistic human economy based on organic modes of exchange of raw self-governing capital viz., the rational working class of traditional European states, the pious, or practicing proletarian, the de facto 'citizen', arousing solitary faith in a naturally intelligible, heterogenous ecos of man. Perturbing the symbolic order and the automatic simulation of digital productions is already a tedious endeavour, but the political structures of world events taken in situ, the violence of discourse and consumption refutes by its false ordinance, the very possibility of integrating its diverse modes into a properly unified, orthodoxic system of dynamic forces and free exchanges grounded first in traditional rational values and rooted in historically authentic Being. Economy no more refers to its honest revolutionary topology nor gives spontaneous homage to its true, living network of ecological-organistic culture effects. Thus, anarchists and other active intellectual forces wishing to undermine these problems to a movement towards the real dynamics of global, national interactions and inclusive hierarchies persuade people and governments, know that there is no fertile ground for creating a multilateral, global universum of exact exchanges in historical truth, in ecological reference to historically valid space with revolutionary transcendence of the oppressed language, to an artform. Political systems and governments designed for the public do not equalize any power in harmony with the enveloping problems of wealth expropriation and the impoverishment of culture, with glaring assaults of digital, high-fidelity amateur prorating -- knowing that an ideal political state built on a correct doctrine of applicable communications, laws and traditions to the wide mixing pot of emergent economic properties, is unrealizable in any real geopolitical program, anarchists and intelligentsia look instead for abstract routes, not to fix the system in place but to give due trial and error, to engage difference in the shattering the comedial 'naive' models of industrialization, as a metaphysics of political action and historical criticism. This logic also runs counter to the success enjoyed by undoing crowd-mind falsifications such as character assassination, smear campaigns, trolling and freakly scandalization schemes that feign ungrounded character judgements in a jest of personal desperation -- setting the record straight does next to nothing to challenge the systemic imbecility of such persons -- being that what is true, normalized to some law of value, is already its standard and this obvious even to the homogenous labouring of fearful crowds. Unveiling beauty has no shock value -- it does nothing except defer any critique of popular values about the hypothetical beautiful which are established in modernized histories of critiques concerning 'norms' set up by genuine capital to set the stage for mans developing world order. A majority of this anthropic mass cannot be designated properly as fitting the theosophical, spiritual or rational definition of 'human', only archaeological and scientific fact defines their homo sapience as a technical term belonging to the body.  On the other hand it is praised as a sign of intelligence if you apply efforts of wisdom in such a way that turns the trolly moralization of evil in temporary agents of responsible humanity i.e., psychologizing their immoral rule-governed intellections with reactions towards unitary servitude. Positivistic dysfunction sees its contradictions, its folly becomes a desire to see further into the light of philosophical truth (as radical, enlightened human beings -- autonomous collectives however reject association to their righteous gods, a sovereign order of natural providence, and autocracy which is starkly opposed only because it is the theoretical enemy of collective freedom, but collectively the denial of self-determining, consciously individuated, self-conscious, ethically grounded self--governance goes downstream with rational clarity and conscious existence. They would rather cogitate in empty commands that nuance to themselves that they are conscious but they are not, they believe themselves to be the end product and determining factor of evolution and divine choice but are not, they believe this absence of self-determining qualities equates with selflessness and wisdom but panders only to an immoral self-negating creative responsibility. They are that unnatural, radical evil that rots in the core, spinning uniaxially like a melted ball in all directions of that molten commiseration of hell dwelling bellow. In their ungodly reticence they accept radical evil as whores of the devils technological ramifications of life. The mouthpiece of idle speech, false talk, is the conventionalized praxis of corporate propaganda. Every selfish accident correlates to a cusp of catastrophic self-distraction, intimating human moral sense; the laissez-faire cover adopted by the corporate monger-mogol typology can easily be deduced from an economic-monetary process that harbours the elements of corruption, socialization of meaning and the infothermal law of average distributions that follow the entropic paths of immoral, ungovernable self-agency -- this tensional irrationalism represses normal Ego drives and the Id, in a strained integration of the law of contrary logics that distances also these two functions of the cogito, a pathological regularity through self-emulation and surreptitious use of intelligence, normatively cons by organized falsifications. The slow burn neo-Darwinian, socialized global use-value output of state market structures implicate themselves as individuals in a collective mode of shared behaviour patterns and intensions reflective of the greed and maximum self-interest rules of base genes and this, as a genomic game of repeating collectively individualistic mimicry, also self-organizes into corporate 'normativity' as the direct inverse of a sociometrics of crowd pathology. These utilized control proxies regularize difference and classical psychopathic complexes in society as their self-redeeming benefactors. A critical, classical difference of genuine madness and ingenue denial is the latters effectiveness at deceiving its positive position as emulating good will in the same way that radical evil, hiding behind its grinning masks of deceit, rises up from its status as info-thermal aberrance to take on the position of "madness", which has meaning for it insofar as all psychopathology should be 'classed' as undesirable, non-sociable, misanthropic, disorderly behaviour.  Breaking a rule designates for neurotics some momentum of transgressivity towards order which they praise as calculable social expediency in the law of end goals to social control. Absolute regularity of all systems would naturally pose as a global risk to system stability -- regularity defines the accomplished goals of the system even when the organizing principles of the system are homeostatic; disequilibrium being modified so as not to be visible in optimized control networks. Disharmoniously out of sync with the thermoinformatic premises of organismic self-dynamics (and natural language) the mass species are confluent n artificially self-generated social networks that cover this sociobiological disharmony. Although its effects pile-up in reports n the environmental chaos and psychological epidemics, market inflation and housing crisis, as an undeniable fact of rational sense -- the termite colonies burrow themselves into their supple of resources, extracting life to support dead ends - the closed-loop intellects of the self-desiring capitalist machine, industries of conglomeration, contrived corporate base logic, is a deafly animated infinity of self-absorption and flatus neutrality, the 'spiritual machines' of the intransigent apocalypse -- with the unceasing industries of psychological trash-stats and transgressive advertisement that demote and ameliorate the negative dialectics of control. 
  It use to be that the neurotic traits of regular citizens and technically that of ordinary patients in the age of mechanization would manifest in outward confusion, hysterias and nervous ticks. Today, as with every other process and phenomena undergoing reversal and revision, the situation shows little signs of this distraught character, hysteresis or neurological disorder typical of classical illness -- the disorder is more or less sanctioned as an element of structural survival in the mechanical social economy -- often as abnormal or 'progressive' ideation of ego values -- psychology thus launders, redeems, the response to de facto neurosis as one of cultural assimilation and sociological averaging computable statistics. The psychoanalyst can more readily be accepted now as the one who still resists assimilation, as one exhibiting, if only pseudoclassically, true symptomatic behaviour, i.e., as the rational spirit of true praxis is continuously suffocated, the one still under the spell of disillusionment, that yields power, may behave semineurotically, appear distressed with the conditions of patients and the meandering, itinerant behaviour of those very antirational agents of society whom inflict him with this curse. Reason (as praxis), is once again dropped for the spirit of reason (as value). Today, values are drastically warped and displaced elements, economically speaking, the people arguably find little agreeability on matters of value, for all language, all discourse has reached a level of debasement by total exchange through the politically 'bureaucractized' grinder of 'rights' and correctness scams. It matters not what is true of values but what can be correctly represented via mutilation, as such, with the eradication of basic social laws and ethics, moral traditions like marriage and literary, religious and work ethics go hand in hand with the vast political dissonance that misrepresent any proper formula for the factual. Style matters more than originality and often even more than functionality, even when it is neurotic style it is destructive invention. In such a debased mind state, no recognition for necessity turns up or puts into action the common good will to attend to the principle of reason -- necessity is put on par with perfectible or extravagant interests -- 'perfectionism' and 'obsession' become the new subtleties of a society that averages out its nuclear elements and averages itself as well on depraveous  standards, not because the accompanying drive to complete tasks is overtly idealized, but because it is shunned, banished from completing its existential task to total rational fulfillment, that this imputes self-defining acceptance of illusory eccentricities; an open political association to an oft personality type that is not accurate to oneself.  Beginning in what is mandatory to a culture or to its task, like cutting keys or copying passcodes letter-for-letter a scenario in which there there is no room for error as the nature of the task would be defeated otherwise. There are moreover still those who playact with the adventurous wordplay that an uncompleted task or truth of such requirements has been partially completed, effortfully, and that the underlying necessities are negligible. This veraciously stupid attitude implies a kind of callous madness -- a displaced and empty wound in the unconscious that infantalizes the reality principle to a rational response as a kind of anarchy against logical self-preservatory direction and a blunt disregard for all facticity. Sexual repression of organic desires projects into the figures that resemble displeasure, often associate to these detracting signs and antirationalisms, insofar as sensibility should be liberated from non-sensuous disharmoniousness in language comprehension. 
Here step right up and be a spectator to this; watch the prominent, healthy black man show humanity, watch him make a joke and act responsibly wear his suite like your faire emperor! Its publicly correct to be human! Show some sense of history why not! Let the sense of conscience rub off of having a sense of humanity give you second hand modernity, you too can be a modern! Watch him say no to big banks and yes to protests so you too can uplift your behavioural index to the level of a rational being. Watch as millions of memes spread the trend of modest conscience into your automaton spine squidy! Yes your spine can be elevated to a level of response! Wanna be an actual liberal and get that bystandard squid spine ready for the modern age well we have the wonder shake and bake distraction for ya! Oh look the persons playing emperor said its ok today! Holy emperor but cant think for myself I need a meme for it! Is Jessy boy coming down from Heaven with the fluffy unicorn too! Watch as millions learn the custom of encultured rational response, watch them become independent of punishment, humiliation and programming so that the sense of having a rational soul appears relative to the unconscious need to be free, is there a place where fanatical dogmatists, hopeless skeptics and fake-neoliberal squids can all hang out so the rest of conscionable human civilization can try to set a descent example here? You would think that after all the decades by now that we would be versed in how to effectively represent truth so that all the turmoil and economic-social upheaval could subside, but we have not a tradition or a intelligent movement, the world was never made to prosper from the small-minded whims of average souls, intellectuals and artists always shaped the better side of mankind and the worlds direction out of misery and strife, What's that, oh the black man isn't here now its time to curl back up into my squid shell like a toddler that never even absorbed a single experience from being in university. Much like  all those desensitized video game addicts playing their role-play comando destructio Call of Duty while the over-rated dramatized world sinks into a hive-mind of dronage as they hail 'down with Sadam'. What real difference is that to the market system and the corporate economy under president cheesehead? Ok ok ok none of that ever happened, uuuuhwuwuhwuh we just wanna tear all this down and whats a conscience oh that requires religious authority somehow, we don't judge pain for what it is we just spread it and call it God and Karma. We showed the success of inventing the necessary parallelism of opinion and historical struggle with the Obama-Putin face-offs now we can see clearly how messy the present day stance on world order could have been avoided in the first place. Ultimately as ancient philosophy asks of its readers to interpret history and scholarly knowledge from a philosophical perspective one must understand that no philosophers intent or purpose would be to see the future sink into its present crisis. If our deep state is grounded in a higher philosophical virtue than is accepted or understood by the average citizen then why has it historically allowed among its class of archons the permissible decline of ages that usher in Roman dictators and anti-solutions like Tr*@!p. It must be true that a failure on the part of leadership and the universality of democratic integration is a failure of philosophy and (its) decline and (he) epitomizes the essence of that failure even as such a mannequin of the false drama. But why is philosophy, why is wisdom itself in decline, why are there so few philosophers today who grasp its time and its place, its nature which must shed this decline itself. It is superior nihilism itself at its most pathological potential which is lost to all thought like machines battling the earth, like a virus battling itself though the autoimmunity of antipathogenic cells -- when men forget how to think they allow machines to think on their behalf and then no warning can get beyond the affect of the game, of the visual-auditory addiction, an addiction no sanctioning power can voice a valid opposition that is not already a mimesis of this machine madness and that the machine allows him to naysay in his best attire of impotency. It is a gangrene foot that is worth amputating and not saving and yet you can watch as circles of pundits gather in delight over the novelty of "how Tr@!&p turned late-night TV around" among other sterilized cartoon characters of their likes. And all those fake potty-liberals of the 9-11 trauma generation who are really just boring-as-death cartoon conservative grin-wearing Woody Woodpeckers who talk about Tr@!& as if he's worth any political, or cultural commentary, a gangrene foot thats worth amputating being discussed as fitting for the shoe "How will the gangrene body politic fit into the real world shoe of making coherence?". What is equal to rotten macaroni but a crib full of empty-headed amphibians who still delight like boy scout kids in trading Tr@!%p tweets like they're rookie cards of job-seeking baseball players, never pass as over the age of 12. Here 'conservative' in the negative means those close to adulthood who still smirk over trivia and Uno cards having no future as a open ended mind. Its a general social naivete that suites a much older media platform such as 19th century American commercial newsprint. A mentality that speaks in a tense that is either unintelligible to todays literate and media-exposed populous or is misapprehended in a way that stirs depressing imaginaries of the shadow. Yet in the 19th century you lived entirely in a shadowy private dimension of personal social thought, you engaged as a detached producer of his own meaning and socializing was a practical task only, beyond this people enjoyed releasing their thoughts and desires in taverns in which they would drink heavily in groups, exciting their unconscious animation of persona, laughter and flirtation. Newspapers were as dull and stale-bale in the manure of presenting caricatures and personality deliveries as the present county mayor Tr!@$p running for office would appeal. But the technology did not exist, not radio, TV, internet or digitized media, you lived simply, closer to nature before global climate change and all the rest of the benefits of the past. Hence it is true that this way of reporting and mimesis has become as bad as chuckling trivia to the conscionable ears and eyes of those who must pretend they live in the digital age with a digital, more liquid sensibility for human social freedom. It is not Tr!@$ps vital response to bad media in general that is disquieting, its that as an anti-left cultist he offers no tasteful milieux in which to replace bad media programming. Instead he instills the quite shills of the conservative or far-left politically correct agenda that keep all who comment on news in collective mental bondage. He has no intelligent plan for creating a tasteful comedy of news that eliminates social control and these conservativist far-left agendas, it just blows up in his face like all other republicans who wont accept limits and reality.Try to understand,using the spark of creative will, to the eavesdropping outside reader that when adults show little sign of having that open-ended horizon of self-development , but still delight in Uno games and simulated addiction like its Tr@!&p twitter, its easily confused for liberal naivete or the dubbing of legally def speakers who need ambulatory nursing, able walkers and nannies (insert child label for morons have already misread this comparison as their own handicap in sensibility mocks them the way Tr@$!p pretends to mock a disabled woman like a stage comedian). Then again, only a legally deff person is so mute to the world of having a responsible ethic relative to his environment that they could only gain it inwardly in silence that those with hearing seem to be incapable! And who will donate to the historical society. My 'sense' of the past and of history is colored by various dimensions of background and consideration of contextual meanings, not by those who experienced it but more as the allegories of this who were closest to it -- history could have occurred entirely within a vacuum with zero-degree meaning and I would still be able to find rich tones and unique topographies which others share -- this leeds to the pedagogical view of history that it is to be philosophically interpreted to some newer narrative view (especially philosophy by the standards of its own destiny, its own teleology designates this surface) Myths for example were the basis of a protohistory that began history and the historians drew from this mythological sense of the past to make sense of the ages preceding them. Today we find greater leeds and historical accuracy by relying on the same kind of forensic intuition.  

I thought we already pulled the plug on these yabbling morons in the 80s, I thought an authoritative briefing of why we down played spin was a necessary step towards contemporary inquisitive counter-culture, I thought immediately prior generations had already mocked the soundbytes of bland reporters and anal-tensive spewing market analysts? By yesterdays standards todays dullest presenters don't even seem half as human as the most muttered and castrated speakers of the 80s, (they were very human robots by todays standards); what you see in the emerging markets is about as constrained by conservative tensions and pedagogic tinkering as the Ted Copple's of yesteryears, what use to pass as being moderate, conservative-Marxist is now an echo room of trouble shoot test, data dumps, like when a operating system studies its own issues and gives a report rather than a descriptive human account of the reality which things and subjects deserve.  your just a monkey to these people, not a critic or a responsible sharp-wit, but a gorilla that needs to have code streamed into your encephala like shockwaves that keep the earth's crust from falling apart from lack of subsurface fluidity. Either way, the entire zoo, the whole pathogenesis of useless contraries is a problem already cured, in the past, we lowered the Iron Curtain, now we have all these trifling air-borne gadgets that as people move through the air space like sprites and pigeon droppings. The normal distribution of pyramidal cultural organization is now a floating cesspool of market queues and stock prices. Since the system if it can even be called that, is not managed with reason and critical perception, there is no making explicit the dangers it treads and the manipulation of behaviour and meaning it plays with, those flaming matches are out its range of response and it perpetually sows the consequences in its record. Any human order would reach equilibrium on a sound universal truth, but they don't, they pressure each other and condition eachothers reactions. None bring in a traditional culture or community, they have to make the conditions happen but wont allow it.
Today there is talk of acquiring an opened mind, waking up, even enlightenment is the latest requirement for reaching the standard attitude and approach to social organization and policy that decades past was commonplace. So outfits struggle and suffer, back and forth like bad actors who could never get more than a walk on part until they presumably are suppose to witness some carnage hit them in some way that they realize "life" and start considering wisdom that was usually passed on from a doctor, a scientific degree, a pedagogue, bishop, or sweat lodge. Yet in other cultures it was never challenged that noble customs, norms and Confucian values were to go hand in hand with liberal spiritual growth, Buddhist or Taoist paths did not altogether abandon worldly necessities when they arose. Only today in Western society do people usurp this law of evolution and integral development from the domicile lessons of family or defending values to liberation, only cronyism allows what would be reviled with a condemning slap in past cultures be seen as a valid political exception. Sort of like the goat when it evolved into a ram does not lose his hooves so essential for climbing when he grows horns. Birds gain their wings but could not hunt without their claws if they were to lose them after liberating flight. Inessential speculators fill the void with their misapplied, sterilized rationale as if the same laws apply in gravity like absence of dynamics and thermophysics. Unable to 'grasp' the huge significance of vital meaning, of what constitutes knowledge from circumscriptive idealizing, the planners of disasters miss the mark without effort. At least herds of animal farmers in mesopotamia or the Jordan river weathered the conditions of the environment with some impression of being a part of life and being willing to adapt, todays human sheepling spawns refute the law of adaption from the origin and this makes them rigid, mechanical and dull. Unwilling to see why the Soviet spectre helped build character, or morale in igniting liberal culture, or that seeing multiple viewpoints is crucial to survival, they flourish in an artificial environment that operates on its own structural laws, laws that do not benefit the species with the natural network of flows and functions needed to become a truth seeking being of reason. The artificial processes of the market set up a culture where these functions and laws are replaced by market values and principles where no notion of 'free' or 'principle' can even exist hence a free-market (which cannot harbour life any better than a frozen moon) which plays the card of conservation of highest value -- T@!$p telling football leaguers that they have to worship the flag is undoubtedly dumb and proves that he is the biggest bag of turd droppings in America -- While other organizations and national sporting leaguers are out trying to bring an old tradition of sporting into todays world with new anthems, mascot humour and more cool artistry and social comradery and in the way sports is announced, the overall 'consciousness of sports' in America has downgraded since his antics began drilling ball players over these unmentionable trivialities, processes that introduce tasteful comedy or cartoonism into the sport networks changes the attitude from where the culture is more than just a bunch of sweaty men in a room or playing field crouched down to their ass while some mooing announcer carries on the boring tone of relating the plays and manufacturing drama.  trashy Hogwart Tr@!$p cant cope with the modern world, hell he could never have coped with baseball in the 1950s or 60s when announcers did not all sound the same (so tacky!). His taste in entertainment and sports is bellow the bowel chain of bottom dwelling scum he should in fact be beaten bloody to a lifeless pulp and made to better resemble the shitball he is even deeper inside.  He can go join the gallantry of ancient Rome or cheer on the cow dung heaps to the Olympiads and take a spear up the asshole until it exits his teeth knocking them out to his knees. Since sporting events before the corporate era was never such garbage, only a sick ideologue trapped in the 80s would reimagine it to such practices of bovine herding. But one must refrain from looking at this current dilemma of the 'president' as something true to reality or an event in a rational universe for it is something more peculiar belonging to mythical space and symbolic time which we are experiencing in all its innuendos and efforts to control our thinking process, our minds and lives. In America where the people and their elected officials continuously rehearse the dramas of symbolic value that are representative of history, this character script can be a lot like a personal mutation of the culture and this is precisely what the CIA secret project MK-Ultra attempted to do when it invented characters like Mad Bill Donovan and TV personalities through its LSD experiments. What the Colloseum of US political symbolism attempts to engineer is a facade public and a facade spectacle. The event consists in its mythical topology by the inauguration and fall of its mad pursuits for power and psychological control. The same way the mythical space of past periods of prosperity and strife were tantamount to the rise and fall of its political symbols, the function of this is the mythical space of a mind control experiment (its no different to people who were on drugs or underwent neurolinguistic self-modification to how the present card is being spun) Tr!@$p is like a mythical character in a drug trip (a bad one I might add) that must be torn from the cinders of time. He also symbolizes a deep fissure in the personal unconscious, something tended to by the Shadow of the world that was left behind in it all the tragedies of war and the holocaust. That negative space of the past was filled in with the postwar psychology and Frankfurt economic thinking that made the good citizen a participant but also a facade to other forces of economic and Marxo-Freudian social engineering -- it is the facade that wearies the inquiring youth who sees through the present system of ethics as hiding a murky past -- the dissonance is different from the destructive psychology of fascists and ideological hierarchies built by these shadow organizations. And they are here on some token of history to not completely disappear. This is where the mythological proofs come in to haunt us, As causal conditions of a recessive trait of having thrived against the brutal forces of nature for so many millennia, only respond to a crisis once it reaches 'critical', postcritical or irreversible levels -- this also reflects an aspect of non-adiabatic thermodynamic laws and Murphy's law in evolutionary terms -- it typifies their instinctive reluctance to act on rational evidence (as cause), reasonable faithfulness (like the brutal forces of nature) in what is obvious, as this is partially an antisocial element in man, it provides itself no evident system of values which are not confined to itself i.e., its immediate survival factors and when those factors make themselves imminent. Absorbed in selfish control and egoic power fulfillment, humans react when situations are so damning that they force themselves upon them, threatening life, food, resources, or most often via pain one can expect an immediate panic and solution. Perhaps this is just the natural course of the dialectic which is behind every action, in any case, it is a non-rational one and if it were rational problems would be prevented and not reach the critical stage of demand. Hegel's logic in this present context of the posthistorical phase is a dangerous application if not radically reinterpreted to accommodate the post-dialectical and fully reflective development of Mind and collective Spirit. For most misread the age of Hegel's ouvere in the necessary contexts as an escape into historicism, and unaccountable 'alternatives to rationality' which they believe the dialectic of the right Hegelians provides their dismissal of evident factuality and value judgements. It does not destroy the dialectic as a consequence of nature, it moves into the domain of Spirit where transparent human action is to take effect. Why is this so rather than merely a negation of the law or the dialectical principle? Both Nature and Spirit are governed in complexity and not linear progress or linear development, hence the existence of psychoanalysis and psychic regression. All primary, recessive human systems are based on this faulty logic of supplying demand and covering up excess as a write off for security which itself is written off with manufactured threats. The entire human system is at least contaminated with these impulse-driven retrograde stasis responses so that when not functioning at its optimum can be expected always to relapse into anthropathogenesis and base logic. This is why Machiavellian principles of reasoning apply so well in so many cases when systems like democracy are not made to function at their most proficient measures. It keeps foreign power and sabotage in close proximity to it, i.e., it keeps its friends close and its enemies closer. Dialectical animals do not utilize the scientific method or the rational synthetic process of analysis where the solutions can be generated ahead of time, in itself a dialectic of historical knowledge and consciousness reveals the truth of how human synthesis with nature arrives at its solutions -- when the human wisdom or the rational side of the being falls into a swampy hive-like attitude of selfish absorption in its animal mind dealing only with the immediate world of projections from its unconscious, truly primitive thinking emerges that can easily result in perpetual loss. Sinking in dogmas and personal vanity, the retrograde ape today is a planetary piece of baggage that future humanity cannot afford to carry in its present state. The task of government is to elevate this baggage like cargo on a plane is elevated with acceleration and flight. Creating fellowships and brotherhoods, organizations that try to elevate humanity from the chaos of its inner toil is one priority of philosophy today.  There is no democracy, its just a shithole that hasn't been fundamentally liberated. There is no love, you just have selfish pets who hang around for food and attention that's just humans (sorry to say but that's the only reliable truth about it im afraid). Then you have the rare few who are born artists and gifted with genius of some kind who display these things on their own or have had some of those traits bred in them and the world in its present condition is shit for us. Its like either things are rolling along really well in the human economy and without interruptions from all these capitalist parasites or forget it! Either things are great or goodbye. No more time for polluted views and polluted stone age mentalities disguised as Christian plight! Are we living in an age of light and truth, getting out of prohibition and taking responsibility or are we having turbulence where upward is happening while things move downward. Do we have a modest, synergetic human economy of human accomplishments and real life stories of people around the world overcoming oppressive existential conditions or are we living in a shit pile still because I do not have time for the shit pile anymore! When your shady your in the shade not the spotlight, when your shady you are in the doghouse or your busy somewhere else with some other task that contributes background to society. People go in there where you dwell and talk to you and wont hate you if you stick to what your meant to be doing. When I go to the flea market I go to look for old items for a discount and not to talk to city folk, in fact im there to talk to the throwbacks and the old school country people, but when flea market people try to be city people or take other positions in society I begin to feel like im on a roller coaster and have to remind myself that we are living in some completely nuts postmodern mutation. Its the same with the underground and gay culture when it was underground verses when it came out of its second closet and became a parade for the public, well we lost the underground, the punksters and everything! and we lost David Bowie! Your always there when they're dead to eulogize them like good citizens are expected but when they're alive you do not do what it takes to keep them here. In fact the eulogy of the dead is a good example for the procession of simulacra in which all are in attendance dressed like its Christmas eve when giving a fuck is fashionable. Not too dissimilar with the phenomenon of the cold war, having the barrel of a 45 to your temple wether now, in the 80s or during an election is statistically the most likely way things get done without corrupt impulses. The question then has always been, do people give a genuine fuck at all about anything of universal importance? Surely some do, in one way or another wether it be ancillary, socially or politically motivated or by some other psychological attachment. Human complexes and aesthetic obsessions, this and that, the stuff that makes great artists may be part of this process. But to assume that it is only economically motivated by money, fulfilling animal ends or violent pressure to compete morally with an enemy is underestimating the great power of human mental complexes and attachments to the psychological effects of caring. If this fact is where the sciences have left us (psychology for instance) then I see no other way we can succeed, we have to accept the reality that of what we are or can be in this respect and not seek detours through negation and flight-of-fancy. If this be mystical progress then that is an even better conquest than reality. People who do not understand this passion for genuine truth and progress can not deal with the complexity of it and are not good nihilists (they are either pessimists or fake neoliberals). Hence it is writ in law, whatever it is that is, has to be grounded in the facts first before it proceeds to leaps of faith outside their gravitational accretion and lawful boundaries. If I work for the law then I have to know all that, I have to know all the raw data and the statistics even for philosophers. Now, these are simple things, looking back, things that people use to be able to do in the early 90s that they are not able to do with credibility , however there was a very strong movement taking effect in 2013 that has not looked the same since 1996 or even decades before. Capitalism should be made synonymous with vacuous evil. Whenever intellectual writers speak critically of the nature and behaviour of "capital" and "capitalism"  it ought instead to be phrased as "vacuous evil. . .flows here there", "vacuous evil. . .by its very nature"  Lords of Chaos collectively manipulate the economies of the world with salient force and are like evil spirits that have to be evicted with magical talismans and spells, removed from the karmic matrix of reality. We know this demonic force behind the veils of taboo that manufactures stale slogans and monotonous order in the world. "Dry humour" is one of its traits. The West (America as a model of hopelessness) is absolutely hopeless. They have no sense of social or political balance, ruined by dehumanizing instant shake-and-bake economics of the cybernetic culture under the aegis of an ambitious, infantile Christian crusade against life, nature and human meaning. Sensibility lacking to such an extent that everything shines with an artificial, manufactured plastic gloss that's worse than the fakeness of 19th century ceclecticsm turning the photo op into an art form where real life is a charade of mannequins. But they had a thing going in the 90s for awhile with the Pope and that president Clinton, leadership around the world began to reach the requirements of a genuine effort to make the world better, filled with human achievements rather than slogans and empty dreams. This could not have been possible without a collective human effort to make rational self-government a part of the conservation principle and central to it (the environmental movement) -- but little takes effect anymore but the depressing realization that dwells deep within. Instantaneous shake-and-bake solutions and shake-and-bake ideological pondering, uncertainty prevails amidst the vastness of the market. There really is nothing here worth remaining, as we wait for some revitalization of change from the false hope of the corporate economy and all the syndicated, facile ambitions of  all these American animals, with all their dehumanizing 'action packed' madness confused for life or for caring about life (middle class values of life that are empirically mental notions or facile slogans). With all the fake dramatization by pseudo-analysts who construct talking points over Iran have no fundamental social or historical insight into the mechanism driving the disagreements in the middle east. The freedom of America is to spread its pandemoniac dramatization schemes through the televisual field which operates under the same mathematical principles as populism and linear economic programming. Think Tanks long ago realized the dimensional control of population schemes could be fabricated by marrying linear programming with strategic game theory developed for wartime planning. Ultimately the same logic is operant in warfare strategy as adapted linear economic programming (they only apply dynamic programs to economic free-markets which is dumb and hazardously unstable unlike when applied to conflict scenarios where dynamics actually feeds into economic mainframes that are not absolutely unilateral but as dynamic bilateral responses that are intrinsically nonlinear since they involve human intelligence and human relations.) The psychology of the planners is one of linear control, a random simulation fabricated for machines and adaptive filter systems that communicate in Boolean networks. The whole process of manufacturing propaganda is a thought-mode that relies on the same affect mimesis and psychology as film making adoptions of a screenplay where the American household as a speculative domestic concept is wired into the scheme of international dispute, power, hegemony and control -- watering down both processes of economic advance, and international relations is the chaotic measure of this zero-sum game -- Nash equilibrium is no longer even a reachable goal, like psycho-organic cures for capitalism and schizophrenia! Complexity has to be managed by those who understand it best, and the same is true of the Iran scenarios that the West invents and self-perpetuates. Besides complex debates, as modern dialectic, the elite of London and New York have their own official diplomacy to deal with the progressive Iranian historical process as it has been over the past 22 years. We have our own sophisticated multilingual diplomacy to actually asset Iran in its becoming amore modernized state. But the real problem if you want to know what is behind all this reality TV over the middle east crisis, it is not immediate power plays and domestic order masquerades. The truth is that other Middle Eastern countries like Israel and the UAE don't want to have another major competitor in the middle east. There is uncertainty over modernizing the region and what the effects in the middle east would look like in the near future for proximal states like Israel, over energy needs, technology, military and resources and not terrorism or Iran's posing an ideological or religious threat. Its a lot like giving power and other liberties to amateurs and more primitive political parties, do we as educated, self-conscious philosophers want to deal with the infantilization and downgrading of our own universe by letting middle-class mentalities to spread in a versatile democracy with much higher spiritual and social boundaries? Other middle eastern states don't want to be necessarily what they are (middle eastern states), they want to enjoy a more technological, more white, Western society which is not really their heritage (this is an American political-zionist ideological agenda and not an Israeli cultural movement going on). Jewish intellectuals in New York, a network of people who know the political history, the changing cultural geography and population background, agricultural history, social development, religious tapestry everything necessary to understand how to make a peaceful transition into the multiregional energy economy around Iran without the need for US intervention or war propaganda. But because of Western contamination and improper management of the sociocultural strata of these populations there are problems, there are outbursts even the CIA and Western military intelligence funds its own terrorist wing. The US government has comparatively a college level education on the middle east, it does not have interdisciplinary intelligence on the cultural, artistic or architectural dimensions of a people, the philosophy of human beings, psychology and so forth. Bureaucracy and departments enforce structures of separation in a poststructural educational climate where interdisciplinary findings that are necessary clues to establishing our ethos go unrecognized or repressed. Like noting psychological and cultural similarities between a geographically divergent culture that can mediate peaceful connections between them, or ecological ties like this group once lived among these trees before migrating north. Negative skepticism dismisses these out of a lack of faith in appearances even as it solidifies its fundamental attitude on everything apparent and illusory. Yondering blighters have no taste hence all they produce are error messages. So all this ass reaming misery over Iran is really the same -- the problem is lack of interdisciplinary leadership and multiregional analysis to bring about peaceful economic exchange between these places. Rather than bring what is there over here, that has no bilateral benefit any more than much smaller economies like North Korea contribute to mellowing out the West via military tactics. Its not like the Soviet economy was and the established intelligence in the Baltic and Eastern European countries that took decades. Russia is a vast terrain and a vaster economic power in the world that borders many nations, what do we get having arrayed ourselves to a small country in the north China sea? Most surviving the start of the cold war barely remember the Korean war. This begins to look like little children who bite the heads off chickens. All these glittery shined fascist nosed babies belong in the past. Tru!@p belongs in the past, even in the early 20th century the self-omnipresent overgrown toddler could not be a president. They're not even sane or rational people, they're an absolute sideshow vacuum filled with political meaning, its no different from having a political debate decide the fate of someone or something. Like dogs who react to smells and are unable to judge based on reasons, like why people get upset or angry, you get attacked for being angry over something justifiable since the animal has no recognition of cause and effect. But the reverse is common; they don't understand why so many hate America now! No wonder their families require such demonstrations of roles and domestic order which has to be aroused through figures and models, the rational instinct does not exist in those who lack foundational thinking as children that can figure out why things happen by reading a science book.  People who have no centre who do not function naturally! A chaotic sea pervades their unconscious where no middle ground or conceptual balance, let alone rational-coherent comprehension of cause and effect arises without a conflict. Without living out the demonstrations and voicing ideology, drama and pandemonia, disassociative minds who wont abide in their normal realms have to polish their noses and cheeks like Polish dolls for the cameras. Such hollow shelled heads do not produce images from descriptions, cannot get a whiff of a hint or a clue, everything has to hit them in the face, everything has to result in frontal exposure and calamity before the smell is absorbed past their infinite self-absorption. The majority cannot self-govern and to a large extent this is because they lack the education to do so, this is why a democratically elected government is the only process that works at all, at least in the West -- democratic momentum, public self-organizational processes all result in failure as do the reigning proxy republics that they operate under because the majority cannot mobilize collectively anything democratically meaningful that is of relevance to the global economy, to the uniformity of the world as it exists today, the best they can do is revisit the small rallies of small nation-states in the context of the past. Without a plan, without the advanced technological and media machinery of an international regime at its disposal, the people as such cannot independently make their message heard nor revolutionize the economy without the expertise and know-how of a democratically elected leadership structure; they cant build a liberated "objectively valid" republic out of it. It all falls to excess and facile over accumulation of data. You cant REALIZE a republic as an objective system of democratically liberated reality i.e., the way chemistry of a psychedelic can realize a holy spiritual experience. You cant make the playing field anything more than a game, a dull distraction, a vortex of ingoing energy that diffuses knowledge as a system of deterrence from all attractive laws. Until the state of the world is a realized totality what does this game of antics have to offer the contemporary achievement of the world. Big oil is terrorism and terrorism is big oil, they're grammatically indistinct entities. Without individual knowledge or academic training on disparate subjects how can efficiency in one field handle another quasi-related or individual field? Modal logic or modal ethics is not biology or agriculture, if it has anything to contribute to the latter or vice-versa then it requires two degrees of experience to realize the connection. They (are) existentially pathological scumbags and that's it, hyper-ambitious ninnies who are unable to appeal whatsoever to the modern world and state of mind pertinent to today, as much as domesticated animals (dogs) who cannot balance their instincts in the wild with the demands of a rational being -- since they have had their wild primordial essence domesticated into a cheap robotic program and have not adapted to mediating the repressed, wild sensibility for nature with being reasonable and adapting to social structures. There use to be intelligence in media, now the entire manner in which events are reported is like the chirping of herds of locus; a cicada horde just like the bullish (or bullshit) markets! It boils down to artistic sensibility and the rights of human conscience that are something unknown to the patriotic Robocop Godkillers who are there to exploit the misunderstanding of words. The real efforts of artists who have deep dreams, minds who see far more than what any ambitious citizen is capable, wherever there is cultural will to grasp the essence. But this essence is lost in time, it is endangered by its mathematical assimilation to speculative shake-and-bake graphic illustration and calculative design which has no immediate echo in the historical roots of ideas and hence lacks the attribute of feeling and deep dreams, dreams which reveal themselves whenever poor and disenfranchised artists shed their tears to the hopeless machinations of capitalism; something the patriotic me-me ambitions of a Robo-capitalist has no basic grasp. Real life and the biological memory of real life feeling they are vastly empty. Digital vampires of the industry have no place in todays world; whatever it is from the expansion of neoliberal capital and the whole market system of idealized values is unbearable. This Disneyification of reality and reality TV of humanity, human conceptual truth, even such circumscriptive political terms as "God" is unbearable. The mass market is unbearable. 
The totality of cultural phenomena extended throughout the latitudes of the world geographic system are historically irreducible to the sociological or material interactions of linguistic and economic development even though to a large extent they can be explained and can be predicated on certain statistical and mathematical formulae. Symmetry in mathematical structures contain irreducible elements, such as interrelationships between classes of organized units that are known through their antisymmetric relations which is common in group theory. Group theory applied to classes or groups of people, social models or esp., analytical mythography will show the symmetric and antisymmetric symbolism in distinct geographic groups. Myths contain antisymmetrical elements with the same significations, symbolism and co-present with them the interpretation of dreams, which can be varied but share the same content one way or the other in common. Therefore human mythogeny is irreducible to the schemes of decomposable elements which are found in symmetry classes, they are by definition indecomposable connections that cannot be explained by as simple explanations as most experts would like including the Egyptian pyramids and other phenomena that seem to hard to believe. To explain the similarities of different cultural groups, Jung found that the collective unconscious could provide the proper tie in between archetypes that are universal across latitudes of the globe. These are understood in terms of collective mental development of the human unconscious, a theory that fits well with most of the philosophy of cultural anthropologists. Its unfortunate that the tipping point of the radical believers and the radical skeptics today has lost the rigour of prior generations who were more faithful to a tradition of interpreting phenomena in ways that recognize the inexplicable predicate of relative objectivity i.e., which says that as a whole none of the phenomena are entirely explainable nor entirely unexplainable when compared thoroughly and accounted with a full range of statistical studies. Even in the most Occam skeptical view we at the least have to accept the basic improbability of life, of human existence, and the coming into being of matter from nothing. If we can accept the most basic assumption that of the inexplicable emergence of form, we ought to be able to stretch our minds with even simpler assumptions as visitation of life from elsewhere in one form or another.  The ancient alien hypothesis tries to provide a kind of causal description of how life might have emerged from elsewhere, it could even be rendered collectively as a way explain our own psychic development into material form. In the past people were accustomed to thinking more this way. Jung, Freud, Husserl and many others were practicing atheists in their work but held to the traditions of their youth which ingrained a sense of belief in which faith in what they were doing and how to go about it could be expressed, like how one builds character from interactions with his teachers and students, his environment and so forth. Past people although more naive about their origins and their place in the universe were impressionable at least strongly by their proximity to nature and the natural world.  Past people were not a disorderly mess, they were not programmed to behave in rude or inconsiderate ways like todays people are; this goes along with how most cultures and civilizations defined their working class before it became a privilege. This is not as much a fact expressed in more structurally regimented societies with a normative agenda, but the most primordially self-conscious and environmentally conditioned cultures with empathic self-awareness as a necessity of group survival i.e., primitive societies were more harmoniously in tune with their 'gut instincts' such that speaking in a members face during or just after a meal naturally once met with a grunt and a smacking reflex. From this basic series of traits human groupings became acquainted to what was normal given the environmental physiology, such that rudeness was not in need of being morally condemned or outlawed.  One thing that's even more rude and bordering on cruel is forcing societies to relearn these taken-for-granted vectors of consideration. Civilized people were not so shell-shocked by hyper-technologies either, being wired to a corporate mainframe of anachronistic, homogenous responses like tribal populations who can order their sickness in one discordant political party, corporation or value system they wish without the need for critical or even instinctive variations. On the other hand versatile, robust cultures never experienced this kind of chaotic homogenization of their democracy into the privileged corporate index of big brand names with their domestic propaganda of dehumanization. Not only were simpler societies more modern than todays populace of Americanized, capitalized slaves and robots, but the organized, monolithic, monotheistic civilizations in the Near and Far East from Mesopotamia to India were not at all structured the way modern political speculation suggests. In fact there would be very little difference today between the second Temple period, ancient Sumeria, Egyptian, Phoenician, Brahmani class and Japanese royalty and what you think of when you look at shamanic societies. This is the funny irony, that most organized deified civilization up to early Rome and the early Christian church were not much more polarized from the natural world and the thinking of magicians and madmen as we like to speculate. Even ancient Rome was built around a spiritual cult, a circle of wise archons who took as their guidance the ancient Greek philosophers and Agars who could predict the fates. Shamanism more or less stayed with the advancements of civilization and high technology in order to maintain the balance and symmetry of natural order and wisdom in the human world. Not until the late middle ages did this really start to turn and a process of exploitation really become apparent in major governments. I'm not a republican and im not a fucking Christian either! This can be proven quite easily 1. I wannest raised conservative or in a Christian home, I was exposed to the Witness religion 2) From this exposure by age four I understood that there was a different dogmatic concept ; a separate group of people who did not worship God as Noah or the bearded old man who is suppose to be a universal mind all around space and time, but their concept of deity was the baby Jesus in the stable (a concept first received as peculiar to a four year old such as myself seemed to be akin to vulgarized expressions of the body and human idol worship of naked children 3) I have thousands of books, and not one book is a Christian book, I have many books on catholic-related subjects, alchemy, angel magic, Kabbalah, Taoism, Buddhism, anything interesting and with direct implications this and that but not one such thing of Christian dogmatics is worth a penny to me worth wasting, I have no fundamental existential comprehension of dogmatic Christiandom outside neo-platonic philosophy perhaps and only as an interpreted tradition that has been grossly misinterpreted and culturally diluted for centuries, I from a very early age could not listen to dogmatic teachings and figured out that teeth do not fall out because of the tooth ferry among other scientific world views from botany to chemistry since I was two years of age, an immediate childhood aversion to preachy evangelicals on TV in the early 80s or to do with American foundations and uncritical thinking was immediate for me. As a cultural phenomenon of a lost moral society in America obviously there are those who are true or better Christians or those who know what it means and those who do not and for those few groups wait the day of a church revolution or some spiritual change in the mass consciousness but I do not belong to this anthropological stratum of history and habitual anthropomorphism and anthropocentrism, plus there no revolution going on with it all within moral church organizations or something that might have real world implications. Im none of those things and when I have to be exposed to such things outside their respective and tolerated domains I feel honestly nauseous like someone who has to do redundant stale math homework in a classroom. My living experience has been been such that I find them to be selfish, self-absorbed pests and have not met one who was not a pest in automatic mode ready to exploit and misread words like "no" even those who do not identify as such use their identity as an unconscious motive to reject reason or to exploit as a psychological excuse they become those wounded like Jesus when they find their wills and desires do not fit the law, physics, reason and reality. This attitude has no place in the real world, in what we call "society" which tries to foster a moral culture. And its not like people who are smart or reasonable, who have room for it in their lives. Their verbal and unconscious exploits float like the spirit of vampires, I hate to use this analogy which has become so common nowadays but vampirism is what I think of, mosquitos and pests. Its not like in the past when there were some speakers that might have been kinda interesting, now it all stinks like a bad syndication of shit, pests make themselves relevant to the attention of their critics and that's a vacuity that drags on all of us, and worstly there is no coherent association between all theological beliefs that worship a "C" as their deity and there is no concomitant link, complex or network which connects all faiths who consider "C" as their personal deity. Chaining together ties that have no structural link to each other and manifesting all the horrid side effects. "Are you a C, do you pray to a C, ok over in this line over here were starting a syndicated cult and a malignant political class to water down the world with" "were you raised a C, was your grandparents a C, it doesn't matter here if your black, white, yellow or red if you have links to C we want to capital C "capitalize" on you, are you a convert? a spiritual adventurer, a southerner, Adventist, you might be eligible for our roundup of the C world, the words the same the gods the same letter that works in scrabble games too, can I make a buck off it please, and theres plenty of non-Cs here too, plenty of theocrats who just want your blood for oil! In fact without the word C we probably aren't even Cs! Oh its not, but wait your telling me its 'god' right? Your telling me Buddha or theres a way I can get my pie-hands in the Tao ; is that a C being suggested with the Tao or Big Bang baryons where I can add my poisonous cents to it? During the cold war when we had these more dynamic democracies folks hung out in their respective realms and interacted within the accepted range of influence across many realms, now because of propaganda and ideological-political idealisms we have all this disarrayed cultural and social entropy resulting from the negative spread of systems where people have lost their more basic constitutional liberty which is partly due to hyper-polarization as a conceptual form of class struggle. Social constructs and revolutions do not manifest and ideological boxes have cropped up containing all sorts of hollow talk and empty exchange. Instead of inquiring how to open up the experience and the work of making good with time, folks toil in their methodological civil war mode, a kind of info-war launched on words and the unity of the state that follows its own subjective definitions and interpretation like one does in a dream! Under any other conditions this behaviour would be illegal. Being objective, virtuous, being right or being justified is not the goal in this info-war of civil engagement anymore than it is in any sporting event, the events could all be manufactured like they are in some cases and even the truth itself can be a commodity of speculation which in the professional world is a dangerous misassociation and malappropriation of reality.   

