Sunday 17 June 2012


Capitalism was the bride of Marxism just as Postmodernism is the bride of Modernism.  Modernism was the product of all the mechanical and scientific innovations of the industrial age (1850-1950). Postmodernism is the product of all the productive technological addvancements in the post-industrial or technological stages of what is now called late capitalism (neo-capitalism: 1950-present). Everything that preceeded the industrial age can be regarded as 'historical', pre-modern, Classical, simplicial, archane. Essentially only the revolutionary spirit of the modern industrial era was different from every other era that came before it including the postmodern and Renaissance periods. The postmodern represents a phase in the cultural breakdown of this rupture we call modern industrial society. It is the logic of industrialists to curtail this integrated society in which the organization of the private and public psyche are to be managed.

Our Modernism was a rupture in the classical homologism of early market capitalism (16th -19th centuries). The technological economy of the new information based society, in a world dominated by global democracy, is the primal servicer to the logic of late capitalism.  Does it have as it's unconscious drive the predetermination to give itself over to its own death by the total collapse of the global economic system (of neo-capitalism). If so then the theoreticians of Marxism and post-Marxism esp.the Frankfurt school would have been correct in their analysis of the historical process of political economy. What does this mean? Where will this leed? It means that the machine will win out over the catastrophe of the technological device. The machine will win out over the tautology of the human device. The consuptive masses, with their socialist democracy, and the corporate elite with their autocracy. The machines made use of the liberated output from all the discourse of the past 60 years, durring the post-modern condition, that allowed the primal dimensions of man to become signified in the modern language of the machine. As a product of this eccentric change in aesthetic value the linear would be found in the nonlinear, the biological in the cybernetic, the personal in the transpersonal, the psyche in the psychedelic, and of course the modern in the postmodern. If it had not been so, if the machines had not allowed for this progressive development of their original principle into a hypertechnological system, then we would not be here and neither would history. Revolution is the turbine inside which capital flows - revolution is not an incident or rupture of the system that merely returns when it is needed to expand the system through reformation. It is the system that exists inside the mechanism of revolution. If it were not so the world would fall out of existence for us. The lethargy of (communitarian/post-Marxist)  neo-capitalism to fade away into revolution as would be expected has not occured since it was not programmed to survive another cycle. Instead it is programmed to fragment itself; to collapse and recombine into a new machine world sometime in the early 21st Century. This is the exact formula advanced by the political science that went into making the The Matrix films -- with it's themes of a cataclysmic future where intelligent machines control the destiny of the human race who are plugged into an artificial world. -- The diminishment of the 'real' and, indeed, our own fading away into dissapearance is a possible side-effect of our relentless efforts to counter fate in this technological burn-out, this economic bailout of historical materialism. History itself, as a comprehensible sequence of events intricately effecting eachother, is dissapearing as well. We can no longer cogitate history or anything about the historical which can be referenced within us in an inherent empirical knowledge. It is because we are using our devices to their own ends which is our prophetic insight on what is to become of us. We allready know ahead of time our fated constitution and we would rather vanish into nothing than exist in an artificial reality ruled by our own means of producing.  Neo-capitalism hides beneath liberal democracy not by the culture or appearance of capitalism but by the reorganization of capital itself. 

The reorganization of capital develops through a mass financial medling of economic value through the use of commerce to displace the established value of products into the hands of the middle classes (middle class values). The people then become the unwitting participants in the flow of unbounded social capital. Social capital operates under the illusion of political freedom from the ruling class and from profit hungry monopolies. Beneath this friendly illusion social capital is marketed towards the spread of the techno-capitalist or neo-capitalist system. Social capital is a model for a single program of profiteering which is anchored into the expanding economies of newly developed social territories that emerge from social networks. Such territories that are contingent upon their social networking capabilities are later drained for their social capital that is their ultimate use value. The labour theory of value is replaced by the friendly laws of social capital that, in the long run, fortifies the future survival and growth of oligarchical monopoly capitalism. In this case the value of 'labour' to service productivity becomes the value of 'social networks' to service consumption. Labour must eventually be reduced to social networking if the social theory of value is to make sense. Networking and socialitism has a final outcome in the economy -- the expansion of commerce into a supercorporation capable of bankrupting producers, buyers, and investors.

When social networks get too big productivity is overweighted by consumption. This leeds to a state of overconsumption where supply outweighs actual demand. To cure this overconsumption problem producers of goods have manufactured demand through commercial pooling and marketing their products as an appeal to the enhancement of social capital. A society plagued by overconsumption will centralize all it's finantial power to the commercial superstructure that alone has the ability to crush finantial markets with the eventuality of a colapsed currency.

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