Death is Not Enough: Symbolic Exchange in an Age of Hyper-Neocapitalism and Evil 

Symbolic value of human life or why the Revolution Takes on the Guise it Does and why it often fails. May 68 and the mythical consciousness of the union. Contaminated by the aesthetics of folk nationalism, the global culture is sublimated under the sign of global capitalism and ceases to be anything more than a demonstration of meticulous ventriloquist artforms -- the actual expressions of the struggle and the reality of oppressive dialectics is censored from the 'reality TV' of allowable silence and mundaneness. Prohibition silences the natural responses and voice of struggle the same way it prohibits race and diversity with its ideology of ultra-hygienic consciousness where only the sweat of fascist swine and the sterilized impotency of capital are considered an appropriate currency for obsessional market values. But your not 'people' your just high-strung, hyper-ambitious, bad-acting whorish scumbags, a piece of 'market' that has to alter its wardrobe of investiture so it can deceive the world that he's someone at all, and not a human being surely with a natural reflective agent. These crib dummies smile for the camera like they still have the brain of a five year old child inside and as such they come off as maniacal looking, psychologically undeveloped or unaccustomed to the normal temperatures of life. Most normal adults stop indulging in heat stroke once they reach full manhood which is probably why sun bathing can be hazardous in the elderly. Children experiment with sun bathing and hot showers but as maturity develops this tends to go away. We have a higher tendency to experience hot temperatures as a comfort but are much more able to cope with cold weather than brutally annoying and irritating heat. As long as the cold is not chattering, a shivering coldness is more easily tolerated than a sweltering hot day or hot shower. We seek the cold to relieve the heat and we seek the heat to indulge the relief from coldness. This is our warm bloodedness as mammals showing itself, human inner body temperature being about 90 to 100 degrees is an adaption acquired from millions of years thriving in freezing wilderness. Only cold blooded reptiles like bathing for hours in irritating heat because its less scorching to them. As children we notice the relaxing effects of the sun and of hot baths but as we mature this phase only adds to our stress and why would a internally warm mammal keep to childhood habits and deny the warming of the planet, its our hunter-gatherer instinct to dislike global warming! Humans and most mammals seek a cooler moderate temperature, the only reason they migrate south or seek heat is for agriculture, food, tropical abundance -- a human adjusts to the warmth but since earliest migrations of humans from Africa, Siberia and China the planet has slowly heated up. Only plants, fruit and other agricultural products bring humans to warmer latitudes. Today, most enjoy cooler environments especially in hyper-modernized cities, they do not seek a hot sweltering concrete torrent of noise and chaos. Under specific conditions, humans use their intelligence to correct the nuisances and the chaotic, discordant things that bother them. In the future we wont take many things from our past as kindly, they will not gel with the technological, social and ecological dynamics of the future. It is the same now, in the 60s certain kinds of human behaviour was normal to the economies of those times but the entire world was in a different state, it was the past. Today the same behaviour produces an entropy, a disharmony like when you use an old refill for a new cartridge and it blows up in your face. Saying we will just undo progress and destroy all our modern conveniences is just as retarded as thinking that the gold old days were only a result of some monotheistic devotion or the dominant white world or some other spurious ideological assertion. Things aren't hunky dory anymore, im not waiting for things to fix themselves, its either get with the times or goodbye! 

Making a universal analogy to the division in the history of government, I use the fish tank that contains both tropical fishes and deadly piranhas as liberty-favouring majorities and more rusty conservative groups. The latter may represent a lost principle like the failure of praxis in dialectical economy. The former flourish on the top section of the tankard the piranhas swim bellow beneath a fine steel mesh that shares the same water but prevents them from devouring the tropical fish above. Now, in aquaculture the ideal conditions are to allow the piranhas enough versatility and freedom that they consume what falls bellow and thus provide the fish above with nitrates and excreted materials -- this strategic use of a natural enemy is known in bioecology and technology to have symbiotic potential for benefiting the ecosystem, Its the same with the political economy in the West and East. However if I remove this steel mesh I interfere with the allowable structure and the fish who are meant live end up suffering because the pirañas start eating them bit by bit. When you look at the Russia situation during the cold war you didn't have this problem because the Soviets were either lodged in the country as spies or agents or as a dispersive mafia which gave perspective like the economic and moral race for space, for arms and for GDP. Fromm afar there is no doubt the Soviet engagement, although often subtle, benefited the solidarity of liberal countries -- which is not the same as installing a communist, quasi-fascist or a dictator as someone with antediluvian views into a structural government hierarchy where damage can be influenced directly. 

The sin and evil of America comes to us by means of that countries popular moral dividend, which is its primitive and decontextualized experience of economic representation and value. Only primitives and automated machinery make the most fundamental error of confusing entire domains of reality and intellectual use value, for instance, when political concerns interfere with practical necessities and the functions of rational government. This onslaught of conceptual errors has been consistent with the pre-modern and modern history of European civilization and continues on living out its drama in American economic society. Five or six centuries of development both intellectual and spiritual have led to a balanced understanding of how to proceed logistically without having to misuse or miscalculate the dimensions of an application. America like other primitive mentalities in third world cultures is psychologically animistic or panpsychic in its approach to epistemological determinability -- it confuses the domain of affect for the causal nexus of events, for instance, that lead into so many sufferable heresies for the rest of rational mankind that has no problem balancing huge superstructures and reasoning beyond the bounds of classical reason -- it is only because that nationally obsessed character of America still thinks in terms of subject and object displacement, the ground for the sky, the air for the breathe, the personality for the person, the people for the land, the science of politics for the politics of science and so forth. And like confused and primitive infants, Americas middle-class continuously drags the rest of the world into the oil-field of watered-down and miserable contaminants that give the whole country a terrible reputation for representing any kind of human principle. Sin first and foremost is associated to this erroneous will missing the bearings which are so crucial to survival in a practical, real and rational world. It is so bad that even in old Europe reason became a cult, reason was turned on its head and became virtualized, irrational mathesis in the calculation of objectivities which nobody for the longest time ever bothered to find a way of explaining the difference between logocentric calculations based on math and logic and the loss of generality, and sometimes the loss of accuracy, that can result in many instances of formalization of objective laws. There is for instance the Godel incompleteness theorem which reveals the limitations of defining all mathematical calculi on the basis of propositional logic. The same goes for physical dynamics and processes which can be predicated and predicted with symbols and formulae, or all totalitarian efforts to conceal an absolute sum into a model of reality or a game of the world. Once systems lose their intrinsic dynamics they can no longer define themselves for what they purport themselves to be, the same way a photograph without a negative cannot be developed, the lack of development is in no way able to evade this problem later by overexposure or through deliberated growth. All these tactical measures of avoidance lead only to isolation and incubation of potential growth until expansion reverses its trajectory from the pressure gradient created by local thermal disequilibrium. A temporal order of information and thermophysical dynamics exists between long periodic dispersions of energy, of metabolization and
Like Trans-Hitler, or Clarified-Stalin every machination of neoconservatives and neoliberals is vomit-worthy to the point of being indistinguishable in the way it dehumanizes. The whole entire corporate-capitalist infrastructure is virtual suicide. They ought instead to give the moral authority over to the revolution, but they never do unless their's a war or people are visibly starving. Revolution without the will of anarchy, or anarchy without the will of art, is primitive as America and hence reflects the depravity of philosophy, as Helvetius tried to indicate the disproportion among those uprisings that were merely aimed at an archetypal enemy which no longer existed in economic or social terms, in today's world it is the financial or political groups that organize the protests, it is the walk-on board member who materialize out of the vacuum, the pseudo-official who takes on the likeness of a bygone era, the PR reps who pose as figures of neoclassical malady and discontent script their notes in the culture industry, such that the struggles of today are more or less events that have been digitized, converted into stagecraft, into a dope scene of crooked henchmen and overly typical melodramas from the tabloid, soap opera and national registries still life's and dress rehearsals for playing paddle ball without gloves or prepared speeches, when everything turns grey like nanoparticle replicants, and the need to manage communication has no need for planning the living act is as instant as fiberoptic transmissions. What Deleuze and Guattari tried to get their audience to understand was that today everything occurs or is established through being processed, backward or in reverse usually, from where input has an output response after it is processed by the state machine or the institutions of bureaucracy etc. there are here no modern Freudian relations linking together various complexes in social space, such as classical Oedipus or fixation in capitalist economies, they all enter the stage of post-classical dynamics within the unconscious processor, the rigidly free ground of which is groundless and domain independent such as hypnosis for the private clinic, intimation of body-consciousness for a child or an adult is as projective as the imagery in a analysts repertoire for returning a patient to a past event, trauma thus floats like air-particles which we breathe through the air supply of consumer free markets and social media, and the classical Hegelian or Spinozan references for inner and outer mental space have been lost to signified epistemologies -- all this horror could be avoided with the right ecological policy rather than a transfusion of fixed relations to the corporate monopoly of speculative devices -- Thus everything hoped for, desired, reflected upon, and practically implemented in all earnest effort ends up being displassively managed through the enunciation of processes wherein what is implied by information is reduced to its symbolic or transactional value, empirical facts and consensus of meaning is processed as something else and not necessarily relative to the content, the rational hierarchy of administrative powers working behind the scenes is lost to PR management and role playing straw man arguments. The organic unconscious as something belonging to an acquiescent living continuum of histories is replaced by its operational functions in the digital unconscious of collectives and business acolytes, yet its effects are still visible exceeding anything modern neurosis could indicate, the facts of unconscious processing leave no trace of conscious self representation so that their are symptoms and a transcendence of symptoms, emotions become artificial act signifiers, what remains is the irrationality of the symptom, the desireless wish, the cruel facade of the cultural rule, the speculation that does not inform itself through self-reflection but calculates instead all its associative variations upon a theme. A virtual dissimulation of real events takes place merely as this dissimulation, granting itself the status of a living moment proximal to reality, or to human concern. An adjunct term, logic had to be supplemented with the word 'intuitionistic' just to express what the rest of philosophy calls 'reason' and probability theory calls the 'ratio' or 'relative frequency' of an event. Thus, based on the ratio, the reason, the relative frequency of events we arrive at more appropriate conclusions -- by following intuition, which unleashes the power of reasoning to locate patterns in the most elaborate and complicated situations, we get beyond where formal logical knowledge and programmed guidelines are forever limited. Most frequently for instance, the emerge reception of what constitutes a rational statement is judged based on the logical grammar, or it is felt by the hearer to be a statement redeemed by its seeming use of proper sentence structure, verbal composition etc., and not on wether what it says actually corresponds to rational states of affairs or objectivities in the real world. This too is a judgement secured on purely logocentric interests or a logocentered argument judged solely on the level of logical appeal. It is always possible for anybody to form a sweeping argument and overturn a case, to concur with a majority that goes entirely against all sound judgement and decency. In the latter instances, it shows just how prone the human neocortex is to linguistic programming and how integrally connected the linguistic segments of consciousness are to other vital neurophysiological and perception aspects that inform human judgement and or decision making. One of the necessary illusions in this process is how we form democratic society and one which requires the creation and maintenance of public consciousness through its meticulous alteration is neurolinguistic programming in media which has become the backbone of social technocracy today. At the moment we stop thinking as a society is the moment we engage in habitual opinion, in manufacturing consent, politicking and repeating phrases or borrowed catchwords which others have prepared. This is the endangerment of thought in monetary culture and the general anaesthesia inducing a watered down state for the masses to consume. An impulsive trait of consumer society which has become overly reliant on the providers of service based occupations and technologies is at ease with having machines or think tanks or homogenous institutions think for them. These become like circular organized discourses for random decision failure, projection and control of speculation. 
Human civilizational history is marked by two or a triplex of cultural, social and technological developments; one, represented by Russia and America are relatively late adventurist societies concerned with pioneering new notions of freedom and economic empire, the other by China, Japan and Europe are marked by a long history of revolutionary advancements in wisdom, the arts and scientific exploration that define high civilization. With the rise of America and to some extent the Soviet empire, we have witnessed fourteen decades of rapid global technological hegemony on the part of their industrialization of capital modelled on European standards of commercial enterprise emerging primarily from international trade and the free market. In many ways this has not always been a painless nor simple revolution and the need to educate new minds and new civil states has its own inherent drawbacks for the rest of civilization. For centuries the French, the Germans, English and Spanish have provided the world with needless intellectual aid and prioritization of their future through the stages of liberal expansion, through the tools and knowledge of their high culture onto less defined states of artistic and ethical expression. It is this interactivity that endangers all civilization because not only does it rapidly effect more primitive communities with foreign concepts of symbolization and freedom, it imports this primitivity to its own society (not by foreign immigration) but by imposing regimes internationally that impede the standards of freedom peculiar to advanced communist or democratic governments that have no need for procedural followings. Alienation is a common symptom of this unnatural exchange, the primitive exceeds our capacity to form stable alliances and create pristine social, artistic and educational movements. Civilization as a historical human process must abolish the primitive habitual and totemic-domestic drives both symbolic and libidinal that foster national homogeneity and the linear repetition of the state. Everywhere the toils of men threaten to undermine the rational and ethical solidity of the people and the will of revolution that establishes the integrity of human existence in correspondence with natural laws and the principle of reason expressed through creative processes and art. The same can be said for the monetary and trade powers emanating out of Hong Kong, Beijing or Tokyo. Each of these groups are historically known to think and act in different ways based on primary philosophical, cultural and religious values pertinent to their dynamic development over time and the integral relationships that they employ into larger more sophisticated processes both social and technical. To some extent language and custom plays a significant role in how these cultural systems organize and express themselves in the symbolic order of today. 
US made products dont comply with same standards why? Everything modernly standardized is made in China while a vast enterprise of manufactured goods today (made in America goods) do not meet the standards of America (what hypocrisy). So people prefer US products, made in countries that are less postmodern, by more simple straightforward engineering staff whose protocols are less complicated by the social issues of the US unipolar and bipartisan feudal psychology, or uncontaminated by those untested and irrational trends in the US market of the past two decades or more. Since we regulate our consumer products and staff in countries like Taiwan and other Asian plants in accordance with those standards established in America 30-100 years ago which that countries economy now relies upon as a status quo that it defensibly proclaims a superficial allegiance through various groundless ad hominem positions. The disasters of reversing cause for effect that can so often backfire are known throughout history when the world order is uprooted under the suspicions and neurotic false sentiments of a demagogic popular trend. Such suspicions are the product of a kind of national narrative composed of many unthoroughly accounted for facts or reasons which reactionary publics generalize into spiritual or projected landscapes founded on moral attributes that do not in the end check out in the world of physical or quantifiable truths. Some arm themselves with grammar and mistaken clauses, misapprehending rhetorical statements and prima fascie propositional truths for just causes or reasons for a particular action such as ad hominem attacks against climate change which are irrelevant to the collective necessity of having to manage it by spreading awareness and cutting back on emissions (the same can be said about the human population which nonetheless are an arbitrarily expanding numerical pandemic to responsible humanity and the natural environment). So wether or not mankind takes immediate responsibility by recognizing this probability curve in a neurological sense and adopts an attitude of relative self-resposibility for the 'planet' and his own 'existence' is partly dependent on his core values which are either a retraction from speculating about the whole and harbouring destructive ideology, outlooks or potentials totally disempathic and selfishly focussed  harmful to the so-called 'majority'. That is the underlying spiritual logic of the argument that those who simply take a hardline against those fundamental positions of science of the environment and of history and mankind himself as an object of rational consciousness are missing the mark, missing the immediate 'normal' response to what factual numbers analytically indicate, thus it is like the Pavlovian bell and the dog that speculates upon what he hears failing to salivate for his food, everyone else regardless of critical knowledge and alternative opinions gravitate to the moral majority standard opinion on such issues because they think in terms of statistics, watch the nature channel on a TV set, own books or CD players about such things relevant to the 'world'. The fundamental philosophical and scientific underpinnings follow reason and those who hold a hardline ultraright viewpoint throughout their lives seem to be missing the point that it becomes like psychological denial. It reveals a fundamental and striking disconcert for other human beings, for humanity in general and for the moral majority, a sense of universal ethical conscience is theoretically apposed and not always for reasons that are self-accountable or have a circumstantial origin. It should be considered healthy that all people traverse the antipodes of this or that outlook, even of reason and the mass rational social enterprise especially, but must learn not to miss the overarching contexts of being in a particular mode of thought when doing so or holding such views and not simply trying to undermine the basic philosophic or just foundations of human civil laws or recognition for what is real, what is pain or pleasure. By aiding one extremely divergent political belief rather than accepting the beneficent gravity of mankinds ethical and social progress (science for example) hardliners cannot help mend the neutrality, the transparency, and loss of moral substance, solidarity and quality that haunts us like a ghost. It is like telling the Other in the flow of these variables that one must accept the rightness of pain instead of being on an anaesthetic -- how can a drug therapist wean a patient off cocaine and put them on a natural diet when the said drug therapist is an industrial capitalist or a hell-fire preacher who rejects modern medicine and scientific progress. Not that the examples are always so extreme or that denial is so polar, the static vibe is permeable to reason that people today have not found the connective glue that once bridged communication and acceptance. It is more like a network without bridges, without a medium where others say, I am this but I know that is also all true as well and I want to add this or that to what your saying because I have been there myself. Rather than forming those connectives it is like people are involved in a staged feud, a false flag, an intentional effort to create disequilibrium and stasis by avoiding the universal which we keep forgetting in the nebulous abyss of personal narratives and bad acting.  
Like a team of robots, zyip zyip bwip bwip and they just spit up errors and misconceptions and that's it. They've never been able to make sound judgements, they've never been able to grasp to intrinsic meaning of anything, they just see the world through their inexperienced, misinformed, simpleton eyes as all less-than-average folky middle-class people and cannot be allowed to make decisions, period, end of story, thats really all she fucking wrote. They're just mis-associating idiots, it is pointless to employ them, they're like toddlers with bloated, buzzy robot brains that cant think straight at all, all they understand is what they're trained to know and do and cannot ever grasp common conceptions of the world shared by the inquisitive class. EVerywhere there are boogers on the walls, on empty space where relative specific grasping is suppose to be, and they're full of crazy pent up neurotic lava bursts rather than settled and rationally founded in the normal statistical spread the rest of us immediately understand. Such people are good for running soap operas about occupational roll play, they cannot function in dealing with events minus their lapdog training criteria. Ruled by typical toddler egocentric panic-alert mind sets, what the hell can you expect to accomplish with a mentality so graded and putrified that the common everyday expressions and meanings of things do not find their normal associations and distribution functions. The whole social network of population agents is improperly distributed. Such an animal is having always to receive neurolinguistic programming for the most banal mental tasks where the brain is sleeping, running verbal programs, unable to wake up to the cultured sense of anything the way enlightened rational humans operate. Never has one of their speculations turned out to be the cause, the reason or the intention, they're useless as psychologists, as analysts of data, as anything beyond role play and TV personality projection. Their morally depreciable, all this makes them morally a hazard to humanity, especially their ideological "if", "or", "therefore" of what and why dogmas about our lessons, spiritual purpose and 'training" concerns nothing less than trivia. These trivial concepts of calculated moral dogma they put into practices that threaten our common sensibility of how to actually deal in the day to day with real life situations that demand our moral certitude and when someone is not presenting the facts to them in a comprehensive, authoritative step-by-step manner they revert back to the vacuum of behaving as empty blobs of informatic desorption and reflecting the negative space of energy with what they assert to be the this or that system of belief. A negative tensorial array of deflected entropy then circles wherever they gaze off in their empty heads to ponder the empty void where information and grounded values are decompiled as if the brain has no inborn learning algorithms or fuzzy-compartmental logic for dealing with the categories of reality. Ignorant people imagine themselves to be privileged to knowing this without ever securing any valid record of their capacity to engage in coherent, consensus dialogue, in other words the capacity to elicit confirmations of shared understanding with others, higher ups and more experienced people on matters that are more involved than what a twelve year old mind's life experience limits them from relating to. People of Trump's typology cannot score high in those kinds of situations that demand global context understanding for instance, like when you go to meet with the head of the energy department and have some private knowledge about fusion machines and their construction history at certain sites and bring up the location where a film was made about the construction of a dam and recall the names of the workers who helped design it and so on. This is how all great business people operate. It reveals important information and especially how one is able to deal inn the absolute condition when one cannot use simple strategies, feigning or negotiation tactics to try to impress others with make believe showman tricks, it requires psychic connection and a grasping of the things that inspire people in order to reach that kind of consensus.  A six year old child who possesses a highly cogent mind can read a set of architectural books and discuss notable or the key abstracts from the book with adult architects who planned the expose. When people are conscious of the subtle tones and variations that give things their specific meaning it is much more effective than simply mentioning topical data. Expertise cannot endow this natural capacity, this is why, it works in all fields with all areas of profession so that you know who the thinkers are, the one's who are actually competent and able to fulfill the standard positions of a manager, an administrator, a professor, teacher and organization director. They all have to be universalized intellects not just well trained or talented people with a skill or an idea. All genius in the 20th century and before were this way, they all conversed with each other on many fields and understood how to interpret knowledge on numerous planes of discourse. A trained cog in a system cannot be expected to deal with any novel situation or data because they always need their guide, their training manual limits their programming of what they can deal with. Whereas an Einstein or even just a brilliant person can immediately handle such things and know how to interpret. This requires intuition and a deeper inquiry into the moment that reconsiders each instant and goes over things rigorously, a looking in and in to things further past the surface, beyond the language and the representations given to us by cultural and social programming. A child must be able to operate language without confusing words for things so that he can question the truth of things, to pick up on their subtle contours and associations through time, an additional task which those verbally indulgent folk cannot separate themselves. Trump is a media spectacle whose very existence deliberately attempts to trivialize the political to the point of extending himself, his image, especially his name as branding his image, into a hive phenomena, a virtual swarm that replaces the individual significance of what he is or what he actually does. This potency of the banner "T.R.U.M.P." was already a singular property of what Trump signifies since before he was a political topic, his emergence into a political icon is only a more advanced stage of his self-branding. What all this Trumping about represents to the public eye is product fetishism, showmanship, the characteristics of free-enterprise which is to sit into a suite made for some other role. Trump's obtuseness is his defining feature as a symbol, he is a symbol of all the expansive economic grotesquities of Americas capitalist repertoire through modem history. Hence he does not need to say anything or be coherent, to have the desired effect which to destabilize public intelligence and masquerading as providing a salient solution to public discontent in the media. He blasts media only because his image fits into its operational scheme as a mutation of social trends which have little or no structural basis in reality. These come about through cyber struggles rather than real struggles. On the flip side of this Trump coin is the face of psychology and the mirror of production, transaction and collective analysis.  Perhaps he was already in the bleachers, in the wake of the elections as someone who received a call, a message, a sign a dream from beyond that told him to say these things and do these things. Psychology is the realistic foundation here, it really can be best approached from the perspective of psychology particularly theories of mental development offered by Adler and Freud. The psychologies of capitalism and this entire process of projecting branded personality is misunderstood for the real world, for some magical enterprise which has its multifarious roots in a history of capitalism and a history of classical neoliberal economies in the West particularly America. The error consumers of the media picture show and of fetish productive identity seem to repeat is the place and the scene of childhoods end when it comes to late capitalist circus. Trump's nearly bipolar anathema projects itself with an Id-like monstrosity almost acting itself out with an affective psychology that mocks all its opposition and itself. But this unconscious tactic to embrace all analytical domains is not just in the libidinal instincts of monopoly capitalists when psychosexual enhancement fails to effectively liberate its genetic structure early, it is in the very ideation of mythical drama and the spectacle to enact these parades of power and unified message of the state. It is something so simple that today it goes amiss because we are use to existing in a technical society where all knowledge has been categorized and a decline in certainty makes this even more apparent with attempts to keep alive an ideological motif to represent the function of political economy. Ideology tries to be relevant in a time when facts are laid to least certainty, that is, we have witnessed an upsurge of dangerous ideological revivals that seem to keep themselves hovering in the mass deception of a cultural-moral decline that aids this confusion, this psychic anathema afflicting the nation which has broken itself off from radical social change, revolution and integration into the new age of fiction, science, spiritual philosophies, film and radical liberation. Instead an economic liberation exceeds the capacities of man and the planet. We must analyze and compare this political and social phenomena of political ideology and the neoclassical market economy as something as strange and out-of-time as Uncle Sam flyers, the George Sorros protests or something as iconic as Anonymous.  As funny as that sounds I really think that it can help to see that this is where its existential and metaphysical status resides. Trying to critique Trump for his obvious incompetence, incomprehension or intelligible policy, decision making or personal integrity only feeds the illusion that he is not already more than what he pretends to be, that he should be in any way tolerated props up a fatal assumption of the grounds upon which our everyday assumptions must rest. Something is floating a worse and more fault speculation and that is Trump's brain, his unpopularity regardless spreads undesirable animus and social illusions of the body, personifying the fears and anxieties of the unconscious into physical affective symbols. But it is this circus parading on television that is a symptom that comes with the brand, the signature of Trump's towers, hotels, colognes and what have you. Whatever primary mythical psychology or child narrative that fuelled Trumps initial success in the 70s and 80s has in some proportion been lost or replaced by new self-mythologies, like the centaur or heroic self-archetype of the spirit that impassions the will of a child fades away into the realization that one loses one's spectacle. The effect of fashion and wealth around the world fires up the perception of the Self in the hidden unconscious language of alchemy. At this stage Trump knew some part of himself as parading the stage of wealth and fame with magical confidence until some financial myth compelled him to become increasingly bossy and authoritarian. See, Trump was like one of these young ballers who underwent a psychological shift over something, money or a marriage or love affair, and the typical behind the scenes entourage of private personnel and cliques formed as Trump sank into desperation and sought out corporate and political power. No im sure this never happened overnight, there were meetings there were tutorings with higher ups and managers. The key here is that he doesn't belong there in that stage role, and that is part of the effect, in fact that is the main effect that if it had been another epoch of our political history or another Trump the residual reply of audiovisual tactility and media acclimation of his image would not be withstanding to what they're trying to achieve this way. In his talk show days you don't see him having this effect, it starts to take shape in the 1990s or later. So this mutant projection of monstrous animus is the detemporalized psychology of Trump's existence through the media art of depicting their brand. I say de-temporalized because all of who and what he is now has undergone a negative dialectic, a pulling apart of shadows, a physiomorphic modification so that this perturbing influence of a redneck appeal, of a commercial animal that has all the traits of a 19th century slave baron, a henchman of the state capitalist cake making monopoly game. Yet perhaps historically these functions were given to completely different personality types and genealogical backgrounds. Perhaps it is true that Trump is only a psychological villain, a circumstantial, psychological oppressor and not quite the crony clown pervading as a tycoon car salesman swinging his lassoo around while making hype for an ad. And then maybe if thats true then all you see is manufactured illusion. Once that personality engenders new traits and social interests, endeavours like political success and recognition, comradery become important as stages missed in youth.  All this appears filtered through a hyperactive projection of the self. One must bear in mind that every one of these American lifestyle novelties that spread market values and intrigue, these media swamp shows, red carpet parades and political icons who appear alongside celebrities like rich and famous traveling mobs and bourgeosie cliques are nothing new -- much worse, they are not even consistent with a normal temporal history of entertainment and social progress the way that they began and essentially ended in the 90s with the red carpet and tabloid press, paparazzi and so on. They perpetuate a stoic sort of new culture of intrigue, one that has long gone running off its leash past the decades old fashion expiration date of the millennium and saturate a continuum of alienated global themes that imitate progress by buying up media space and ad time, like the prominence of Putin as a new Bollywood male political icon for reinventing something put into economic circulation that is no longer happening in real active time. One must carefully begin anew, concern ones self with a psychology of why this is happening in the way that it is. We are in the days of reruns and franchises so it should come as no shock, it is not the events that spark audience appeal in continuing a dramatic narrative from episode to episode, like how this or that political actor will reply next, it is the show itself that gains attention, people watch for the sake of watching drama and possibly have no concern for entertaining the notion of what it portrays is anything of a real event in the world. This of course furthers the distortion of human reality and disengages objectivity for trends and moviegoers who await to see what the next instalment will bring in high fidelity reality TV.  One might even beg to question the validity of events themselves from the start, or wether what they are watching is not in fact staged in government studios or if filming studios like Universal or Paramount, Time Warner and so on have moved into the property of Washington buildings and other locations as part of some new televised process of sustaining markets and ad campaigns.  Political and financial debates become like family feuds or competing soap opera personas. The level of derangement is such that
In the past if one were to have balanced the political, geopolitical, cultural, social, religious, symbolic and economic spheres of the world's many conflicting and interacting societies then you would have reached what other civilizations call free-energy dynamics. We have wars, treaties and multiparty platforms which symbolize the motifs of the symbolic order effecting and manifesting the causal conditions for integrative paradigm changes in the world. Other more rationally accustomed and practical civilizations have reached the level of energy production, collective accountability and integration of forces and qualities in nature that international conflicts and dynamic events are subsumed under the mode of energy transmission, or communication, the paradigm of social and political existence does not require all these other more primitive methodologies. Human civilization presently speculates technologically and misarticulates the meaning and education of science for technical, logical, logocentric processing of domains of reality which it incessantly confuses with reason. Mismatching histories and epochs in ever new technical media, reanimating the stale appearances and motifs of the past like the opera comedy made for advertisement and global capitalist pseudo-art genres. It becomes difficult to distinguish the blurred lines between the speculative cynicisms of advertisement cliche's from artists trying to make a figurative statement about automated cultural programming. Transformations of the social order, creativity, art and human conscious values are contemporaneous to those of the exopolitical and fundamental shifts in a sentient cultures energy use and energy production, communication and transport. The industrial philosophy of a species must change entirely to reflect this change in all fields even creative works and the design of everyday objects. Only under the conditions of such an advanced stage of multidimensional evolution would the complex engagements of sociopolitical conflict and war be made obsolete, only under a totally radical shift would modern postwar psychology and postwar principles of life be able to merge properly in a way that is feasible and efficient to the whole global output. In the absence of such radicality, what we are left with are mutant concepts, philosophical idealizations implicated in material situations that do not reflect the thermal or energetic nature of their objectives, we return as we were immediately prior to the cold war in the grips of national socialism and nazi political propaganda. America's role of course was deep in the ideological and corporate machinery of the nazi's such that the horror itself was more an American invention than anything fundamentally of the German spirit. The German spirit was traditionally established from the Prussian revolutions and movements that eventually brought about the Enlightenment which were aided by Jewish writers and Jewish revolutionary philosophy. America also underwent a massive wave of revolutionary activities early in its history, before revolution became a norm.  I'm not here to talk about psychos and im not here to talk about the fucking system that creates them. Economically speaking, the bad trends in the world of which we continuously suffer began in the late 90s and has standardized the standardless corporate economy based on mass public consumerism. It was not the case prior to that time period, an interlude from around 1997 to 1998 is when the first seeds of this new prototypical monotony begins to grow its fruit. Now the polarity of opacity, false revolution, over-saturated, automated, white-washed, watered-down, dysfunctional, pigeon-shit markets are virtually confluent to each other. Before late 1997 however there was barely much trace of this yet and the effects of revolution and the momentum of the artistic will in humanity still flowed towards something, the recognition of immediate history and the revolutionary will. But the spreading of internet and millennialism soon poisoned this cold war survival of the human essence, with its immediate post-cold war authenticity waring out the 'spirit' of democracy as some real thing involving real struggle and real people, and now you have the hopeless world of todays consumer centred and monetary pitfalls and no solidarity.  Once upon a time somebody wanted to make the system more open and transparent until one day it stopped having the same effect and contributed only to a "NEW" white-washed hyperreality syndrome without any human factors remaining attached while the rest of civilization tightened its policies and lended to the control of life itself down to the basic neural cell. Real people no longer create novel businesses they're all organized according to the megacorporations that influence the mind set of the whole culture, like Ikea sets a backwards standard of fashion for the rest of interior design, or Apple or Microsoft its all the same just different spectrum of psychopathologies. When Ikea was big in the 80s it made good sense, as a european furniture supplier the concept is still sensible in that you get what you pay for and it assembles according to the mode one would expect. However how does such standards of industry carry on into other industries like computers, Apple for instance or the fine arts. How can one good idea turn into a bad policy for other systems for which it is inapplicable? These are the laws of large numbers and distribution functions for mass industry and mass marketing, products designed for mass consumption that are built inexpenssively and make megacorporations very rich over night because they sell a lot of units. Its not much different in monopoly capitalism, in land development, housing, and politics where swindlers can fool the majority into taking a stake in the cause that damages the self-made people and all those legitimate businesses that started from scratch, perhaps never had investment in corporate franchising and exist simply to fulfill a practical purpose, product or service. The effect is merely depressing, and all these people on drugs like Paxil for probably no real good reason other than the absolute conundrum of the processed world. 
With the grand revelations of reason and modernity the counter-reformation ended slowly to the sounds of conscious sensibility. Thus, the old Catholic ways of prayer, catechism, the old ways of the pagan christ-feast ritual, of worshipping, consuming the body of the unclothed symbolic god-man, (the ancient god) was realized for its cynical connotations of absurdity. Revolutions in the church were much quicker to end living heresies and ancient crimes of men, than the protestant world following the decline of capitalism and the christian ethos practiced during the pre-industrial age. A working population was created in the wake of the division of labour necessitated by industrialist machinery and an industrialized work force, created a domestic economy. These ancient revivals of atomistic thinking (atomistic reductionism), partisanism, saviour legends, feudalism and disunity among social groups -- this ancient creed of bloodcult crusaders, pillagers, god-killers, saint persecutors, and fascist regimes, hold no resemblance to the emancipatory function of a revolution or of a protestant work ethic which has long died since the 70 year decline at the middle of the 19th-century to the 20th. Only in Americas possessive individualist generations does any revival of an equivalent protestant work ethic ever appear in the 1940s, but in one detached from the autonomous agency of a church. Considering at that time America had no central body church, lacked the historical church doctrine and could practice the domestic church of the protestant faith verily only with the help of other advanced economies which also gave us the war. The American churches are the one standing revival movement that took place in America during much of the 1960s and at other times in the past that gave very promising hope to the moral character of its people. Thus the very idea of a domestic American church today excluded from any centrally autonomous "divine" church which is not mixed with the state or theocracy, is a kind of protestant heresy of vast proportions. With the speculation that evangelical ''protestants'' living detached from nature, from Europe, from any culture or a centrally designated pinnacle of worship such as a gothic cathedral, can be considered a religious community or a soveirgn religious society, is an absolute contradiction. Protestants in the modern world at best had certain priorities, belonged to certain clubs, church groups or habits like eating fish on certain days or not consuming alcohol on others and so on. In Roman Catholic countries they were still considered predominantly catholic with good social acumen, and god-serving morals. They made a specific income considered above the middle class and thus were proletarians. Todays protestants are not proletarians with those kinds of virtues. We have them and we tolerate them mostly. Practicing protestants used to be literate people who were morally ahead of the regular church-goers and hence their smarts and cultured sensibilities set them aside as more capable of being independent of the church attendances. Traditionally, these kinds of individuals were morally and religiously active in some cultural venue within the society, community and helped the lay folk, and in this way they also helped the church establish followings of non-believers into believers. Protestants that were good definitely helped the church gain public interest. Church attendees could rely on protestants as a role model for the enlightened potential in those who suffer some form of 'godlessness'. Trump's not a protestant, he's not even a bad protestant, he's a behemoth, a demon and a force that is trying to tear apart the fabric of American cultural mores, ethics, and society which had hopes for reaching higher ground during the last election. This behaviour is not even tolerated by people especially the rich in protestant countries to be honest, only in oppressed people, artists for example, but never billionaires who have all the time and money in the universe to observe themselves and become modest to where they went wrong or were wronged. Trump is a baby who wrongs others and contradicts any effort to right the wrongs of the past such that he does not have to live a lie through television and psychologically underwrite what others ought to be doing. Protestants were cool people, Trump is lame as hell. What point is there in keeping him dangling there anyways, its nothing personally against him he's out of his yard, but I seriously don't see what the advantages of keeping the Trump thing, I mean, it has no potential as an effect, and he needs to be scrapped, virtually just scrapped. When Obama resided as president there was a movement already underway in many areas, and he fell into an era that was being created with him and in some instances around him, but mostly it was Obama-becoming rather than presiding over this change as its director. The era defined Obama if anything and not he the era, in the end Obama was a work in progress. Are we to assume this is the lesson to be learned for Trump's existence. See we here in the developed Western world are aware of the history that brought us here. Our standards for democracy are not the same as most of the developed world which we try to organize missions and grassroots dynamic movements to help revitalize what dynamics and humanity may be lost in our own sphere. But we are not since the integration of the cultural movement and civili rights era a society self-governed in what we call 'Democritean' or 'atomist democracy', in other words, we advance towards post-Marxist social democracy. Social democracy is the dream and goal of the Marxist process after successfully destabilizing capitalism. The process involves the sociopolitical and economic baptizing of the revolution as it progresses towards a more uniform, privleged majority who become the new moral majority and not the primitive minority who are tooless and use to disasters.

Cybernetic linearization begins in the totally uninhibited, emotive speech acts which are deliberate, totally automatic-instinctive and reference little or no physiological states corresponding to the presence of human emotion. What the evil mana speaks is like a highstrung evil genie, a mad person who can be hysterical when attempts are made to reason with their moody self-contradictions, such people will holler that the sky is orange even when it is blue and claim sanity as hypersensitivity, elitism and perfectionism, calling madness strength and strength madness. These tyrannical personalities have no fundamental grasp of the law, of psychotherapy or history. They have no sense of human rights, the human potential or the ground they walk on, all that they speak is a discontinuity against the facts, against religious truth and coherency. They hold to finite ideas and dogmas and yack on with no sense of coherency or respect for the whole, they disregard reasonable states of affairs and reasonable assumptions and stink or immoral intents, cant form valid arguments and should probably be considered a dangerous threat to the survival of humankind on this planet. Proving once again public power is useless without representation and decency. Even libertarians who fail to form some sort of ‘government’ or ‘organization’ of participants fail and become hollow shells for a bunch of people who cant handle responsibility, negative principles or the modern aesthetic. To be libertarian you still have to hire the best talent, you still have to have an open democracy that invites and interests creative people. Its kinda like the environmental issues people have today. Regardless of even the fact that we have statistical evidence of man made climate change, even without that statistical evidence, to say that climate change is natural and the weather is simply warmer and we should do nothing about it, to say that warming is simply a cycle is still incoherent drivel in the end. Climate change is clearly tied to man made aggression and ’activity’, it is clearly associated with primitive industries and mentalities, regardless of physically demonstrating this link. Its not indifferent to denying terrorist attacks as such or failing to represent a universally lawful point of view. Its as incoherent as denying purpose in the universe, denying a causal origin, its incoherent and everyone else sees, everyone elses brain spectrally analyzes the statistical spread of inputs and finds the natural equilibrium and settles on the facts. When you have two lines of argument and each can be deduced to the same level of consistency your point of departure for truth is suppose to be divided by ethical measures rather than even what can be convincingly proven as realist i.e., if suffering is the consequence of one truth over another then the equality of these truths is no longer debateable, the truth that increases suffering is false. Its like rotten goods that arrive too late that excuse their lateness as an effect or chain reaction of their being ordered, they blame the order recipient and ignore the relevance of time. Theres a trend running here and you might try opening your eyes to it. When morons excuse their moronic behaviour on extraneous measures, falsifying every breathe of their existence just to deceive and survive, repel the fact that they’ve been excluded for reasons much more fundamental and necessary than what say bad libertarians want or anarchists rebel against descent leadership structures that would otherwise employ authentic genius. But poddlers will scavenge about assimilating everything valid to themselves like omnipotent children to the bottom of the vacuum. Unlike in history when people grew up naturally, enjoyed the natural world they had to thrive in and learn from, studied and educated themselves in the home and school, held to the ethics imparted by a tradition, myth or religion, tackled challenges and fears, accepted certain Nietzschean truths of modernity, and integrated knowledge as responsible adults in alignment with some social goal universal to the values imparted as necessary to the ‘divine plan‘; todays people build senseless walls around everything and reject integration on political or logical grounds of contradiction and thus become unnatural, insulated babies who never suffered in the wars and past economies, do nothing paletable have no taste for art and maintain vomit in the high jinx and mania of commercial growth and speculative fantasy that tears down genuine culture and genuine talent. Past generations would never entertain the thought of employing such rugrats to the tasks of the literate class, or the clerical duties of a church, of a government or noble cause. The world was not yet so polluted as today with Americas contradictions and snake oil. The populations of  social and ethical transgressors in Western culture had to fulfill certain existential duties in recognition of their human fallibility Denial of this fallibility is a denial of the most fundamental axiom of all religions and philosophical observances in history. Those who believe that man is capable and responsible to shape his own destiny without rational or divine council and oversight from a professional community of philosophers and scientists suffer a psychological megalomania and not just a spiritual mandate to direct the passions of people towards greater and greater enterprising of their utility. Past ages of humanity operated on these grounds in various ways and in light of the placement of the stars above and the state of technology up to the second industrial revolution these kinds of advances were not yet conceived totally in darkness nor with an evil, unknowing intent. With the integration of Marxist economics and the novel insights into the world offered by modern science the ancient ways of capitalism begins to erode at the middle of the 19th century and especially at the turn of the century. Postmodern cheerleaders who are as cheesy as baked dung just cant seem to settle into a historical, grassroots or moderate way of life, culture, education and environmental consciousness. When you are faced with two extremes, two inaccurate modes of existence it is illusion to assume they are separate. The same way Republicans have no intention of silencing Obama or removing him. The extravegance and global monstrosity of his first four years in office HELPs people like Trump because it gives them plausible deniability in the form of justifying their usefulness which they readily accept only at a semiconscious level hich prevents them from acting natural. Trump would never dare muster criticism against Obama unsettling the corporate machine in his first term, its only because he cant stand DECENCY and moderation of a competitive nature, of a balanced economy or the international social dynamics of the postwar era that he bothers to run against Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. Such political animals have no immediate recognition of how normals process time and events. They are consumers of fads and product trends who never critically examine things in their time or moment of popularization as being worthy of criticism. Like the global cultures, environmental and neofuturist movements of the 1990s were associated with a lot of the later forms of commercialism and tech industry of the millennial craze. Now, desperate idiots will cling to these early criticisms as a cause for returning vengence on them but only when such things become necessary to an economy. Just like with all stereotypes and fads, serious intellectuals avoid assimilation as a criteria, they avoid violet flowery colors and pink when our culture has signified these things and removed them from their immediate implicit naturality. The same way speculators build fabricated systems based on literal fears like, the aesthetics of ’the dark side’ which nonetheless must exist on the Moon and on Earth for life to exist at all since we can all agree that at dusk the Sun does tend to fall and that an overabundance of solar radiation would in fact be destructive to mans precious existence. Evil however assimilates and misreads every word and intention that is alive. It perceives life and living words as free game for political or corporate assimilation to its vampire agendas which are linked together as part of its lessez-faire ‘business‘. What kind of immediate sensibility do you expect to come from the brain of a guy who combs his hair over his bald spots and does nothing to fix his hair, carries on like a redneck and pretends to be fashionable? Someone who misses the point completely, that Trump is blind psychologically to his own tackiness, is a sign enough that he misses the mark and justifies ignorance of the big picture, blind to the patterns that emerge which accountable people must keep track of. There are definitely ways of doing things but Trump’s style is not obviously retro or trip-hop cool in any way, like people who have a remorse or a sentiment for a past era, a connective sort of inner lamentation for a lost milleux, and will try to show that part of them is there in that past time but that they are nonetheless ’today’ , ’modern’ thinking people who are ’conscious’ of shit. Trump is simply ’stuck’ in the past in a way that is not productive or reminiscent of values, especially not when he tries to occupy a presidential position that gives the position of the presidency a respectable and meaningful duty to fulfill in alignment with the times which we are told are suppose to be times of great revolution and enlightenment. His anachronism is in having never adopted a contemporary viewpoint and being left in the dust of his past crimes by social business and media. This divides the plane of those in business who are truly shady and those who were valid in the beginning who created new things with the power of the past, in other words, those who were rooted in the old school who felt the importance to bring what was then valid into the present and succeeded in a new medium or created a new mode of art or business concept. Like time travel this conscious recognition of the past allows creative minds to effect the collective because they bring past and present into the future, incidentally genius is almost always like this and a sense of the past is part of its territory. Some things really don’t change, except Donald Trump who only mutates while remaining exactly the same shape. Unlike Vladimir Putin who people definitely see as intelligent, educated to his task, who makes descent use of history applicable to the Russian spirit, Trump sends a vibe of anti-intelligence, is not traditionally rooted with a hint of any known well-publicised ties to the liberal Marxist business culture of his own era. Other republican candidates however might be reasonably successful at bringing the party closer to the workings of todays world economies, with the values and support that is needed. Putin is far more similar in psychological comparison to Ron Paul than to Donald Trump and that is the thing critics of Putin are missing, Ron Paul is a well schooled, contemporary with more modest, traditional values who understands today’s world as well as the goals of bringing America to a historical or renewed state, much as does Putin for today’s Russia, and Trump is an annoying demoralizing force intended for TV, a force seen in many other disguises that we have all had far more than enough of long ago. Other republican candidates like Scott Walker might have been able to materialize cultural and aesthetic unity between the parties and make a republican leadership feasible, this is one of the reasons I hoped for his candidacy over all the others. Someone like Robin Williams if he were still around could have run as a republican with audacity and personality, received vast liberal support and made the mend the party divide while Trump cant run with that audacity and personality without it causing problems as all these blockheads and moralizers suck the life out of all collective intelligence with their infantile omnipotent fantasies. So again we are stuck with infeasible, totally unjustifiable, presently useless candidate who but none of this matters to salient and blunt headed American spectators or crawling toddlers who cannot yet read or speak a language let alone think critically.
What you see is that the overall ’mentality’ is wrong. The mentality of a people or of a particular person encompasses more than just wether they accept or deny certain practices, views or opinions. A mentality is the integral truth of many instances of truths and reflects the social and moral integrity of a given people at a given relative time of cultural and social development. In advanced Western democracies our mentality is usually a certain way, with a regard for the relative truth in scientific facts, even though we may see plenty of rational evidence of scientific incompleteness and the signs of a more immediate function behind emergent forms or causality in nature, we accept the social or Darwinian laws of evolution as a relative overall process in the 3D physical sense despite that there are dynamic processes outside 3D time and space effecting everything, the same way we see the damaging effects of teaching creationism in school and find the need (socially and politically) to keep that kind of education confined to the home.  This is a mentality, it means either way there is tolerance for opinion even as incompletely understood opinions have a relative value. Even though opinion to us may be an outdated mentality our own mentality is such that it already includes such stages of development. Those with a holistic mentality will understand far better why these absolutist motivations wether in society or political activities are simply wrong. Everything that is long been considered standard to human preference in the modern world, and to human nature even in the ancient world, is feared, doubted and discriminated against. When talented students have to defend themselves against unliked bullies, and the school board shame the defence against a common thug for instance as unnecessary violence, it’s a bad mentality when adults side with truants who must learn it at some point in their lives if they are expected to survive, wether by their parents or nature or going home with a black eye and a bloody lip from someone standing up against them. Societies that fail to see the light only send the ethics backward to a demagogic state that enforces unreal political games inconsistent with reality and ethical laws. Those who believe it is mans duty to control all of nature also blur the lines of nature and cant understand their own and this is why our culture is a truant one polluted with premature acts. These are the same homogenous societies of the past that did not integrate modern values with the common civilizing norms revealed to us and mutually supported by modern science, global education and the forensics of biography aided by todays computer databases. In these shock based societies everything we consider normal they see as alien, as breaching some local custom or other. I call them shock based societies for two reasons, one in that they find normality and naturality to be shocking and unacceptable, the other is they are necessitated only by shock, shock value and shock treatment is the diving line for action wether it is extremes of violence or being forced to leave their home or some other threat to existence. This response of homogenous shock societies goes along with the mentalities of Western democratic states as well as it does in ancient republics as a symptom of postmodernity inherent in technocracy and the religious morals of the state practiced especially in more primitive cultures like America where education and regard for modern thought and scientific knowledge is weaker. It is this way because such folk are originally non-rational and have no regard for natural right, any real man with basic philosophical testicles is capable from a young age to discern the natural equlibrium with his environment 

Theres no escaping the fact that Trump is a leech, an existential-social parasite who is faker than Saturday morning cartoons with everything that he says for which there is no lesson to be learned -- he is perceived as harmless only because he lowly epitomizes all the wretchedness of the republican and liberal heresies of the American shit-trash devil economy, plenty of middle-crass idolaters like him live and pollute in our society, making life a worse drudgery for the real citizens who embody the spirit and ethic of traditional thinking and the people who have to define the virtues of the West in todays rapidly declining world towards the apocalyptic meltdown. This is not intended to label traditionally rational liberal or conservative interests as evil, only the corporate, free-enterprising of American new industries particularly those of the millennial-apocalyptic economy ushered into being by the Bush and late-Clinton synthesis which has permanently ruined the reputation of America. This synthesis defines the new incompetence of the nation which no longer does anything with a human conscience or reflective will (i.e., it lacks all human sensibility and intuitive care). To define such a mode of self-organization as liberal would be totally wrong since this agenda had nothing to do with revolution or any intelligible human qualities. Under Bush especially and the neo-liberal market brought on by consumerist demands and the inflamed opposition, this state of affairs became most problematized and complicated, a definitive sign of unnatural functions, inhumanity and fundamental heresy against reason, natural laws and religiosity. For this reason, nobody wants to be reminded of the liberals (nor the goofy, doped up economy they helped manifest), for the exact reason nobody wants to be reminded of Iraq, Guatanemo, tortcher and all the rest of the shit-trash. These processes have had nothing in common nor to do with 'democracy' proper, nor with humanity, sanity, community, the environment, religious traditions or sober, accountable existence. This trauma-filled new Millennial economy begins to come into prominence around 97 or 98 at the time the big conglomerations in the corporate world are being formed as a new Millennial trend, and the internet goes onto television and takes a stake in online consumerism, advertisement then you have the housing bubble of 2000. Aside from this period the era from 1991 to 1996 is mostly regarded as having been a prosperous time with social and cultural revolution taking place at different levels with a more intellectually 'open' dynamics present, an objective and scientific consensus on the future, creativity with various grass roots movements at play that determine the historical ideas that flourish in a changing world with real social flows and so on. Oh they've rumoured for generations of how everything made in China is cheap and breakable but you never witness that, in fact when America decided to place an abundance of its manufacturing in China towards the end of the Vietnam war was known for having been an era of far greater efficiency in the majority of products, unlike everything that was made in America more recently by the American public that is stone cold hard dysfunctional shit-trash. They go on about how the Chinese are bad drivers, how they have too many children and are taking over our regional housing but yet wherever you go all you really see is the opposite of that, you see US buyers ruining the system and charging too much for home rentals, you see a parasitic trend among the wealthier land owners typical of late capitalism who can calculate the end of everything by running up prices and never ceasing urban development (its as ridiculous as blaming the Chinese for the film industry or the housing bubble). All the real-life treachery, the noise, the stale and chaotic frenzy of populations is contaminated by the shills and petty land barons of the likes of Trump and all other toxic shellfish. Nothing could be more exactly inverse of what is true, nothing more pathologically concealing of ultimate reality, and contradicting of every fact accepted in the real world. Indeed, we are all breathing the same air here, and everywhere it is choking our sober recognition concerning the true state of reality. Now, because of all them, you'll never know who the innate talent was, you'll never know who these people are because you've alienated and ruined every sacred thing and confused every objective empirical designation, every last standing true function and at your disposal an arsenal of technology to do what all classic quacks and side-show rip-offs have always done if you actually study any history. As a result then it is totally undesirable to return to the millennial frenzy of the late 90s and the bubble economy that defined that whole era. There is no distinguishing the traumatics of that time from the increasingly hellish vortex manifested by the republican congress (and the liberals) from 2000 to 2008. Up to that period one would have to conclude that the system was in a way stable for a time as it was, when it was. When Clinton ran in 2016 it seemed as if that is what she was running with, was that economy (more akin to as it was when it was) and nobody wants to discuss anything else besides that. Presently it is uncertain how things may turn out given the state of the world, the social and economic drives and dynamics of the masses, the horrific Trump interlude with all its potential worries, recognizable evils and irreversible struggles after which (we) no longer share a common ground (again). Turbulence from that interlude has reduced the human function back to speculative head-scratching imbecility and unjustified over-confidence. This will no doubt cause a nihilism in those who try to correct it with well-defined instructions and revolutionary prose. It took the longest root-canal in history to get to the stable dynamics and regaining trust in 2014 that was lost in 2017 that it really is presently unclear if such widespread connectivity will happen again and even if it does if we will all be synchronized to it or not. Liberals cant do anything on their own without a professionally placed democracy and global system of educated people, we had that in 2009 starting to take shape, and there is no interest in rewinding time back to the Bush-Obama mess (or whatever the fuck it was then that was going on then in all its confusing scrambled up disarray, there was a lot of revolution then but also a lot of socialism especially in Canada). Anyone who tells you there is a right answer to the choice of a democratic candidate between Bernie Sanders and Hilary Clinton is most likely wrong (there is no right answer and if there was, given the entire analysis of the state of things, nobody is expected to know). In other words what the results would have been in the long-term on the social and economic planes, is unknowable from the point of view of the state things were in at that moment even though Bernie seemed to have been presaged by Clinton and the revolution and that he was having a wider range of support from and connection to the culture, to not only the counter-culture but also rural Americans and other grassroots groups. Obviously traditional economists and many governments overseas really liked Sanders for the same reasons we like other countries governments and the truthful, anti-corruption, anti-Wall St. counter-rhetoric that made his movement popular. Nobody can foresee what Bernie's democratic socialism would have looked like if elected as the amateur nightmare that ran the first stretch of Obama's presidency was not hoping to be repeated after stability had been reached in 2013. I cant say it was disappointing to see Clinton win the nomination, however again it really was undecideable or indeterminate as to what would have been better at the time. It is unclear wether or not the wave that was running up into the election is in any way repeatable. See, this whole state and or condition in the West and America was a result of many complex factors and significantly the post-Marxist climate, geopolitical stance on US imperialism etc, that Obama and Russia helped materialize where there a trend of outspokenness, whistle blowing, and transparent media that was putting the spotlight on all these bad actors and even creating the critical incentives for root problem solving by placing it even on the better one's and generally some motion to try to make people individually more accountable. What happens in an economy where you have all these forces at play like the recession of 2008, the Wall St. occupy movement, malaise over the federal budget, the social aggravation and anarchy manifesting as class struggle, race and identity politics, conflicts and civil discord, is a potential for bringing together a united front, a sort of collective reunion into history because people remember the cold war and they remember the economic conditions that started the second world war in Europe, readers of history recognize the propaganda, the posters and the kind of dialectical imbalance that forced social contemplation to invent treaties and the foreign engagement in  displays of power that can turn into radical constitutions. Everybody remembers the 1960s social and cultural protests, the state of mind, the blowing open of the collective awareness into new dimensions where it seemed like the world was fundamentally transforming, with government and social institutions in a way where man no longer felt bound to the limited possibilities of his mortal existence and the existential paradigms of the old world views on monetary capital, depleting resources and an ecology destined to be overrun by growing demand were all worries soon to be solved by the new clear-headed Marxist and hippy philosophers of the university. By this time a new environmental science, mathematics, economic models and view of history had already emerged that went well beyond the old socialist, democratic and capitalist and anti-capitalist themes of the modern debate. 
  A lot of this was a result of the Russia-Snowden bombshells and unification taking place primarily on behalf of the awakening generated by Pope Francis. Now what is taking shape is a result of a grave retreat from awakening because of the dispelled consciousness forced upon us and hoisted by Trump; since people want to see Americas stronghold on its military might, its hegemonic power and all the rest of the mediaevalism to finally rest away with the bad side of history.  Out of thought out of mind, all these demons are want to be expelled from view and no longer having our views shattered or entangled with their false conceptions. Here the story, every while they put in another one of these republicans and nothing works, everything is out of order, and chaotic with everyone (hell it seems like its all we do around here). Pathological moronic stage-acts cant seem to get out of childhood and get a grip on the fact that children grow up take on the manners of adults with an adult level of education and knowledge about their environment (children grow up and don't want to be taken back to the habits of childhood or back to the preoccupations of childhood, except perhaps pederasts who never develop). Routines die away and are replaced by common know-how and naturalized reactions as we become accustomed to living without parental rules and the logic of operant conditioning (reward and punishment), our free conscience develops and we become more emotionally considerate to other peoples experience as well as more aware of our own as the bubble isolating us in our own little world expands to encompass more consciousness. Has America sufficiently grown up? In the age of Obama and all the rest of what's been going on. This has been the question for quite a long time as we suffer in the stuffy, automated yackery and mire of this mechanized 'culture'. History always consisted in this, becoming a standard adult, why do postmodern baby boomer generations in America suffer this way i'll never understand completely. Everything they read, interpret, every decision they make is like a baby pushing random buttons not a single meaning do they ever grasp, they're whole reality is out of context and its so bad that its like mentally retarded kids blurting out whatever out-of-context biases arise in their metaphorical hallucinations (i.e., said mental retard misses the metaphor and now relates the meaning to physical hallucinating). Whatever they're able to read not one word of it is properly interpreted, it always means the opposite of what they automatically assume just like their stories about living in the 60s or the fake shell-shock veterans, are all fictional, inaccurate tales and not one bit an objective account of the culture movement or the war draft unless someone who has to write a book has to tell the truth (again, everything else they claim is existentially myopic personal mythology and weeding out the liars from the real deal is a task unto itself).  Like what the revolution was like with the drugs or the protests is often simply how it was remembered through the eyes of the middle-class while being on drugs or watching television, and not accounting objectively for what was experienced for the majority of Americans wether it was Vietnam or Woodstock etc., the lies parents tell their kids has a myopic existential overtone which is as fake as digital corporate advertisements about flower children or bell bottoms to anyone who can read Life magazine articles or Book of Knowledge year books and almanacs. None of this has to do with the 60s, drug policy or any of that obviously but only to do with the middle-class perception of events and of reality. Being that the major chain of events consisted of a primal uprising against capitalist and middle-class values it may not be so suppressing that those values were also at a high point as well and that different factions like the Madison Avenue think tanks and such also assimilated a kind of negative breakaway response to the cultural and intellectual clash of values and ideas. One of the essential differences in the clash of intellectual and cultural ideas is the difference between 'middle-class wage earners' verses the national trends that characterize middle-class 'values'. The 60s and other movements like the Marxist and anarchist revolts in Europe, was a challenge to middle-class values and not to the economic order, it disclosed of no plan for redistributing wealth or of shattering the established ownership of property, only the values and the use of wages, the social welfare state came across new approaches that were common in Europe. The very idea of such a revolution to revolutionize economic exchange by revolutionizing the values of different classes as a shared cultural response to the coming catastrophe of a destabilized postwar economic society, certainly was not new to the American continent for it was written in the very veins of the constitution and the idealism of the founding fathers who were mystical freemasons. This was nothing new really it was something original to the founding of the American nation itself, the revision or revitalizing of 19th century national culture via the counter-culture that produces manifestos, poets, painters and writers and this whole concept which was then only declining from the economic and social realities of the two major wars. Returning to the valid understanding that to make a product work, to make a functional chemical you have to combine two or more elements that are alone by themselves equally useless before they are properly mixed. That no thing ever functions in stasis not one factual, scientific or religious concept, it requires always that you do what is naturally always necessary. All it takes is five years of growing up poor, in a welfare condition or in some unfurnished apartment to have ingrained a sense of something beyond the state-programmed middle-class views of the world. Someone who has never lived that way growing up, who has modest family income, but has never gone without even prior to being rich or wealthy, will most likely never understand why the poorer classes value the things they do, because when you live that way for so long the simple things is all you have to cope with, sort of like having a religious belief or a love of fiction, when it is all you have to escape the depressing reality of your life your tendency later in life to value such things is often greater than someone who is only preoccupied with numbers and having more digits in their bank account. Anxiety and panic attacks are not a abrupt alteration of your reality that cause loud confusion and tremors, they're all you know, laying on the floor in a state of misery adapting to uninterrupted torments you have no control over is just life, its just another seven hours of silent panic attack, its just another year, its just another decade. Its just the cold, burning anti-freeze soup that lives in the gut nonstop, nothing new, nothing to complain over, just life, just depravity. Likewise, its a fact that the least likely people to ever be offended over comments or misread language are those who are actual victims of the worst kinds of offences i.e., people who live a life of struggle with poverty, abuse, drugs, racial struggles and have walked among all classes of people are too busy suffering usually to be offended by dumb shit. They've been there and done that seen enough to get offended like a snob. People who move dozens of times, deal with all the evils of capitalism, of the religious-spiritual indignations of the system and having enlightenment forced upon them early have nothing but dharma to escape into as relief from the contradictions, the depravity and have no time to be offended because they have found escaping through such jokes and comedy to be more a remedy than something offensive. True, past people also struggled more deeply with fundamental issues, with the suffering in nature and with the level of knowledge they once possessed being limited to how to deal with problems and suffering. But our sophisticated capitalist system exploits this suffering to a pinnacle of miserable acceptance that is unheard of even in ancient times, it knows no bounds to how far it will push its human exploits to capitalize on its most longstanding, silent and patient victims to be made as exemplars of what the newest capitalism demands, that is, it demands a level of adaption that nullifies the very conditional responses of pain or of possessing any personal human dignity (you may as well light yourself on fire like those Cambodian monks during the Vietnam raids because that's what the latest expectations are for capitalist mindlessness, that's what raises the brows nowadays, that's what gets the attention, the unbelievable whoa! effect, not screaming while being burned is good it turns heads the opposite direction even if only momentarily, theres volatility in the market when people get burned alive).  Those who place too much faith in the law alone as a blind sense of justice also have futile moral character when they turn a blind eye to the facts of the laws lawlessness i.e., the state's history of appointing inconscient judges and corrupt juries continues to ring as a fundamental error. Because in America the tendency is to conserve the good, the rational and necessary will of humankind while only liberating the evil, redundant, arbitrary whims and impulses of their root disorder. Since the average man-in-the-street has no bones for fundamental justice, philosophy or any masculine principle, he cannot ever be considered to be rational, Christian or otherwise angelic as a human but only as a subhuman of absolutely stale and speculative values. Such people have never yet walked in the boots of any 3-dimensional reality to gain the experience needed to functionally deal in real life situations, for this they are comparable to children who live merely in personal fantasy, make-believe and egoistic imagination; repeating the notebook parables of their total speculations on their level of knowing while forgetting the third dimension. America has become the vilest concatenation of the most root evils. It generates the worst heresies by merging state and church authority while keeping morality out of the law; it keeps the law as a blind institution of technical processes and blind persecution while also dragging religion into school and professional fields where it only corrupts the practices leading to lawless and immoral acts. Morality for instance of fundamental human character, that is, the character of the witness that we all must bare to real events, to have a free conscience of what is the forensic truth of innocent verses guilty character, under some due process co-goverened by the evil conditioning of capitalist society; too often in history men have been blind to the moral and ethical law using only their powers of speculation and guided by their inflamed and paranoiac perceptions of others. To speak of what is the foundational meaning of a free conscience verses guilty conscience is to open the already present space of the unconscious which capitalist state's have held firmly shut with their bottom-line jargon and appropriations of social control and prohibitions on natural language. Conscience goes deeper to the foundational default of matters and states of affairs, a bad conscience can operate with absolute public appeal, with total confidence in the public good or of false verdicts against the innocent. When we respond to the dwellings of analysts and objective investigators we might say "that's deep" or "you're going too deep", what we mean by this is we are being properly examined of our unconscious intentions, of our unjustifiable selfish aspects of ourselves which we do not take conscious note of such as moral flaws or incompetence, where we say to ourselves we are sharp, we are critical, but are really a dull and unpracticed tool and thus a hazard to others. Much of the dehumanization originates in historical conditions that are the root of what is also deeply troubling about our technocratic democracy in America. For technocracy shares with statecraft, with theocracy and other anti-universal, anti-democratic processes the lawless manners which then justify the presence of its illusory enemy which is conservative and republican policy. Technocratic rule is like language without sense, it is like logic without reason, without human morals or semantics to back up the data. Our technical-corporate industry in America has lost its historically relevant, human morals and work ethic in other words and has established itself only as a legal set of practices and an agenda to isolate or even create bad actors. Facebook for example (which is probably bounded by the NSA or CIA) could make their website function properly as any other product that abides under common law, they could complete the process of turning their web platform into a workable website for all rational citizens; one with readable standard sized fonts, text algorithms, buttons and a common sense use of instructional language and indexing of functions by computer experts and programming scientists. Web traffic could be buffered, adds monitored and regulated, people would pay to use the site. Every other federally controlled service used by the majority would have the same fate; Amazon, Youtube, iTunes, etc., could each be designed in order to work for the people but instead the excuses used are technical-legal in nature such as public service abuse, hackers, terrorist attacks, software copyright infringement, intellectual property rights, lack of public input, lack of oversight, lack of democratic process, lack of critical leadership, and on and on. As a consequence none of these features offered by such services are ever consistent with democracy, with authority, with moral or with factual self-government because they ignore or undermine the first principles and premises that all intelligent people take-for-granted such as Bell curve statistics, demography and basic psychological perception tests universal to all cultural and racial backgrounds (in all fields the logic prescribed by such platforms is a fail). As a result of the constant shuffle and bombardment of paradigms social and cultural, the changes that occur abruptly are not welcomed no matter what the justifications might be. The measures employed to uphold social order, quality control and so on, only seem to corrupt, deregulate and tie into the loss of quality, the creation of civil disorder and supply an impetus for mad men to run for president. Its unbecoming to fathom just what kind of demographic principles such ethics rests upon as a accidentally self-justifying contingency of interests, the creation of planned obsolescent mechanisms which all parties and all professionals are forced to use and comply with, including the vast academic communities, educators and governments of the world which cannot feasibly use such products and services in any liberal manner, only as a passing interest or a use as show. No ramified implications for these new industries are physically or logically feasible nor consistent with observable common sense since they have never been given rigorous analytical testing for use in real, dependable, ramified applications which would be considered tangible in the 3-dimensional universe! It is like expecting PCs to work for all the businesses who have to use it and expecting conservative majorities aren't going to vote for the liberals after trying. Putting aside Windows 95, one can see clearly see when the major calamities were spun out of control and the bad business ethics began to dominate with the new norm because prior to 97 or 98, most things were beginning to function and the process of establishing a practical, open democratic mentality turned into representational and corporate schemes, advertisement, antics and the general circus of shit we call the Millennial Economy. Given that the environmental movement had to a large extent replaced any need for a public measure of being irrationally conservative i.e., science and conservation principles replaced old representational values and in many ways 'naturalized' what an organized republic of the future is to look like. By 1994 most companies and private businesses were shifting their paradigm out of the trends of the Reagen-Bush era of conservative neo-hegemony that was signified exclusively by the conventionalities of that era for example that to be conservative meant a certain style or preference such as 'thin' to the Japanese or 'orderly' and 'grey' in a investment firm. Wide exposure of this facade lead into an environmental awareness of human conservation priorities over business acumen and a wave a new entrepreneurs was born of the first big tech boom in 1991-1992. Worst of all perhaps is the least civilized tendencies of unsuccessful liberals and other failed prostitutes who follow the ringing in the ear that echos from the jingles of the digital revolution telling them that they'll all be 18 until they die and to go drop the wallet or purse in the ocean and let the children starve. These impulses to fall into primitive acting and engage in malproductive socialization are as intransigent as the artificial ingredients of every other viral conventionality.  For what has anything of this ever had to do with revolution or with rational freedom? When the hippies and the beatniks formed their communes, their love-ins and other artistic cliques it was an anti-social rebellion against the norms of the Boomer parents who were far too proliferously hopeful about the human endeavour to reproduce and this reliance on speculation created the highly unstable situation which Boomers were the scapegoats in a way. But the private generation understood the future with a keener insight, they were more raw in the dynamics which was present in the first and second world war era for instance while this generation of Baby Boomer's have been conditioned adversely from the hot and brutal media of Vietnam with all its trauma-filled narratives. Children of the revolution seemed to have great amnesia about what the purpose and the social function of the revolution had been for it concerned not only the student protesters and the nudists and the nature crowds but a completely new mode of existence for the majority of society for whom the former groups were roughly the exemplification or the scene for an extensive social experiment effecting the wider society. Traditionalists, philanthropists, artists and photographer-journalists attended these gatherings; writers, actors, musicians and economists, went to the opera also went to the love-ins, smoked pot and practiced their traditional lifestyles of marriage and sobriety but supported the hippie movement, purchased artists paintings and dabbled in the mystical avenues of west coast concert gypsies and the new norm. Radical politics went out of its centre stage as a tool of power and became a part of everyday social existence used by the majority as a kind of counter-cultural power to the old dominator culture manufactured by the nation as a sort of non-entity. Today this revolutionary stance on activism has mostly vanished; big money and industry has taken over the minds of a once radical tradition and foreshadowed the dynamic civil integration that marked the 60s economy. We look down only in disdain for how the deep split has separated generations, culture groups, visionaries, anarchists, rebellious souls and renegades from the market, the middle-class and the superrich. This split has created the mutation and the pathological errors that manifest in an economy of slogans, jingles and caffeinated mentalities intended to liberate production rather than social process. In this way such trends take after national socialism and the mass markets of the ancient populist state, rather than any recognizably liberal economy grounded in natural or environmental revolution, creativity and intellectual self-responsibility. Now, any talk of social change, revolution or liberation is met by a mad reaction where all rational responsibility gets thrown out instantly, the self-destruct button gets pushed, the divorce papers get filled, the kids cant go to college and cure cancer, and Starbucks stock goes up. Perhaps it is only because none of this behaviour has anything fundamentally to do with liberal social policy or ethics, decision making and market philosophy and only to do with self constraint, intellectual and creative regimentation, of burying the heads in the sand. For this, America has earned the horrible reputation of having least of all an understanding of human rights, of what it means to be a citizen, a rational animal or a descent human being. The middle-classes who prior to 9/11 were only the proletarians, i.e., those middle-class income families with 'higher' values, lower the standards for the liberal class so that the bourgeosie ceases to be proletarian or have anything to do with civilization or sound reasoning; it turns to primal idiosyncratic logic and, well, madness. It turns to capitalist logic and the logic of jokes and the unconscious where the only access to thinking outside the artificial duality is through some novelty, some pop buzzword, some trendy viral theme, some utterly ignorant objective that eliminates the duality but says nothing of the growth and establishment of unity, culture and the maturing of that process into something of higher value (again, they are middle-class values like TV, commercials and other lame fuck arounds). The American dream has been reduced to a series of lame fuck arounds which are a complete waste of time and only can be used by corporate entities to flirt with human social functions in order to manufacture consent and sustain contracts to secure its parasitic agenda of continual nihilistic existence. The brain doesn't like the intestine either but it needs it to survive, strangely because of the closed and speculative nature of the republican congressional order as a closed-system that it is there can be far less integration i.e., realization of objective dynamics necessary for reaching dialectical conclusions of how to manage root problems and the world we inhabit that is dominated by scientifically verifiable conditions. They like their republic, oh but it only ever worked through natural democratic dialectical process. Like when Plato wrote his great allegories and the entire work of the Republic, just as much as Machiavelli's Prince was only intended to be a moral example of why such republics never worked in essence (an ideal state is in noetic ideas which to work at all always had to be instituted by a secret order of archon scientists). Atlantis of course is no exception to this general rule to the outsider which was the only natural republic to ever fail enough to watch its inhabitants fall into the oceans. The system has resemblance now only to the sociopathy of an artificial intelligence and this total lack of recognition for collective intelligibility on any and all issues, and matters of certainty that we must follow in order to survive, dooms the human species before it kills them physically by collapse of social congruence. Once the pond has been sufficiently poisoned, once a product has been contaminated to a far enough extent the only option is to take it back to the store for a refund, a return etc., Thus, when systems reach a point of irreversible damage they ought to cease representing the views that ought to be forgotten instead. When you enter the military you have preliminary briefing procedures to follow for instance, if a comrade has fallen to full or partial amnesia as a result of shock or injury, it is a given duty to relay to him his name and mission as part of the law, it is a legal obligation to state the name and appointed mission of someone who sustains amnesia or some other impediment. When persons forgetting to underline the fundamental necessities of a task, a series of procedures or a common application, they open all to harmful effects. Populism is one of those gaieties we often associate with social liberalism because it programs adverse behaviour with an accelerated economy against human will and human nature. However deeper examination of the sociological causes of populist onset reveals that it has no direct link to liberal social policy but that is godlessly implicates the masses and all humankind in a developmental fervour way past the social or biological norm i.e., beyond what can be socially or economically reflected in biological-thermal laws of development, thus have these late periods of growth been commonly referenced as pathogenesis, as neo-liberal or neo-conservative impulsions that appear on the darker side of mankind when he cannot find his ethico-moral soul or his common decency as a 'reasonable' animal. At the height of the two wars major technological and industrial development was overshadowed as well by an equal degree of cultural and social transformation. Today, in the absence of remarkable revolution either technological or social the progressive advancement of old routes taken in advancing has abandoned novel movements, artistic motivations, radicalism of all essential forms, and feasibly new ideas and as such have become as sophisticated tools of a stale and turbulent dry-spell; a torchereous and chaotic moribund technical nightmare of constant, uneventful and unnecessary destructive expressions from the bowels of human repression with all the nauseating turbulent motions of a broken washing machine. Digital social media and cellular phones mark the age where everyday communication and speech have unhinged from real life -- in other words, having a pad or a cell phone now equates to no longer being away from technical speech or use of a land line is reduced to nonstop personal omnipresence or total loss off personal identity and natural behaviour -- since I have a mobile telephone, I am never away from chatting on the phone, the phone that connected me once to all my fellow human minds across space and time is now in my back pocket at all times, I am always everywhere and I am never real neither to myself nor my family nor my business peers. Here, one fails to speak naturally, to remember who they are or where they've been and has lost the focus of their mind from everyday concern into a world of dehumanizing interests and the buzzwords of a mind controlled consumer state. You don't have to worry about the coke or opioid crisis hotline, the phone number is unmemorable, since you and your family are always already doped-up on their digital omnipresence what use is it for the blind leading the blind? Marxist-Communist methodologies although very useful in undoing the snake-oil processes materialized by republican-capitalist economic programming which is marked by booms and blunt opacity, the dangers of making the system too transparent or amateur becomes a more fundamental and cultural-moral issue (esp. in developed post-Marxist nations like America) that can be remedied by igniting certain historically relevant dynamics that are cross-cultural and multi-moral in which the necessary demands of todays very global society can be more properly reached without economic corruption or international 'war crimes'. Accepting for instance a certain degree of Soviet hegemony in international politics and interventionism has proven to be morally challenging to the body politic of US-unilateral systems and laissez-faire liberal capital. In the past when the governments of the world were more closely regulated and managed by the armed forces or the military during times of conflict, it is true that productivity reflected a structurally more sound basis i.e., practical, accountable, and rigorously tested ethic of which the public was as an unconscious labour force and not an inventive power allowed to proceed erroneously -- today we don't have the mass destruction and misery of the war draft, we have other systems of mass suffering, its called the US economy. However unlike the US economy which fundamentally legalizes the corruption and planned malfunction of medical, social, domestic, housing, product and consumer reality, people in history would have much preferred the choice and dignity to go to war in arms against a threat to their existence and taking their chances to die with dignity or survive against an enemy, than to be without a voice only a nameless victim of a nonexistent economic machine for which there is no means of defence. Unfortunately for the United States it can no longer appropriate any hegemonic or multilateral role in continuing this philosophical endeavour of going to war since it has no rational or moral basis for it. Only when America loses a war does the ailing factors of its economy reach any dynamic truce or agreement among the oppressive forces that manifest in a dysfunctional system.          
 New Agers who are lead to believe that Trump symbolizes some kind of necessary challenge to the collective consciousness of the planet, or that he is being helped by higher spiritual entities to break up some illusion and stir up some underlying truth that's been shadowed by superficially upheld establishment values are either being pulled in by such memes and individually don't know better, or harbour other healthy suspicions about crass culture and commercialism or are actually professional flake-heads who really have no original ground in ultimate philosophical truth, virtue or temporal sensibility for factual realities. The last instance belong to the class of dissenters who want to use their business acumen and snake-oil slicked masonic handshakes to rip off those who actually have to account for the present state of things. As far as the majority of the society is concerned and most importantly human education, Trump is a degrader of educational values and the products of learning whose large scale effect will not help make New Age or channeling more existentially authentic but only cause the fallible to fall and those with good instincts and talents to accept the heretical views that when combined together lead to the chains of viral symptoms that thrive in all watered-down societies. Genuine New Age people who have a sense of the deeper and hidden essence of the multidimensional worlds that our Earth is destined to become, must know that Trump does not effectively represent the past or future of the New Age quest i.e., in the way that for instance Reagan was still able to run as a conservative at the time because he was an actor with Hollywood ties who was close to the great New Age originator Manly P. Hall an individual whose visions of the New Age go back to the hidden traditions of the Pythagoreans and the Qabbalah. To claim that Trump somehow revives this early-80s mysticism either economically, politically or socially is just naive and unaccountable for how things move today, unaccountable for the mess he creates as being so partial and unconcerned with what would otherwise matter if Hall or Reagan were still alive and as if 19th-century born people were still alive. Trump can do nothing but commemorate these individuals and their closest pupils, nothing but shine metals and aggrandize the state while the in-born talent vomits and the country slides into pariah mode. Fake New Agers cannot reflect back to the original theosophical and other New Age movements of the late 19th and early 20th centuries and grasp the magnetic essence of any such modern religion because they have never experienced the spiritual breath of any Heavenly religion as it operated once in the social world of mankind. Their brains are filled with petty speculations that are inhumane, the rigid rules designed to keep their transgressive natures locked up, and vocal dogmas to preoccupy them when they should be silently practicing in the prayer halls and on the quite farm silos, perishes and monasteries etc. Without going encyclopaedic, wasting precious hours on what could be spent delving into the new of what is destined, we must simply state the facts and the facts that reflect themselves in the numbers accepted by all who pass their exams or enjoy publishing for internationally recognized periodicals. A Trump economy cannot help but be inconsistent with the age we live in, with all rational and modern sensibility no return to big advertisement or big capital is on the table for the future sustainability of the human race. Even as Trump himself ought to know better and certainly he does, can the debasement of reality reveal a truer more efficient reality? Rebelious people with no thought-out cause or feasible personal style seem to be deeply convinced that Donald Trump will be the revealer of great truths, or that his anti-systemic views will ratify this illusion and instead artify the spirit of the people. This is unfortunately false talk and presently an untenable speculation belonging to a past era of post-war American culture, (even if 'Donald Trump' were going to represent those people they're either dead, retired, or distanced themselves from the likes of him and that party's capitalist, business-oriented thinking). Thus, rather than actually having that effect, he has the other effect of ripping holes in relations and systems that have potential for growth. These people who speculate that it is possible for Trump to open up more existentially genuine New Age doors may not be thinking the matter through clearly, like when it is said that he is bringing back Kissinger's old Washington, (fixing Washington?. . .right, as some very watered-down small event that sucks the life out of everything else prospering just to maintain itself, how feasible is that? who really benefits from that?). Back in 2004 when people like myself considered the prospects of Donald Trump as an alternative to Bush and the democrats there might have been an opportunity to adjust the market environment of the time to better fit what was still going on, i.e., to do what Bush was not able to do successfully which was bring in a kind of Reaganomics back because, at the time, there was still a company treasury in Washington, a foundation still thriving from the time that would have been able to brought those movements into the foreground and make a more radical, robust, liberal economy involving the people. As many recall the efforts, at the time, were meagre and not worth voting for the republicans. Now its beyond too late and Trump is playing a death nell for the economy. So with these people behind closed doors trying to make the claim that Trump is here to do this and that, to shatter illusions, really lack the fundamental ability to form proper or valid arguments. Besides, we get that by having more dynamic, operational engagement with the Soviet thing by correcting whats wrong with our democracy, cleaning up the spills and getting conservatives involved in community policy reforms and not letting the limited, incorrect republic, or a lack of democratic government, to get in the way of what is necessary. Don't allow the groundless arguments of opinionated people to blind you with retarded memes saying that Trump speaks for average middle-class people, or that he undoes the lies of left-wing propaganda, or that he will strengthen the will of the people. These are flakey notions that can only issue out of flakey-headed people with snake-oil agendas to confuse what is discernibly so back to the primitive state of lingering over icons and maintaining blurry views. Trump will only wake up the slumbering zombies by placing the megaphone to their ears telling them they need new health care, while turning the living into vampires and the walking dead who sap the life out of the economy by fracking it apart. The only valid function he serves it totally outside politics and the areas influenced by political economy in general and that's as a reverse role model and exemplar for professional shitheads. See, with Trump at least he's too simple minded to know better, in this way there you have a middle-class man who is only too much of an infidel to participate in the life of politics. As a combination of conscious and unconscious evils he makes professional neo-liberal trainwrecking look idiotic and foolish as hell by reflecting what he is back on those who are consciously narcissistic. In other words, professional morons are late liberals usually of the likes of Bush Jr's. economy who thrived under that economy as egocentric, Bushite wannabes collectively empowered by the dramas of the former presidents mistaken narratives. In light of this, it makes Trump the new anti-hero's anti-hero, or the Punisher rather than the fixer. Yes, he's here to punish! not to correct whats wrong since that involves democracy and the Bushes are (for) democracy and not these wannabes who ruined the system. It would be more people like Cheney and the neocons, who do (not) believe in democracy, benefiting from Trump and in which the system doesn't get fixed; perpetually stuck as it is in the ego-neurosis of reality TV. This again is why Gitmo was never shut down, the oil barons and big digital industries have, since the 1970s, learned how to use the liberal political side to polarize the system or create extreme chaos in such a way that they continuously thrive and gain capital. Where candidates like Bush Jr. and Obama were more placed to execute some mission unraveled in the presidency, as actors of certain melodramas; Trump cant separate reality and self, the act from the acting person and that's why he is limited to the circuit of reality TV and not film-making. Both and all these methodologies are dangerous to society, to the economy and to humanity in general and is why they need to be replaced with radical, international democratic movements and Soviet-style raw interactive effects that can weed out all bad actors liberating their natural functions into today's dynamic, multifaceted civilization. For persons who are just too filled with confusion and frustration to read a sentence properly, to finish a paragraph comprehending its meaning, without allowing their paranoid brains from firing off irrational solicitations, none of this will set them straight for they have turned their perception away from the big picture, from seeing what goes on in the present moment day to day, and have inserted themselves into the myopic prisons of listening to professional rhetoricians and gnawing away frivolously over frivolous matters. Like posers who try to assimilate open-minded thinking and objectivity with gullibility and close-mindedness, the tendency to spread flakey-headed confusion conditions stuttering foolishness which then becomes its analytic victim upon which it preys. When hoaxers, charlatans and crackpots conjure tales and invent oddball ideas the tasteless among the critics are never able to tell the difference between an enriching author, a inventor like Tesla, or a trail of evidence from a suspicious state of affairs. Thus, they are unable to classify objectively in any forensically valid fashion, how things cause and effect others for instance when stories that are based on true events are all-out reduced to tall tales, or when investigators cannot see the collective archetypal value in the art of the mental patient, the unconscious messages of raving visionaries even if they be lunatics, or a few debunked hoaxes could turn up as real based on complete analysis. Such people misjudge the sharpest investigators as gullible or nonobjective because the sharpest investigators are always the ones who can mentally afford to be open to other possibilities and not limited to villager naivete, like in most of the X-files scenarios where things are never as they seem but always demand more rigorous behavioural science. Today's people exhibit the same naivete when they scoff at such efforts to arrive at the truth, when they misconstrue what they saw just like the tribal people who laughed at the plane as a flying canoe in the sky -- unaccustomed village people who had never seen a space ship or an air plane before made up their own slang, their own biases blinded them from seeing the level of sophistication -- until they realized it could help them survive. Neither would they fathom the conditioned psychological reflexes of people who are use to being snagged in their hooks, thorns and noisy opinions. Like the domino effect, like the backdraft of a raging fire shoos ignition is moving so fast that it cannot reach its final trajectory at the speed squared by its combustion, like the gravitational effects of negative mass, a black hole or a noisy signal that warps incoming light; the tactics of myopia are most effective at totally disengaging the powers of the brightest instruments. Illiterate tests are a good example of how to isolate a wide-spectrum intelligence from being able to complete its task. Industrialized societies manufacture repetition so that such tests that have never been internationally standardized to reflect the language and comprehension of well-associated citizens, always circulate by the hands of the state as well as programs used by social institutions that are divorced from the real life thinking of the educators, personnel and other enlisted participants. The learning brain that is acutely aware of its past experiences, can consciously access its memory, is much more sensitive psychically to repetition, habit formation and as a result of this the pains of such tests which are originally incomprehensible. To test aptitudes one must design engaging dialogues, examples and scenarios that are somewhat relevant to the empirical reality we all experience and avoid pigeon-hole speculations about grammatics. Making tests 'incomprehensible' means their questions are purely fabricated examples with bad grammars that lack cohesiveness or reference to the consciousness belonging to the broader society of the day. These outdated, postmodern systems repeat their error of gathering false statistics because an unpalatable question table that is too childish, dummied down, or circumscriptive will not allow the actual parameters i.e., the data to be processed, to even be processed accurately. In this way false results are assumed when attention is withdraw from mind-numbing and stale programs. Vibrant programs that utilize more 'liberal' themes that embody attention and immediate comprehensibility also are completed much faster by the talented and in each case because the intellectual content is more associative to human reality, the intellectual processing is accomplished with an incomparably greater efficiency even when the logical structure of the tests derive from the same exact table set. Thus, repeating the traumatic of such tests, of such speculative probing by opinion-machines and other snags stays in the memory as a reverberation of uncountable mischaracterizations of reality. Illusory sickness, fatigue, anxiety and dissonance can be a common side-effect of this sociopathological system of dissociative references. Only machines are designed to calculate from dissociative chains of Boolean code because they don't process information first as 'sense', they process only 'reference' in the Fregean construct. Creatures who comprehend via sense cannot follow nonsense and if made to follow nonsense will not respond well to repetition especially if tested or put through monitoring, public analysis, or occupational assimilation to the defunct energy models of industrial capital. Presuming these variables are expected to be placed as environmental or perceptual constraints upon conscious subjects who are accustomed to post-traumatic clenching, preanxiety, disengaging when faced with mediocrity, compromise and other presumptuous interferences with the process of engaging active conscious attention, the only result can be to produce an exaggerated disdain, aversion etc. to what is being presented. Hence the illusion digs itself deeper in its debt so that the debt and not the load of its assets is what crushes it in the space surrounding it which it is indebted to. The illusion of course consists in averting attention and direction to eliminate all focus and real-time causality wherein Superman, rather than doing circles around the planet, is forced to take up teaching with a pointer stick pointing out where the dust separates itself from the black hole, the wall from the air and the floor from the ceiling.  
The same way the Vedic spiritual writings classify separate orders of spiritual and energetic-vibratory levels of Beings, people have incarnate blocks and orders of magnitude in terms of their immediate potential -- we think of this as a level of harmonic resonance with integral levels of awareness for example that make us more attune to the environment, to seasonal and climatic changes, to the emotions of others, to life outside the planosphere, to universal intelligence, to science and reason, to our dreams and visions, health and well-being all that relates to the transformational processes in today's world -- this rapid development has been placing its demands on the human species, making them become more Earth-conscious, self-conscious and aware of their responsibilities in the galactic community. Prior to the two wars and the revolutions of the past 50 years this change took on other more subtle forms in Europe and elsewhere as the enlightenment. Today we see a great rising majority who are up to this evolutionary challenge that is also connecting people in ways not just in cyberspace but in psychic levels of reality. We are becoming accustomed to living with our dreams merged to our waking world, to new age scientific information, a step closer to realizing radical, multicultural, multinational democracy on planet earth. But the journey has not been always pleasant and especially consistent in making sense to us exactly what its goals and intentions are for, i.e., there has been great confusion in the midst of the great tidal waves that have pulled us to and fro of this journey. Many people are use to going outside the whole process that is engaging us to a new wave and a new way, curling up into themselves or looking further back to the distant past and trying to revive old tendencies to find some security or some objectivity. Thus with this acceleration there has been a push back to past modes because the new mode has not fully identified itself, to an awake state of lucid dreaming, it keeps fighting over values and burying its head back into the sands of time, the body stays stuck on a memory from childhood or some anchor of self security like the mother and so on -- these feelings then support a way of existing that is untenable to our present situation and future development -- they subvert our higher intentions to organize socially into communal groups and instead create hive-minds and populist distractions for us to avoid the future. The Vedas speek lengthily about these lower chakra dilemmas that many of the population remain trapped in some cycle of behaviour that prevents them from moving upward. They get in a binge, a chakra energy loop with different configurations of intellect and language, to where these memories are stored in the energetic body. Thus we have types who are more collectively grounded and ones that are more self-absorbed. Vedic spirituality wants the human being to transcend this level of self-absorbed Ego and evolve the higher Self that is more versatile, knowledgeable, intuitive and psychically connected to the collective whole. That way we can be more of our own selves rather than conformists to consumer culture, to lazy practices of showing ourselves in emoticons, populism and the old republican ways of being social and separate from everyone else around us including our children who need our conscious emotional support. Today, you might be aware or notice many people who are not sufficiently aware of what's going on on multiple levels of the world, as if some part of the population or aspect of the people is still walking around in the ancient ways, that has refused to find an outlet for democratic expression like people did in past decades when most people wanted steer clear out of the past and were going full speed into the future. This tendency lingers in ways so that social systems fail to find their common ground and there is great division, our freedom becomes a chess piece, our democracy a slogan and a button rather than an open discourse. Something more fundamental is missing that has required, aside from this pull towards the distant past, a necessity to be retroactive. Thus, its not the return to the old practices or ways per se that are unhealthy, its that we fail today to do it retroactively and so reside in a distorted future-past superimposed contradiction. During the time between 1960 and into the 1980s there was a lot of neo-classical reproductions of baroque for instance. This behaviour to reenact or re-create the tempos and fashions of the early modern world was consistent with the post-historical revolution that took hold at that time. Thus, the 1960s, because it was a a great return to the first pinnacle of civilization, to shamanic culture and the Aquarian movement of the hippies, it opened the doors to all past "archaic revivals'' as Terence Mckenna styled it. History was reappearing in all these new guises because the social change that occurred, as an artform many great historical motifs entered the scene and an interest in the religious, mystical and mythical dimensions returned. At that moment in time it all made sense but gradually has made less as people's memories fade. Hence, when we lose the social, cultural, intellectual, political, economic and technological means of expressing and existing, as it was in the 1960s, this revival of archaic styles becomes a contradiction and a neurotic display. This is why even genuine church dogma and religious order ceases to make sense because the movements that revived them were born of that era which today is absolutely contradictory to the conservative style of organization that started in Nixon's day. America would not have a religious movement, like televangelism if not for the events of the 1960s since most the religious fervour of antiquity had long been in decline. Social order in a religious movement happens by means of the pervading ecclesiology and all these revivals took place as a response to the change that created new churches and approaches to religious freedom. So when people yell "your doing it all wrong", that's why. In order to do it right, there is only the choice to be retroactive which means revolutionize the social and cultural policies and try to bring the last viable sane moment we knew back to us. Obviously we cant reinject the 1980s market, or the 1960s market because its dead particularly to todays technology and todays treasury, its the whole system that must reboot from scratch and try to recycle some of the themes and the actual unmodified presentations. Every time things get comodified like fake polaroids made from saturated high-def photographs, its being existentially inauthentic.

See when Clinton was in the presidential race, she had the GOP ticket riding along with her. Additionally the Russia tensor was still cold and open for exchange, meaning there would have plenty of room for fine tuning and would have been a balance of effects (at the time). Now, anything the liberals do, along with Trump, is going to disturb every descent, modest person and bring up Liberal-Bushy trauma (Baby Mamma Trauma and Baby Bushy Trauma). As a result, nothing gets to happen until Trump is ousted. As is known, when Bill Clinton was president up until 1998 or so, the government was being run the same with a conservative back wing and the liberals only did certain things independently so that as a result what the overall effect was democratic republic or moderate democracy. You didn't have these conjugations and awful dynamics partially because there was a strong grassroots, and Green movements holding the balance (the government just don't work like that on a stable basis these days without large fluctuations and upsets). Bush Sr. Elder was maintaining the situation behind the scenes and 'Baby' wasn't around until 97 after which the whole state of the world began to go weird. Trump, being biologically insane differs significantly from those who are suffering mental blocks, chemical anxiety or more complex life problems that lead to spouts of illness. You cant convince any historically sound professional that all people who struggle with depression or anxiety or some other minor thought disorder at some point in their life are actually born crazy or partial to a predisposed illness. One's that are biologically insane never admit to their disorders, and fall deeper into their delusions of grandeur until they can barely function without producing victims. This defines the lunatic of classical madness, Trump has proximity to borderline personality and biological insanity. Under ordinary conditions this biological recessiveness leads to all kinds of socially aberrant behaviour, lack of good sense, humour, genuine social connectivity, jamming up the thoughtways with resistances, until they build giant walls around everything that could force them to conform then and when they are made to conform they develop late symptoms of dysfunction and coping mechanisms that overload the brain's usual functioning. When left to a different society they are fine, it is the society to a degree that produces their madness. Without producing victims, borderline personas would not have an outlet or support system to uphold their mad convictions and their conflictual perspectives in the light of rational abidement in the dominating paradigms of the world -- acting only for the worst of humankind, dissenters only diverge when the system is in harmony, like total parasites. Placing Trump in the presidential outfit does not make a statement, it does not justify itself in the end as even a kind of self-help that opens him up to an onslaught of criticism and having to deal with the whole world and reality itself. Sessions of psychotherapy can become like an addicts crack pipe, for Trump being president and having to deal with reality becomes his daily drug, his daily dose of reality principle that calms him the shit down. But even a total transformation of the mask into a real person with the chemical makeup of connectionist, collective atuenment to the necessities and realities of others, is not going to change the POLITICAL and SOCIAL nature of the presidency. Narcicists are EVERYWHERE, they are walking around in business suites they are over-populating your cities and rural areas. Putting even a fixed infantile psycho in charge doesn't stop those other people -- its not a valid method of therapy, like primal scream therapy, it don't work for the whole world to see it on their phones, n their pads, on their laptops, on their TV screens. No, this is the spreading of a cancer! They simply normalize the existential pathology as their own and that is suppose to empower illness, the person is still incapable of being democratic or rational. Its a LIBERAL doctrine (based on neo-liberal conservative amateur dogma). To put Trump there and masquerade around calling it some radical model for changing what had shut itself up already thanks to the Russia and Obama maneuvers, is speculative nincompoop politics, its speculative nonsense and its risky. Healing Trump in real time as shit falls apart, isn't going to arrest potential pathology or potential crime or potential evil or potential immorality. It isn't going to CURE any of it, it was already cured and its because Trump and his breed returned to their proper functions in this universe for Gods sake instead of always seeking power and ridiculous, childish acting and power plays.
The real, original, true heresies of our culture are obviously those of the snake-oil witch creed who promulgate old wives tales, pretentious fears over scientific and rational advancement, who fuss over food additives and statistically invalid and imbalanced claims. For all the misery naturally attributed to what is fundamentally a maliberation of human free-will is the product of an undereducated majority -- Here in the West, most significantly in America, the conservative wing and liberal wing are often nearly indistinguishable in their heresy because as can be historically verified; there has never been true revolution here from the root of the socius of the people to naturalize a free thinking, openly truthful citizenry to account for what is such. America's approach to being liberal is quirkiness and mental incompetence as a kind of culture and tradition of socialization and productivity whereby heresy is a sort of physical-bodily addiction, because the Western tradition in the old days was not yet fundamentally rationally nor liberal in the revolutionary sense of a genuine whole, they could not succeed with regards for the clear open facts of consciousness in this area of scientific self-development. Once people realize the state of the economic and social reality here they come to see what is truly eating them alive inside and out for it concerns all aspects of human adventurism today. Moral decline, impracticality, fixation on inefficient hang-ups and incomplete-incompatible ideologies and what have you, are the things that remain to be dead ends and pathological preoccupations of our people who create no moral culture, art or redemptive system of thinking. All of the discordant heresies and horrible anathemas that sprout in the disharmonious cultural vacuum of the republican system of leadership show first how a lack of objective democratic discourse among rational (accountable) agents (and factuality itself) leads to pathic liberal social artifice and populist artificiality, negative trends, immoral social viruses and so forth. These symptoms can often be found to have a source in the speculative attachments to the past held by anachronistic thinking, or to some plastic, faux manner of existing which is held at bay in the past from being created in the present. Rather than recognize the cultural values, the truth of what makes social movements produce the edifice of what is missing, public people become superficially attached to the political value or economic status of a notion and thus never make real what is missing and neglect any and all solid, scientifically verifiable, natural and human qualities of a state, a nation or a movement. How can a moral and ethically infidel individual playcate in any way as a moral or ethical authority, proclaim moral or ethical continuity, deflect kindness as their own, usher any sort of critical point of view or buddhic accomplishment in the areas of patience, virtue or human rights? Such people get nothing from moral or ethical hegemony, from exemplars or what not, their moral character is a show granted by way of false perceptions and reductionistic thinking upon their critics. In other words, they falsely posture themselves as possessing ethical right or virtue only when morally established people exhibit shortcomings or when they can induce outrage that, in the minds of absolutely simple infantile outgrowths is confused with moral weakness or perceived illusion of their own effectiveness (like the menacing devil child who takes egoistic joy in observing the pain and suffering he causes confused as the weakness and the hidden cruelty exposed by his victims healthy reactions). These mentalities can hide in any outfit in our freak-show postmodern dress-up society, hence they do not outgrow themselves only in teens and early adults but instead prevail into senior levels of thought and behaviour. Such people can be extremely patient, regimented or outwardly self collected while they make the biggest most fundamental errors on behalf of an unregulated personal unconscious. None of this should come as any surprise, only in todays world of intelligence gathering, forensics and transparency does it seem like a disconnect has been extracted, only in the shadows of a super-efficient pre-knowledge of which our hypermodern society has prided itself on encircling the earth with the thousands of satellites that orbit us, does any of this behaviour seem so inappropriate, and yet it is misdiagnosed as postmodern as something having been overcome in past ages of enlightenment that it must go under a different title, when in fact such behaviour is the most common mentality of the common people of past ages, it is no wonder that fudged language, hollow speculation, rumours and childish gossip still pose a distractive mechanism to the empathic consensus of today that we just assume all rational animals, and thus all others, must be like us all (rational animals) that it is able at all to incur a dystrophic sort of paranoia among us and lurching out from within the crowd-mind with its claws and labelling devices. Going by what history has shown in the most classic examples, it stands to compare an epoch of prosperous social relations with increasing wealth among people who have access to trade routes, novel goods and the well-spring of the general, old economic order -- this we find associated with standard theory of political classes, for instance, that the older peasant and working class were in some devout way open to change as well with the influx of new industry at the turn of the century, with a kind of religious fervour they welcomed the new with a kind of ethical devotion. While what we think of as liberal doctrine having been consistent once with the old economy of consumption and up-speed in productivity, it is true today that no liberal function ever succeeded to bring it about without revolution; that is, among the conservative morale of the past organization of people, the majority, never became liberated by liberal doctrines but only by revolutionary methods which involved a kind of seduction of their own interests to the interests of the revolution. To this we see the signs and the subtleties where a static way of existing has only been replaced by some quirky motion towards a door that never opens, some consumer practice or increase in socialization etc., that uses the people as social capital. Perhaps this can be said to also define our conventional terms that separate a liberal society or culture from a neo-liberal one; the older liberal society is at once concerned with what comes after the revolution has brought about social transformation i.e., the culture, the museum, the art, the archive and education of people. While the neo-liberal culture is almost entirely corporate, is concerned with liberating physical labour from production, markets from people, and may not even be a liberal society at all but only a conservative, stale, past society disguised in some bygone post-revolutionary customs and transactional values hegemonically administered through monetary and corporate powers. A revolution operates under entirely different principles but equalizes its foreign and uprooted values to those of the traditional moral culture of say the aristocracy or the bourgeosie in the post-revolutionary social democracy. Much of this was brought to light by Helevitius who wrote procurements on the bourgeosie's prominent role in actually mobilizing the proletariat revolt against the oppressive forces in society. The political economy turns to rapid signification of its social, political and economic terms by avoiding these facts and producing public figureheads and controlling the flow of policy-forming organizations towards certain financial goals that often distort the values of all these systems, pulling them into a political vacuum of negative effects that combined deflect from the issues at hand while driving up prices. In the digital economy of people for instance you have en almost entirely detached or completely separated system of events and social transactions that go on via the digital market, the online news network, through social media and cell phones. In this space absolutely every thing is virtual and there is no proximity to the real or to the living state of affairs which once made the world go round, such as people in the street protesting, or the once predominantly grassroots economy of the 90s that covered a wider range of economic classes, artists and culture factions. In the millennial or post-millennial economy of more recent times there is practically nothing in the natural world which enters into its ecological frameworks -- all life goes on indissoluble and in total isolation, on social media in a fractured space and a warped time -- no remnant of the past is visible here only the elaborate execution of some economic model in a radically divorced technology. An economic order that has grown from the late 90s when internet went into broadcasting its existence on TV and the great meltdown of 2000 that preceded the whole post-9/11 virtual snake oil cartel of french-fry saturated media. Lawless opacity runs its trauma machine through this satureous mess of snake oil whereby it hoodwinks its handshakes with the oil slick maneuvers of a thief. The most utterly obnoxious and rude air-borne shitheads belong in the damn matrix recycle bin.  Some people can sometimes be like a short-circuited receiver mechanism in their incongruous lack of comprehension of actual meaning. We are reminded of a static channel, of the bad signal of grating noise in an open wire communication where all the meaning and value of the information transmitted is decomposed and processed as combined syntax. Some people are like disrespectful school children in their representation of reality who do not make natural assessments with the expectation of the brain's statistics gathering. Ego and personality fixations run deep in their personal self programming in the political matrix of the economy and these fixations prevent reason and objective thinking from releasing the tensions of their personal mythos from the body narcissistic. Complete nobodies usurp in spite of truth with groundless precepts of an ethical, spiritual, or psychological subject which have no relative consistency with the reality in question. For instance political moralists who are bipartisan or sit on neither side of the political spectrum are used as an axis of discernible virtues or spiritual tolerance with regards these and other conditions but cannot apply common sense in their assessments of human rights or spiritual virtues and thus become an axis of an absolutist and open monopoly on conditional and momentary gaming logic. These kinds of folks have no universal validation for their opinions of respectable people for example, even as they operate in the shadows beneath the skirts of political organizations and media. History eschews such gossipers and rumour spreading vermin for they were always the products of feudalist states and primitive conditions where great minds suffered to prosper and which we hope with todays access to civilized thinking have overcome to allow revolutionary intellects to flourish. They elevate their own sense of status by adversely critiquing others with genuine titles in the stage but these people do not belong in the stage at all and never had positions in the stage of history for their existential weakness prevented them from doing anything more than conjuring and selling off their quack products. Established scholars of history, of Eastern enlightenment, those who like the registries of the Dalai Lama have actually studied every sect of thought and know the terminological differences of Buddhic expressions, of the stock of Zen sayings and ways of meditating, true sages who can actually enter a Zazen state altering their brainwaves and fall over into a trance sleep while false critics cannot even genuinely quite their minds for two seconds, you have accomplished Zen masters who have built monasteries, who have done practical and crazy zen, downed buckets of rain water and shooters of fox slobber while others go on about the zen of their own madness live more closely to the schemes of terrorists but still the master could promote a real terrorist group with arms of explosives only to scare away such useless shills. And in this way they disappear or confront the truth like shadows, like whimsical, superstitious spirits of an empty village pummelled by war or other scenes from the past resurface in the karmic soup of the masses. Against this there is no relative grasp of what is relative when the childish mind is rampant unless recognizing a relative truth can save its own life or prevent bodily suffering. In such manner the vacuous one's find their common ground in the vacuum of punishments or of desperate causes such as a living crisis, inducing the suicidal wishes of a loved one, confronting harsh reality when all calculated decisions lead to dead ends or being dictated too how things are to be done by some prop politician. In the social madness of this kind of state one knows one is living in ancient anachronism, or that modern progress has receded in some significant way to a less sophisticated public mentality. Things could only get this way by getting out of hand and being torn up by reductive means. No unifying power would result in this only a disunity, a decentralizing of power and essence from its ecological functions   
 Innocence has no means to recognize epistemic wrongfulness; such creatures are empty of this discernible difference or have no empirical knowledge of good and evil yet reasonably investigated into the world. As metabolic homeostasis reaches an adult phase of information and energy consumption and catalyzes the states of psychophysiology and endocrine physiology begin to adjust their phases with the appearance of moderate ratios of discernibility in the environment and recognition of mythical dimensions, scientific facts, social solidarity, personal sovergneity, class consciousness, philosophical reason, character judgements and gathering of statistical demographies based on world features and experienced likiehoods over Maslowvian hierarchy curves. A cross-referencing of this knowledge with a spectral linguistic analysis gives more optimal measures of accuracy in the big picture. 
  Perhaps only in the end game of Hell, the end result of living in apophasia, which in death revives life curled up in a state of never-ending torment, is there any sense of original justice for the good willed few who live miserably under their errors, assaults, emotional abuses and misadventures, in a world condemning any spoken elaboration of its immediate first premise (which is a miscarried modal-anthropological fallacy that drowns out this elaboration in the first place just by the very fact of its complex monstrosity for which there is almost always a perfectly just reason not too that arises naturally in response to the repetitive negativity of cloned scenes that produce anxiety).  Long before the internet became a fortuitous disaster zone of popups, forced adds and invasive server lags, the regulation of commercial traffic and cognitive graffiti. The massive debt presiding over the system is what blinds the system of its debt. These ready-made ambitions of alleviating personal existential debt and the musings of market technocrats, onto the debted or the debtor onto those indebted, is the essence of crony capitalism, its psychology circulates as mistrust aroused by this total ambition of the affect-Ego that escapes all confrontation with the necessary demands of what passes for the real because by affect it can fulfill the necessary demands circumscribing the real. Flowing in this discontinuous line of malprogrammed drivelings against the easy rational duties of a self-conscious Being, corrupting the normative genetic foci imposing regularities against dialectical development; integration and the ethico-moral variance acclimatized to the human fulcrum of intelligence. Even in a vast population with a moderate nature they found it unnecessary to apply added restrictions to language and expression. The homo sapien is now that infinitude of self-contradiction that appeases this infinitude with ontological finitude (death), and that we see forging an affective drive concomitantly over and against the genetic rules of self-reproduction (death-drive); these were once associative rules governing information and its normal growth-distribution in human collective order. As  norms of sociobiological adherence they were once biosocial codes that endured generations of psychoenergetic upheaval either for or in contradiction to the associatively natural patterns of chemical physiology. In the adverse name of the collective death-drive, itself not a drive endemic to mankind, since mankind is a privately rational being of self-preserving flows and orderly tendencies, perceptively heterogenous and not collectively prone to the destructive homogeneity of crowd-mind chatter. Indissociable man becomes partially homogenized with his sense categories as the passage into this homostasis of the death-drive forces irrational attachments disassociated from nature and grafted onto the concrete jungles of neurotic society. One attempts to escape this death-drive as a post-orgasmic resistance in the unconscious one constructs macabre figures and fashions, the art-brute or quasi-surreal sceneries of today's capitalist-post-capitalist culture. Designating mob behaviour and collective irrationality, the crowd-mind reverberates in the psychopathologies of fandom's rise to a media brawl; fandom articulates a definitive Dionysian force, a disease of the social body and stalking the Shadow -- social mania at the preconscious level obeys little or no rational social order, queerifying otherwise mindful creatures to misidentify with hysterical disassociative knowledge and behaviour. Academic critiques and challenges to Freud's general hypothesis, even when they are intended to widen or add social specificity to theoretical misdiagnosis or to cultural mistranslations, in the large, corrupt the public image and figural function Freudianism plays in relation to political economy. Libidinal economy is easily annexed or bootstrapped to a false solicitation of productive psychoanalytic themes by unorthodox Freudian propaganda via the mechanistic formulation of psychoanalysis by rogue state interests meant to serve increasing consumer functions proliferating in the social order. In Americas machine-driven industrious economy these themes assist consumption and self-reproduction by clinging to product fetishism and explicit taboo marketing which today is predominantly speculative, cynical and mechanistic. Today, these are the most common cases of Freudian heresy that take pop psychological routes to Freudianism by his most infamous mutilators, while missing the wider contexts of psychological practices that bore the German psychotherapy movement and its synthesis. A multifactorial complex, the death-instinct (Thanatos) effects not individuals per se, but collectively pushes individuals to the crowd-mind principle, to follow the destructive, self-annihilation of species, to war, to vote in bad conscience, to act promiscuously, detaching men from their individual freedom and desires for collective disorder that enforces them to act irrationally. Since man is a rational being he does not naturally giveway to collective order and self-destruction without protest. However the crowd-mind tendency because its supportive object is social and this fills a critical role in self-maintenance via social survival in groups, can push a rational being towards anti-private justifying, living blasphemy or anti-rational apostasies upheld by the negation routes of neuroapophasia. Affective-residual body narcissism stains the natural willful persona potential in man overriding it with the unconscious meaning of selective identity projections. Negative myopia and disempathic behaviour come as a result of this mismatch of identity structures. These are signifacatory traits of the extreme affective disorders at the antipode of obsessional ego-repetition. Where repetition usually coincides with the normative drives of natural habit and self-preservation, this drive turns obsessive when sieved through the technical and social constraints of modern industrial economies, and in the absence of a viable economic function grounded in one's own vital organic nuances, it is instead candy-coated in a suppression that reduces normal habits to consumption, etc., Children who are born, sheltered from the noise of conformalist, progressive society, listen more attentively to their nervous systems inner messaging with categories of sensations, signalling the physiological status judged organically by the rational mind. Progressively neo-liberal indoctrinations, 'psychology of the healthy animal', the mascarade of stuffy corporate conservativism, stale corporate industry and the man-in-the-street's polluted conceptions all improperly code the meaning experience and language to conform to the demands of this progressively Superegoic state, justifying a sublimity to the stable complex reflecting derivative economy -- derivative being based on the grafting of temporary solutions irrespective of their existing systemic truths -- Floating upon fluffy clouds of mass delusion, sanctioned by incompatible logics, the supporting agendas built on fabricated political and social rubric, propagate towards their disorderly noise, the homeostatic undertones and regularity of phallic narcissism to the shattered repetitions of empty 'phallusing' in the form of mental objects and objectified cognitions in everyday professional life. These are collectively symptomatic of capitalist states with a high demographic for neo-liberal technocracy that when combined tends to neuroticize worker's consciousness revealed in the everyday speech. The assault of the death-drive whose original vehicle is rediscovered in the affective emotions, these outward transferant states have a unique quality of being irreconcilable to the conscious mind through any undeniable confrontation with the affective slips of brute modernism, since they are rooted in the postmodern, monetary protection code of self-interest that assures the unconsciously moralized incestual denial-repression dual in a homeostatic flow of natural conflicts. Secondary process repression hides here, in the variations of economic and social values derived through the cybernetic confluency of speech, persona and the everyday release of animus through jokes tied to industrial-corporate functions of Ego-sanitation. Newly founded in-born complexes attach themselves to some trauma scene, primal scene and a misconceived reality is dually born because they are not routed in present life-stream events; rather they positively emerge from past life traumas sedimented in the shock-field of the pure consciousness. These afflictions are not relative, remembered or otherwise recollected as events. Reincarnated memory may be shared by all conscious of it and never does it designate a direct transmigration of the singular soul, psyche or conscious energy through generations of material bodies. Energy conserves its vector state through cyclical self-embeddedness as the spiral geometry of akasha. But its memory is coherent only through spatial resonance. Ordinarily this mass storage of living memories is totally inacessible to the conscious mind, even more so than archetypal collectives. However under unique circumstances past-life memory can re-associate coherently to the individual's energy body. Such an event is acausaly related to the present life-stream but harmonizes by joining in a super-resonance or 'channel'. With every factor regarding human neurosciences, such as the neuroplastic or holodynamic paradigms we find again the metaphysical endurance of memory, and conscious reflection, beyond the physical structures of the brain. Our cosmic and microcosmic universe is epistemically validated to exhibit undeniable holographic properties esp., in the plasma-wave spectrum of matter. 
  The mind of crowds negates the thinking subjectivity of the individual. As a subset of the collective unconscious, the crow-mind is a semi-localized field of distortion, in the archetypal patterning classical order. An ant colony, a swarm, distances the through and behaviour to the individual. The subject has fewer degrees of freedom as a rational thinking being and this is why the media, sports, elections, polls conducted by the state program societies to enpower the private intelligence of elites ability to keep the consciousness ignorant. Crowd-mind social consensus is complex emergent of the animal lines of traversing geographical fields. Social networks also imprint invisible control parametric space, imbue conditions of crowd mentality. The great philosophical point about public opinion was not so much that public opinion was an invalid non-thought of the majorities but the fact that public opinion fluctuates and can be controlled by statistical machines, variables and shows that mass language floats above individual subjects in a pool of collective automata, the mathematical modelling of voters, and polling just the same i.e., the illusion of an enduring publical nature.
  Publically-minded outsiders, alien to the inner-workings of the Academy of thought, identify trustworthiness and profession to the objectivity of status, credential and social roles in hopeless postmodern states, and because of this blind superstition prevails over their sensibilities and laxative character judgement. Such impractical dubious personalities infer little in terms of expectations in this short but serious existence yet, tragically, in the end wallow in the resultant misery and frivolity of their past missteps with all the very real consequences owed to them. Their agony, like the penultimate fate of Dr. Faustus himself, is our own in which we consistently toil to correct by monetary or factical violence. For have we not suffered from their miscalculations? One must steer away from bad company the same way one must always avoid the stifling conditions of boilers and bee hives. Diagnosing the impediments of careless people we should first consider that we live now in an age of placaters, advertisers and cheap personas, troublemakers and enviers whose guile tricks land them in hot water. In such an age of rabid opportunism and collated to the mass media's attention spans where the animated peasant majority have signified the personal role of economic self-activism to themselves as hollow individual units actively pressing social interaction, moral freedom the spreading of random, unqualified rumour and opinion, here say and wild mistrust. From this crazy narrative it must become clear that rational accountability and other commitments to the ethical life of individuals is subversively played into the hands of those superficial and boyish preoccupations, the socialized wonderings of pederastic persona types. Losing sight of what is globally necessary, loosely taking revenue or underemphasizing the essentials, forgetfulness of prominent facts or events, dropping the ball etc. Personal corporate knowledge (as opinion) blatantly discounts historic and physical, moral fact -- Indeed, not simply falling to a pessimism, a telescopic nihilism or misanthropic philosophy of partial insight, these clues to an abominable decline in not only moral and religious focal points but spiritual reason to scientific facts as well. Notwithstanding the cruel possibilities of providing Machiavellian theory some public approval (which is inessential to its core self-evidentiality) with say social polity that unleashes irrational and crazed behaviour, one cannot with nearly good conscience deny that under many circumstances a Machiavellian logic of justified ends goes against intrinsic legality -- and hence in light of this we may use the example of the criminal assassin who has killed a mad dictator and prevented a genocide -- how do the means justify the ends? becomes unquestionably obvious to even a narrowly focused moral intellect. Such a hypothesis however must pass certain foundational tests of a rigorous sort of moral clarity. Remembering that reigning a divine justice must be reservedly led by the iconic figure (the Prince) alone, for whom no other type of mortal can choose divinely, for they are most often only guided by their neurotic self-interests and slothish collectivism that turns out to lead them to the slaughter because they lack the sensible foresight, waiting instead for all the 'hard proof' which they smell most evidently with their noses to the ground.      
Nature's Light reflects fully and completely in the Hegelian-Schellingian Subjective Spirit -- while the spirit is not reflected in-itself (as) Spirit there it has been poisoned by human transparency, impurity or moral scruples. The self-consciousness of pure "I" relata is born from a rational-instinctive trustworthieness with respect to Nature [the Objective Spirit] is one with the rational intentionality. Human evility (self-unconsciousness) is, in Fichte's view, rooted in a kind of 'slothness' that opposes itself to the sensate act of reflexive human will -- evility acts within the parameters of unconscious 'doing' and deliberations which are incapable initially of discovering the conscious nerves of the will to self-determine. Only the  self-determining reflections of a thoughtful mind can chose to act even in the empty vacuum of energy where the self-reflective will to power is the only existing potential. Identifying this potential with physical power is the key to creating philosophical knowledge from nothing. Thus the strength that sympathizes with its opposite is its greatest strength since it knows the strife directly that its opposite struggles so greatly to conquer. Rebelliousness for a true philosopher is usually a rebellion against some folly or morally abnormal social order. This manifests as restlessness before one figures out what influences are troubling him and places them back to their proper ranks above which stands the coats of reason and self-governance. This is not to say that the powers producing conscious reason and willfulness should always be expected to manifest as an indefatigueable source of potency -- toleration to stress ought to subside in higher states of relaxed mind as negative stress mechanizes the action potential eventually running down the power to produce potency. Tolerance built on overriding stress responses shortens power by exghausting it as force. Self-unconsciousness is animated by force which usually follows some sort of code or law that determines itself as logical choice, or a linguistics of laws and political conditions that determines what values it respects, often confusing culture with values, ethics and morality with the law and reality for process. Such a level of functioning is synonymous with the legality of laws i.e., the archaic system created long ago to civilize an inheritency of inborn ethics into creatures whose base humaness was limited to the circuit of reward-punishment commands (law codes) and behavioural conditioning. Thus, when the law turns to linguistic-political norms of a mass society of opinion and ceases to be conditional on the root circuit of behavioural conditioning it can be genetically confused with a moral or ethical authority, Human values are then perceived via transference to the synthetic appearances of the law, society and mass politics. Self-nature was once the source of human values, imparted the perception of value, psychological self-responsibility and correct associative reasoning about the world and causal accounting of the real, description of events, experience and so forth that formulates normative consensus or 'common sense'. Human self-unconsciousness is an irrationalism not only of an instinctively rational being of trustworthy value judgments but of natural humanity. Deceptiveness is not characteristic of human nature but neither is its mimesis by programmed systems. These qualities are adaptive in their mode of development such as is seen in the transmorphic pattern deception by nonmammalian animals, octopi and reptiles for instance. Once self-conscious trust in human reason has been tampered, contaminated, Nature's connexion to the individual Subjectivity is also spoiled. This tends towards a kind of severance of the conscious rational Subject from the natural world of thermal connectivity and organic order -- a condition with increasing degrees of isolation, mistrust, extreme idealism, induced sickness of the soul from the natural-external world, the presence of ill omens. etc. 

You can kill a man (that's easy) but you can't kill the bullshit he stands for. First you have to snuff out his false logic with the stone cold hard facts of completed sense-certainty and reason whereby he may become a reflectively rational animal who apperceives his failings of mind in the way he lingers dumbfoundedly over the absolute like a straw dog in heat that has no relative consciousness of nature to constrain his blunders. Only sufficiently rational men are determinably capable of philosophical responsibility. While bullshitters are by all definition waste producers who live by the herd mottos and not by the facts assessed from their own experiences. Innocent publics struggling to be free civilians are still unprepared for the task of civilized cultures and the conscience necessary to procure the reflective philosophical life. Thus can a rational fool be killed but only after making him accountable to some measure that he knows his past errors, otherwise its purely philosophical murder of the innocent. Maturate the spirit of the sceptic, the stoic and the cynic to accept just principles, first even if only on the grounds of their principality, and such that they will no longer enjoin among the ranks of faithless and lowly servants, the beasts, animals and herdy creatures of primitive republics -- elevate their thinking to that of an accountable lifeform who can apply reason benignly through the expansive jungles of his once contrary logic and the dogma of logical consistency. Teach them to be men among scholars and authorities in the ranks of noble castes and churches that resemble in their manners and posture that of maternal figures; aid their squandering intellection to see without authorial confirmation so they may pass through life free from fatal error and political sin. To slay the blind is only to increase blindness, thus as it is said only slay the man of bad conscience who can see and knowingly commits himself against the way of the universe and who threatens to corrupt the livelihood of the community in its realized state. Since retched fryers and spoilers vacate from themselves any response to adapt to natural conditions, they land an eternal accidental tenure of misery in Hell following bodily death and yet seem knowingly to continue existing in a mode of fallacy why do they not simply bite down on red-hot iron blades for free excruciation if they're already chosen eternal torcher as their destiny?
  Machiavelli's dictum that "Might makes right" is a self-equivalent truism; "Right makes might" i.e., will, the decidability to produce willful action against force emerges from righteous self-consciousness. To see, sense, willfully, i.e., to cause willful essence as choice is a power against the applied pressure of blind force. The philosophy of right is a philosophy of self-knowledge and self-consciousness, to know right is to be supplied with the power of complete understanding (consistent with the way of things in both their relative and absolute natures.) If there is true might reigning in the world then it must be unfettered by any arbitrary rules of its expression either singularly relative or absolute looming conditions. If it is reigning below its potential value under these rules and is righteously capable of producing the same affective results than this may be considered paranormal in appearance like the nonlocal acts of a disembodied spirit. For the inner will that is conscious of itself has sense of itself the same way feeling ones limbs is tied to one's ability to initiate their movement. A sensitive self-conscious will can localize choice in emptieness where there may be only futile exghaustion over units of time, while a dull self-asserting, extrenuated or unconscious will can only move in the finite domain of limited matter forces that are less likely capable of evolving in time and on their own accord independent of any mental direction. With the forces acting upon such a will its self-reflection can generate an action of energy against their blind weight and this is an example of essence giving rise to substance shaping material things. The creative will of genius creates choice of one out of zero, or some small fraction of potential energy, which is capable of being generated by looking to the void and objectifying its own reflex as a function (I see I = essence). Numbness of sense cannot create something out of next to nothing it can only procure appearances or project elaborate hoaxes like a paralyzed limb. Hence, it is the sensitive, self-reflective will of the empath who potentiates this power over to time to give reflexivity to insight even when physical energy does not permit it, it can only appear any other way as one of the schemes of immediacy where the autopathic desire for pain in invoked.

  Only the few men endowed with princely intuitions at their disposal can procure such judgements accurately and with just precision do they execute the fallacious ones without reservation or limits to ferocity. Common fools are bred on their queerly passions, distorted sensibilities confirmed for them by authority figures, class-acts and an insufficient dose of mental clarity, their emulated intellects with which they cannot predict rising failure, existential error, nor pass sound character judgements on the susceptive agents of society. The introduction and embellishment of cultural cliche, parody, and taboo wrestling not everyday personifications in the undertones of speech, in advertisement especially -- cynicalizes in a brutishly false fashion the everyday world, present a vacuum of unconscious toxicity and valorizes environmental space with the residual hype, industrial machines and gadgets of mass communications -- Socialization pollution; when crowd minds are stirred up through invigorated political speeches given by the watered-down heads of states, market positivity, half-baked collectivist hopes, false idealism, etc., We must understand that the scientific enterprise is not to be attributed to the same process as psychological rationality for the machinations of the labcoat profession are simply the working gears that assist in the procurement of scientific knowledge, but in full view of practical reason, most often, they are myopically trained not to be distracted by it. Only the acclaimed scientist who is a true academic, writer and thinker can see how reason aids scientific judgement in building our picture of reality and directing likely areas of investigation based on empirical truth. It is he who must set the standards and guide labcoat practitioners to exact their methods correctly in order that results be sustained in accordance with the rational goals of the scientific method. A common error today is that people confuse scientific method (as praxis) with rational science (as value) and calculate in angles and directions based solely on what can be deduced from physical data and in this categorical misclassification they drool all over the big picture facts that the fruits of reason has illuminated as self-evident amongst scientifically literate mankind. Worse still is when this tactical myopia is allowed to run-off on its own in speculative chasms of thought, such that it considers knowledge and world-views based on secular materialism -- secluding considerable recognition of truth and reality only on what has been or can be physically verified it closes itself off from the normal reckoning and associative functions that inform learning, and the centuries old establishment of recognizing rational qualities grounded in trial and error, and likelihood. While the rest of the human race might believe in certain things based on its reasonable potential, they do not believe in anything until it is verified physically or confirmed by figural authorities. Like a dog with its nasal passages cut off, these folks predicate everything first from convincing physical demonstrations, which excites their base animal sensory-instincts tied as they are to the material animist categories of experience, and from such a perspective they launch calculations that confer to them what is real or what is to be acted upon -- and can oddly enough make them act upon or confer totally insane, even superstitious, conclusions with out a shred of rational taste. Worse than the moral blindness of those who fail to recognize animal abuse for example is the moral blindness of those who do react emotionally to it and fail to recognize their civil responsibilities as humans, it is they who fall bellow the level even of the those who ignore abuse in grading moral character. Cloudy minds collectively rely upon the individual temporal positions they hold to in voiding personal responsibility they displace it onto the other faction who are equally in disregard of their resonant sociobiological functions as rational beings. Disclosing the truth about positively fuelled deceit, and positive self-exuberance as social programming>
  A populace that willingly supports a lesser good over a greater good, or can be manipulated by political rhetoricians and opinion formation machines, to vote in a greater evil over a lesser is not compelled individually to participate in the action of freedom and is ethically and morally defunct to a level of the gross domestic national product, and with this in mind has not authentically awakened the truth consciousness of right to be lead by the just, perfected, or politically centred brand of leadership -- an irrational will that is itself decentred from truth cannot submit its will power to a balanced representative government with the kind of fallacious moral flaws and inflated expectations that the lowest order dictate to narcissistic flocks that perpetuate their pathic drives. After the silent majorities have lost their silence they fail again to lose their ill-conceived social nature with their silent religion, collective instincts, or crowd tendencies. This is the grand example of perfectionist-narcissism. This is why the common observation that man cannot be free and simultaneously responsible, ethical and moral, good and true, holds firmly to the fact that the public as a mass cannot be allowed to vote -- a free election ought to be held as a referendum in the structure of a hand-picked jury; the jury representing the responsible or moral majority and not a body politic of crowd minds who succumb to the lowest populist drives exploitable by the wealth system. Populist machinery does not belong to the spirit or the goals of the people, but is an economic phenomena that establishes social and product consumption as its goal, organizing the system of signs on middle-class values that outlive the usefulness of the state and turn the hopes and aspirations of the people into automated needs consistent with the needs of capitalism. Political cheapskates exploit any irrelevancy assimilated to their set of intransigent cultural values or causes. If we are to consider that for a long time the essence of man has been experienced as animal rationale, i.e., as the thinking animal, then it follows that ratio is not just one power among others but is the basic power of man. That to which man is empowered by this power is decisive with regard to his relation to the velum and the falsum. In order to obtain the true as what is right and correctly governable, man must be assured and certain of his will in reflective self-confirmation of truth. The velum becomes the certum. The question of truth becomes the question of wether and how man can be certain about his own essence. The mass of people falsely self-identify with the figure of justice, with the hero, the true patriot and the ideal gentleman who is presidential, aggressively visionary where they are not. They wish this figure to be their self icon, but are not given the opportunity to vote them and are given instead the stale choice of todays trend that is an extreme of effeminate rebellion and weakly obedience to stale authority. They live in the spell of always looking back to what is been lost; representative law, that is practiced in addendum to the criminal 'business as usual' and that they edify these lawful traits in the image of the original Alpha type who must apply proper ingenuity to overturn the contradictory back to its truth or to mock the profane with the sacred (a modest form of rational rebellion against a rebellious order). But the system presents them with false images and excuses, hollow suites and they wonder forever why this is so. Speaking as a private era liberal, the Alpha trait is something more proper to my generation, or in fact more precisely (my fathers) generation. In those days the image of the 007 agent was made as someone in the society who as a youth rebells against the establishment and is recruited to help solve social problems. Alpha's see what is wrong with society that causes them to rebel when young and thus possess a genius that later realizes novel ways of correcting its ills. This is why they were promoted by the Royalty system as its sage heros. There are then three types, Alphas, Betas and Psychos!

Thus, the state is a condition or a product of corporate free enterprise -- it is in this respect also the existential victim of free enterprise as the various convolutions of postmodern political indoctrination we most often see manifested in socialization politics and setting up incompatible systems of domestic order. All societies are to a large extent adapted to the mechanic conditions of the social state. Morality is among its first assimilated victims of denaturalization, along with original critical rationality and organized protest, art and genuine cultural effects. The anarchist manifestos of history may serve to instill the natural order of a body-politik without reference to economic fascinations, trendist fashion dogmas or the thaumaturgial machines of irrational industry. To plan an ideal methodology of governance it is necessary to educate the self-endowed so that they may recognize permanently the shapes of goodness, truth, the just and the beautiful and thereby be able to rule the state wisely as a naturalistic, neo-Platonic, social democratic process. The ability to council and execute leadership demands clear perception of others unconscious process and stance, will and intention. For the most part, self-possessed rulers are also possessed individually of sociological mallignment to the suffering and misfortunes of the rightcheos; their words are fuelled by the unconscious pleasures selfishly gained by conscious pain (received or inflicted) on those whose downfall they have orchestrated as a polarizing effect propagated to the control of public opinion networks, and in rhetorical self-justification they calculate the surface effects and chain reactions expressed by the rational, and unaccountably of their own impositions they claim Other responsibility for their own lack of accounting historical facts. Until philosophers and other thinking men are brought together to design a shadow government, or until those who govern in bad conscience turn their lust for derisory power into a desire to know the truth, such that political power and philosophy become one and the same, there can be no respite from the calamity effecting the state or for all humankind now and in the future. 
  Today, the human race is entranced to an absolutely pluralistic irradiance of beliefs and knowledge. Overexposed to information and the abundant triviality presenting truth in all language, the direction is to be determined by the preconceptual knowledge already at ones disposal. Any revelation of new knowledge, movement or revolutionary principles immediately fall into the indices of this historicism which instantly erases their potential value. When the system can no longer covet nor generate new knowledge either by feigning or conspiring to contradict power and the spirit in the name of control-power relation equivalence, this is because of the crushing force that the present state of information has previously condemned all human acts that reached the maximum degree of effectual complexity. Nothing actual remains in the competitive field, in the domain of wages, or combating philosophical ideologies, notwithstanding the economic depravations that consigns responsibility to the invisible will of the system. The system of course is complacently orchestrated on its own nonevents. Sloth breeds systemic greed just as corporate America is the topmost agent of feigning hyperreality and fudging relata that are in-themselves nonexistent. Theres nothing that remains to be seen, theres nowhere left to go -- the world is no more. When it was vanishing, many practical measures were imputed to put this vanishing mirage into reverse. To inundate a pictorial narrative of historical time and rewind during fast play. 
Publically-minded outsiders, alien to the inner-workings of the Academy of thought, identify trustworthiness and profession to the objectivity of status, credential and social roles in hopeless postmodern states, and because of this blind superstition prevails over their sensibilities and laxative character judgement. Such impractical dubious personalities infer little in terms of expectations in this short but serious existence yet, tragically, in the end wallow in the resultant misery and frivolity of their past missteps with all the very real consequences owed to them. Their agony, like the penultimate fate of Dr. Faustus himself, is our own in which we consistently toil to correct by monetary or factical violence. For have we not suffered from their miscalculations? One must steer away from bad company the same way one must always avoid the stifling conditions of boilers and bee hives. Diagnosing the impediments of careless people we should first consider that we live now in an age of placaters, advertisers and cheap personas, troublemakers and enviers whose guile tricks land them hot water. In such a  age of rabid opportunism and collated to the mass media's attention spans where the animated peasant majority have signified the personal role of economic self-activism to themselves as hollow individual units actively pressing social interation, moral freedom the spreading of random, unqualified rumour and opinion, here say and wild mistrust. From this crazy narrative it must become clear that rational accountability and other commitments to the ethical life of individuals is subversively played into the hands of those superficial and boyish preoccupations, the socialized wonderings of pederastic persona types. Losing sight of what is globally necessary, loosely taking revenue or underemphasizing the essentials, forgetfulness of prominent facts or events, dropping the ball etc. Personal corporate knowledge (as opinion) blatantly discounts historic and physical, moral fact -- Indeed, not simply falling to a pessimism, a telescopic nihilism or misanthropic philosophy of partial insight, these clues to an abominable decline in not only moral and religious focal points but spiritual reason to scientific facts as well. Notwithstanding the cruel possibilities of providing Machiavellian theory some public approval (which is inessential to its core self-evidentiality) with say social polity that unleashes irrational and crazed behaviour, one cannot with nearly good conscience deny that under many circumstances a Machiavellian logic of justified ends goes against intrinsic legality -- and hence in light of this we may use the example of the criminal assassin who has killed a mad dictator and prevented a genocide -- how do the means justify the ends? becomes unquestionably obvious to even a narrowly focused moral intellect. Such a hypothesis however must pass certain foundational tests of a rigorous sort of moral clarity. Remembering that reigning a divine justice must be reservedly led by the iconic figure (the Prince) alone, for whom no other type of mortal can choose divinely, for they are most often only guided by their neurotic self-interests and slothish collectivism that turns out to lead them to the slaughter because they lack the sensible foresight, waiting instead for all the 'hard proof' which they smell most evidently with their noses to the ground.      

Denials of taboos simplicity even as they are the only politically effectual motives that work on the primate nervous systems by the way of cliche and the invention of libidinal economy as a kind of pathos, idioms and rhetoric which become evil devices while conscious facts and sufficiently detailed criticisms merely aggravate their liquidated need for attention and rationalized protest. This xenodiagnosis balances the cultural and socioeconomic waste of productive, anti-intellectual, originally self-oedipalizing states  abnormal equivocation to mundane primate self-replication. Miscarried analytical arguments that claim the nature of moral conflict and cold 'war' in Machiavellian truth to be a 'hostile' social metaphysics also deflate the principle cause, and, like toddlers trying to grasp solid objects above their heads capacity, barred in their intellectual cribs, tend to speculate wrongly in the dark terrains of a dissipative mental machine logic with the outward rehearsals of a neophytes self-assuredness. With this 'attenuation' of the complexes thought motion to a salient or brute force you see the actualizing of error -- Explicitly mentioning any statements against the farther left in its aberrant form reflect harmfully on the stale wastebasket of the republican party's domination schemes and venomous tactics, it is unavoidable to make any critical phrase about the left without hurting the fundamental notions of the political right and postmodern corporatism, even if such veiled attacks are misconceived. With the arrival of planet X the xenodiagnosis is likely to heat up even more debate and is expected to be the same nemesis, i.e., this totally outside intelligence will undoubtedly condemn sapient statecraft and our fraudulent measures of existential deception, political heresy and ideological extremes. To miss this most crucial point, as it is a sociological observation of cogent likelihood, is to lose one's conscious recognition of sociobiological, biological and rational laws for an anthropocentric 'animal' survival impulsion. Only the walking, talking, linguistic animal of the prescientific, fact-denying past is dull enough to bury its head in the dirt far enough to negate acceptance of this relative prediction and live to utter pleas about it at the end. Unlike sufficiently rational beings who have reached Type-1 equilibrium, the status of humans exists in a limbo between action and opinion that is antiproductive to their biorational destiny; they exhibit moral, environmental and aesthetic completeness by engaging in moral neutralization of their opposing incompatibilities and psychological evils through the strategic political interface of geopolitical warfare; the only sufficient historical logic existing between these opposing models of social order that are partial to harbouring their own unconscious evil which, for all divine purposes, would naturally had enacted at least the dialectical aesthetics of mutual neutralization. Ideologies, political camps, and economic zones, must wage if even dialectical warfare on each other lest they fall to their evil complicity. The unconscious, evil sides of each faction must take core, gonadic responsibility in some interface that involves moral and ethical competition -- lest they harbour their own complicit evils, economic oppression, speculative greed and artless deliberation of life. To believe otherwise is to be uninformed or to have only an infant's metric of observance, an utterly naive grasp of human ultimate nature which is the main fault of criminal weakness and ingenuine liberalism. Rejection of this fact and of its initiation signifies denial of human nature, unconscious repression of human historical good and evil, the aesthetics of good and evil, necessary knowledge, the denial of man's original fallibility and the placement of mankind on an anthropocentric-demonic pedestal gilded with holy resemblances that only serve to mock the sacred. This too is the postmodern fate of a plastic, tacky religious organization of life that constrains humankind's connective flow through nature. Man's waring desires are not the desires to destroy the object of existential hell, nor the object that opposes the fulfilment of life, the enemy of life etc., for war is social and political behaviour that into which statehood is originally determined first in acts of orderly demonstrations of intelligence, myth, power, dominance and geographic relations that are crucial to the meaning of a period of economic growth, reform, integration, etc.. However these constraints all vary according to history and geography, the military forces collide to the public calculations and lands are reapropriated with the change in wealth distribution. Waring desires are no doubt repressed by monetary private interests as a substitute for life and real growth in the name of non-competitive gain -- instead waring behavioural effects, the sociopathic obsession with war, is lived out in video games, in truly harmful crimes of economic impertinence that tie in the gaming world to insurgency, conflictual domestic escapism, and the agitation of terrorist reactions reaped in all regards to environmental decay (ecological and with respect to the surrounding physical influences of life that are negated.) Those wishful thinkers who cannot unfudge the fact of their probable role in climate denial it would be honestly impossible for them to theorize a sideways account of climate warming by circumventing the catastrophe theory of human emissions that keep longitudinal climate variances stable or unstable. Bottom-line in climate thinking, it is surely the actions of man that have destabilized the weather seasonal differences and the melting of the ice caps in recent decades. In total, these disproportionately effect entire planetary ecologies climate norms. Those secluded to the belief that society must be rendered as a morally active system by invoking programs and instructions which it indirectly enforces orderly social behaviour for its populations by articulated deliberations based on ideological calculations, are not only demoralizing but dehumanizing to the nature of all dynamic, macroscopic, living, physical functions. The conservative, republican disorder in America today as a fundamentalized policy of growing dissent are to the Eastern powers and liberal democrats what the nazi's were to the German nation itself. Obviously laissez-faire zionism and its radical wings are wrong, in many respects now more than ever -- for one it gives primacy, a semicogent alibi for those holding nationalist machinations who only want to rid themselves of critical thought, Jewish thought and diasporic history to be exact, and 'sending the Jews on their merry way' back to Israel appeases their original guilt from factual confrontations with observant reality, a reality which only an exiled intelligence of nomadic wanderers, an independent 'outside' perspective can reveal about nationalism, statehood and Western intelligences shortcomings. By welcoming zionism as a kind of odd alliance, as a kind of corporate pact, isolationists can avoid resident Jewish cultural wisdom and integral historical truth of the real history, by simply supporting Israel and the 'deportation' of rational culture and economically disadvantaged minorities. Why not? it requires no essential knowledge or understanding only a will to send foreigners, or minority Jews, backward to a more primitive state anyways, disintegrating them from the natural evolvement of the dynamic cultural heritage which was in Europe, Russia and the Caucasus for centuries. American political zionism is a convenient ideology for displacing guilt and xenophobia of Jews for the 'darker' race of Muslims, and avoiding Holocaust memorabilia, education or culturally naive antisemitism disguised instead for islamaphobia. Quantitative knowledge coupled to an overly relativistic and circumscriptive logic can be blind to the natural human response to omens and simple facts that human intuition has fortified our 'neural' intelligence a common sensibility through observant environmental rationality and its spectral assessment of experience. What justifies what and what doesn't can often be known from a good hunch while other elaborate on prescriptive, myopic tunnel-visions that thoroughly add support for bottom-feeding ideologies and unjustifiable opinions.  
Populism and the industries that desecrate life, must be understood as inseparable from a general thesis of denaturalized human Being, and denaturalized thought; of a philosophical approach to technical existence in modernity that is far divorced from the mode of natural philosophy and natural "philosophers wisdom".  Our postmodern way of thinking and essentializing the meanings we deal with in epistemologies does not compare in-itself to the conception philosophers had of their concepts and terms in modern and late antiquity. How they grasped and intended their objects to be read, must be unraveled by proper hermeneutics before it can be reconstructed for todays audience. For most today, an intern in a catholic university, a religious school, an education or environment steeped in historical pedagogy and natural wisdom, or living closer to nature itself, given the necessary background students require to return to the source of their inner-life. For every greet philosopher who was predestined to write automatic treatises was internally endowed to keep essential wisdom concealed to what Wittgenstein refers to as the unspeakable in axiomatic linguistics. Thus, language, writing and historical intelligence comes into immediate forensical questioning, beyond the naive assumptions of historicism and even real biographical facts. Who Socrates was, as something more than a logical truth i.e., Socrates was a man, philosophers are men therefore Socrates was a philosopher, but how did such a man come to himself, to arrive at such truth if indeed he existed. And if he was more than a neurolinguistic closed circuit of reason who came to circuitously analyze and see beyond the loopholes in logical arguments and language, what is its significance to thought? Where are we today and what are we to make of our present situation 'here' with the crises we face in light of having arrived through the birth canal of the spirit of nature and self-reflective investigation. Plato, whom we cannot presuppose to know or be in contact with, must be referred to in a new orthodoxy in light of present natural knowledge. 

The Jewish question has to do foremost with the differences in the Jewish religion and ecclesiastic sects than to do with Jews themselves. Specifically, how different religious practices infer different tendencies in the Jewish psyche with, for instance, interpreting the scriptures of the Old Testament verses modern or enlightened Torah practice. The question of Jewish diaspora, of the Jewish spirit as a banished, pancultural assimilation of a people who are constantly portrayed as either disturbing or corrupting the spiritual sovereigness of Christian countries and gentiles with their political views, industrial statecraft and merchant economies, is consistent with the Baltic diaspora of Jews and other placements over time who did not live in Hassidic Jewish households but were displaced religiously and culturally to other state and church doctrines in the absence of unity in the churches and synagogues. This area of the European myth spread to Austria and Germany where Jews were very powerful and accepted as communities through most of the 19th century, but in some parts of Europe were different in their manners of authority in terms of scriptural education and tradition. Greed, industrial inertia, isolationist tendencies and antisocial values, as they are central to Marx's version of the question, were not originally considered universal Jewish traits. They came to be assimilated traits through the loss of cultural norms specific to the Midrash, Torah and Old Testament readings -- the latter which is practiced more commonly in Roman Catholic households without a Jewish-Torah interpretation, is believed to breed outward insensitivity to nature, to maternal truths, to the creative will and the Jew's spiritual and social values which are imparted by the laws and their reception. Torah teaches an inner tradition of understanding those laws, which is partly (exclusively) oral in import and involves psychology to the things unspoken that do not escape the Hebraic community in how it organizes its destinies. Displaced Jews who did not practice the traditional Torah of the orthodox cannons were influenced by the "Ancient God" of the Abrahamic religion at periodic occasions especially in and around Russia, and to the logic of sacrifice found in Isaac and other narratives. In the case of the sacrifice of the Son, Abraham is told by God that to serve him he must place Isaac upon the altar but is interrupted at the last minute by a messenger who say's to Abraham "I see you truly fear God" (in reference to Abraham's willingness to offer his own son for blessings.) Instead of Isaac, the messenger presents a ram to take the place of God's original sacrificial offer. The Jewish interpretation is to understand that fearing God is fundamental to the mystical path of Judaism, not sacrificing the child but demonstrating divine priorities over worldly ones. Jewish psychology may be considered afflicted with this mythos of putting children through God's paternal rule of law without understanding the messenger works on behalf of God only to show Abraham's loyalty to the divine matters. The messenger speaks as a deity of angelic, maternal council to the worldly laws and thus is taught in different contexts depending on Torah, the Akedah is called "the Test of Abraham", emphasizing the test of devotion from being confused with God's desire for the son to fall to the altar.  that this logical narrative without question and recourse to Torah tradition infers in the Jewish psyche something not akin to his nature because conservative values were a process of psychospiritual and individual growth in the household, for inventing superficial boundaries concealed by fathers to their young, and then freeing the psyche from those boundaries with the light of knowledge -- a tradition of philosophy that is consistent with Hegelian theories of the will reflect this well. This process was part of Jewish social existence and defines part of the Jewish identity and soul, it is not intended to be thought of as setting rules that are blind to human feeling or cause corruption and instead was part of the magic and mysticism of Jewish consciousness which sprung in European communities with a strong focus on social essence. If we are to believe the portrayal of Jews as closed off from the spiritual, contemplative life, or as blind to the personality, to humanism and wisdom of God, then we fall into a line of thought consistent with fascism, with the manners of Stalin, Mao, Mussolini and Adolf Hitler -- this is a grave misappropriation of the paternal myth and of Jewish character. The crisis of Zionism was that the Jewish people had no other option but to leave Europe, it was, in the 1940s the right thing to do but is created new crises for the traditions of Judaism and the Jewish soul which had its golden age in Europe and Russia. Upon his deathbed confessions, Solovev begged his accomplices to keep him awake, for he had many prayers to say on behalf of the Jews. In the nexus of Russian problems, the Jewish question is one of the most momentous in history, and Solovev frequently discussed it. The importance of the question for Russia depends upon the fact that there were nearly six million Jews in the country, a population equal to that of the white state of Belgium. To Solovev the Jewish problem is a Christian problem, a religious problem indeed. Solovev's treatment of the Jews as pioneers of commerce and industry frequently recalls the manner in which Marx handles the question. It was not the Jews, but the Christians, who created the cult of the golden calf. Cultured Europe, which had become dechristianized, and had devoted itself to the service of mammon, was here the offender. The Jews were merely consistent in the way they followed the example thus set before them. If economic life is to be humanized, it must be resubordinated to the religious and moral life. For Europe and for Russia this can be effected in no other way than by the great union of the churches, in which the Jews will find their place. As a theocratic nation they will be at home in renovated theocracy; now they are estranged from themselves just as the Christians are estranged from themselves. But true Jewish principles always lead to Christianity, just as true Christian principles lead to Judaism. The union of the churches therefore will at the same time be a constitutional union between the renovated Christians and the renovated Jews, these latter being the better part of Jewry, namely the Russian Jews, who have maintained their religious principles in greater purity than have their western brethren. The Jews as town dwellers will retain their social economic function, but this function will assume a different meaning, will be guided by a loftier aim. Its aim will be to humanize nature and material life. The utopian character of Solovev's ecclesiastic policy is manifest. He works with unhistorical schemata. Solovev's essential error is, of course, that assumed church doctrine to be absolutely true, and that from this outlook he touches up the whole history ; for him, not Jesus and Jesus' teaching, but church doctrine and church dogma, are decisive. He fashions for himself the ideal of a Christian church and the ideal of a Christian state. If, as Solovev tells us in his Ethics, the church is to represent sympathy with the soul, and the state is to represent sympathy with the body, there will doubtless be an organic harmony between church and state; but these as we know them are something altogether different. As a matter of historical fact we recognize different types of theocracy, and he is right when he rejects extant theocracy as false, as coercive. In the course of his mental development, Solovev came to recognize the value of Catholicism, came to consider that it possessed ecclesiastical advantages as compared to the Eastern church.   
Political scientists who draw their conclusions from standard analysis and global sociological facts of behavioural pattern formation must educate the human community about the correct lesson to be attained from the Machiavellian truth's double narrative found in reading the Prince i.e., that manipulative reasoning and foxing adversaries, just like blackmail or unlawful setups, are to be looked upon shamefully as revealing nothing of the underlying unconscious truth in individuals which can then be prosecuted against and in fact quite the reverse; that self-defence against unconscious bullies who provoke violence and mongrels who try to justify catching homemade criminals by random hooklines, is to justify war in fact a dialectical necessity to cure their evil ways. When read naively, the Prince almost promotes this kind of anti-democratic criminalization of random social webs through provocation, just like voter fraud controls the counting of votes or can manipulate statistics with public opinion or gerrymandering. Yet it does not go so far as to specify in situations which kinds of political or moral instances where manipulation or blackmail by an adversary could be positively applied to prevent the unfit, barbaric or those with bad intentions from succeeding themselves against fate -- where agitators and rogue agents need to be weeded out, or those who attempt to lure the righteous need to be lured themselves to the death can be displaced -- The vacuous evil of corporate parasites, of war spoilers who feed terrorists, and the everyday swine of industry who lay in heaps of their own filth, evoke in the physical comprehension of Being a need for a natural delimitation of their economic foot-dragery. Unaccountable feigners not only feign their own existential resistance through market their lives, fudging over intended meanings and facts, taking veiled attacks as direct, taking no account of the environment either as a material condition impacting man or as conditioned by mans impact, they speculate unnecessary conspiracies surmounting hard data with fudged abstractions and linguistic errancy of the order of invalid argumentation; undermining for the sake of political gain and systemically damaging other social, industrial and environmentally independent structures. Their cases may be published as added history on occasion carrying some credible service to science or culture but mostly are theoretically wrong approaches to anything politically useful to the betterment of humankinds progress towards realizing a more radical, natural ethics     
Unlike in 1992 or some other period when economies were all in all smaller and more modest, when people come into them from the community the corporate imperial platform is suppose to shrink down to a minimum of its industrial growth and social processes take over that bring life, ideas and intelligence into the system ('naturalizing and 'humanizing' it). Who wants constantly to be reminded of the stasis and vacuity of this neo-puritan consumer culture of pasty blandheads, you might as well live with the oxen traipsing through your house. There was some measure of tranquility coming into focus back in 2008 or so when economic institutions realized they had to deal with 'reality' and everyday working people were denouncing the system, something started to happen and then grew more in 2012 and 2013 but i rarely ever see any signs of life here why would any real human being or intellectual want to live here, it never use to be so bad, this is the main enemy of life is conservativism and neo-liberal free-market values which have nothing in common with human processes or natural processes of the economy but only with mechanical, destructive, pathological processes. (the most basic evil that perverts and distorts the very meaning of evil like a stark spectre of death haunting the continuum of sound, associative judgements keeps rising up from the ancient state and its circus of hoarders) Postmodern economies have the fatal flaw of being theorized as anything but organized, rational, human processes that merger resources, needs and wages to the environmental sphere of human activity. Capitalism thus like money is the root of all evils because it has no immediately necessary relationship to economy, to needs or to the discovery of knowledge that benefit mankind -- as long as the economy can be theoretically represented as a speculative concept of transcending market processes and market jobs, it has no antecedent which ushers its future minus economic destruction. An economy governed by the stale, idealistic wandering impulses of infantile minds preoccupied with artificial idealism and pie-in-the-sky cheesy theoretical models refute the premise of physical economic reality and human needs. For this, the common good of capitalist speculation is too common, too stupid to be good at all, in fact it is the reverse of what is most immediately accepted as right and good, true and valid. The common good is most frequently bad and most commonly stupid as mice. The world in 1988 or 1991 was not like this and in 2008 there was momentum starting to bring community trends and actual, valid, rational public opinion into news and into mainstream -- those powerful counter-culture movements and 'rational' attitudes were always big in the early 1990s particularly and with discourse on environmental change being a part of that concern which people presently have retired like entropic nematodes unable to contribute healthy awareness of their place in the ecosystem or the rational order of nature. A society totally consumed by consumerism will devour itself and every living thing in its tracks, a society without a human government to orchestrate the necessary changes of history and future will slide into pathological dissipation and self-destruction like a feign with a death drive for masochism. These are the roots of toxic self-pleasure in machines and neurotic greed that separates men from the will of their senses, sucking their souls into a speculative arena of repressed and shadowy emanations that pervert the meaning of reason and inflate the Ego before it succumbs to heat death.  A majority (in concert) is more likely to judge correctly the ethical or legal status of individuals because as a collective whole, a majority, by its complex nature has to rise above individualistic, singular, selfish, egoic needs and use universal reason and sound judgement; which is less prone to flaw on its own and more likely to be stable in coinciding groups of varied opinion (like analyzed verses pre-analyzed content). One has to find the bedimmed light of truth in the collective whole which puts the barbaric and evil will of humans out of play, sort of like the judgement of God which is totally rational and non-individualistic since God is said to be the omnipresence of all beings. Under capitalism God becomes the 'Lord of the Land', the King and a concept which cancels out the existence of a 'creator' because prior to the civilization of myths there was no state, there was no observatory or scientific logic to question the world as anything more than immediate here. Thus the 'state' before the city-state was not a state under a monotheistic religion, it was only the 'land' which 'God' put here and after it became the prospective region of anthropomorphic musings.  Individuals are deterred from thinking in harmony with nature and human sensibility when they are conditioned like animals to deny responsibility for the whole, for the rational and total sensibility that rules above their heads a world of relations that do not concern the selfish drives of mammals. Speculative creatures who cannot think any universal argument to its end are useless in political and social law!, since they have mentalities too base for the necessary and sufficient judgement required of rational beings. A being who cannot understand in the light of all evidence, the need for global responsibility, planetary stuardship, and the instant acceptance of a logic of ends justifying means, is an individual excluded from the chain of being as a creature who would normally put into practice the first principle of philosophical judgement -- not that he must know all facts, be conversant in scholarly discourse, nor be able to classify all ideal and real categories of thought, but the presence of the reflective will, of the thinker is one of the dispositions of all rational beings; to compare their basic environmental needs with those of necessity -- a person who is clearly inviolable and has little with regard to thinking at all, has also no basic grasp of ideality, nor necessity which every philosopher going back to the first Platonists and Scholars would have adjusted immediately, since they were all thinking men. Domestic animals, like petty persons, are initially by birth incapable of securing sound first-judgement and first philosophy which is why they depolarize hyper-polar reactions to the universe of environmental stimuli and respond in unfulfilled prominence over issues they cannot completely wake up to (like the fruits of medical science, the law of 'ought', care and protection for others and the environment and the effective rules of legal representation, universal democracy and government.) Confined to their speculative, unauthentic notions of self-constitution without a will to philosophy, these simple minded nobodies are known to follow the self-satisfying dogmatic belief in a republic of people with a moral authority to self-rule and this (is) fundamental error in its purest form which we find in all classical works to be an impeccable half-truth in todays reality. But it is not the only error of history, not all religions in their many branches and sects pass the test of science, not all philosophical speculations succeed, but many do and many are deliberated correctly to reflect exactly the state of reality and nature with or without needing to be interpreted. When the few are not confirmed by a higher purpose they can do no more than corrupt the state of society leading to dangerous policies and dangerous outcomes which reverse the law of necessity to an arbitrary justifying of the means of an equation, the ends are produced by dogma ; as they follow in the spirit of heroic champions they create the self-fulfilling prophecies of their heros, instead of establishing the conditions where villains are reduced in numbers, they manufacture victims and come to their rescue and this is philosophical lawlessness at its core. Such persons who are unable to think, unable to reason in statistical facts today are the demagogues of a world that the great philosophers must lament in all accountable fashion for no man who thinks himself master of his destiny can allow his destiny to fall prey to reality, in this sense, they are the fraction of society that is not divinely inspired to self-govern and cannot mandate self-government without developing the first principles of thinking beings who can grasp the magnitudes of ethical and moral right, weigh the measures of values and understand physical statistics and the laws of contingency and so forth. These are basic non-scholastic judgements that can be acquired through non-modal reasoning, they are founded on human sense and as such form the backbone of language in philosophy which all with a 'soul' are said to be guided. Those mistaken as human who try to constitute their fulfilment of human endeavours in the structure of a state, a union of like minds, or what have you that may or way not be capable of philosophically responsible self-government, claim to be the heirs of a sanctioned theocratic, or spiritual personage like the 'chosen people' of a dogma or the normal who is still unlike anybody who can think clearly in innocent, self-monologue like a Fred Savage, but who are nothing like the 'average Joe' anyways and ought instead to describe themselves, not as (descent lawful citizens,) but dubious at best and even a threat to civilized life, a self-justifying blemish to the good will of humanity who must always posit themselves as 'law-abiding' and 'hierarchically ordered' polemicists of ancient statecraft. Their misconstruction of sound thinking is in every instance that they take a side-lined argument as if it were valid at all, blinded by the weights and measures of law they see not the pros and cons in their clear and objective quantity and moral content. Attacking objectivity, even the laws of nature, as if it were a valid avenue for settling a dispute, rather than accepting limitations, a flawed system and figuring out how to act as constitutional agents in a democracy that can better moderate the system, they form fundamentally evil and rogue attitudes towards self-evident truths, wrestling with self-evident truth as though truth were the enemy rather than finding the line of argument to reform the laws or create proper exceptions -- these exceptions cannot be adequately given the due analysis they deserve for successful implementations that benefit the whole of civilized life. All those critical variables are fudged out of the equation, ignored, denied and filled in with paranoid half-truths or out-right grammatical errors which invite mechanical contamination into the medium of an open democracy, turning it into a less civilized medium of free market slogans and commercial machinations. This problem is not a problem of a 'brilliant conspiracy' working behind the scenes to enslave humanity or to resolve its differences, rather this is the age old problem of the Shadow and the unconscious premise that is the root of the monkey mind, the Trickster and the misinterpreted Word. Primordial objectivity is the mindset of these archaic intellects who are ruled by superstitious shadows and crazy impressions that inform their repressed and primitive minds from the unconscious standpoint of how to calculate their next move, expression etc. totally unconscious of the formula upon which they judge or base their sense of moral authority. Some terrible people can base their entire sense of right and wrong on the way's their primal unconscious interprets a non-fictional text like the bible or some other folk narrative. Some are paranoid to the point of not even seeing what is good in the world from within themselves their imaginations are filled with shadows and shady imagery from the past which they carry into the social milieux of 'civilized' society, corrupting the healthy processes and turning them into enemies while enforcing illusory terrorists out of rational needs. They represent the opposite of the first category of just causes, and that is oppressed people, whose first action is to establish cultural and artistic methods of responding to their oppression. Oppression having no say, no rights, no freedom to represent itself must devise its own culture, its own symbolic system to express its truth and its just causality because previously its existential values were not given, thus it had to come up with something new to express all the words already taken by the oppressive grammars of society. It does this through social revolution and the arts. This is what the rogue principle lacks, as most middle-class uprisings that are not qualified revolutions of the spirit always lacked self-evident truth, art and philosophy, nor the primary aesthetic sensibility (moral perception) to judge art in a critical reflective manner. Climate change and our modern utilities are even more immediate (no-brainer) adjustments to needs than are the adaptions men have developed in their thinking etiquette over the past 400 years including artistic rights. These foremost because they involve the immediate brute reality we experience on a day to day basis (hotter summers, warmer days, erratic weather patterns) along with the alleviation of suffering (going without heat, without modern conveniences, air condition, refrigeration, insulation, health care). In other words, historically accurate people, people who lived closer to nature with a higher risk to environmental impacts like freezing or being battered by mosquitos, were more receptive to thoroughgoing thoughts and scientific developments, more readily inspired were they to change their situation and adopt the fruits of the modern world than today's generations. The war generation in particular had witnessed first hand the calamities of the trenches and the worldwide draught of the great depression, which made them more culturally and socially progressive perhaps than baby boomers who tend to suffer more the ills and stigmas over repressed theological tensions for not utilizing the fruits of reason or the sciences which build tumultuous neurosis around the law of necessity and contingency with childhood commandments. It appears that these same commandments hold the psyche in a stable condition just like the ignorance of why the law is such opens unconscious speculations to alienate the subject from self-evident 'right' and 'wrong'. "God's commandments' once formed the formal theoretical centre for which the law, and the religious liberation of law came about in the world, eventually 'Christianizing' the West into a mostly secular society.  Grin-wearing, fake ass parasites of the world run off to bicker with middle-eastern countries that belong to a more retro-organic stratum of natural values because they have no competition here in the advanced democracies who accept the pinnacle of reason and science; however unlike those Muslim countries, who they secretly envy for their still having a morally valid cultural history to defend, the whitewashed fake ass fascist, political zionist scum in America can at least adhere to a slightly more privileged standard of ethics than their pseudo-terrorist sponsored competitors. But because of their dangerous position in world affairs, with access to the tools of our more advanced heritage that allow them to operate hazardous machinery, the right-winger psychophants and drama-queen cheerleaders this side of the hellhole are infinitely less tolerable to taste and good humour since they literally left the silo for the factory. Meanwhile a cover up to suspend development persists under the sign of triggering unnatural conflicts, without the willingness to allow water to find its own level, the salesmen of the televangelized broadcast society in America has contaminated the flow of justice and the essence of freedom in anything but a queerly superhero cartoon drama that wears the US flag as its spandex -- Elsewhere in the world where there is less ideological manipulation of politics and everyday life, devotional customs and cultural traditions prevail in their unadulterated true form, without the modification and artificial interference and in fact are funded, restored and protected by various groups and democratic organizations unlike here where we have lost the churches, the religious purity, holy culture and have been reduced to a middle-class pigeon-hole herd of manic and brainwashed usurpers who have long abandoned any sense of providence, of pastoral spirit or piety to any pure religious ground. Instead, they have prematurely gone about contaminating every other religious principle and every other integral concept by filling the ears of the innocent with their messages of the anti-christ and other misquoted passages. Holy culture and praxis, wisdom and piety are fed to the political class viz-a-viz the stale, rotten macaroni and cheese that represent the malady of the republican party today (and once it get's into the pores of the system it stains everything until its been dissolved completely from the stock exchange). Taking the digitally consonant form of 'pastoral spirit' as an ideologic of hollow grammar they join the cannon of war-age broadcasts who spew their verbally hyper-regulated robot lingo in modulated speech for selling products or turned to frantic apocalyptic rantings and charismatic deceptions. In case the bluntheaded American Shit-Trash industry didn't already know its history -- only a intellectual machination, only a social-existential parasite who is weary of preventative social policies that deter crimes is at the same time weary of established medicine and simultaneously trustful of preventative medicine. Only a thought process that is so whack and disarrayed is like that, one that cannot even reason preventatively about saving lives yet runs to preventative cures for his own life because he demonstrates that he's capable of thinking at all. Yet no rational bounds forwent about him since his point of departure is not 'right' and 'wrongs' that can be self-evidently revealed, but biblical scriptures and commandments tell him that whoever dies who is not worshipping the Christian god (or any other God for that matter) is not an entity of concern to the law but at the expense of the 'Lord'. Except when his own existence is at stake, that is when preventative 'rational' measures come into place, or when he concludes finally that his religious following is only a mind control interment meant to insulate him and control him, then he denounces all the commandments since they now belong to the whole process of 'conspiring' agencies of the world that want to direct his behaviour. But since such creatures do not have a bearing on the senses as the measure of right and wrong they can intellectualize any non-real postulate to get out of it; like how we come to acquire knowledge of right and wrong in a purely intellectual way where pain and pleasure can be autocratically disassociated from their natural categories.     

like a bunch of five year old yabba-yabba high-strung pre-adolescent morons who have never walked in the forest once or scraped a knee! I would literally rip the invidious hyper-polarized nutsack off Americas root cause ending their irrational and immoral campaign of garbage with everything they claim to do as a fucking syndication that mocks the poor, real human beings who have to live here -- with that they would grow into a balanced chakra system of free and responsible mortals capable of artistic speech and philosophical representation, a counter culture of genuine revolutionary modesty, and all remnants of false religion and false government would be eradicated from their spoils, all those sign-seeking, lingering fools who read between the lines fishing like rednecks for symbolic values to exploit would have their fingers busted and snapped back while they wretch out like a robot anus! If it were me indeed, this would not be how the world would work, and the normal functions people would be given their respective place in the scheme of things, this circus show, this mediocre yackathon of spoilers and planet destroying parasites would succumb to a new outlook and be given wholly practical, versatile functions that are natural to them. No true God would ever support the mad ideologies of any of them, they (are) still wrong and that is how you tell a false, a fake, a charlatan from a true messenger. If it were me, they would not be hated as such because the Way would not work against them in every attitude they posit about reality, their world would not rotate on the basis of a currency or a market of brand names and if it did it would be adjusted to a necessary condition and its imperial false drives defused by confrontation with reality and thermal facts. Like the fact that humans grow up, they absorb the facts of the world today and filter out the nonsense. When people grow up they become naturally self-regulating and mellow mannered yet normally unafraid to be human sometimes while most Americans cant figure out any of the cues of acting natural and seep unnatural, controlled, contorting energy every time they speak. Prancing through the city like late blooming teenagers while the Sun bakes their heads red and shiny like a Christmas elf, "this here is the land of sweltering elves and garbanzo bean salads." Over on the other side of the globe, its more calm and less nauseating waveforms over there, this here is where babies spawn babies like a domestic virus and children never mature into adults going on like baby boomers dating into their 40s, 50s and 60s while BIOLOGICAL people naturally figure life out by the time their 17 sometimes 15 in traditional European societies. What healthy human being waits until their 30 or 40 to figure out life, and what man wants to wait until he's sexually past his prime to start dating women, they're mating habits are all so sickening! I suppose this is why they call it 'men-o-pause' because women by that age take their pause away from being fixated on adolescence and develop sensibility for men just as men are passing out of their prime which usually ends at 25 or 30 at best. Then again, I guess if you are a sweltering baby boomer your already a booming baby anyways all your life and the laws of biology and human sexuality never dawn on you, you just go on reproducing like animals!  Theyr'e all just such fucking PESTS! Homo sapiens are not spiritual beings, if you were to procure an absolutely pure and transpersonal reduction of their existence you will arrive at the conclusion that the speculation of spiritualism in man is but a deeply rooted cover for pathology. Psychopathology in the human species is germane to their existential ontology and all depth psychological inquiry of human existence is to reach the same results, social and psychological miscarriage is at the core of their essence which has put forth the effort to conceal its primitive, savage, mechanistic, amoral, and spiritually recessive character with various degrees of succeeding liberal humanization into a more perfected sort of rational being; the majority fail miserably because of private neurosis and only the minority are decently self cultivated. This is not to give credit to minority capitalism but to a different range of well natured folks i.e., minority groups, those who hold an equal merit of self-liberty with practical beliefs, those willing to join the present age with the flare and colors of revolution. In the mediocre middle of this is the range of opinions that are not empirically founded -- such as the elevated folk who vote for freedom as long it provides an opinion share with a brand-name coffee supplier to tell everyone else how to live, those who denounce the virtues of family or standard values while bringing in no life-sustaining measures in terms of green or leftist enterprise. 'Free loaders' are as bad as the mass of freedom deniers in fact they belong to the same exact spectrum of mentations. Scientology has been host to free loaders for instance who do not contribute to its activities, even the green movement has them, and fake hippies as well who have never eaten grain or lived in a van! (you get the point). Oh look, the maggots are scurrying around waiting for someone to eat them by accident. If you ask most sensible human beings if they like raw brussel sprouts and stale hay they will usually tell you they prefer French food, ice cream and strawberries, anything that can be conceptualized as palatable (like real grains for real hippies!). Does any justifiable human principle endure in their mad pursuits? After periodic decades of contradictory self-suffering how long does it take for a natural process of life to return? Once you've finally generated an authentic, historically redeemable global culture of revolutionary mindsets and events worthy of participatory attention, how long does it take for the wood-burrowing tics and stale pointers of state capitalism to end their life cycle and stop gnawing on the fruits of the world? If it really hurts so bad then why not just stick to the silo? Grow some grains and see if you can measure up to your great grandparents who knew the spiritual meaning of religiosity while pioneering the new! While everyone else who fulfills these priorities has to spit out the seeds and weed through all the thorns and pissant residues left behind when the system is run by spectrally myopic, log-eyed shill trash. Biased, incompetent and rusty simpletons with artificial drives and issues cant handle the mental freedom and interdependent responsibility of modern-rational life, are like a loose cannon of paranoid and bipolar speculations. Such depraveous psychological types who pretend salient reason, just cause and power should be rapidly poked up and wrapped up in bubble wrap as their dashed innards of blood leak out. Empty nobodies who vacuously mirror moral law human logic that their public image and appearance, ambitions of a capable robot who cannot make distinct any essential moral or ethical content, is not naturalized to the self-evident truth and natural boundaries of the ethico-moral law and recognizes only the circumscript grammar and structural rules of the law. Rules to which apply no human sensibility and that are this lawless in their final purport; a morally lawless system of values to which 'values' have no commodity and to which they falsely abide without questioning the universality or ultimate consistency of their premises, grounded in homogenous conventions that go against rational civility and the transitory instincts of rational creatures. This is all part of why the common people thus described cannot as a nebulous concept be 'self-empowered' or brought up to a position of self-determinacy without it turning into a habitually speculative expose of miscarried decision makers. A basic truth of government that excludes working-class movements in the category of feasible economic change for their natural inconsistency with reality and discernible truths for the working-class to become emancipated to a workers union, labour party or society of proletarians is the goal of forming such a movement. The state cant rise up against itself, in a simple analogy, working-class society can change only through national conflict, through war and fundamental economic or existential changes that are consistent with history whereby life is altered, peoples class and identity are radically made anew and one stratum of the state is developed into another or integrated to another class. To say that a working 'class' can simply go against the order of life given it, is like the means of production (machines of factories) rising up against their owners or the state rising up against the nation. The only movement where this logic applies is in the proletarian revolutions where working people transfer power from the state to the people's unions etc., not where the existentially inauthentic nation-state rises up against what is essentially itself (that's fundamentally impossible even in theory). Thus the people who are intended to represent the process of revolutions are to be already accustomed to the career or groups who have gone through extraneous life changes that qualify them for taking a new perspective. The folk psychology of the state cannot represent that revolutionary movement of social economy amid new, creative functions, it only beckons people to habitual, malproductive behaviour, propagating unhealthy trends and false advertising. Populism is unable to bring revolution to the ground level of the roots which social movements flourish. But negotiators and primal state actors manipulate circumstances so they can appear to register the notion that they play an equal role in this final form of revolution and grammar when in fact they distract the cause empowering their formal machinations on folk psychology which interprets the modern world as belonging to an antique order of representations, figures, personalities and roles -- to them all modern behaviour and thinking is falsely classified and figures into the worldview of ideologues who see themselves as part of this world stage that is not mutually transformative, but rather obeys shadowy and logoccentric principles of the industrial era -- steam engine fuel isn't going to work very well when applied to an electric or gas vehicle, antique attire isn't going to fit well unless its for the theatre, we might run on two types of temporal change, we might have two valid forms of revolution, we have a medium with a few formulations that prosper but recessive activity does not add ground to a revolution it is a direct form of contamination that is toxic to it and tries to elevate mediocrity by contrast. For the development of a self-determining , rational conscience or Socratic will to be acquired it is first necessary that the pre-subjective individual understands this first principle of in-borne consciousness belonging to the reflective agent. For the natural implications of pure thought to arise in contrast to outside phenomena, the reflective agent is to register associative and pure judgements about his environment and relative to his self-essence what appears as factual, grounded and interdependent truths about subjective insight and the truth abiding in other subjects. Rational beings acquire these metaphysical bearings early in life when the energy of the organism is most receptive to itself and to its environment towards recognizing autoassociatvely the metabolic stability of human development. These stages represent the economic phases of self-growth relative to symbolic and structural self-recognition; thus one stratum of economic evolution belongs to symbolic processing just as pedagogic learning in an infant begins with worldly signs alluding to real scenes and events that contribute to the acquisition of language -- the recognition of structural laws and structural substance is part of the maturation of the individual into the physical adult with respect to realism and material facts. Various psychological causes can displace the structural and symbolic laws of value making them impossible for individuals and subjects to mutually exclude or integrate

What's the difference between a Wall St. speculator, an air-bag and a prostitute? The air-bag and the prostitute both involve transactions that serve a function, while the prostitute takes money for a productive value the former is totally malproductive and void of function! Where the air-bag saves lives to prevent crashes and can be dangerous, the Wall St. speculator causes crashes, has an income that floats in a bag of hot air, and reduces to nullity every practical living function, and is an arbitrary menace to civilized and meaningful transactions! 

If Im a multibillionaire and I invest in GMO i'm taking money out of my pocket to feed millions of people, not for a profit but a loss to my own cheque book for a problem I did not personally create, the fact that the food is GMO food matters less in the short term because its purpose is to curb starvation not supply households with lifelong sustenance. Millions of people starving and people bicker over the fact that the food is not of the purest form or has long term side effects, when someone is paying millions for free to save lives for problems i the third world countries, problems that other morons created, some of which are the result of global warming and agricultural calamity, where does the logic that the food cant be GMO come in to play, thats the funny thing about the argument, when someone can feed MORE people, millions more and is doing it at their own expense (millions sometimes billions of independent investments in philanthropic missions to feed random births), why dont people concern themselves with bigger issues or simply stop purchasing GMO. I just find it to be a fundamental moral and metaphysical fallacy and that's why these kinds of issues have less validity in court when you lay all the cards bare as they are what are they ultimately defending in the widest scheme of things? Within this economic way of providing free and inexpensive nutrition to the sick and dying, where do people get the idea that there is a sinister logic or sinister plot at its core? Putting aside the political smearing of the side-effects, or single instances where there are problems with consumer products, the genetically modified plants, fruits and vegetables are a healthier option to manage the worlds starving populations than making regional economic changes that destroy social and domestic structures. What some activists don't seem to understand is the causal element of all this, citing minor statistics or medical factoids about biotech products, the average animal's issues with their body or what have you that they find some biomedical solutions to be theologically objectionable, many flaws and other relata doesn't build a case for ignoring the potential for its use in applications that in most instances are saving lives and bettering the human condition! With over population what more humane logic can be applied in taking apart the mechanisms of life when your goal is not to abstract from the mechanisms and justify minor thinking but to stop the suffering of sentient beings. If there is overpopulation to begin with and we just let people die we also let people die in PAIN from the extreme pain of starvation, without simultaneously providing feasible means of ceasing this pain we are also allowing Earth's population to rise exponentially, a population overcrowding of the planet which we honestly wish to curd for the sake of future sustainability, but to prevent other human beings from suffering we allow the population instead to grow, and we pay for it ourselves, not because we want more mouths to feed but because we want to prevent suffering dummy! See, the same kind of impulsive thirst for unconscious dominance that makes someone kill endangered species is at work in the ignorant mentality that denies self-evident truth, such as unmitigating evidence or the testimonies of genuine subjects verses outright forgeries and class-act fakes -- the kind of mind-set that wants to undermine a given fact such as a persons genuineness or a lawful system of ethics has more learning to do than is worth the undermining. In other words, its the same as witnessing an act of faith and ignoring it completely, its the same as killing miracle healers or the last black rhino or the last bird of paradise, that impulsive denial of the fact that the species is endangered tells themselves that the Earth is flat! its round we can measure its curvature even when you fly a plane at very high altitude! even the ancient Greeks calculated that the Earth should be round based on where the Sun would rise and fall. So for me, I guess, all in all i'dd rather hear about the people doing something or at least talking about the many millions of poor and working people who suffer every day of their lives because of the intrinsic evil of capitalism! -- people who cant get standard care and affordable opportunities for higher education, not because of an allergy to humus or to some other synthesis from nature, but because negligent doctors don't use the ears nor empty the unconscious wish to be richer, I guess Im more blind sighted by the moral depravity squared over the exact units of suffering emitted on the surface of the Earth at the expense of everyday misfortunes resulting from global capitalism summed to the power of the shear numbers of impoverished and disadvantaged potentials that I dismiss the fraction of the population who got sick from eating a GMO pear or ya know Its not that Im not aware theres something probably very wrong with Monsanto and these other firms, too many people from too many standpoints have shared concern and evidenced what these biotechnologies can cause, im just less interested in supporting a worldview that is drowned out by the shear units of suffering caused by negligence than feeding desperate wolves with political fuel who only want to justify a selfish causality which has no self-reflective or rational will behind it, those who pat themselves on the back because their bee feeders and honey dispensaries are better for the bees! but kills more bees in the process! I'm interested in tackling the Monsanto and GMO problem but not in this way that has the greater evil at its helm and diverts attention to the main struggles while taking responsibility for solving problems that are self made! The problem is that paranoiac awareness is not empathic to the point that it understands an oppositions frustration, it searches for clues that oppositions don't care about a particular issue and exploits frustrations and normal reactions as bitter statements or concealed hatred which is untrue! For me, ive been made cold from having to know these things, this coldness is not the same thing as rational sterility or self-absorption it comes from a deep sensitivity to suffering both collective and personal and to that sensitivity it is also as aware of the insensitivity and frightening impulsiveness, head-in-the-sand ignorance of too many people, individuals and groups who are blind to the big picture and big issues that impact each other. Like if you pick a fight with an artist while he's trying to paint a mural and you get your lights knocked out for being a bully, im sorry thats your fault not mine! If you do things that piss people off don't try to come back saying your the victim and they owe you! The unconscious hides the shadowy associations between conceptual phenomena that are nonobjective and can empower reactionary or pathological behaviour. This explains why situations arise where individuals can bare perfect witness to all facts and evidence, hear the entire accounts of events which prove their assumptions to be false yet act in contradiction against all those facts with an aggressive self-certainty. What fuels this self-certainty is not the subjective substance that is grounded in objective contents but is sublimated essence aroused in the unconscious; content that has not seen the light of day by undergoing the transcendental analytic or some clarification of feelings and events. Unconscious impulses that enforce the decisions of the ego are impulsive because they have not been consciously recognized in a rational process i.e., when they enter into a rational process they cease being unconscious since only conscious knowledge is rational and only rational knowing is conscious. Supplementing this theme of uncovering and revealing the hidden, of what was not intended to be seen, you might ponder the deck of cards as they lay bare in their truth, not the projected fears but the account of actual events. Like when hysterical individuals suspect conspiracy in situations that lack sufficient cause or merit. A suspicious personality will project in their unconscious figures and motives that have absolute zero premise in the actual world. Breaking into the premises to look for evidence they only find clues that explain away their fears like a persons actual campaign contributions, notes expressing their natural concerns, or all the love letters a paranoid spouse never got to read because of blocks that they created, and all the usual crap. America becomes its own worst enemy when it condemns nature or when it kills its own saviours, its best citizens in the name of national security and fighting against terrorism, it makes itself look like the maddest, most psychotic secularism when it behaves this way, a despotism that places nationalistic self-interest and protectionism above trust in its own "god", a god whose essence it ultimately desacralizes on a daily basis and turns into a manic soap opera as a kind of dogmatic cult of assimilation -- it is only because it has no rational philosophy nor natural religion that such mad states feignishly thrive off debasing the practical work, piety and spiritual fabric of a culture, an art or even its own national principles which are found in new contexts. If not for contemporary wisdom, the cult of nationalism and the cult of dogmatic assimilations to symbolic-logoccentric (I wont even say "worship" for fears that it would summon such demons) such that regular people who study a faith for its bare principles and practical knowledge cant even purchase incense or pace their study with the aesthetic values of statues without it feeding the exploitative frenzy of worshipers who want to identify with it like it deification or ritual dogma deny the fact that people can do these things to transport themselves conceptually in time not because they blindly believe that using mantras will be heard by the name of some deity but because it has collective and aesthetic meaning deep in its history and this is essential for spiritual praxis. Its the same when someone stubs their toe and curses out a theologism and onlookers use it to support their desperately annoying political agendas to go on a preaching rant. You cant even begin to imagine though just how bad it can get, just how low negentropic collectives can go and how many complex, asinine, and contradicting measures can seep in, what the damages are and the actual seismic readout which consists of sheets that run off into infinity of the shear hours spent wasting in toil and being told absolute horse manure by despots posing as fake new agers telling you second hand advice like "well its a school" or something like that, which is a line meant for someone else. If its a school then its a school with abusive blackjack teachers who whack their students that don't fuckin work at all! In other societies it isn't like this at all, it never arises, because the first principles the basic attitude to life is radically different. Like basic legal rights that say if something happens to you or your wrongfully accused your first right is not to say anything at all! That's your first right, in fact its a suggestion when your assaulted or accused that you not say anything because the first premise is that wrongful action has been involved somewhere and when that's so anything you say could be used (unlawfully) against you. The first premise is that whatever you say will be used against you in a context that is not self-evident and in situations that could be read as interrogating you from being capable of defending yourself verbally. Other societies take this as a precondition to be taken for granted that but here in today's propagandized political populations it is accepted that human fate -- the speculative vacuum of conservative tactics create the oppressive conditions where competition nor any fruitful progress can be accomplished because, for instance, in the parasitic market economy everybody from investors to share-holders are veering for a piece of the pie which ushers in assimilatory politics and full blown cheating, interrogation and the negative gravity of booing crowds which suppress the projective autonomy or an advance. To recuperate from these bullyish tactics, space is taken for rethinking while at the same time speculators make-up false accusations and false explanations for the absence of progress, this is how weasels and their autosociopathic process elevate themselves above the status of derelict shame. Other parts of the world that are more practical and straightforward in their approach to reality do not have the complications that authoritarian and corrupt nations like America do. Only in America does it become necessary to articulate with bureaucratic language the most base political discourse in the areas of law and political analysis on the topics of brutish spectacle and its mass detraction from rational economic life towards the trends and mimesis that marks a period of economic and cultural frivolity -- the very act of giving word or attention to such hyperkinetic, attention grabbing, whorish escapades seems like a waste of intellectual energy but which nonetheless cannot ignore the distorted transparency of such evil in a corrupted society whitewashed by politicized grammars that warp the basic sensibility of ethical truth -- the symbolic trance of the culture industry which today's polico-economic machine is a major contributor, is a fundamental aberration of consciousness, morality, objectivity and the reality principle which is the basis of life, the same way economic capitalism evades the resource economy via the speculative market, liquidating the rights of workers and human value, human meaning, the attitude of the corporate-economic culture industry is the most rudimentary fallacy, deception, evil etc. which all religious and philosophical ethics ought to recognize, all natural human conscience ought to originally recognize this defacement of the given essence of things that, sadly, much of the Western hegemonic economy prides itself. Cultures with a deeper sense of history and foundational ethics do not have to respond to the diversions of capitalism with more complex or bureaucratic deconstructions because the laws are such that those problems arise with much less frequency and corruption is weeded out much more aggressively with much more immediacy than in hegemonic Western capitalist states that give the rights of 'due process' a double standard value when, for instance, waiting to denounce fascist policies or dictators who are given equal rights as citizens. Other cultures never have those problems because such people are dealt with more heavy handedly from the start, cannot enter the political arena, while great achievers are not deterred from contributing to society since the revolutionary anti-thesis has already reached the synthesis of taboo to the practices of ethical law i.e., dealing with your problems is not still considered or advertised as taboo like it is in ancient, monotheistic, temple societies where doing what is necessary or doing the right thing creates shock and taboo because it breaks some simple commandment. In other words, there is no grammatical confusion over what is meant or intended by the principles and values given in a society as it has evolved to the present. Only in an ancient, disconnected republican colony like America that has premature access to powerful technologies does this ancient logic of taboo still contaminate the norms of modern civilization. It is fantasy based, least factual view of history that cannot outright offer any accurate criticism of self-evident truth beyond bias and political scheming, attacks and simulated affects that distort the foundational meaning of things. Need it be reminded that there is not a shred of facts to anything they say, exemplified by such error as misdiagnosis and medical malpractice, those malignant wasters are the root cause of depression and reactive violence, protest and anxiety in modern society. Theres nothing this corporate-economic, stale, fluctuating, turbulent, depressing and stale society has to offer but poison and the toxic detraction from meaning that is manufactured by the formalistic speculations of tasteless control freaks. This dehumanizing system of vacuous, bovine consumerism and accidental interpretations of value is nauseating and dehabilitating in all its rogue tactics, cheap, deceptive, monotonous belligerence! These imperialistic, free-market, post-millennial societies have nothing but negative, irreligious, residual sentiment and false, facile, artificially speculated ethics. People here are just a vortex of ideological verbiage with no modesty, no substance, no essence and no love. A contaminated system is not worth the effort when anal-retentive, gas-leaking, neo-conservative clams are gnawing away at the fabric of the true culture. It is not worth living amidst all the bullish, disconcerted advertising schemes and sodden garbage heap that reeks of capitalism from 2000-2012 with all the mass marketing that characterized those deadening times where nothing positive even mattered. I thought we would have gotten out of all that by now yet infinitely worthless scum like Tr@!&p attests that nothing even the most deceited evil seems to heal. If Tr@!#p had the gonads to shut the fuck up, or even to walk in public I would stomp the complete and absolute merciless living fuck out of his guts until the weaselly diaper stench of baby-powdered fear leeks from his pores before crushing his teeth out and dislocating his palette with steel soled boots as he ekes out spitting up accumulated blood from his chest. That's the literal of getting the shit beaten out of you, were gonna kick the shit out of you until you stink like diapers baby boy!  Trump is just a mad fuck with a death wish whose too fucking stupid to recognize that he's the root of his own problems, and his own failings which he projects and deflects off everyone else.  "Forgive them father for they know not what they do" is the basic principle of so much human error, but the reality of it is that their desperate misconception of this assertion grants evil the vile role of laying down someone else's norms. But they are nothing but wasteful and toxic, oppressively concerned with the arbitrary growth that devalues natural development, the only impetus driving capitalist growth is speculative development i.e., stunted growth that artificially compensates for its lack thereof the same way compulsive neurosis compensates for the harmony of libidinal and Ego development with its spectacle of racy comments, pseudo-rational speculations and calculus of greed. Some who do not yet understand or have the emotional patience yet to see how the pathos of civilization can be an externalization of their own will arm themselves in a crusade against it, projecting semiconscious themes into the world in a state that is indifferent from the passions of imperialists. The spiritual roots of ideology which many of the wealthier classes are reared, are ignorant of the limitations both material and symbolic which prevent the deliberation of utopia through the indoctrination of the masses. Naive and unthorough analysis of human reality, nature and economic history makes these utopian models seem like more than idealistic or theocratic musings, however, it is not their premise in terms of spiritual gnosis that contradicts reality, it is the erroneous deliberation of their implications through a process and a praxis that does not properly measure the balance of economic strife, material needs, with ideal and religious values to make its dreams something actual in the world. Others yet don't always get the fact that a minority only love everything but can afford nothing and see institutions, academic or even cultivated values of a culture as part of the whole system of laws and market values that keep afloat a fundamentally amoral civilization that lacks poetic justice. This impatience with everything can have devastating effects because it falls prey to its own cynicism or a false Hegelian dialectic of the unhappy consciousness which has not matured beyond this externalization of the absolute and self-knowledge towards the philosophy of the state. Working-class anger towards the state of the world becomes the new attitude of the state the same way failed democracy degrades into a republic of marketing schemes, slogans and political assertions hailed as negative or positive options but nonetheless not settling into the harmonious, neutral, chilled out, continuum of objective values with respect to humanity and the environment that most dialectical struggle in history, and all economic revolution aims to rest its civil sensibilities. It shows how far the truth can be turned inside out when a state sponsors activities attempting to destabilize fruitful human progress in order to profit from the disaster which it then writes off as self imploding, lazy, incompatible, distracted, or even worse the results of 'karma'. Not only the functional laws of human rights but also the laws of karma are distorted by such naive outsiders when they spin the webs that entrap the flight of birds. It is important and indeed absolutely essential that we distinguish the effects of karma from those of economic or militant terrorism. We can even demonstrate and prove that the laws of karma, like those of human rights, can be breached; for instance where accomplished Buddhist monks are threatened by state-sponsored Jihadi groups in Southeast Asia. Undermining karmic integrity is not the only tautological expression of a sociological error but deeper it is found in more complex terms via rogue state actors. Understanding first that Islam is composed of many factions, some terrorist groups are simply displaced people, cornered or repatriated criminals with no other avenue, others are guerillas and then you have the state sponsored terrorists who are not bound to a religious community or a central mosque. This behaviour is not much far in what it practices and preaches from that of Western theocracy which blends together radical religious principles to the state with all the economic imperatives of the state, finding ways to persuade or otherwise manipulate the state into ignoring its rational duties for a cult of assimilation and monetary control. Marketing can be one of the arms of this persuasion and manipulation even when it is not tied to religious precepts. Radical islamic terrorist groups are a more primitive version of this radicalism because they do not abide by the Muslim religious values they once professed an allegiance, they are a cult like televangelism and reality TV are cults who have denounced the need of the church, mosque or religious community. They do not understand the manner in which these centres of community impart philosophical morality and causal ethics, nor how the necessity of such religious precepts function in everyday life without the intervention of legalistic statecraft. A community of monks who are docile, austere, who are vegetarian, practice fasting, tantric control of desire, and whose meditation has even been revealed through rare EEG readings are not subjects with much if any karma. If this kind of testing can prove the detachment of mental activity in the brain, of the purification from all negative thoughts of aversion, to the point of passing into dream while awake, then why do people empty of karma have constantly to deal with harassment and bullying by terror of all shapes? Believe it or not, this is not the only instance where karmic law and human rights are misconstrued, it can happen in just about any society under any standard of ethics which are falsely excused by politically dysfunctional people who lack a common centre. A lack of original civility imputes them to form the demonic pact of which America is best known, a pact which is the bipartisan and economic pact that manifests its own terror rather than solving the worlds problems naturally it agitates them and then cries about GMO's being artificial. Unable to intuitively accept this generality, in a blunt way, assuming that what we intend is the opposite, or denying that GMOs have severe shortcomings. It goes about addressing every issue backwards, upside down and in reverse order and then is self-assured that the powers that be must want them phased out, that they would go to any measure to prevent their own decline which they can calculate their own moral and ethical inferity, that is, the very position of those who they have agitated or wronged. Pests, in other words, can see that they're pests, and are well aware of their infinite self-contradiction, From an economic point of view this is hypocritical suicide, which is probably part of why it depresses people so much to listen to the negation of science usurp itself against progress in the name of theological naturalism, when theres nothing natural about anything they live by including the adherence to laws which actually bare resemblance to anything like a natural human conscience. A theology that is not liberated cannot cuddle up to naturalism in a desperate attempt to decry against science or the liberation of nature. Nonetheless, we live in a herd-like society that is unwilling to meet the criteria of balancing itself, a collective imposition that is not strongly grounded in the psychological makeup of people who seek rational solutions to social problems, a pervasive cynicism that would call any situation 'God's judgement' or 'karma' , we aren't an exceptionally well-governed bunch who immediately looks at that and say's "ok that's just wrong". Where simpler countries with a more down-to-earth attitude just had to do what was right or necessary when they began to operate more democratically, we here have complicated matters so that democracy is unable to flow naturally when getting at the roots of problems or the reasons why people respond to distastefulness. We argue improperly and the polemic against self-evident judgements are a philosophical and a grammatical error in our democracy by people who make categorical reasoning into a political matter or who try to avoid rational laws by subverting them with examples and models with no corollary nor sound basis in reality. When every argument is built on diverting attention from practical action and analysis, the counter-intuitive manipulation of legal tenets distorts the issue at hand or turns it into an 'action-packed' drama where no real human action takes place. Issues like the right to die, or prisoners rights can be perverted in our legal system. Simple judgements that reasonable people take for granted like testing cancer treatments or therapeutical research on death-row inmates who are anesthetized instead of euthanizing them becomes this big huge issue. The same logic that can rationalize killing as part of justice, cannot rationalize killing to save lives in the long term. To us it is impractical and insane that if someone without a cause for committing crimes can be executed for it instead of being expended for medical research that may even justify the death penalty goes to show how unwilling America is to deal with its root causes. Foreign laws are less this way, although you would probably never find it published, if the executioners were to cancel executions for fatal drug testing in order to benefit medical progress the long argumentation against it is something only America would fuss over and not for any reason like "but theres evidence they suffer" but only because it contradicts their logic and their twisted values and grammatical 'grasp' of practical judgement and pure reason. The law in-itself as a beaurocratic process so often is oblivious to this wide-sweeping self-conscience since its main concern is building itself upon the interpretation of principles that are handed down as part of its history rather than on self-evident value judgements relevant to today. From the corruption of law to its failure to work, the situation situates legal praxis and the legality of political discourse in the middle of the spectacle which operates on adaptation or interest in the same process. When the social consensus of decency is unable to reform a case of legal praxis that is blind to self-evidence, the involvement of legality with itself blurs the lines between value judgements and principles that are subject to verbal interpretation even manipulation. The very fact that problems arise silences the just to seek justice, in our society, which is one of dualism and psychological contradiction. A culture that is devoid of any true knowledge of the foundations of its existence, like the Dao of traditional democracy, cannot in any other way pose as democracy nor even a state since it abandoned clear and visible aesthetic content reflecting how consciousness rationally perceives and absorbs the natural world. Atomized corporate economies are not democracies but are the venting holes of a faulty and ruptured system of values that have been falsely processed as principles without their causal implications at work. In a Marxist system of uprooting the opaque imbalances of capitalism, there is economic decline and a surge in social movements which distills eventually into a culturally versatile, fruitful mode of social democracy without imperialistic corporatism. Events do not appear to take place in an effectual medium which adds clarity and coherence. Today, events themselves and their reporting lack conceptual and organic continuity, -- this contradicts the value and social topology of world events by painting them in a hyper-real medium that spreads in constricted flows like the gas bubbles of a farting clam or some anal retentive neoconservative eking over the substance that actual events displace their function -- reversing the free flow of events, attempts to commodify their immediacy appertaining to the social narratives or educational value they might otherwise impart. Overabundant clutter lapped up by the badgers and swine of the consumer empire, hogwash   Kinda like when you install a jury to get an independent legal assessment in case of corrupt judges or police, well the jury is in and there (is) still such a thing as climate change and over population, its not a made up fact, its been published independently for decades by countless academies and institutions with no political agenda, you would not rely on its denial to save your own life trust me.   

© Jeremy Jae, 2016-2017     
                           OLIVER CROMWELL: A STORY FOR TODAY
"When you have a surround of instant information, which is electric information, you have a situation unknown to human beings in many previous ages, it means the end for example of subjects; when you have instant access to all information simultaneously you cant have subjects. Children know this instinctively in the schools, you cant have jobs, you can only have roles. A job is a specialist activity with a fixed boundary and in a resonant simultaneous world of auditory space you cannot retain these fixed boundaries -- So jobs are out (people prefer role play) -- Since there is by the way a movie coming out called Cromwell, it may have some bearing. Cromwell, in relation to Charles the Ist, represented the application of the new print technology to military affairs (his Ironsides) and he had no trouble scrapping the old Royalty. But he was unprepared for the retrieval. Theres one thing to scrap or turn into 'old hat', some recent thing but usually when you scrap something recent like that, as print did when it scraped the scribe and the scholastic philosopher. Theres always another kick or flip, a retrieval; a sudden return of something long forgotten. It happened with us electrically with the return of horoscopes, ESP and occult. In the age of Cromwell what came back with the destruction of monarchy was the saint; the Royal martyr was transformed into a saint, and the highly religious society of Cromwell's time (Puritan society) was not prepared to entertain a Royal martyr; a sudden retrieval from primitive Christianity. Hamlet was somewhat in this position. One of the reasons why Hamlet, as the strongman, comes marching on the stage -- poor Hamlet, he was an ideal prince, but, medieval style (loyal, devoted and fun loving, an actor; loving the profession of acting and the games of acting) but utterly unprepared for the serious and grim business that Fortenbaugh and his efficiency experts were bringing into the scene. Hamlet was suddenly out of a job with the print, not Wittenberg but Gutenberg finished off Hamlet. He was scrapped and thrown on the junk heap by Fortenbaugh, the Cromwell of his time. The idea of marching in even rows, was a startling innovation of that time, an irresistible thing. Even in Napoleon's time it was considered a radical innovation, to draw of men on the field in rigid roles in marching in uniform patterns . . this turning a group of men into a machine an irresistible uniform repetitive machine; this is what Cromwell discovered and the turning of society into a great machine of repeatable, replaceable parts was the Gutenberg thing as it was extended to the military and so on. . . .but its going away and in place of that you have the guerilla." -- Marshall McLuhan Interview with Edwin Newman
"The corporate society as criminal or evil is precisely the subject of Ronald Sokol's essay on "The Political Trial: Courtroom as Stage, History as Critic." In the recent military trial of Lieutenant Calley the unfamiliar scope of public participation played strange tricks. When the audience of a trial includes an entire population or a nation, it is the public itself that appears as the criminal, and the culprit who appears as hero. May this not have happened with the trial and execution of Charles I? The sheer scale of the audience dwarfs the judicial establishment, transforming a political event into a dramatic action. It is an old observation of Aristotle and others that any process pushed to its limits reverses its characteristics. Thus, in the process of making and reporting "news," the scale of the services involved in gathering and projecting these items tends to exceed the events reported and "making the news" becomes of much greater consequence than the news itself. . . . ."
"When Sokol refers to the trials of the McCarthy era, it is well to keep in mind that the public was putting on a totally new kind of mask, TV, just as the Elizabethan public began to look at the world through the mask of the printed page. This latter mask provided a unique innovation of precision and power, with the promise of unlimited repetition and vast performance. This is only one of the meanings of print, but it was not lost on Cervantes, or Rabelais, or Erasmus, or Aretino. Gigantism and ego-mania appear at once in the mask of the printed page. These aspects challenged Montaigne to a lifetime of interior analysis and self-portraiture even as they projected Don Quixote and the Conquistadores on to the stage of grandiose adventure. . . . ."
"By contrast the TV viewer of the McCarthy era had a totally unexpected performance presented to him. TV tore the newspaper mask off McCarthy and tossed him into the wastebasket. Unpredictably TV reduced the dimensions of stars in the news to puny proportions and created the instant illusion of verisimilitude. "The Forsythes," as presented by the B.B.C., don't arouse the same controversial queries as arise in casting movie performers. The viewer is tempted to quarrel with the movie image of Cromwell, but the TV image of Cranmer or Wolsey tempts the viewer to say "I didn't realize they looked like that." That is, TV has much greater power to impose its assumptions than the movie does. As an entirely electric medium, TV also has much greater power to "transport" us and to transform our awareness. There is, as it were, an "angelic" dimension in electric media, lacking even to the movie. . . . Since Sputnik the entire world has become a single sound-light show. Even the business world has now taken over the concept of "performance" as a salient criterion. Sokol comments on the role of public trials and witch-hunts in effecting the "expulsion of evils." The merely private citizen would scarcely seem adequate for this function in the global theatre. Whole cultures would now appear as necessary for arraignment in the age in which the Establishment itself has become the scapegoat. In the age of radio there had been a booze panic and prohibition, and the "demon rum" was harried and hunted. In the TV age of addiction to the inner trip, the drug panic has nominated a new villain." -- Marshall McLuhan, Roles Masks and Performances (1971)
"I have no use for this Cromwell character. Said one hippie, I'm a Cavalier!" Cromwell was a sort of avant-garde program of visual values. His "Ironsides" were an advance image of industrial production and weaponry. Their "Roundheads" are now the "square" citizens of the upper executive world. "Square", of course, simply means visual and uninvolved." -- Marshal McLuhan, The Emperor's New Clothe's (1968)
"The Citizen armies of Cromwell and Napoleon were the ideal manifestation of the new technology. As an historian Hayes knows well that there is a mystery about nationalism. It never existed before the Renaissance, and it was never originated as an idea: "But the philosophers of nationalism did not make its vogue. The vogue was there when they appeared on the scene. They merely expressed and gave some emphasis and guidance to it. For the historian they are extremely useful in that they afford him vivd illustrations of current tendencies in nationalist thought" He ridicules the idea the "the masses of mankind are instinctively nationalist", or that nationalism is natural at all: "During much the longest periods of recorded history the groups to which individuals have been predominantly loyal have been tribes, clans, cities, provinces, manors, guilds, or polyglot empires. Yet it is nationalism, far more than any other expression of human gregariousness, which has come to the fore in modern times." The answer to Hayes' problem is in the efficacy of the printed word in first visualizing the vernacular and then creating that homogenous mode of association which permits modern industry, markets, and the visual enjoyment of national status. He writes "The 'nation in arms' was one Jacobin concept of great significance for nationalist propaganda. The 'nation in public schools' was another. Previous to the French Revolution, it had long and generally been held that children belonged to their parents and that was for parents to determine what schooling, if any, their children should have." Liberty, equality and fraternity found their most natural, if least imaginative, expression in the uniformity of the revolutionary citizen armies. They were not only exact repetitions of the printed page, but of the assembly line. The English were much ahead of Europe in nationalism as in industrialism, and in typographical organization of the army. Cromwell's Ironsides were in action a hundred and fifty years before the Jacobin armies." -- Marshall McLuhan, The Gutenberg Galaxy

Marshall Mcluhan
"When the whole plot, the whole spectacle of the epic poem have passed to the stage, the Chorus takes all that remains. The Chorus annotates the tragedy, encourages the heroes, gives descriptions, summons and expels the daylight, rejoices, laments, sometimes furnishes the scenery, explains the moral bearing of the subject, flatters the listening assemblage. Now, what is the Chorus, this anomalous character standing between the spectacle and the spectator, if it be not the poet completing his epic
The theatre of the ancients is, like their dramas, huge, pontifical, epic. It is capable of holding thirty thousand spectators; the plays are given in the open air, in bright sunlight; the performances last all day. The actors disguise their voices, wear masks, increase their stature; they make themselves gigantic, like their rôles." - Victor Hugo, Preface to Cromwell

Victor Hugo

“During his reign -- and I do think that is the accurate word -- Cromwell built all sorts of metaphorical walls around Britain,” Deal told IrishCentral, noting that Cromwell was “positively obsessed” with the idea of rebuilding the ancient Roman fortifications Hadrian’s Wall and the Antonine Wall and had plans to seek funding from Italy.
“As seen with his campaigns against Catholics, against the Irish, Cromwell was also immensely distrustful of anyone who could be classified as ‘other,’” he said. “Cromwell was no fool, but by all accounts he was very concerned with being taken seriously, as Trump appears to be.”
"My affections to you are so unchangeable that hostility itself cannot violate my friendship. We are both upon the stage, and we must act the parts assigned us in this tragedy. Let us do it in a way of honour and without personal animosities." -- Sir William Waller

"Freud sees in the wolf, without hesitation, as you know, a substitute for the castrating father, the more so in that the father often said in jest to the Wolf Man as a child, 'I'm going to eat you'. Later in the analysis, the mother becomes just as much a wolf, if not a she-wolf, as the father. All the ancestors of the Wolf Man are, then, present in the genealogical tree, in the feminine and in the masculine, in the positions of beast and sovereign, beast and master, the more so in that in the interval we encounter a masterwolf, Wolf being the name of the child's latin master. . ."loup-garou" (werewolf) is translated as "outlaw". A little like rogue, is it not: voyeur, unsociable, outside the law. "I lived like an outlaw. . ." for "je vivais en vary loupe-garou." So the werewolf, the "true" werewolf, is indeed the one who, like the beast or the sovereign, places himself or finds himself placed outside the law, outlaw, above or at a distance from the normal regime of law and right" - Jacques Derrida

Oliver Cromwell

Coming from a purely sociological point of view, once must recognize first what a mess the situation had become for the English during the civil war. With a people recovering from a kind of intellectual orgy, those who are the first sober will naturally view with disgust those who remain drunk. At the beginning of the Puritan age this disgust had its focus in the court of James I, which in no merely metaphorical sense, but a very literal one, was an extremely drunken court. From the defilement of such a court thick with scandals, the soberer part of the nobility withdrew, to share their disgust with the merchant class and the smaller landowners and to receive, in common with most of them, the opprobrious name of Puritan. To be Puritan one accepted a life of simple purification, a time rehabilitating physical and religious sobriety from the drunken, hedonistic existence that characterized the period of the decaying monarchy and an English population split between old Royalists, Loyalists to the King, and the Presbyterians. A glance at this matter throughout the tolerant eyes of Shakespeare provides a good deal of instruction. In his Twelfth Night, the year 1600, Malvolio reproves Sir Toby, for his vinous rowdiness; Sir Toby retorts "Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no more cakes and ale?" A few lines later Maria says of him: "Marry, sometimes he is a kind of puritan . . .an affectioned ass. . . .crammed, as he think, with excellencies were real; there was a smattering of nobility in him. The countess Olivia, his mistress, could tell him "you are sick of self-love, Malvolio, and taste with a distempered appetite". The picture is clear enough -- the merely grave and sober man was, by popular consent, lumped with the technical Puritan and called by that name, though he might agree with him in nothing but a gravely religious outlook and a habit of reading the Bible.

Englands Wolf

The bitterness of Puritan satire towards Cavalier outrages and rapacity is manifested in their caricatures of England's Wolf, purporting to represent the Royalist character. The hatred and fear felt by the Puritans towards Papists was intensified by the discovery of a Roman Catholic plot lead by dissident Guy Fawkes to blow up Parliament on November 5th 1605. If Oliver Cromwell was base mechanic fellow most of his fellows in parliament were so too and he would have deserved the title 'beggar on horseback'. Of much the same degree of authenticity is the legend that Robert Cromwell was a brewer. At Cambridge, Cromwell seems to have been more of an athlete than a scholar; he took no degree and carried away with no more than an average amount of learning. "Oh I lived in and loved darkness and hated light; I was a chief, the chief of sinners. This is true: I hated godliness, yet God had mercy on me." Cromwell's sins may've been of the grosser sort or only such as those John Bunyan. We have no means of knowing, but what Bunyan says about himself is informing. In Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners he tells us:

"My sins did so offend the Lord that even in my childhood He did scare and afflict me with fearful dreams and did terrify me with dreadful visions . . . .of Heaven and Hell. When I was a child of nine or ten years these things did so distress my soul that then in the midst of my merry sports and childish vanities, amidst my vain companions, I was often much cast down and afflicted therewith: yet I could not let go my sins." Describing Cromwell John Madison's letter to Governor Winthrop says "His temper was exceedingly fiery, but the flame of it kept down for the most part, or soon allayed by those moral endowments he had aspired towards. He was naturally compassionate towards objects in distress, even to an effeminate measure; though God had made him a heart wherein was left little room for any fear but what was due to God himself, of which there was a large proportion. Yet did he succeed in tenderness towards sufferers? A larger soul, I think, hath seldom dwelt in a house of clay than his was."

In the play by Victor Hugo, Cromwell explores in its lengthily verses, the new romantic style of political stagecraft, a first in modified pictorial dramaturgy and literary innovation to the Anglo-French classical play. Cromwell introduces the romantic revolution in play writing, abolishing the rigid rules of unity that favour the description of time and place over the unity of action. By unifying actions Hugo is able to feign characters likeness to an enplotment scene for something else which escapes causality; the plot itself is something perpetually erased in the process -- its uncertainty becomes the character's actions for or against the plot, the scheme etc., they all equally aid its deterrence away from being recognized definitively in real time. Time itself, and the exact account of events, are subsumed forever to a realism that is not at all present in the living acts of Lord Cromwell himself. Hugo makes Cromwell into a man that is more than his actual living legacy allows, having been originally an unlikely figure to ascend to the noble position, managing parliamentary affairs and the brutal civil war, Oliver Cromwell as an historical person must improvise himself in various ways in order to fulfill his appointed agenda which, in accordance with heroic lore, only he may suffice as a common among commons. He is a duke puritan and squire among puritans whose mission was to abolish puritan disruptions and cohesion, to unify the royalists and puritan remnants from the monarchy into the new commonwealth. Cromwell's physician noted "For many years his patient was a most splenetic man and had fancies for the cross in that town; and that he had been called up to him at midnight and such unreasonable hours very many times, upon a strong fancy, which made him believe that he was then dying". It seems probable that he was much such a visionary as Bunyan and not necessarily more of a sinner. Cromwell's courage is, of course, apparent in the whole of his public career; one or two instances of it maybe interesting. 'Colonel Cromwell fell with brave resolution upon the enemy; his horse was killed under him at the first charge and fell down upon him, and as he rose up he was knocked down again by the gentleman who charged him, but afterwards he recovered a poor horse in a soldiers hands and bravely mounted himself again". There never was any taint of self-advertisement about Cromwell. This was the man who, at the age of forty-three, learned his drill from Colonel Dalbier, a Dutch veteran, and turned himself into a soldier. He had the soldiers eye and instinct ready-made, and with them was able early to see and understand the lessons of the ramshackle war.

Cromwell offers the contemporary possibility to think about the present history through a past event, which, renewing at the same time memory of the French revolution, Napoleon and the revolutionary succession and Restoration. Hugo sets in focus the moment where Cromwell is forced following the death of the King and the fall of the monarchy to restore a new legitimacy. Then the question which is posed before him is "must I kill a King" then becomes "will I be King, I the regicide" (Oedipus Rex, Cain). More than a political option, what Hugo's Cromwell describes is a tragic situation. Naturally Cromwell represents altogether the Revolution, Napoleon and the wished man of genius that the Restoration never had, and above all in this regard; Cromwell resembles Napoleon: I like the latter, he has both military and political talent; I like how he humiliates the Kings. Cromwell bears his crimes like Napoleon's. And so, in front of the historical emptiness of his contemporaries in front of these insecure quarrelling pygmies, Hugo sets in front of them the stature of the giant, of the man of talent equal to the grandeur of his century. If Hugo makes of Cromwell someone larger than nature, it is not only for the good and success, but also in evil. As Napoleon's crime darkens his popularity, Cromwell's grandeur has its crime for ransom, which compares him to Cain or to Oedipus. For Hugo, Cain's crime like that of Oedipus, is inexpiable; the regicide, traditionally assimilated to parricide is in the play compared to the family murder. This crime brings him remorse but no regrets. "I had to strike a King". He say's conscience and acceptance of evil make of him another man; he is the one, great among all, who has voluntarily lost his first purity to be great by evil; he is the mortal arch-angel (thus Milton calls him) as well as Lucifer, Satan (other names that will be directed at him). Invectives and jokes bring constantly in the language the comparison of Cromwell to Satan. Elespuru, the jester, the joker, joins in his song; Old Nick (the devil) and Old Noll (Oliver Cromwell): Say, who is the devilisher, Old Nick or Old Noll? One knows who Satan prefers. Of the snakes of which he is the father? For both Cromwell and Napoleon, evil and greatness, one being the necessary counterpart of the other, coincide, and this assimilation of Cromwell or Napoleon to the angel of evil is not a romantic styled effect; he is the destructor foremost, the one who has thrown away the ancient world and the old system of values, the one who carried fire and steel in the reassuring structure of the monarchy of divine right: the scaffold of Charles the First has not only taken a king's head, it has uncrowned monarchy of its sacred halo. Destructive work, with a touch of satanism. Making a hero of Cromwell is correlative of the derision which sets inside of the personage, the grotesque uncrowns the great man, whose jesters define in such manner; we are his jesters but he is our fool. Cromwell's superstition is the image of the resistance of the world against the creative action of genius; it is the acknowledgement by the hero of non-controlled forces, to which he has to submit himself; by its superstition the victorious heir bows his head in front of fatality. The scene where Cromwell questions the astrologer is the centre of the play "If you want to be King, my son, your death is certain" If failure is written in the plays plot and in the heart of the heroic character, it is because the world orders Cromwell a rebellious matter; to him failure is the others. "King stricken by fatality, revolted against the People and God, he can only succeed through reconciliation with the people and God, and become what is historically forbidden to him by history -- at the same time; well-liked by the people and divine". Thus the events surrounding Cromwell's parliamentary career are romanticized to take on the character of a structured dialogue, a classical dialogue that involves political actors but turns to screenplay.

The play poses the obvious question of will the Protector become king of England? Each successive act responds to this question in an ironic way when finally it is decided in the negative. It departs greatly from the facts of history, and has minor regard for truth of real character. The main personages are set in hyperposed, overwrought contrasts, and the rest draw to them only minor appeal. The action is forced with bad faith and the effect is appealingly overdramatized, melodrama. And yet the entire piece is without question a descent work of poetry. There are occasions where life seems to imitate art, public spectacle coincides often with what one's actions conceal in relation to their digression, openly conspiring etc. Of course the appearance of choreographed assemblages depend on those present having knowledge of the historical narrative behind the mounting pressure of some hidden event whose eruption all can feel. For the suddenness of his confessions, or their humorous (withholding, withdrawal) self resignation, to have a cathartic effect, the historical narrative must be fortuitously laid out so their circumstances beam instantly meaningful, grasped in the tonalities of unconscious values. Additionally, as with drama, if the series of events turn to acts of contrivance or forced appearances, when the concept is found in ever scene or in every scene imbues the concept, the audience becomes suspicious. Using Hugo's Cromwell as an effective literary metaphor within the contexts of postmodern political theatre, a theatre of responsive roles into which a man is prepared for becoming a 'human being' in the full sense of emotion. This has always been the task of the stage according to Schiller's living aesthetic. One does not enter the political stage as a fully grown political graduate, he takes upon himself the role as political actor with this deviant function of organizing a political base, and an army of exploitable followers. This is how Europe was divided internally, this was how feudalism was maintained while masonry kept the states leadership structure chaotically governed in the apolitical nature of a puritan, deist, Jacobin, etc. they had little else to ponder but the savage nature of the state as a grounding vessel for unauthorized 'clandestine' public social order, the body politk of the majorities. Indeed, they had little other powers to fall into but the powers of corporations, industrial producers and banks. Masonic craft, when it assumes the moral guise of authorizing political actors, positioning powers that weaken the political and free will of the people, as always, helps the political act at decentering economic forces which allow corporations to feed on the people's practical, social and financial needs in a parasitic fashion. What history teaches us is the socially distraught character that results from this premature empowering of a political actor whom experience and planning more or less adapt in evolution to the circumstances. Cromwell did not take the outfit of a military commander with an authoritative knowledge of the future -- of Irish, Scottish and French territorial battlegrounds -- he was still well part of the historical process, the one that operates through the passions of some self-assured personality, who does not possess historical knowledge and who moves people and destroys or builds kingdoms on a whimsical hunch -- in this process it is he who must master himself and discover his fate.

But it was Cromwell who did the mastering, of his troops, and out of many mixed metals, some of doubtful temper, he forged the terrible weapon which laid all England, all Scotland and Ireland, almost all of Europe, at his feet. For this artillery Cromwell was dubbed 'Ironside'. Discovering this fate means he will overcome his own fears and pride. Preceding in the same mythical and psychological space as Cromwell and Hamlet is the Greek classic drama of Oedipus Rex. But for Oedipus, his sense of pride must be broken through natural suffering. Oedipus' zeal for the truth, which sets the search for the guilty party into motion, is impure. It is the presumption of the king who resides over the city of Thebes. His zeal belongs to this kings greatness. It is the presumption of a man who considers himself unaffected by the truth and is related to that of Prometheus. His zeal is the zeal of ignorance. Tiresias alone signifies the power of the truth Oedipus claims to correct in society. Oedipus at this point is still only the hubris of such truth, and this hubris is the minister of its own condemnation. The guilt of tis hubris is expressed in Oedipus' outburst of anger against Tiresias. Because he is the seer, Tiresias is also the witness to the kings fallibility and the fall of his son the conqueror of Thebes. All the characters in the play have some primal knowledge allotted to them, a primal truth lost but gained from having bared the guilt and thus reflecting in themselves this release from folly which Oedipus eventually accepts as his fate when he succumbs to self abacination -- the whole social order of Thebes is changed, remembered, it is freed from his exile. All except Tiresias, who must represent the law, are brought to their knees, not in realizing a preeminent fallibility but in sympathy for the perpetrator, the poor prince of Thebes stands alone in exile, wounded by his own hands, shamefully regrets all his ambitions to the throne. Only in his state of blindness, isolated from all exterior narcissism, is he able then to reflect inward; seeing for the first time his true Self. His acts of punishment have lost forever their mirror of innocence and must retreat to the soul of Oedipus. Henceforth, the new species of myth that we must now take into consideration is that of which every kind of anthropological dualism attempts unconsciously to transpose and rationalize. Its point of departure from other mythic structures is that it divides the human existent into "soul" and "body"; it is on the basis of this myth that man understands himself as the same existent as his "soul" and "other" than his "body". The mythical schema of the exiled soul can be grasped by a comparison to the other mythical structures. It becomes more apparent that this myth is the only one a myth of the "soul" and at the same time a myth of the "body". It tells a story of how the "soul" divine in origin, became human -- how the "body", a stranger to the soul and bad in many ways, falls to the lot of the soul in the forms of unprohibited 'pre-Oedipal' instincts -- how the mixture of the soul and the body is the event that inaugurates the humanity of man and makes man the place of forgetting, of repressed desire for the mother or father, the 'primal scene' as the place where the primordial difference between soul and body is abolished. Divine, as to his soul, earthly as to his body, man is forgotten of the difference; and the myth of Oedipus tells how that happened.
". . . .Terrible thunder crashes, and the Chorus cries out in horror. Oedipus declares that his time of death has come and sends for Theseus. Awed by the blackening heavens, the Chorus murmurs in confusion. When Theseus appears, Oedipus informs him that the thunder signals his death, and that Theseus must carry out certain rites to assure divine protection of his city. Oedipus will lead Theseus to the place where he will die. No one but the king shall ever know that location—upon his death, each king will pass the information on to his son. In this way, Theseus’s heirs will always rule over a blessed city. Oedipus then strides off with a sudden strength, bringing his daughters and Theseus offstage, to his grave.
The Chorus comes forward to pray for peace and an honorable burial for Oedipus. A messenger then enters to tell the Chorus what has happened. Oedipus led his friend and daughters to the edge of a steep descent, and then sent Antigone and Ismene to perform his final libations. When they returned, they dressed Oedipus in linen, the proper clothing for the dead. The daughters began weeping, and Oedipus swore that his infinite love would repay all the hardship they had suffered for him. Oedipus and his daughters embraced, sobbing, until a voice called out from the skies, ordering Oedipus to proceed in his task. Oedipus made Theseus promise that he would look after his daughters. He then sent the girls away, taking Theseus with him to the place where he was meant to die. When Antigone and Ismene returned, Theseus stood shielding his eyes, and Oedipus had disappeared. Theseus then bent down to kiss the ground and pray to the gods.
Just as the messenger finishes his story, Antigone and Ismene come onstage, chanting a dirge. Antigone wails that they will cry for Oedipus for as long as they live. Not knowing where to turn, Antigone says the girls will have to wander alone forever. Theseus enters, asking the daughters to stop their weeping. They beg to see their father’s tomb, but the king insists that Oedipus has forbidden it. They cease their pleas, but ask for safe passage back to Thebes so that they may prevent a war between their brothers. Theseus grants them this, and the Chorus tells the girls to desist from crying, for all events in life occur according to the will of the gods. Theseus and the Chorus exit toward Athens; Antigone and Ismene head for Thebes. . . . ."
Drawing upon a personal analysis of his own dreams and early researches into mythology, esp., Sophocles great masterpiece; Oedipus Rex, and Shakespeare's Hamlet, Freud concluded that children pass through a stage in early childhood where they unconsciously wish to kill their father and marry their mother. Through morality and social pressures that strengthen psychosexual prohibition, children mature and find satisfaction in socially more diverse passions of their culture beyond the familial-totemic values closed off to the domestic unit. However the thought remains at some level, seated deeper in the subconscious, and can carry on into adulthood taking on other manifestations of behaviour, a fear of self-reflection for example, accompanied by feelings of flight or fight for irrational ideals like 'the nation-state', 'the domestic political unit', 'private enterprise', 'concubinage', 'prostitution', and 'midwifery'. These function as limiting zones of the early life of the child fixed to the Oedipal scene of mother-father relations with their fixed roles; closed spaces unopened to the world of culture and, ascribed to them, new mother substitutes devoid of the sentiments and love of the other. Like that of Oedipus the King, the central theme of Oedipus at Colonus is self-knowledge, but in the latter play, Oedipus’s self-knowledge may be too great rather than too scant. In Oedipus the King, the distance between Oedipus and the audience was an ironic one -- we knew the truth about Oedipus, but he didn’t understand it himself. In Oedipus at Colonus, the Oedipus’s actions are all sanctified by his divine knowledge, and Oedipus has knowledge and understanding of his own plight that the rest of the characters do not have. Throughout the Theban plays, the audience is distanced from real events, especially violent ones. Since many of the play’s events are reported after they occur, in narrative, the distance between the reader and Oedipus in this final play is doubled. Not only do we not see Oedipus die, no one but Theseus does.
© Jeremy Jae, 2015
"Today, when all of us are overwhelmed with data from many sources, it is easy to understand why people feel that they are losing touch, even in their own field. In spite of television, or possibly because of it, people feel a loss of relatedness to the world at large. Proxemics is the term I have coined for the interrelated observations and theories of man's use of space as a specialized elaboration of culture." -- Edward T. Hall
"TV went around the movies and scraped them and then retrieved silence, and retrieved old movies as art forms, thats the cliche to archetype theme; that new cliche or surround will retrieve old cliche so that when the satellites go around the planet they scrap the planet and turn the planet into an art form which becomes ecological. So when Sputnik went around the planet everyone said 'ecology, thats it' now until then the word ecology had never occurred but as soon as the planet went into a satellite surround everybody said 'ecology'. And planet Pluto waited for the attentions of the ecologists, after the garbage apocalypse of the surround. Planet Pluto became in need of the attention of the ecologists. But our planet became art form and so this is the cliche to archetype theme. Movies get retrieved, old movies come surging up with the new surround of TV and movies are now accepted seriously as art form. Stuff that would have been considered trash in its day is now taken very seriously. Now, what will surround TV to turn TV into an art form? something. . .is waiting in the wings, maybe its holograph." -- Marshall McLuhan, Dick Cavet Show
JBaudrillard_Cydonia4: The Trump effect is not merely the venture of reality TV (to test the effects of filming and relay broadcasting upon real life), but the continual telemorphosis of life into contemporary politics. As if political life itself had to decay first in order to bring life into the political stage as a perpetual reanimation of its residual death. Strangely this significant transformation of thematic campaigning via comedy, as farcical political correctness and debate, remaps decency in that it reverses the damages done by the social enforecement of politically correct repression i.e., the indignant crime of the political (as correctness) which is morally and historically incorrect. Hence the antics that propel the Trump effect deploy the absolute artfully through the public as a kind of value of absurdity and of perpetual psychotherapy that releases pent-up animus through the primal screams of their audacious grievances. Politics in America use to rally up this kind of audacity, the kind of audacity that invigorated such responses that influence a rapid inflammation of economic behaviour (buy more!). Politics has since stalemated its ability to predicate its future in any contemporary theme other than avoiding nuances honestly portraying the absolute absurdity of the times. In Zen-like manner it all becomes articulated in consciousness whereas today's rhetorical devices have successively buried this articulation themselves in reflective seeing by the awake mind, the mundane is knowing but dragging oneself along in naivete just to conform to the old industrial ways. That the politics of avoidance constantly recucitate as a residual symptom of rhetorical, sophistic habits. Trump can avoid this avoidance and pull the audience out of their zombific slumbers because of his career as the patriarchal target of American media insiders. American hegemony saves itself from global catastrophe as mass primal therapy. Politics becomes if only in an artificial way psychotherapeutic to itself.

Much as with the Louds reality TV show's first broadcast in the 70's broke the barrier between reality and televised performing -- it broke, as one might expect, the real family, as an accidental side effect of totalizing the act of candid filming and turned it into a domestic unit of emotionally contrived affair complexes and politically motivated actions. Now it is absorbed into the interstices of the social fabric, this revolution of dual feedback that occurs in reality TV, emulating historical modes of automaticity to alarmingly medieval proportions. But again it is merely a test with strategic aims of controlling and imprinting mass behaviour (as has become the entire videographed political circuit.) Augmenting the state as a domain of the body-politik, news and media become circuits of abnormal statecraft; imprinting the majority with the patterned replays of self-awareness (paranoiac processing), and the statistical projection of sequenced nervous and speech response exhibitions (modelling roles for publics). The Louds were interrupted by having been subject to perpetual real-time audiovisual recording, by a camera crew, and the interruption of regular programming is how the show made its debut as 'reality TV'. By the end of the shows candid appearance on television the whole family had ironically broken up, their natural habits of unity torn apart, dysfunction and divorce followed suite of their being filmed day-by-day as can even be the case when naturalists produce films of wild animals. This disturbance of the natural harmony has a subtle destabilizing effect on those vectors of a social narrative that, through the probing eyes of the camera, relay with bad omens what potential discontent might arise when too much self-awareness is forced upon the unprepared psyche. Indeed, the CIA have found this technique useful in not only rehabilitating serial killers but also programming them as random assassins test-fed through the candid 'reality' transference of camera's recording violent replays (TV shows like COPS may provide a rough sketch of producing a candid reality for crime.) Idiosyncratically the Loud's were made into an announcement (noisily) like a socialized protest on a megaphone or a loudspeaker, only to reduce the reality of socialized protest to salient dictation. Naive people take this reduction, this symbolic deterrence of strategies' implicit fatalism as a sign eliciting the political upstaging of the rhetorical cult of necessary political consent.
No political personality since perhaps Nixon has had that exact effective pull on audiences during campaigning i.e., a hot media effect in a cold radiance that releases political grievances putting its own absurdity into instantaneous comical perspective. Watergate would continue this immediate coincidence relating the spectators and the spectacle, the congress, the media and the president, into an audacious appeal to his own resignation. Nixon was no less the shadow of a comedian's act anymore than Trump is the full realization of this act without any residing pretensions in the unconscious. What this effect also has the potential of unleashing is a return to economic reality principles (that are bygone already) thus making of the real something hyper-modified by television. Like producing realist media portrayals in the mid-70s as something immanently 'now' and candidly situated in time. The era of microcomputers, software companies, social networking and entrepreneurism that arose in Silicon Valley during those times was the start of the after effect borne from Watergate and 'the new world order' esp., of democratized media and American business giants. A Golden Age of realism when candidness in news returned from the civil rights movement took new shape. At the time the comical spin on an idealized self-portrayal (and social realism) in media, reporting, meant something relevant to the 'revolutions' as some return to the primal scene of culture before Vietnam. Media could no longer hide reality through the filters of representation and media art. Instead it must pretend to be actual, to attend to actuality and be something other than media (i.e., pretend to be real). The chain of evolutions goes something like this: Politics -> Tabloids -> Talk Shows -> Reality TV -> Full-Blown Sitcom.
The final phase takes over life in the deliberation of its preferred narration from watching television and TV's instant relay to living verbal events -- news becomes sitcom, like the Kissinger-Mccain scene -- where Mccain hugs Kissinger in a court full of protesters, he scratches at the protesters calling them "scum!", spoken in defence of Kissinger's foreign policies which were exacted under Nixon. The TV and the media long since left their media space to invest 'real' life from the inside, precisely as a virus does with a normal cell. Wether in this telepresence, in the live TV psychodrama or in the immediacy of information on all screens, what we have here is the same short-circuiting of real life. Sitcom, virtuality is different from the spectacle of reality TV, which still left room for a critical consciousness and demystification. The abstraction of the 'spectacle' was never irrevocable, since we are no longer either alienated or dispossessed: we are in possession of all the information. We are no longer spectators, but actors in the performance, and actors increasingly integrated into the course of that performance. Whereas we could face up to the unreality of the world as spectacle, we are defenceless before the extreme reality of this world, before this virtual perfection. We are, in fact, beyond all desalination. This is the new form of terror, by comparison with which the horrors of alienation were very small beer. Having no more victims to devour, the critical illusion has devoured itself. Even more than the industrial machines, it is the machinery of thought itself that is laid off.
Marr_Westphalia: I find this to be true as well. For although it is childishly innocent, this amplification of rouse and audacious rabble stirs up the false passions of consumer statistics (what we are use t considering a sign of forced libidinal economy is falsely governed as a negative body-politik of desire and collective spectacle aimed outside the individual's hopes and placed instead to service expansion protocols and industrious personality phases). The cold-stream of static frequency that pervades the air waves of the technosphere, distorts and cruets the natural and human environment with an overhaul of corporate, industrial noise, filled with incoherent adverts circling in the unconscious speech habits with abstinent self-denial. Fuelled by the narcissistic cathexes, to a long dead sequence of cultural motifs, innuendoes and linear media programming, the 'postmodern' American dream of perpetual advance now self-manufactures its own normative hyper-action through programatized disorder reinterpreted through a nuanced, sociopathic induction of isolationism: Drilling holes in the ozone, in the unstable environmental complex which has become multistable and reliant upon a proper ratio of human activities.
Jer_Jae: Putting aside the critical issues of American democracy in the international arena, it still baffles the intelligence of many to witness the collapse of constitutional manners of government in the way America contrives, improvises and masquerades all fundamental and symbolic forms with synthesis and equalization. Under these states of affairs the president becomes an empty suite fulfilling a role within the general political economy, a preordained symbol of iconoclastic proportions, of anti-American media and popular iconoclasm that regards political economy as a salient interpolation of crass advertisements and stunts that rely on coverage as well as formulaic protocols for mass consumption. Coverage here takes on the old form of the printed message, the consumer propaganda message that sublates human intentionality so it can sell more canned pork. Though this iconoclasm is only against the icon, that is, what a thing or a person signifies or represents, so it is strangely anti-media in this regard that eliminates the relation between the iconic figure, his narrative, his moral message and general public image. But it severs these dimensions only so it can escape its legacy, i.e., it retains the idol and the idolatry of the image while negating its history, its meaning and value. Trump wants to escape his past, he wants to escape what he "is" and what his actions have secured him as representing in the factual narrative such that he might be a more idolized anti-iconic figure. The icon is not always the truth of a thing or person, its a generalization of their criteria and their conventional self-representation, their referenced accomplishments and so forth. Trump, wanting to erase being a business mogul, a casino tycoon and symbol of corruption must be iconoclastic towards all past productions existing in the time frame of his personal self-sabotage so he may transform himself magically into a presidential type figure. To be changed into an idol empowers his image as a personified act relevant to the unknowing masses -- its not the same stature as becoming a celebrity or possessing in-born star qualities -- the idol is a kind of circus act, a kind of talking-to-oneself in a stage of spectacles and on a microphone one becomes a superspectacle, which still has the capacity to drawn upon all the dissent and public arrogance that inflames civilized communication and spreads unstable social dynamics. Effectively this showman's performance can distract the intelligence of real power and feign attention away from the matters of the work of ages. Socialism mind you did not occur as an extension of history but as a social abnormality, a disorder in the course of historical development construed by ideological speculations. Showmen are not equal to the stage performer or the acting profession in this sense. Any man may attempt to be a showman especially business men and salesmen; some visual or musical artists are showmen and yet others have the skill of actors born into them as an added attribute of their artistic nature, but the showman's exhibit is generally a sort of performance that does not involve the conscious emotions of his person nor the kind of intentional self-disillusionment that presupposes a separate self-identifying with the performance that acting people allow themselves to fall into so they may appear more realistically true to their role i.e., real-time self-involvement. Talent usually begins in early youth as an element present in those with star qualities, idols most often lack this early development of talent but discover it later in an effort to be famous performers or gain star status, its all about status and the public image, like with contemporary politics. With the erosion of the art world, with the disappearance of the European philosophical symposia, the idolatry of America's sideshow performances now try to emulate stardom and this, in some abstraction of its truth, devalues the traditional Broadway musical and Hollywood performance scene, it identifies new emerging talent with the common idol, which real artists wish not to be confused. Literalists will tell you that this progressive shift from innate talent to improvised performance acts that it is a transference of tradition (or traditions) from generational memory into cliques that try to grasp this memory. The same might be said about religious providence.
© Jeremy Jae, Jean Baudrillard, 2015
Jer_Jae: The American mirage is the mirage of the confederate states and their national freedom; to know truthfully beyond this mirage is the original syndicated states of the Atlantic enterprise which has nothing to do with having a stake in the vessel of land people call America. Events are thrown into their escape velocity; everything is always only just escaping itself, everything enters into everything else as process. America today, like a virtual dream of the retro board game Candyland, is a front for economic order in the geographic West. Originally the theatre of political voices contained and conceded a hidden reference to history. Debates or public discourses held a key place in the annals of the historical process as it made its way towards the end of its soteriological escape, even when they rehearsed elements of bygone social narratives like the depression, civil conflicts of states, external trade embargoes, the efforts to unify counties, lands separated by different occupants and classes, emigres from abroad, and federalized districts.
America was founded and unified, its new laws and regulatory initiatives were created at the designation of various presidents with well-thought out plans to unify -- following this unification, the civil rights movement and the creation of various trade agreements, America has integrally over time developed to a point where presidents enact very little compared to their historic duties which tended to unifying people, ending civil strife, regional conflicts, brokering lands, and so were often social, spiritual, religious or colonial in character that became more and more a matter of commerce than mending the practical problems of the day or the status of the nation which has shifted dangerously towards a market geared system that appears often to reshape itself by conjuring new shorelines that politically reinvent the social and economic issues of the past (like recessions, race issues, crime, border issues, outside terrorism) adding unknown friction to the prevailing stasis of majority opinion systems, the political icons today can use their power as TV symbols to feign trouble, dissent, popularity, zeal, or hyperinflation. If not for mass public participation in manufacturing a hallucinatory reality upon their image which they contribute by offering their commentary, voter confidence, opinions, supportive slogans or severe criticism, the mass appeal of the president himself would dissolve. It may be important to the audience to learn that history and facts no longer simply repeat themselves, at least not when world leaders are concerned, but rather truthfully it replays its imagery, its mies en scene, by political design pushing propaganda. This is the contemporary game of masquerades intended to inflate powers appeal as a signification for a real place and eventuality that is no longer relevant. Since the cold war, and esp. after the Warsaw resolution, the tactics used for maintaining the office of the president and his various functionary roles have rapidly lost their effect (as realpolitik) and turned towards spontaneous stage performances linked to arbitrary tinkering and collusion. Here the body politik registers itself in mass society, where it can be inculcated through the spread of libellous behaviour, viral social cliches, may have the potential to disturb the natural process of representational democracy or community dialogue. In the years following the cold war it has become obvious that the inward, once well protected status of Washington politics and private political life itself in America, has declined in stature and historical depth; only to be conceded to a bureaucracy of methods, public relations and media tactics. At the higher echelons of the decision making apparatus are men who situate the chess pieces where they are most easily manipulated and prone to misgovern on delicate grounds. Presidential figures that are challenging to critically appose on their own terms, wether politically correct or holding a salient position of ignoring reason altogether, the despot and the demagogue fill the suites as proficiently as false attire to improvise a presidential swagger is still a kind of role-play alluding the showman to a system of significations and social conventions peculiar to American creative functions -- The governing bodies present themselves as a sequence of messages excluding the principles of political power to the confines of social networks and television. In the age of radio it was the fears of socialism that turned our ears away from the speakers as in war time and yet this fear has not escaped us, with the advent of TV and social media, it remains a symptom commonly discussed with allusions to past dictatorships. On the contrary the more efficient have beam the tools of portraying these models of the real, that, with this loss of true reality to the resolution of hyperimagery we have become once again hostage in our own illusions over power and the representational political values they once were made to reflect. Even as historical power abandons the political stage, (as an abandonment of its novel features, practical uses, ritualized forms, national values, and essential ideology) over more ethical concerns regarding that very historical fear, does it grow as a mentallized illusory force carried throughout social process and advanced by TV, mass print etc. The linear social broadcast animates the political with a resilience and gives it a supporting object for its theme without which its effects would barely be felt in the real world of decision making and distributed to government institutions. Since there are only minor degrees for fundamental reversal or advancement in areas relating to the formal executive fields that manage the economic output upholding the valiant market. Today, it is no more the harsh reality of political action that worries us -- those worries always seemed to be confined and well articulated to local protectionist schemes (Cuban missile crisis, Boston Tea party, Bay of Pigs invasion, Watergate coverup, the Communist scare, the Soviet nuclear barrage), an ironic twist of this logic can now be found in the unsettling experience of being terrified by the simulation. Not however when it simulates events like national destruction, outbreak, monetarial collapse or war -- it is the event that's a non-event -- where matters of security inflate state sovergneity, civil unrest, uprisings, social disorder and rogue state fascism ground illusions deeper than the conscious mind can handle. Real events threaten the public body politik, the uncontrollable ones disempower the image and its illusory governing over reason and society -- they have to be cleaned up by every regions state media where they take place and globally find anxious association to a dialectical use value. It is a direct response to this terrible motion picture, this nauseating hyperreal that we feel disassociated. It is a disassociation where anything in the age of evading accidental reality may collapse this illusion at any moment simply by the fact that it is an illusion under no fixed conscious control i.e., a force bordering on imaginary proportions that could nonetheless more readily realize its own dramatic suggestions related to potential scenarios of any sort which would even go beyond all real expectations.

Thus it is that the context once filled by presidents holding a true effect is now a space foreshadowed with acting members of the true live cinema! We see this in both the predictions held by scientologists and the CIA in Hollywood. We compare historiographies to the impeachment process of Nixon to a conspiring effort by new media to popularize the last president as a scandalous reality TV event -- in order to shift the focus from his indeterminate effect to his virtual affect on society which future presidents to different degrees have fulfilled. Similar to how wrestling was once a real sport fought between unpredictable competitors is now a rigged event of pure entertainment. So, how do you perpetuate political power in a cold war environment where there are no dramatic events? (you use guerrilla wars, terrorism, insurgency). How do you strengthen the presidential image for mass consumption once its passed on into the realm of stage performance? (with the rouse of scandals; Watergate, Monica Lewinsky). How do you perform an act that is more real than acting? (reality TV). What is more frightening than Jaws? (its Jaws 3D).

The tacticity of social engines are massively produced to distract while imposing social models that program or advertise to consumers their daily dose of mentally rehabilitating whitewash. Watergate for example popularized the president to the networks and state broadcasters, that daily forecasted his downfall only because they wanted to fully transform his image (the presidential image) for TV, while at the same time removing the last of the classic political figures to take office in decades. For this reason Nixon would still be considered the last president, next to JFK, but also the last true blood Republican to hold a high position in the presidency. He was later replaced by another republican who was also a former Hollywood actor, Ronald Reagan. With the viewers of the civil rights era declining interest in most presidential events, Watergate rounded up their hopes of his impeachment and the attention of mass audiences who also wanted him out of office or removed personally from his facsimile (the infamous list of undesirables and dissidents that Nixon's administration had began gathering) was a radicalized political stunt against the protesters of Vietnam who by then stopped participating in watching politics or taking voting seriously. The cover-up 'covered up' the attention it gave to the presidents personal appeal in the news and shifted his power position away from break-ins and embezzlement to a truly spectacle power able to influence other domains of intellectual currency helpful to the growing market and Wall St. influence.

The public and private spaces of the power structure influence each other. Reality TV insinuates the reality of TV while shedding itself of all potential social value via media where the once real events in government, politics and culture take on a stage-like role replacing practical functions with heightened exemplarity, debate and for the sake of argument, a civil war on values. Each manufactured image escapes its mere civil-domestic role as a model for society and enters instead into the reality principle's devaluation. Since its not populist faith or good will over Trump that effaces stability and politco-economic equilibrium but how every rhetorical act is made to ricochet off news media reflecting as the status quo's negation of Trump, his accidental effect is what induces irrational consumerism and crass commercialism, not his dictation of effectiveness to mass appeal. If he were, contrarily, a media-friendly 'stable' figure of self-knowing, with more than a charismatic-rhetorical position to unleash, the driving economic forces would respond with efficient regularity -- its the opposition, the bad friction, that signals economic disorder and immoderation -- This is the stage of opposing forces that, together with public opinion, concomitantly deter functional political states and the 'good society' into pathological disarray.
Rico_B_Van: Nixon's resignation over the wire tapings and other mounting discourses from the Watergate infiltration certainly sent shockwaves through the news networks. This was not totally unexpected and following his pardon by Gerald Ford one cant help but see that as a presidential public figure Nixon accepted the role, the stunt as you will, of his downfall as critical to the transformation of the American political process in ending the war in Vietnam. Aside from this, what were Nixon's 'real' priorities, beyond the Watergate process, what top level secrets was the Watergate cover a cover for?
Yana_in_Davos: After being sworn in as president, Richard Nixon told the assembled crowd that “government will listen, those who have been left out, we will try to bring in.” But that same day, he obliterated those pledges of greater citizen control of government by signing National Security Decision Memorandum 2, a document that made sweeping changes to the national security power structure. Nixon’s signature erased the influence that the departments of State and Defence, as well as the CIA, had over Vietnam and the course of the Cold War. The new Secret Government structure put Nixon at the center, surrounded by loyal aides and a new national security adviser, Henry Kissinger, who coordinated policy through the National Security Council under Nixon’s command. Nixon had a habit of firing people, and even went after FBI and Pentagon people as scapegoats for wiretapping info about the war leaked to the NY Times. With his position in the briefing chain, president Nixon used his connections at the FBI to go after top guns even confronting Kissinger himself. In this manner Nixon tried to be an old style autocrat in charge of the whole process of his government in a world of changing power influences and resistance to symbolic authority. Even if only in a superficial way, later generations especially would feel the animus created by Nixon's social order and postwar infrastructure policies during a new age of mid-east conflict. At the time these were the new liberal policies, at the time people wanted a return to those kinds of domestic and social reforms, and 'traditions', in Nixon's new protestant work ethic, of the medieval new age theology of Meister Eckhart, of Gutenbergism, of the 'Great Silent Majority' and the Romanticism of the Christian Enlightenment.

Wayne_C_FL: When Nixon went into retirement, in the 1980s if I recall correctly, he was still able to get in touch with people to confide secret knowledge, knowledge only he had been told while consulting the team representing the "Four Horsemen". He became a man of telephone conversations and private interviews at this time, just as Carter had become a man of letters, but in a different way from his job in Washington, was a very important and reliable contact for revealing details about the Watergate trials and other crucial points like memos from war veterans, Chinese ministers, and information relating to crashed UFOs, sightings, superpsychics and the space race. One of Nixon's contacts, Deep Throat had at some point in the developing Watergate narrative, ascertained documentation some of it having to do with secret biologic testing, hybridization, cloning and engineering of embryos and germ weapons done at a place called Nightmare Hall, at Homestead Air Force Base in Florida -- and another location called Dark Side of the Moon in Nevada -- Dr. Edward Condon who headed the Bluebook committee when Nixon first took office was an assistant to the Nixon Admin's UFO concerns for awhile. Nixon advertised his interest in China, including in his pivotal Foreign Affairs article of 1967 and during his 1968 convention speech. He issued NSSM 14 in early February, which sought scenarios for improved relations between the two nations. Nixon sought to normalize relations with China in accordance with his directive mandate provided by the British-US-Swiss Secret Government who became increasingly aware of new incidences involving UFOs in the People's Republic of China and esp., top officials in the Chinese military apparatus who were in charge of guarding these global secrets. Nixon knew early that the US military opposed his China plan, so he and Kissinger tried their best to hide it from the Pentagon. Following the Watergate scandal the CIA fell under closer scrutiny. Nixon appointed James Schlesinger to replace John Helms in 1973, but he left the agency and became secretary of defence to be replaced by William Colby. This shuffling of personnel at the CIA was consistent with the behaviour at the time and under Nixon's controversial methods of leading the war effort and domestic spying wing of the intelligence committee. Through Schlesinger the International Secret Government were able to infiltrate the Nixon military and National Security surveillance machine at the Pentagon. Schlesinger would become one of Nixon's late confidantes for acquiring UFO related overseas communications and organizing the Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board installed at the request of former president John F Kennedy. The organization was run by MIT president James Killian Jr. Kennedy's instructions to the new board were to investigate the entire intelligence community, to recommend detailed changes and to expand its investigations beyond Cuba aiding in setting up exchange portals between the US, South East Asia and the Philippines. Future president George Bush Sr. succeeded Colby and directed the CIA through the remainder of Gerald Ford's presidency. He implemented policies to improve the agency's professionalism and promoted younger personnel. He also took the unprecedented step of opening classified CIA documents to a group of conservative, antidetente foreign policy planners known as Team B. It was through Bush Sr. that a great deal of the declassification procedures and freedom of information act policies helped bring local and foreign intelligence (including UFOs and Kennedy Assassination documents) closer to the public access. Both Bush and Ford had overseen reports on remote viewing and held an interest in furthering its application to gathering intelligence which, under presidents Bill Clinton, opened the Stargate program.

Marshal Ye Jianying (chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress from 1978 to 1983, Ye was the head of state of the People's Republic of China)

Jer_Jae: But what did Nixon hear that wasn't known to the CIA at the time of these fundamental transformations had been brought on by the end of the Cold War? Were there details he was told by senior government officials that Bush himself was not told?

Wayne_C_FL: This is what im trying to get at. See everybody was asking Nixon questions in the 1980s, securing notes and collecting memoirs concerning issues about Watergate and Vietnam. For a long time there remained a suspicion that the former president had been withholding classified information regarding international matters that were crucial to the efforts to end the Cold War. Stuck under a barrage of suspecting interviewers and a habit of holding secrets from the Watergate trials, not a great deal of the hidden facts ever left Nixon’s mouth either in any official interviews or off the cuff remarks to journalists. He was weary of journalists and interviewers for obvious reasons of the scandal. But to personal friends, private agents and veterans of the war he would share knowledge. Nixon's position in the government was still active behind the scenes because the power he yielded in the Secret Government, with state officials and people across the country, was something he maintained throughout Ronald Reagan's tenure. Recall both he and Reagan were governors of California and connected at other levels not only in special ops but in the California register, (Nixon still had deep access for a long time after his retirement). Im talking about things, specifically your files, and related to visitation from star people.

Jer_Jae: You mean the massive collection of CIA logged files, the files collected over all the years that people like Chomsky, Bush Sr. and others on the East Coast would know? 

Ye Jianying and Zhao Ziyang, early 1980s

Yana_in_Davos: Yes, some of it would be that, but also predating all that. There was an Illuminati project carried out in your state of birth -- what's contained in the files is classified all the way up to alien levels, ancient alien levels -- which is why only a few people of the WW1 generation who worked on it (and Nixon) were around to mention it, and he mentioned it to people in the CIA, special ops and British spy's who once reported to Her Majesty. Today I have to look more into it, you never know, but if this is the case of unfinished business with respect to the ET disclosure it may explain for better or worse why Donald Trump decided to run for president.
Jer_Jae: Does it have information from NASA, Los Alamos and Sandia labs? Some writers may have had been told some things about the star visitors records, how theyre able to pinpoint incarnated souls. I'm thinking for example of organizations like the Institute of Noetic Sciences (Edgar Mitchell), Academy of Future Sciences (James J. Hurtak), Integral Institute (Ken Wilber) and Leading Edge Research Group (Val Valerian). A lot of this happened in California, remember.
Wayne_C_FL: A large portion of the secret business that was conducted involved more than just war-time propaganda, chemical, pharmaceutical and weapons tests. There were a number of exterior scientific experiments performed by the British and American side of the global intelligence apparatus -- experiments that Nixon had approved as the vice to a wing of the Secret Government that employed US technicians -- they were primarily contained to British air force secrecy, but this was the beginning of the secret war that tested the effects of holography on human perception to various military applications like radar and detection with interferometry. But there were also unusual liaisons between the Illuminati, the architects of the Templars, and the Jesuit intelligence of the Vatican that provided military intel to some of these super secret operations. What the templars were involved in was code breaking and mapping the earth's invisible energy grid that pilot Bruce Cathie had uncovered. The US Special Forces knew of this and used it to test flights and military training exercises at specific locations on the harmonic grid in order that it might have some 'magic' energetic effect on the geographical enemies powers and perception of events. Most of the cutting edge research was coming out of France, the French national guard and other military stripes in the espionage and intelligence section of the military that specialized in code breaking and new information technologies were at the meetings. Back in the late 1960s and 1970s they were holding these meetings in a number of old royal palaces, castles both in France and Britain. They adapted several mathematical equations used by the masons for population control, genetics and financial probability into holographic programming via wavefront reconstruction. Applications of wavefront reconstruction were for various sensors, image encryption, surface plasma wave creation, laser holograms and the generation of electromagnetic scalar fields that can produce nonlocal effects on an object (levitation). With this it was also possible to simulate flying objects (UFOs, submarines, civilian aircraft) and create what you call 'orbs' in paranormal literature. The orbs were a topological surface plasma wave that were used in connection with a lot of crop circle technology. This also began an age of explorations in what you call virtual reality but the VR stuff didn't come of age until the late 1970s and early 1980s with the new graphic computers developed in Japan and out at Lockheed aerospace. NASA and DARPA of course were into these technologies also from the early start of the space race.
Rico_B_Van: What about over in France, its been well documented by Jacques Vallee that the human race have been in contact with star visitors for a very long time. He states approximately the same thing you have on several occasions which is that the alien contactee phenomena is not likely something the government conceals, that they aren't likely withholding personal alien communications but might have more technical knowledge of their activities on the planet.
Wayne_C_FL: The French government has looked into the matter of ancient aliens and human-ET phylogenesis since at least the 1960s. It is as I was saying earlier, likely to be correlated to the genetic science of populations with a deeper more complex understanding of holography, coherent optics, psychobiology and anthropology. Remember that in French universities and public schools the attitude of separation between the 'divine' principle and the other mathematical, biological and material sciences does not exist as it does in the other Anglo-American and Russian education systems, the divine principle still has been adherently part of French education all throughout the post war period. Modern scientific experiments in France investigated the complex teleonomic principles of a gene sequencing and theogenic elements of gene creation. This means the science was mathematically constructed so as to reveal hidden patterns, alternative methods of interpreting DNA and tools for probing gene expression with laser, photonics and other scalar holographic technologies. With these the scientists were allowed to see more complex aspects of life itself, of what you variously refer to as the soul, it is known quite well in the French and even Hungarian-Romanian and Soviet governments about this. I'm told the souls destination, its whereabouts in the brain and central nervous system, in ligand DNA and so forth can not only be visually presented but a conceived soul in a new born baby can even be located when a walk-in soul tunnels into a body. Most importantly, and relevant to the ET question, revelations that human DNA had originated outside the earth, under different gravitational and ecological conditions, are preceded by evidence that human DNA is not of an entirely human origin. We were not only mixed with some unknown sentient ancestor (Annunaki, Elohim, Nefilim or what have you), we were also most probably developed in space, on a different planet or in a test tube environment aboard a space ship.
Rico_B_Van: How on earth is that even possible, to conduct that kind of extensive study without it being made public somehow? And in tandem, does this same research have anything to do with the long talked about one that displays phantoms of the energy escaping the body after death?
Yana_in_Davos: To picture an image of the energy body one uses sophisticated electrostatigraphic and electronographic monitoring that involves a level of accuracy with technology it can be like successfully putting a rocket into space. You have many personnel working around the clock calculating timing and testing instruments. When done correctly a perfect electrical imprint of the body's exact shape can be filmed either when a person is alive, or in the final moment of death it is shown instantly registering a surge and a phase image or 'silhouette' up to forty to fifty feet above or bellow the hospital bed. If it is caught close enough to the patient who has passed on the ghost image revealed is in the same shape as the body, when the person was laying and in their exact posture prior to death. As the soul's energy moves through space it conforms to a more open or closed shape but remains systemically the same as the dynamic flows of the body when alive. These kinds of experiments were extremely classified not only because they involved controversial legal issues of 'right to death' and 'right to life', testing on the dying and elderly often without consent, but the tragic facts uncovered in many cases offer a grim view of death for subjects whose energy body's were photographed being pulled downward into the Earth instead of upward to the atmosphere. In the former case the electrical mass inside the body exits downward but is bent and pinched by the pressures inside the Earth to the shape of a ball which binds to the hot atoms of the Earth's semiconducting metals distributing the feeling centres of the nerves to a striated blob. A level of security had to be devised above the ordinary Top Secret and Super Secret clearances, in the case of the out of body probes, that had been declassified to the Vatican who authorized private medical research and investigations about the existence of a possible 'Hell' and solar 'Heaven' state of existence following death. A special programs access division grew from the Communist Party of the USSR, Europe, the Vatican High Council and the Knights of Malta under auditing by the Hungarian Soviet Republic secluded cardinal scientific panels for looking into the matters of life after death using advanced technology developed for this purpose beginning in the late 1960s and continuing to the more recent present. Classification levels were established following knowledge that these kinds of statements about the life force descending into the Earth's molten core would cause unforeseeable public panic, if it were known, even the breaking apart of all civil society could result. Had believers or skeptics alike been educated about the existence of a physical Hell, or aliens, or Heaven, or any of it, the panel concluded surely that mass fear would spread in light of such a disclosure regardless of ones faith. Inquiries to the effect that there might exist a state of life after dying were presented to the major Cardinals of the then rapidly decaying Hungarian empire by a request from veterinarian doctors and medical biologists of the Hungarian Soviet Republic suggested they had uncovered evidence from deceased livestock. With the breakup of the Soviet system in Hungary the growing medical and physical data was securely transferred to shadow governments in Russia, to the island of Malta and other secretive locations in Catholic Rome. Knowledge from the files were also loosely shared among members of the European Space Agency and NASA as efforts to send people to space coincided with worries of being 'Hell-bound' if one were to die on the Earth's surface. Vatican members and select insiders to the project in the fields of electrical engineering have been working towards an electromagnetic 'trapping' layer of semiconductor metals that can someday be placed under all hospital beds for the sick and dying who are neurodynamically predisposed to the core. With this vacuum sealed inner magnetic chamber of minicapsules the ground energy electrons from the body stay trapped in the circuit of a warm, heated conductor that stabilizes the body's EEG wave in a regular coma state.
Rico_B_Van: Did the reception of this knowledge, do you believe, have anything to do with changes in the religious attitudes of the Catholic church since that time?
Yana_in_Davos: Most certainly it did, im quite sure the Vatican's decisions to remain relatively the same since the great revolutions of Pope John XXIII, Pius and Paul VI's time has much to do with our knowledge of life after death and with the latter Paul's informants, many of them illuminized freemasons, on the alien presence as well. Paul VI is known for his "smoke of Satan entering the church" comment, one cannot help but wonder if this had any metaphorical ties to things he may have been told (true or untrue) about the medical studies revelations of a hell existing bellow. A lot of this research was funded by European freemasons which Paul VI undoubtedly had been connected through modern freemasonry. Rome has a long history of freemasonic influence in its architectonic structure, being an organized system designed for the promotion of religions and churches, it has not only its Jesuits as agents of restoration but freemasonry traditionally implicates its structure social and material. Both Pope's John Paul I and John Paul II were surrounded by UFO appearances over the Vatican. Its no wonder the church has in recent times taken a more open interest in liberation theology with a new stance on issues, especially capitalism and other evils that infect human society and which is necessary for there to exist such efforts to moderate world power. This is why the Vatican has taken a more holistic, middle-way view on political and social issues, and why the attitudes and policies have not swayed too far in either direction with changes in the Papal leadership.
Marr_Westphalia: Yes, and I believe that John F. Kennedy's having learned of what some Vatican officials had learned was a major factor, or the factor, which resulted in those factions being involved in his assassination. Here im not referring specifically to powers in the Catholic church, the Eastern orthodoxy, the Western Soviet front, freemasonry, the CIA or NASA , but others associated to American security corporations, overseas security infrastructure propagandists to US industrialists, some of them Masons some of them Nazis, Communists and Federalists. In the wake of the arms race the US had invested a core priority of its economic, intelligence and security network towards military industrialization and accumulation of arms. The coordinated efforts to assassinate JFK were an anti-marxist, anti-socialist agenda by groups against the idea of open democracy. In this sense they were primarily capitalist interests (or neo-capitalist interests). The president knew things that neither the CIA, the US shadow government or FBI had any insight, but some of those groups in America's power structure were involved in overseeing the necessary measures to plot his disappearance. Wether you believe the president was actually killed, or wether you think it was a hoax involving special effects perpetrated by NASA, the Swiss space aeronautics division, the Israeli backed media, Bechtel corporation, scientology, Navel Operations or Hollywood, the consensus is clear that it was in the interests of 'national' security. Kennedy was also part of an international political agenda to legislate new universal health care laws for the elderly. In Americas political climate healthcare reform of this kind has always been extremely controversial and something contested negatively by state solidarists and individualists alike. Indeed, it was in relation to socialized medicine that contributed to the thought among communists like Oswald and capitalists like J Edgar Hoover to conspire against Kennedy. It was the latter's FBI memos that revealed he had covered up or lied about Oswald's activities in Mexico City prior to the alleged assassination. Declassified government records legitimate this claim, there were other things going down in Mexico City; with attempts by the CIA to eliminate Castro the Soviet-backed Cuban militias and the CIA turned their guns on Kennedy. Mexico City was the training ground for US and other foreign operatives to 'simulate' the use of artillery for performing assassinations. It was also the southern capital for UFO sightings, among other things, the FBI had concealed embassy secrets about Nazi obtained documents on extraterrestrial biology from the German Reich.
Rico_B_Van: Would these declassified reports have anything to say about the assassination of the CIA-backed Guatemalan president Carlos Armas?
Wayne_C_FL: Armas was taken out by Guatemalan nationals, supported by the Communists, in response to the awful situation created by that United Fruit Company's embargo there that was destroying all the land belonging to the Guatemalan working peasants. There was also US leverage from Coca-Cola which helped to remove Armas but his would-be assassin was a man popular among the national front of Guatemala who were mostly proletarians.
Jer_Jae: Is it true that Marilyn Monroe had been informed through JFK or someone connected to him on the UFO presence? And do you know if this played any part in her alleged suicide-assassination.

Yana_in_Davos: Despite the fact that she had been told some things by Jack Kennedy about the Roswell crash, and that JFK allegedly shared Air Force secrets of a UFO he had been exposed to at an undisclosed location, she was silenced by the Navy and disappeared under their care. This was contained in the so-called Wiretap document, not the edited version but the original that was released in 1991. According to claims made in that old documentation that explained the 'how' and the 'why' of her 'faked death', stated that Naval Operations forged her death certificate with a dummy and her whereabouts after 1962 is unknown. Although rumours from the document said she retired from the US Naval Air Station in Ventura county near Los Angeles to Mayport Naval Air Station at Atlantic Beach, Florida. Try to recall that Marilyn Monroe was a US military asset from the start of her career, many of her public performances were political stunts, she entertained troops in the marine corps, popularly was her USO tour of South Korea. Right before she flew into Korea, Monroe was in Japan on her honeymoon with Joe DiMaggio, her husband's son DiMaggio Jr. was a marine private and one of the last to hold a 'coherent' word over the telephone on the night her death. Perhaps the question is not so much if she had been informed by the president on the ET matter, but one might ask what her original involvement in the alien agenda was and wether she had been a contactee, 'star person', etc. She was still alive, and has been alive thats the thing, thats why your hearing about it.
Jer_Jae: Monroe was a US asset in the early days of the cold war, ok but how does the UFO sighted by Kennedy fit into the Korea trip, why was she sent there?


Yana_in_Davos: There was an "Agreed Activities" agreement negotiated by the CIA in 1955 that recognized military participation in clandestine intelligence, defined the collection of activities that the military services could conduct, and set forth procedures to coordinate them with the clandestine collection activities of the CIA. The agreement was distributed to Navy unified and fleet commanders in 1955. Guidance was issues at the same time on the extent and limitation of the naval effort in clandestine intelligence in peacetime. The value and continued usefulness of an informant depends on his confidence that, in providing information, he will not jeopardize his government, business or professional position, or in some cases even his life. Hence, the utmost care must be exercised not to reveal the identity of an informant or to compromise him in any way. In order to protect, and at the same time identify a source in correspondence (or in phone conversations), a source symbol or designator shall be used in accordance with current ONI instructions. By 1960, the use of human intelligence sources for naval intelligence, code named HUMINT, had become routine, and standard operating procedures had been worked out. Collection activities maintained lists of persons located their respective areas who were actual or potential sources of information of naval interest. Such lists gave the name, address, telephone number and or usual means for contacting the individual, the type of information obtainable by the source, the source's particular qualifications, and a general estimate of reliability and cooperativeness. Source code designators were assigned to confidential sources for use in information reports, correspondence, messages, and telephone conversations in order to protect their true identities. The designators were made up from the name of the place of the reporting activity, followed by the last two digits of the calendar year in which the source identity was furnished to ONI. In early 1952 the various agencies on the west coast of Korea that were engaged in the covert collection of intelligence information were integrated under Commander Covert Clandestine and Related Activities, Korea, headquartered in Seoul. HUMINT began or revived a tradition of human intelligence, counterespionage, and covert planning which was historically common to the navies of the world. These were in accordance with the covert method of the modern CIA and the Joint Intelligence Committee officialized the use of human agents in the Naval field with 'stealth' capabilities and, to the extent of their conducting covert operations, could be mobilized around the world under various covers, false identities etc. Marilyn was registered as an informant to the president in mutual coordination of Naval Operations assigned to multiple functions of intelligence and counterintelligence. It was in regard to her counterintelligence activities that she may have become a target of the CIA for failing to withhold information pertaining to MJ-12 or some other Above Top Secret class of articles which at that time were being sent through Naval channels. Many agree the clue to solving this mystery was kept in the KGB files to do with the US involvement with the war in Cambodia and Vietnam. What transpired after was a plan to prevent the CIA from getting hold of secret information that JFK received from Rome. Marilyn had to be substituted with a fake alibi, death certificate and legal attribute in order to protect her from the US intelligence community who otherwise would be able to find her. The only one's who would know today of her 'disappearing act' would be in foreign government military records probably in Japan, China, Korea, places like that.

Wayne_C_FL: Marilyn lived, socially speaking, on the edge, however her sociability was not in any way haphazard nor did it compromise her judgement -- she was well composed in all her twerks. Like a lot of today's informants and historical personalities who acted in very spontaneous ways, Marilyn had access through her 'channels'. Someone who is prone to free associate, who can channel, from her certain sensitive knowledge, may behave like a lot of bipolar people but may not have a predisposed mental concern. Marilyn had a psychiatrist but a lot of famous people in those times did as well. In the past the psychotherapist functioned as a kind of 'handler' who could program an acting person back to reality and away from their acting persona, or a lesser state of disassociation, they could focus them to associate more coherently. Often times the psychotherapist was also an informant or a government correspondent. It is important to draw a line between operant behaviour of informants, those with a fragmented personality and alter egos that some still refer to as aspects of multiple personas involved in producing MPD-like symptoms. The core feature of MPD is the existence of alter personalities who exchange control over an individuals behaviour. The interesting attributes of MPD memory structures were noticed early by the CIA who envisioned MPD sleepers as a form of "Manchurian candidate" able to penetrate strange and unusual environments where the primary personality would be so altered that reactive memory would be oblivious to the strangeness, yet alternative personalities, apparently impervious to technical memory erasure techniques, could preserve intelligence data in nested psychic gestalts accessible by similarly nested code words and phrases when the sleeper could be recovered. The CIA has openly admitted MPD experimentation, but insists that it terminated such programs in 1960. Copious amounts of secret research and development into psychic targeting, drug-induced states, and EST were performed on voluntary and involuntary civilians as part of the government's extensive MK-Ultra projects. However whether such a multiple "Person" actually can be said to exist, neurologically separate from the primary conscious ego, is a question mostly doubted by rational psychology. How and to what extent these personal memory states can bury their attachments to the fragmented affect ego, however, is a subject of further investigation. An alter ego or a true multiple would seem to imply a significant enough break with the self-recognizing consciousness of the rational ego itself that one simply cannot formally categorize the separate selves as anything other than a personality with split identity matrices. There also may be "suicidal personalities" who are driven to kill themselves, and these often have the single-minded dedication to their task of suicide and have no awareness of the host or other personality. At least, the psychological data on this alter interestingly matches reports of alters of identical function used in intelligence operations. It is this alter that is often called on, by virtue of programmed codewords, to eliminate the individual once an intelligence operation is complete and the sleeper loses its usefulness. A third variety of personality multiples discussed is the internal self-helping aspect most ably identifiable with an element of the individual real 'rational' ego. These alters are typically passive, emotionless and provide information and insights into the workings of their own mental system of clashing personal mythemes; it is from these internal mellow mannered self-helpers that the insight into CIA/NSA tampering with individuals for covert operations, and some of the code phrases and words first emerged. At the end of WW2, before it even ended, Allen Dulles and people from the US intelligence community were already in Switzerland making contact to get out Nazi scientists. As WW2 was ending, they not only got rocket scientists to come to America, but also Nazi doctors who were experimenting in mind control research in some of the concentration camps. For this research the doctors drew on the long tradition of reflective psychology, from the old German sciences of consciousness and modern gestalt experiments. Even though this study went on in secrecy it did not stop the CIA from continuing a lot of the research themselves and infiltrating it into the corporate world. These sinister strategies proved to have the capacity to do to the human mind and consciousness what biological knowledge of the gene has the potential of yielding when put in the wrong hands -- the production of not only psychological mutants but damaged souls in some cases unsuccessful candidates who could not be rehabilitated mentally.

Marr_Westphalia: Recall also that Nixon and George Bush Sr. were both connected through he same group of operatives and special agents that worked in the American Secret Government over on the East coast in Conneticuit, Vermont, New Hampshire, NY, West Virginia and Virginia; where a number of their meetings use to be held, and out at Area 51 (and Bohemian Grove of course!) There was a lot of lost intelligence briefings that Nixon never revealed about documents he was exposed to or handled before becoming president that dealt with things like space weapons and holography, transnational corporations, Cambodian stargates and alien intelligence. What we know from prominent sources is concerned with China's Mao Zedong, the secret bases connecting Shambhala to the Agartha network, crashed UFOs in the Gobi desert, ET landings and classified evidence on the disappearance of ships and airplanes in China's Devil's Sea. It comprises perhaps the most fascinating chapter in the history of UFOs and the ET contact phenomena. Nixon's most well publicized UFO contact was a man named Jackie Gleason. Well known in the film industry Gleason was a TV actor and producer of his own show whose interest in UFO's and the paranormal revolved around the fact of having seen several near his home, these sightings prompted an interest in collecting books about the paranormal which covered the shelves and floor of his private residence. Gleason had even built a house in Peekskill NY which he called "The Mother Ship" He hired architects to build everything in the round shape like a flying saucer. Most of his furniture was round, and the garage, called the "Scout Ship" was round, like a flying saucer. Gleason also had witnessed sightings in Florida that made him believe there was an undersea UFO base in the Bermuda Triangle. Once Nixon began his term as President, the public became familiar with news squibs about his frequent weekend trips to Key Biscayne, Florida being a far shorter flight from Washington than La Casa Pacifica, his other sunny getaway, his home in San Clemente, California, dubbed “The Western White House.” The Florida retreat, at 490 Bay Lane, was known as “The Winter White House.”

Hi, we want to have funny Trump 1950s Father things, just relax and some nice people who appear very tacky will be there to mediate the spiritual process YOU $@!*$ DOGS! It will be nice, it will be nice i'll change it all everyone will die. All of us, will reunite in heaven. 

“From the sun and fun capital of the world, Miami Beach! It’s The Jackie Gleason Show!,” as the voice-over opening line of the show exclaimed while the camera panned across the blue water to the shoreline seemed just as relevant to the man from the dark and anxious capital up north as well.
Wayne_C_FL: It was during the Fall or Winter of 1973 I believe when Gleason, who familiarized the former president to his own UFO encounters, was shown hands-on proof of UFOs and alien bodies and gave him a drive-in tour of some of those secret bases in Florida one night while Nixon was off duty. While Bush Sr. was a student at the Navel Academy, most likely this was when he met some the aforementioned government officials. Those officials all came from a long line of templarism, freemasonic, mystical and gnostic cabalism, not just secluded to the Western perspectives but including their Secret Government allies in Persia, China and the far East enjoyed a perennial or 'illuminized' cabala that contained elements of Sufism, Daoism, Pythagoreanism and alchemical Freemasonry.

Yana_in_Davos: It was out at Homestead AFB in Florida, I would say with a good deal of assuredness, where the bodies had been taken from at least one of the crash retrievals. Here im referring to purported UFO crash sites or downed flying discs, some of them having been stored at Hangar 18 at Wright Patterson AFB and others that were moved to different locations from crash sites in Arkansas in 1946, Roswell the following year, at White Sands Provings Ground and the one believed to have occurred at Aztec. The navy retrieved a lot of intelligence about UFOs and strange related phenomena as you know from the Bermuda Triangle off the coast of Florida where many a ship has vanished without a trace. Again this has to do with the Earth's energetic grid system, portals, ET entrance points to inner-earth bases and the biosphere itself. At some point in the 1990s, when there was a lot of shuffling in the government, the Roswell bodies that were once stored in the Indiana and Ohio facilities had been moved along with a lot of the debris from the crash. Some of this material was forensically sealed, put onto big trucks and transported to bases in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Its also possible from what others have said that in 2003 they moved some of the Area 51 craft out of Nevada over to Homestead in Florida (im not sure about bodies but its also possible there were bodies on that cargo as well.) This is why recent excavations by outside officials, explorations from NORAD and testimony of newer personnel at Area 51 have had little to say about the experimental craft, the presence of UFOs and other space weapons being tested. Nixon's big deal with the Bechtel corporation was through his secretary of treasury George Shultz who started as an executive and became president of the group along with Nixon's new appointee, William Simon, who was hired as a consultant. Shultz would later go on to become US secretary of state under Reagan.
Jer_Jae: Bechtel also had direct links into the US intelligence community through the OSS, but it was through Nixon that they were able to infiltrate the foreign policies of his (Nixon's) then Secret Government that included Henry Kissinger and the CFR. Prior to becoming president, Nixon had been close affiliates with Bechtel (as they were also with Bush) leading figures in the Bohemian Club and in some of the Majestic-level projects Nixon attended briefings with members of the Council on Foreign Economic Policy, the Jason Society and the Scroll and Key society. The latter who control the choice of committee member selection from Yale Skull and Bones as to the degrees of briefing at graduation comprise the core of the orders nearest to the 'Cabal' of 'wise men' who meet annually in the Swiss Alps. Only a number of recent presidents have been close to this group or scored descent enough to be considered capable of making independent decisions, those of Richard Nixon and Bush Sr. in the republican party are the two recent exceptions. Those directly linked to the Swiss Secret Government through the knights templars; like Bill Clinton, or the Trilateral star Jimmy Carter are also Illuminati favourites. US infrastructure planning which coincided with the economic and political changes resulting from Vietnam were partly managed through Bechtel. Unknown prior to the 1970s was that the Bechtel group had invested a major section of their industrial information and scientific research to applications of the latest in 3D holography. Not only was this research in holographic techniques intended for satellite sensing, geophysics, imaging materials or for searching out oil wells but was successfully applied to simulation methods used for controlling future events. When Nixon was elected Senator of California in 1950, the Korean war had just broken out, and Nixon was using his Red scare tactics to gain support. Lets not forget that the American's involvement in the Korean war was partially fuelled by alien fears and concerns over an alien presence. The war, the cold war, that started with the conflicts between North and South Korea had always been a theatrical cover war perpetrated by the International Secret Government for conducting scientific, technological and other 'ET' business.
Wayne_C_FL: You have to understand, in connection with real encounters, that its very convenient for any government in many cases to bridle around the UFO phenomena with spoof, spectacle and rousing public speculation to the existence of a cover-up involving ET coalitions with government. By this I mean the UFO and ET mythos can become an opportunity for governments to influence public opinion and increase business by alluding to secrecy or that there is something going between our government and ETs when there is perhaps not as much as we want to assume. The latter methods are common in the military especially in operations fields and psychological operations in particular, its called deterrence -- its a manner of poising the unknown to suggest more than is really going on; it keeps the potential fear of the phenomena contained to government classifications while also creating the illusion of authority that is superhuman, a supreme authority that knows far more about visitors from beyond and who are told to be silent because they have been chosen as their earth representatives -- this blurs the lines between alien and governmental authority in peoples minds, because the connection to a secret beyond all secrets concerning aliens dumbfounds their senses and blinds them from the truth. This is why disclosure has important protocols to follow so various branches of government understand in what sense we are not alone. By maintaining a high level of secrecy while producing leaks, public sightings and false documentation, sometimes the effect is that this mystique helps fortify their power, especially in the case of Area 51. From time to time governments have manipulated public opinion through UFO mythology -- in some instances constructing elaborate hoaxes for propagandistic purposes -- but it also establishes a forged link between aliens and secret army facilities that are working on top secret aircraft, but with some additional UFOs sighted in the area, these easily become assimilated to their interests and the public opinion machine manufactures its own rights to ownership. This is how most big business operates anyways, its one of the self-optimization principles of capitalism, to consider any potential opportunity or means of obfuscating the facts to ones advantage. Indeed numerous governments know we are being visited and theres a vast inner compartmentalization process and need-to-know hierarchy among the various departments such that the ways that information, electronic or printed paper, are to be encrypted and secured is always changing. But the linguistic instincts and the unspoken mottos of all institutions and agencies is to cover their tracks, to withhold whatever can be withheld, its one of the cybernetic laws of institutionalized grammar and its beyond any individual 'human' conscience to control. That is why you don't get full disclosure from whistle blowers, you don't see the agency itself as a collective organism reveal its secrets because its beyond the principles common to social science, to the numerical laws of organizations understood by sociologists and linguists. To do that, well theres only one way to do that and its called revolution. Without a major social revolution in professional praxis the whole truth is not likely to come out, it can only do so when its socially acceptable for it to do so, and that is partly because we aren't talking about individuals anymore but agencies, groups, large collectives of personnel and hence society at large. The trail of history must unarchive itself so to speak from the vault of secrecy. This is what happened in the early 1960s, we were being visited, no doubt, and a social revolution swept over the planet very quickly.

“These photos below were posted on the China internet in 1992, long before the so called Roswell Alien Autopsy film was ever made or of any photos taken of mockups of alien body exhibits at the Roswell UFO Museum. I mention this because I get emails from time to time stating this. The problem is people don't look at the date that I posted this article, 1992 !The following photos supposedly are "real" photos of one the Roswell aliens. What is interesting here is that the photos were only able to be shown for a few days before the "Chinese" government closed down the site that was showing them. If you look at these photos and compare them to the Roswell Autopsy film, the aliens in the Roswell Autopsy film DID NOT have six toes which is definitely "not human". Also, note the long fingers in these photos and the small rib waist cage. When I tried to inquire about these photos with the Chinese government, I was told they never existed on their internet.”
© Jeremy Jae, 2016
Yana_in_Davos: This is not new news?
Marr_Westphalia: How do you mean?
Yana_in_Davos: The government simulated the events of the universe, the creative production of reality, or something like this. This happened long time ago did it not?
Yana_in_Davos: It was based on some special equation or set of equations? This is a leak on that experiment right?
Jean_Marcoux: I Know! It was Alfred North Whitehead!
Jean_Marcoux: His process theory of reality!
Marr_Westphalia: Bingo!, we were studying Whitehead's principles of mathematics to understand not only physical reality but the process upon which everything converges, including mind and quantum observational epistemology.
Quantum_Owler_Duck: You simulated the universe on a computer? But why? I mean, how?
Marr_Westphalia: Yes, we certainly did, as part of a number of Top Secret Ultra projects conducted on an experimental superconducting data-processing machine. We were able to reconstruct from very simple stochastic and Boolean formulae the entire generation of cosmic interactions, celestial mechanics calculations, all the way up to the first base pairs of DNA i.e., life in the universe derived in an executable file format.
Quantum_Owler_Duck: Where was this?
Marr_Westphalia: It was in the 70s at some point, I was there to see it all happen. That was out at Groom Lake or China Lake (I think it was Groom Lake) in the arid desert where many of the early test flights for the hovering Mars landers, stealth fighters and b-52s were launched. Scientists from Los Alamos and Sandia labs were all present, people from all over the world were present; experts from various universities in France, Czech Republic, Japan, China, the Philippines, all over the globe. But this was conducted by a supersecret outside agency connected through the Air Force.
Jer_Jae: This all sounds oddly familiar.
Marr_Westphalia: You have the book on it!
Jer_Jae: What book.
Marr_Westphalia: That Derivations on Martingales briefing from the old German Ergebnisse symposia. Of course not every algorithm consistent with what we used is revealed in that book alone, its a variegated condensation of the final report. Its an old proof set, containing in part the foundational mathematical ingredients to create all possible states that constitute reality as we known it. It was referenced frequently by the NSA back in the day when international mathematicians had to compete for their intellectual properties because a lot of their research was used to maximize the agency's information coding capacities.
Jer_Jae: Yeah that was an important book. I came across a set of them in the Symposia series at a used bookstore in 1996 and started reading them, earnestly trying to understand the complex notations used. Forums were organized back around the 1950s or so and hosted by Springer Verlag to bring together an international mathematical research board that held conferences around the world for experts to write on new developing applications of their specialty math field beyond the university training of say textbooks and reference manuals; the original research papers for Derivations and Martingales was conducted in the 1960s between Hayes and Pauc who also wrote essays with the great probability and information theorist Klaus Krickeberg. Krickeberg had an interest in Vietnam while working in Paris and organized public health projects there and in Cambodia. This interest was partly in relation to the direct applicability his population statistics have had in tropical epidemology and contagion prediction.
Jean_Marcoux: I remember Charles Hayes, from California.
Yana_in_Davos: Who was he, how did you know him?
Jean_Marcoux: He was a good professor, excellent math teacher, during the civil rights era then he helped me with my entrance papers for college, we use to have ice tea at his house, or ranch there, near Davis. We would go for walks on the beach, near Carmel and around Monterey, places on the California coast. Hayes was a naturalist, studied a lot of bio and natural history. He would pick up a clam shell and tell me all about how clams reproduce, their life cycles and how molluscs and conch shells gain their shape. We would talk about this and then stories about Jean Francois Laperouse and Jacques Cousteau would come up in the conversation; then the galaxy or where life came from.
Jer_Jae: That book was the key obsession in the derivatives crisis ya know, this whole meltdown that happened from the Wall St. investors was centred around the mathematical techniques hidden in that one book. When they say "nobody understands derivatives" or that they are evil because nobody ever manages to round off a final understanding of them, except for the perpetual economic malice they create, is the black box of mathematical economy. You will find solutions to derivatives problems and many loopholes in that book for securing perfect derivative swaps which many Wall St. inside investors know about. Its easier to get around formal laws and investment fraud when applying the derivation techniques extracted from certain integral types. Even linguistic proof algorithms can be supplied from derivative formulas that undermine formal legal statements to conform to the way lawful truth is verbally expressed even if the case or state of affairs themselves are not legally founded. Bruckner's and Brian Thompson's real analysis and integral calculus textbooks give good resourced explanations for understanding this rarified form of calculus that is understood in the European but not so well in the American system, stock exchange and investment rule book. This is how big investment firms are able to control markets for so long, avoiding legal accountability for financial destruction.
The_Yeqwash: Does professor Hayes have any relation to the gnostic channeller Anna Hayes?
Jer_Jae: Im not sure, though I wouldn't be too shocked.
© Jeremy Jae, 2016

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